Chapter 75: Come out and mix, talk about strength [ask for subscription].

Don’t mention Tuan Zang’s thoughts.

The other side.

Jin Shanshan didn’t care about this. Because it’s not important.

Regardless of whether those ninjas were from the Ape Flying Sun Slashing faction or the Tuanzo faction, in his eyes, they were just the behavior of the jumping beam clown. I don’t have the ability, what’s the use of engaging in more small actions.

When he wanted to kill, it was not a dead end. Come out and mix.

It is necessary to talk about strength.

Without strength, everything else is bullshit, and it falls apart as soon as the wind blows. Return to Yunyin Village.

Jin Shanshan still followed the previous rhythm, combining work and rest, while improving his strength, while doing something else. For example, to find the dragon vein of Loulan Kingdom, as well as the stone vein of Greer, he has not forgotten.

Time flies quickly. In the blink of an eye, another three years.

With the complete end of the three wars, the ninja world also entered a period of peace, and few wars occurred. And take advantage of this time period.

Konoha is also a vigorous and restorative one. Ning Ci was already a second-level student.

Naruto’s class, plus Junmaro, also enrolled. Yunyin Village has developed more rapidly.

Because there is reparations from Konoha.

In addition to the 80 million given to Jin Shining, there are 720 million taels, and these money alone can also allow Yunyin Village to improve the problem and do a lot of things.

Whether it is people’s livelihood or military, it has made great progress, and it is much stronger than three years ago. There is also the land ceded by the Land of Fire.

Although not that big, only a hundred square kilometers.

But it can also allow Yunyin Village to reach out and build a new town on this fertile land and make more money. Let’s talk about Kusanagi Village.

The general direction is controlled by Jin Shan, and Ye Cang manages it. In the past three years, it has also developed rapidly.

Not only the overall planning of the economic center was completed, but also the first phase of the project was completed. It is centered on Kusanagi Village.

A large new city was built.

Although the facilities are not yet perfect, there are not many buildings. But in the initial stage, it is no problem to put it into use.

Because of the special geographical location and the change of trade policy, it is not taxed in the early stage, which has really attracted many businessmen to open shops and do business.

Plus gambling street, hook street street, entertainment street, underground trading market and so on. Popularity.

Special industries still have to be charged. Collectively referred to as management fees.

Compared to taxes, it is just a different way of saying it, but it is acceptable.

As well as the rent of shops that only rent but do not sell, eat and drink, lasa, clothing, food, housing and other basic services and supplies. If there is a flow, there is money to be earned.

It also brought a lot of benefits to the grass ninja village, and what later construction funds are enough, it can’t be spent at all. Yuyin Village.

Some are dimly lit in underground caves.

A few characters who are difficult to mess with at first glance are in a meeting.

Payne, Xiaonan, Jue, Scorpion, Kakuto, Loquat Juzo, as well as Orochimaru and the Nameless Rough Man.

Although the number of people is not very large, each of them is an S-class wanted criminal, a strong and ruthless character.

“Kakuto, what do you mean?”

“Of course it was beaten!”

Jiaodu’s eyes glowed green, and he said: “The guys next door are really good at making money, I have already investigated, they have made at least one billion in the past two years!” ”

“We lack money, they have, the strength is not strong, isn’t this the benefit God gave us, if you don’t go over and grab it, it’s too wasteful!”


Payne also nodded.

Because the Xiao organization really lacks funds to expand, and the implementation of the tailed beast collection plan behind, it requires a lot of funds. And the Kusanagi Village next door is just a group of ordinary ninjas, and there are not many of them, and they are indeed very suitable for becoming their targets.

The only thing that makes Payne hesitate now.

Should they kill chickens and collect eggs, and grab a handful in the past, or should they capture the Kusanagi Village and turn it into a money bag for their organization. Is there a difference between once saturated and then saturated?

“Wait a minute!”

Loquat Juzo spoke, and also attracted everyone’s attention.

“Kusanagi Village can’t fight.”

“Why, give me a reason.”

“The reason is that they have already issued a mission to our organization and want to hire us to protect the newly built Grass City.”

One sentence down.

People who know the organization also have different expressions. Orochimaru’s eyes were playful and licked his tongue. Payne was expressionless and noncommittal.

The scorpion is not interested in this and wanders the world.

And Jiaodu’s emotions are the largest, and tens of meters away, people can feel the strong dissatisfaction transmitted from him.


“Loquat Juzo, do you want to die?”

The cold voice came, containing infinite killing intent.

Obviously, not letting the horns make a lot of money, this has already touched his bottom line.

“Senior Jiaodu, although your strength is very strong, I am not a waste, besides, don’t you want to hear the price they offer?”

Loquat Juzo said with a smile.

Today, he is not afraid of this threat from the Jiaodu.

“What price?”

Sure enough, Kakuto still couldn’t hold on.

“Bao Nian, as long as we send two people over to stare, help them guard the city of grass, and solve small troubles by the way, they will pay us thirty million a year, which is equivalent to the price of thirty S-class tasks.”

Loquat Juzo stretched out three fingers and said. Ooh!

This price tag is really not low.

Several people in Xiao’s organization showed surprised expressions, especially Jiaodu, his eyes lit up when he heard the number of thirty million.

It wasn’t that they had low vision and had never seen so much money that they were shocked. The point is that it is really difficult to make money in the ninja world.

The five major countries are very stingy, and it takes tens of millions to assassinate a shadow-level figure, and they can’t exceed 100 million, let alone those small countries. General commission for tasks.

Basically, it is hundreds of thousands to millions, which is about the same, not that high at all. After all, there are so few important people in the ninja world.

Tens of millions of assassination missions cannot be held often, they are all things that can be encountered but cannot be sought. And in contrast.

Kusanagi Village: This is a long-term task.

No matter whether there is something to do or not, how much you pay, you can earn a fixed income of 30 million per year, which is equivalent to assassinating a very important figure. That’s not okay, it’s okay.

Even Payne was a little moved, not to mention Kakuto, a guy who regarded money as his life.

“Cough, I think the grass ninja village is still very sincere, although 30 million is not much, but the victory can be fine water and long stream, what do you think of the leader?”

Ignoring the fickle Kakuto, Payne said, “Loquat Juzo, did Kusanagi Village say how long it would take to sign with us, if it was only one year…”

“In five years, they said that they would first see our work efficiency, and the future contract depended on the situation, in addition, they could also pay our commission for the first year in advance, which is 30 million years.”

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