King Who Will Cross

Chapter 267: Scoring Mechanism in Tuvalu

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The empathetic reporter asked the voices of all the viewers who wanted to immigrate to Tuvalu. book

"What kind of living benefits can people who have just immigrated to Tuvalu have? We have just seen that in New Tuvalu, only this villa area has been built, and there is no other place to stay. Then, Where are migrants living without the highest level of living allowance?"

At this time, the group had already walked out of the villa that had just been visited. Castro took out a few blueprints from the car, pulled them away, and introduced them to the reporter.

"We are currently building two other cities, and these cities are set up to support the future development plan of New Tuvalu." Castro pointed to the drawings and said: "In these two cities, there are corresponding The apartment complex, and the living quarters, provide accommodation for those who have just immigrated to Tuvalu."

The reporter motioned to the cameraman to take pictures of the blueprints for a while, and then asked: "Are these houses also provided for free? And the furniture and appliances inside, can they all be purchased from future living allowance advances?"

"It's not like that." Castro explained: "According to the relevant regulations of Tuvalu, new immigrants can only get three months of free accommodation and living allowances, and within three months, we will give them If there are behaviors seriously inconsistent with our Tuvalu code of conduct, then we have the right to repatriate them at any time. If they can strictly abide by the Tuvalu code of conduct, then they will become full citizens of our Tuvalu , and began to implement a scoring system to determine their level of benefits based on their contribution to Tuvalu."

The reporter asked: "So, do you think that this kind of policy has a certain degree of human rights inequality?"

"On the contrary, I think this is the real equality." Li Daniu was not angry because of the reporter's question, and said with a smile: "Giving and rewarding are things that must be done right. If you are not willing to give, you will be delusional all day long." To live with the help of others is to trample on equality."

The reporter was already beating drums in his heart at this time. He knew that Tuvalu's laws stipulated that disrespect to the king is not allowed, but he continued to ask when he heard the barrage prompt from his earphones.

"Your Majesty, everyone's ability is different. Some people can create great value, like you. Some people can do some very ordinary jobs, and the value they create will be very small. Under such circumstances, isn’t it unfair to score based on the value created?”

"It seems that you haven't read our Tuvalu scoring system in detail before." Li Daniu laughed and motioned for Castro to explain.

"Our scoring system in Tuvalu is very humane." After coughing, Castro said seriously: "Although we will provide a certain degree of scoring tilt for many talents who can create great value, but for To create Tuvaluans with relatively little value, we also have a corresponding humanization mechanism.”

"For example, a farmer can only create value through farming or breeding. If judged according to the market economy, unless he owns a super-large fully mechanized farm, otherwise, the value he can create is very little. But in Our scoring mechanism in Tuvalu, the so-called value creation, does not refer to the market value of the commodities he produces, but the social value they create.”

"Farmers are the cornerstone of social existence. If there are no farmers to cultivate, everyone will starve to death. Therefore, we have a multiplication factor for the scoring criteria of Tuvalu farmers. For specific details, please refer to Tuvalu official The detailed scoring criteria, here, I can only make a formula."

"If a farmer can work hard, then the score he gets within a year will not be much lower than the score of a civil servant working for the Tuvalu government. Similarly, apart from farmers, workers The same is true, even if he is just a person working on an assembly line. Even the sanitation workers who are responsible for cleaning the streets in Tuvalu are graded by the social value he creates."

Hearing Castro's explanation, all the audience were shocked. The social value and market value created by one person are not positive, which is already a fact that the whole world has tacitly accepted. However, Tuvalu actually uses two sets of standards at the same time, and implements a multiplied scoring coefficient for low-level staff who do not create high market value, so that they can get no less than those who create high market value.

Is this progress? Or is it going backwards?

The reporter asked: "However, with the rapid development of science and technology, many ordinary jobs will gradually be replaced by mechanization and intelligence. Then, how should some ordinary people who don't understand mechanization and intelligent operation deal with themselves? ?”

Li Daniu explained: "What you said is very good. If I say that I am an inventor, I don't think anyone will deny it. Therefore, from the perspective of an inventor, I think that machinery will definitely replace labor."

Since you think so, why do you still pay so much attention to the types of work such as farmers and workers?

In the minds of many people, Li Daniu continued to speak when doubts just popped up.

"However, this kind of replacement will take a certain amount of time, ten years or twenty years? No one can know. In these ten or twenty years, the role of farmers and ordinary workers cannot be replaced at all. .As for ten or twenty years later? I still believe that machines still need human labor to repair and maintain them, and even direct them.”

The reporter asked: "However, whether it is repairing, maintaining, or directing, a certain degree of professional knowledge is required, and this knowledge is not good for ordinary farmers. What will they do when the time comes?"

Li Daniu laughed and said: "Just now on the plane, I said that Tuvalu will implement 16 years of compulsory education for all immigrant orphans. Do you think that this education policy is only for immigrant orphans? Is it? Of course not, all Tuvaluan school-age children can enjoy this education policy, which means that in the future, all Tuvaluans will be highly educated.”

"Moreover, our education method in Tuvalu is to teach students in accordance with their aptitude according to their interests and hobbies. In addition to the necessary basic education, what are their interests and what aspects of knowledge can they learn? If their interests are To be a farmer, then, his major of study can be agriculture..."

When Li Daniu talked about the relevant policies of audiences all over the world began to think seriously.

A country that does not discriminate against any type of work, a country that implements 16-year compulsory education, a country that ranks first in the world in terms of living and welfare, a country that writes quality behaviors into laws...

Why is it that a small island country in the South Pacific can achieve such a level, and dare to achieve such a level, while the country where it is located, known as a world power, has no way to do what Tuvalu does?

Is Tuvalu rich? His king claims to be the richest individual in history, but what is that little money compared to the total GDP of his country?

Is it because there are few people in Tuvalu? So their majesty the king can use limited money to serve limited citizens?

But their majesty the king dared to announce to the whole world that they would adopt all unwanted orphans and provide them with sixteen years of compulsory education, board and lodging. In the face of orphans all over the world, is his money really enough?

When the whole world began to think, Li Daniu continued to take the reporters to visit the relevant facilities and plans of New Tuvalu. Although there were some people in the audience who had seen the planning map announced by the Tuvalu government before, all Everyone knows that planning is one thing, but whether construction is carried out according to the plan is another.

When the audience saw that almost every plan was being constructed, and even the outline of some blueprint plans could already be seen, countless people had the urge to immigrate to Tuvalu now.

Everyone knows that when the new Tuvalu really develops, do you want to immigrate? What is the difference between ascending to the sky? (To be continued.)

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