King of the Fairy City

Volume 1: Trapped on a Deserted Island Chapter 63: Initial Formation of Magic

The bottom of the cabin.

The second floor of the cabin.

In a room, Ye Mo was still practicing the water arrow technique with his spiritual sense.

This water-based primary spell uses the mana in the body to form a powerful water arrow with an attack distance of about ten feet.

After hitting the enemy, the cold water energy in the water arrow will enter the enemy's body, causing the enemy's movement to slow down.

"A thousand pounds of lethality!"

"If it weren't for the monks, it should be invincible, right?!"

Ye Mo released several "water arrows".

In just a quarter of an hour of practice, one third of his mana was consumed.

In any case, his spell must succeed. This is the only chance to rebel and seize the ship. Once it fails, the pirates will be extremely cruel in cleaning the captives.

Ye Mo secretly warned himself in his heart not to be impatient and to master the water arrows as soon as possible.

In fact, even without the water arrow spell, his "Chopping Waves Art" martial arts can still be used, and the power increases with the increase of strength. The wave-breaking slash can break a thousand pounds of force, and its power is not inferior to the water arrow spell.

However, the water arrow has a longer range and can easily kill opponents in the distance. Moreover, it is very flexible to control it with spiritual consciousness.

In contrast, "Chopping Waves Art" can only threaten enemies within ten feet around him, and it is powerless to fly farther.


Ye Mo instantly released a water arrow, which flew around him within a few feet, and controlled it to fly accurately.

The power of the water arrow is strong enough, and it needs to be controlled accurately to avoid missing the target. Otherwise, no matter how powerful it is, it will be useless if it misses the target.

"I am becoming more and more proficient in control. It seems that I should have a water spirit root, otherwise it would not be so easy to comprehend the water arrow spell!"

Ye Mo thought to himself.

There are many records of this in the ancient books of immortal cultivation. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth is divided into nine major systems of five elements, three wonders and one dark, namely gold, wood, water, fire, earth, ice, wind, thunder and dark.

Correspondingly, every immortal cultivator also has a natural spiritual root, also known as a gifted spiritual root.

The magic system cultivated by the immortal cultivator has the same division as the spiritual root.

Generally speaking, the general immortal cultivator chooses to practice the magic with the same spiritual root attribute as himself.

In the process of practicing magic, if the degree of effort is the same, whoever has a higher gifted spiritual root will have a higher affinity and perception of this magic, and will naturally practice faster.

The level of gifted spiritual roots is undoubtedly very important for an immortal cultivator.

Of course, this does not mean that a high gifted spiritual root will definitely lead to achievement. Many immortal cultivators with extraordinary talents have fallen before they have grown up. On the contrary, some cultivators with ordinary talents have gone through hardships and survived to the end.

In addition, if a cultivator is born in the core descendants of a great family of immortal cultivators, even if his qualifications are mediocre, with the support of abundant cultivation resources, he will be far superior to ordinary immortal cultivators.

Immortal fate is bumpy, and the secrets of heaven are unpredictable.

The cultivator's own hard work, the supply of a large number of spiritual resources, the immortal fate and so on, will greatly affect the future prospects of the cultivator.

There is only one kind of cultivator who can have huge resources to allocate in the world of immortal cultivation and can control his own destiny - that is the city lord-level immortal cultivator.

Only the city lord-level immortal cultivator can stand out among thousands of immortal cultivators, fight against the heroes, become the master of one side, and command thousands of cultivators.

Of course, these are too far away, and Ye Mo has not taken the time to seriously consider them.

Ye Mo controlled the water arrow, and the water arrow whistled out and shot at a bronze mirror hanging on the wall nine feet away.


The center of the bronze mirror was pierced by the water arrow in an instant.

Although it has not reached the level of proficiency, it can already control the direction of the water arrow more accurately. In addition, the time to release the water arrow technique is greatly shortened, so that you will not be killed by the opponent's sword before you cast the water arrow technique.

"This water arrow technique is really powerful, controlled by the mind, and it arrives in an instant! Fortunately, the young demon crab that used the water arrow technique to hit me was not yet grown up and lacked strength. The ancient painting blocked an arrow, otherwise I would be a skeleton now!"

Ye Mo was very satisfied with the water arrow technique, and was also grateful that he was not killed by the young demon crab's water arrow.

If the water arrow reached a force of a thousand pounds, even if he had the ancient painting of "Xiancun" to block it, I am afraid he would vomit blood and die under the bombardment of gravity.

"I don't have much mana left in my body. I don't know how to recover it."

Ye Mo was a little depressed.

This spell consumes too much mana. It took less than one or two quarters of an hour, and most of the mana in my body was consumed.

I wonder if meditation can recover mana? !

I'm afraid it can't be performed many times a day.

If there is no way to quickly replenish this kind of mana consumption, most of the day will be spent meditating to restore mana, which will seriously affect the practice of spells.

Whether it is martial arts or spells, proficiency is very important.

The more you practice, the more skilled you are, and the greater the power will be. Otherwise, if you don't practice the secret book, it will be useless.

However, the most important thing at the moment is not to practice spells. There is another urgent matter that needs to be solved immediately.

"The water arrows have begun to take effect, it's time to deal with this pirate group!"

Ye Mo stood up suddenly, left the room, passed through the second floor of the cabin, and quickly rushed towards the deck.


On the deck of the ship.

The five native slave guards are fighting with Gao Jian, Huang Yi, Mo Ling, Li Ruofeng, Wu Niu and other five masters among the captives.

Captain Feng Xiong sat on the throne, drinking wine in big gulps, watching the battle between the five native slave guards and the five late-stage masters of the other side with a cold expression. He was not worried about the five guards at all.

These five native slave guards were carefully selected since childhood and have been trained for a long time by big countries and big families. Each of them is a top master, and their tacit cooperation with each other is comparable to peerless masters.

Even if Captain Feng himself does not use the Golden Spirit Sword and the Golden Armor, he may not be the opponent of the five guards.

In contrast, the five people on the other side are obviously temporarily put together and lack sufficient tacit cooperation.

The five native slave guards have begun to take advantage and continue to press forward. As long as the time is right, they can kill all five of the other side.

As long as the top masters among these five captives are killed, the remaining captives, no matter how many there are, are just a pile of scattered sand and a mob. Even if they have ten leopards' courage, they can only surrender obediently.

"This white-clothed swordsman and the yellow-clothed woman have high martial arts skills and perfect cooperation. If they fight alone, they can compete with three earth guards. It's a pity to kill them in vain. If they can be used for their own purposes, it can greatly enhance the strength of my pirate ship!"

Feng Xiongchang nodded secretly.

Among the hundreds of rebellious captives, he only saw Gao Jian and Huang Yi, two top masters of the eighth and ninth levels of the body refining stage, who are worthy of his attention.

Although there are many other captives, with his current strength, he is too lazy to look at them.

As for those who are worthy of his attack, there is not even one.

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