King Who Will Cross

Chapter 198: incredible press conference

In order for the effect of this press conference to truly shock the whole world, Li Daniu can be said to have spared no effort in arranging the venue.

In addition to the basic facilities constructed by Huaxia Construction Engineering, Li Daniu installed 300 3D projectors, 200 panoramic cameras, and dozens of motion capture devices throughout the venue.

These devices are all laboratory products that spare no expense, and the manufacturing cost has reached 60 million US dollars.

The way of permutation and combination also consumed a lot of Li Daniu's brain cells.

In addition to the 3D scene on the first stage, Li Daniu's second big move is the space scene covering the entire floor of the venue.

When Li Daniu pressed the control button, the ground of the entire venue suddenly disappeared and turned into a deep space. Everyone seemed to be standing on the void, and the earth was visible under their feet.


"Oh, God!"


Almost everyone exclaimed or screamed, even the founders of Yanshu and Winner, who had been calm before, raised their feet exaggeratedly, and grabbed the chair they were sitting on with both hands. handrails.

"Don't be nervous, I don't know magic, it's impossible to transform all of you into space, and there is no roof or air in space." Li Daniu said [◎长【◎风【◎】 because he brought a microphone. Literary Studies, w≦ww.cfw≮⌒t overwhelmed the noise in the venue with his voice.

Hearing Li Daniu's words, many people stopped screaming. In fact, they knew in their hearts that all of this is virtual reality technology, but this scene is really amazing, just like watching a horror movie, knowing everything It's all for performances, but I'm still afraid.

The person who screamed just now didn't care about blushing at this time, but squatted on the ground full of amazement, and reached out to touch it.

As expected, they were able to clearly feel the invisible solid ground.

After being amazed, the people at the venue gradually discovered some loopholes in the impact. For example, when several reporters stood together to discuss the projection on the ground, they suddenly found that the area they surrounded had changed back to the real ground. .

When they tried to disperse, the ground turned into void again.

Li Daniu also knows that there will be such a loophole, but there is no way around it. If he can rush out two thousand 3D projectors to cover the entire venue, then even if the crowd is crowded and some of the projectors are blocked, It is also possible to fill in the missing image in a timely manner under the deployment of the system.

In addition, there are some other loopholes. Because the area of ​​the venue is too large, it is impossible to directly build an all-glass floor without a steel frame like the stage. Therefore, these space projections are about five centimeters above the ground. .

Therefore, when people lift their feet up or jump on the stool, they don't feel it yet. But when everyone stood on the ground with confidence, they found that their feet were missing. This is because their feet are covered by the 3D projected image.

Even though many people found several loopholes, they were completely conquered by Li Daniu's demonstrations.

Because before, there has never been a 3D projection technology that can reach such a level. And those products that claim to be virtual reality technology, compared with the technical level shown in the current conference, are like children's car toys, and compared with the fastest sports car in the world, they are not worth mentioning at all.

Li Daniu noticed the fiery eyes around him, smiled, and turned off the projection on the ground.


"Let's start the press conference just like we did just now."

Hearing many reluctant requests, Li Daniu said: "Actually, the one just now was just a part of the press conference, and the next one is the real release of the product."

What? Those just now are not the products you want to launch?

Amid the questions from hundreds of people at the scene, Li Daniu continued: "As you may have noticed, the two scenes just now are very rigid and cannot interact with human actions. It's like watching a movie. We are just spectators. , but can’t really participate in it.”

When drawing everyone's attention to the stage, Li Daniu pressed a button on the remote control again.

A white cloud appeared above the stage.

This white cloud looks extremely real, but everyone knows that it is fake, because it is too real, like cotton candy, and its position is too low. Li Daniu on the stage seems to be You can reach out and touch it.

Li Daniu, as if he could read minds, knew what other people were thinking, stretched out his hand, and grabbed the white cloud.

"In my opinion, the real virtual reality technology not only needs to achieve imaging, but also needs to be able to interact with users."

While Li Daniu was talking, he grabbed a piece of white cloud from above.

Looking at the small white cloud like cotton candy in Li Daniu's hand, and then looking at the white cloud suspended above Li Daniu's head, there was a gap, and everyone exclaimed again.

"Maybe you guys think this is a pre-set image." Li Daniu let go of his palm with his palm down, and the white cloud in his hand floated in the air.

"Then, Cha Ke, the founder of Eye Book, Bill, the founder of Wenna Company, and the famous singer Zhu Er are now on stage."

The three people whose names were called all ran to the stage in surprise and inexplicable surprise.

Although among the three, Zhu Er, as a singer under Li Daniu's banner, must be the closest person to Li Daniu, but Li Daniu is her boss, and she is an ordinary black aunt herself, so she was very reserved after she came on stage.

Cha Ke, the founder of Eye Book, is Li Daniu's partner, so he would not be polite to Li Daniu at all, so he jumped up and grabbed the cloud. The reason why he jumped up was because he was shorter than Li Daniu.

After Chaco's hand passed through the cloud, a dent was drawn instantly, but Chaco felt that he hadn't touched anything.

"The interactive system I designed is based on the motion capture device to capture people's movements, and then the system analyzes what kind of image this action produces on the object shown in the image, and then changes the imaging effect. Chake's just now At that time, it can only be regarded as a slap in the face of this cloud."

There was a burst of laughter at the scene.

Bill, the founder of Winner Company, has been the world's richest man for many years, what kind of high technology has he not seen? But at this moment, seeing this product that has surpassed the earth's technology for many years, I still asked a little excitedly: "Then what should I do to be able to capture a cloud like you?"

"It's the same as the usual action of grabbing things."

Hearing Li Daniu's words, Chaco, Bill, and even Jules, who was very restrained, tentatively grabbed the cloud above their heads lightly.

It's a pity that because of their height, they couldn't catch the clouds even if they straightened their arms.

Looking at the resentful eyes of Cha Ke and others, Li Daniu said that he really didn't deliberately make them look ugly, but he really didn't think of it before, and he was almost dizzy these days.

After controlling the cloud to descend a little bit, the three of Chake finally managed to grab a small ball from the cloud.

Although the physical sensation told them that there was nothing in their hands, the scene in front of them made them feel how real the little cloud in their hands was.

Chaco, who has a somewhat weird personality, carefully held his hand up and lifted it up, and the small cloud followed his hand up.

Then, Chaco bit the cloud in his hand.

What is different from what Chaco imagined is that the cloud was not bitten off by him, but instead seemed to be pressed down and held back.

Seeing Cha Ke's puzzled eyes, Li Daniu patted his head helplessly, and said, "I haven't had time to program the action of biting, so from the system's point of view, you hit it with your head."

Chaco said with a sad look: "You ruined my desire to eat a cloud."

Bill, on the other hand, looked at Li Daniu with a very expectant look, and asked, "Do you need my help? My programming skills should be pretty good."

Is this a blunt cooperation?

Li Daniu smiled and said: "Of course I need it, but I need to wait until my press conference is completely over before discussing it."

Indicating Cha Ke and others to stand on the side of the stage first, Li Daniu looked at the amazed and expectant eyes of everyone in the venue, and said: "After realizing this kind of interaction, I developed the first product that can be directly applied, that is Real VR glasses." (To be continued.)

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