Time flies.

Soon it was the day of delivery.

Bofeng Shuimen also rushed to the front line, fought with Yunyin Village twice, and confronted each other again.

Let’s talk about Konoha.

Although, Sarutobi has done a good job of protection, not only setting up an enchantment, but also sending a lot of dark ninjas patrolling the periphery.

But this still did not stop Uchiha from taking soil.

In front of his spatial pupil technique, any patrols and enchantments were like a fiction, and they did not have the slightest effect at all.

Kill the midwife ape flying Lake Biwa with one knife.

Obito, wearing a mask, kidnapped Naruto, who had just given birth, and after using the child to force Sarutobi to retreat, he took Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai with him.

The next thing is the same as the original.

Because of childbirth.

The seal on Jiu Xinnai’s body was already unstable, and after being robbed by Obito, it didn’t take long for the Nine Tails to escape.

The tailed beast escaped.

Began to wreak havoc in Konoha.

The rumbling sound kept coming.

It is not known how many houses were destroyed and how many people died.

Sarutobi beheaded the head and handed Naruto over to his ninja to settle, and then he changed into his combat clothes and led his men down to resist the Nine Tails.

And with soil.

After the goal was achieved, he did not care about the loss of the Nine Tails and was doomed to death, and also went to Konoha, focusing on controlling the Nine Tails to cause destruction.


Only Jiu Xinnai was left, lying on the cold stone, and he didn’t even have the strength to move.

“I haven’t seen you in a few days, and you pulled it too, Comrade Jiu Xinnai.”

A figure came out from under the shade of the trees, it was none other than Golden Flash.

“You, why are you here?”

Jiu Xinnai asked weakly.

“What about worrying about me, now that the Nine Tails are back, why don’t you think about Konoha and your family first?”

“What do you really know? And who is that masked man, does it have anything to do with you? Jiu Xinnai couldn’t help but think about it.

“No, it’s not so much that he has a relationship with me, but rather with you and your husband Bofeng Shuimen, and the relationship is not ordinary.”

Jin Shanshan said with a slight smile.

“Not ordinary? Who the hell is he? ”

“Don’t talk about this yet, Jiu Xinnai, I’ll ask you if you want to die or live.”


“By the way, before you choose, I can show you something, maybe it will change your mind.”

A smile full of evil amusement, and then without waiting for Jiu Xinnai to agree or not, golden jade appeared in Jin Shing’s eyes.

Under rotation.

It also brought Jiu Xinnai into an illusion space.

The outside world is just a few seconds.

A long, long time has passed in this illusion space.

And here, Jiu Xinnai also sees the future.

Of course, the future picture created by the golden sparkle.

But it’s not much different from the original book, that is, in order to seal the Nine Tails, the Nine Shinnai couple all died, and Naruto’s tragic childhood.

While still in infancy, he was subjected to all kinds of abuse.

Drink piping hot milk, be beaten, scolded, and even almost killed.

In two years, I changed five or six families, and the situation was similar every time.

At the age of three, he was thrown into a welfare institution.

The five-year-old lived alone and often did not eat.

Every time he walked on the street, he would be disgusted, abused, reprimanded, ostracized, and cursed behind his back by the people of Konoha.

Haven’t seen the back yet.

In reality, Jiu Xinnai was already in tears, and his heart ached and he couldn’t help himself.

“Is this all true? Don’t lie to me! ”

“Believe it or not, it’s up to you to judge, I just let you see a possibility, after all, the future has not yet happened, who knows what will happen.”

Jin Shanshan said very indifferently.

But Jiu Xinnai understood that the chance of this future happening was not very small, but very large, and it would almost certainly go in that direction.


The character of the ape flying sun chop is like that, exactly the same as it is shown in illusion.

In order to keep the Nine-Tails Pillar Force, it was not snatched away by people from other villages.

And in order to calm the resentment of the villagers, let them vent.

Concealing Naruto’s background, making him the embodiment of the demon fox, the target of the villagers, this kind of thing that old guy can really do!

“What the hell do you want to do?”

After finally calming down, Jiu Xinnai asked again.

Because she knew that Jin Sparkle would definitely not let her see this for no reason, and she must have her own purpose.

“Simple, it’s revenge.”

“Revenge? To whom? ”

“Your husband, of course.”

There was nothing to hide, Jin Shanshan said directly: “He killed me on the battlefield, I didn’t die by luck, and it is reasonable to seek revenge on him.” ”


It’s very reasonable, but this kind of thing really makes Jiu Xinnai unable to say ah, after all, Bofeng Shuimen is her husband.

“So you made a plan for revenge?”

“So to speak.”

“That masked man isn’t your person?”

“No, his grudge with your husband has nothing to do with me, I just happened to take advantage of his behavior.”

“So what are you going to do?”

“Kill Bofeng Shuimen, and then snatch his daughter-in-law over.”


The people of Jiu Xinnai are numb.

How big is the key golden flash, and he actually thinks about these things?

But Jin Shanshan didn’t care about that, and said to himself: “You can think about it, without me saving you, you will definitely die, and you will not be able to take care of your child, so you can only let him grow up in the worst environment according to the situation in my illusion.” ”

“Madam, you don’t want little Naruto to have such a hard time, do you?”


Jiu Xinnai.



ps: Ask for tickets, ask for flowers.

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