The battle in the cave is quite exciting.

Intense is not counted.

But under the siege of Iwa Shinobu, Kakashi was blind in one eye, and Obito awakened the Nigoitama Sharingan, which is also quite interesting.

Not to mention next.

Because he forgot to mend the knife, he didn’t kill the last Iwa Shinobu.

Let the other party use ninjutsu to destroy the cave.

To save Kakashi.

Obito was crushed by half of his body by a falling boulder, and then, with the help of Rin Nohara, gave the remaining left eye to Kakashi.

As a gift for his promotion to Shinobi.

At last.

Turning grief into strength, Kakashi used this Sharingan to perfect his Chidori Ninjutsu and successfully defeated that Iwa Shinobu…

Watching these things happen, Jin Shanshan did not participate in it.

First, there is no benefit.

Again, Uchiha is still staring here.

In the golden perception, there are many plant-like lifeforms around that are slowly moving, and it is obvious that it is white.

After all, how can plants in general move.

As for Uchiha.

It’s not that Jin Shining is afraid of the other party.

Not to mention, today’s Uchiha is just a bad old man, and he needs to rely on the ten-tailed body to hang his life to stay alive.

In this state, he still has some strength left.

The key is still that sentence, there is no benefit.

Whether it is exposing yourself too early, or facing Uchiha now, there is no benefit.


Just be a spectator, there is no need to mix in.

In the distance came some Iwa Shinobu again.

As a last resort, Kakashi had to abandon the buried Obito and run away with Rin Nohara first.


They disappeared into the woods, not knowing if they would survive.

After all, the wave feng shui gate may not be able to come.

With Kakashi alone and a towing oil bottle, it is difficult to say that he can escape Iwa Shinobu’s pursuit and leave safely.

But what.

In Jin Shan’s opinion, this hope should still be quite big.

It’s not that he has faith in Kakashi.

is because Nohara Rin is also a pawn chosen by Uchiha Madara, and it will be used to further blacken Obito.

How could he let Rin Nohara and Kakashi die in such a place.

It’s totally worthless.

This, according to the direction of those white movements, was obviously towards where Kakashi and they left, which better proved the speculation of Golden Light.

Of course.

This matter is not very important to the golden flash.

So after the group left, he didn’t rush to watch the play.

Spent a few days at the Shin Wu Bi Bridge.

Nothing happened, and neither Kakashi, nor the Wave Feng Shuimen, came to attack the bridge again.

After that, Jin Shanshan received a letter from the fourth generation of Ai, saying that the situation had changed, and asked him to rush back to the camp and no longer care about Shen Wubiqiao.

After returning to the camp.

It took Kim Sparkle to know what was going on.

Konoha said that he moved the patriarch of the Earth Spider clan, the Warrior Walker, and let him launch a very lethal forbidden technique.

Just all at once.

It destroyed an area with a radius of tens of miles, leaving nothing behind.


This is a good person who travels in battle, and has his own bottom line, so he did not launch the forbidden technique very close to the camps of Yan and Yun villages.

Although even so.

The two villages of Iwakumo also killed and injured thousands of ninjas.

But it’s better than the whole army being wiped out, and no one is left.

After all, this forbidden technique of the Warrior is too widespread, and the lethality is not low.

Tens of kilometers, or even more range.

If he really had the intention to drive Yanyin Village and Yunyin Village to extinction, as long as he came secretly, the chance of success was still very large.


No surprises.

Iwain Village was frightened.

Even if the Divine Bridge was not destroyed, they withdrew their troops for hundreds of miles, almost withdrawing from the territory of the Fire Nation.

This naturally also made the fourth generation of Ai greatly annoyed, and while angrily scolding Onoki for not being a thing, he also called Jin Shin back.

After all, Yanyin Village has withdrawn its troops, and it is no longer of any use to let Jin Shanshan stay at Shen Wubi Bridge.

“Bi, Kim, you two immediately rushed to the Earth Spider Clan and snatched that forbidden technique for me!”

“In addition, remember, even if you can’t grab the forbidden art, you can’t let people from other villages get it, understand?”


“Got it.”

“Then hurry up and go!”

The fourth generation of Ai said with a big wave of his hand.

The two of Golden Flash and Kirabi didn’t say anything more, turned around and left the big tent.

In other words, the fourth generation of Ai’s style of doing things is like this.

A string of snatch-snatching.

Fancy anything, whether it is ninjutsu or blood, he will try to get it, and he will do everything.

But that’s okay.

Quite to the taste of the golden sparkle.

At least the mind is direct, don’t hide it.

It’s better to work with people like this than with thoughtful hypocrites.

Rushed for a small half a day.

The two of Golden Flash and Kirabi finally arrived at their destination.

But the servants are not stupid.

Knowing that the forbidden technique is exposed, it will attract the attention of many parties.

He had long abandoned the station and left with his people.

Not only the golden flash, the two pounced.

When they came, the station was already in flames, and it was clear that they were not the first people to come and grab the forbidden art.

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