King Who Will Cross

Chapter 280: 8 US nuclear warheads

When Johansen saw the rescue helicopter of the American Antarctic Research Station, he said to his adjutant again: "Look, my luck is good. If they come five minutes late, we will freeze to death here."

His adjutant was still expressionless, and he didn't know if it was born like this, or he was too cold to express, and said: "I still think this accident is very strange."

Johnson shivered, and said indifferently: "Let's leave this problem to the technicians to solve and analyze. If they can't give me a perfect explanation, I assure you, they will find trouble with them."

When the rescue helicopter of the American Antarctic Expedition Zhang flew to the scene of the incident, he was stunned by the sight in front of him. More than a hundred American soldiers wearing thermal life jackets were lying on their backs on a huge iceberg.

When they saw the rescue helicopter, they couldn't help cheering, but the cheers seemed weak.

It is certainly impossible for the two rescue helicopters to transport all the American soldiers at one time. After putting down a part of the rescue supplies, some American soldiers with relatively poor systems were transported away. The rest can only wait for the next delivery.

"You should get on the plane." Johansen continued to tremble, and said to his adjutant: "I see that your face has turned blue. If you don't leave, I'm worried that you won't be able to make it to them next time."

The adjutant's face turned blue, but the reason for this was entirely because of the performance of his boss, Johansen. If it wasn't for his rank, the adjutant would have grabbed Johansen by the collar and yelled loudly at him. : "How the **** did you become the commander of a strategic nuclear submarine?"

Recalling all the process of the accident and Johansen's performance, the adjutant sighed and said, "It's okay, let them go first, I won't die for a while."

Johansen praised his adjutant's fearlessness, and said, "Good job, I will definitely ask for credit for you when I go back."

Please credit? The adjutant was no longer in the mood to look at his boss, but turned his head to look at the empty sea. He was wondering why the submarine he was serving suddenly lost power, and even began to sink contrary to common sense. ? What does this have to do with the irregular but neatly cut ice blocks on the sea before?

If Li Daniu knew about the adjutant's question, he would laugh a few times and patiently explain what he had done. Unfortunately, at this time, Li Daniu was already driving a strategic nuclear submarine belonging to the United States. Heading in the direction of Valu.

"Ultron, report the test results!"

In the nuclear submarine, Ultron's voice sounded.

"The power has returned to normal, and other facilities are functioning normally. Those parts that were destroyed by you have been successfully replaced! The current course is an uninhabited island 97 nautical miles south of New Tuvalu."

"Beautiful!" Li Daniu's admiration was not for Ultron, but for himself, because he successfully stole one of the most valuable weapons in the world, a strategic nuclear submarine.

Moreover, completely different from the robbery he had thought before, this silent stealing made the United States even more nervous, because they had no idea who their enemy was.

After he entered the water, in order to prevent being detected by the submarine, he did not use energy injection directly, and stuck to the surface of the nuclear submarine by swimming.

Compared with a nuclear submarine with a length of more than 170 meters, a human-sized stealth armor without any energy and signal feedback will naturally not attract anyone's attention, nor will it cause any equipment to alarm.

Because compared to the detection method of the earth's technological level, Li Daniu's steel armor using alien technology, in stealth mode, completely seems to have disappeared.

After getting close to the submarine, Li Daniu accurately found the power system of the nuclear submarine based on the submarine blueprint that Ultron had hacked from the US military, and then carried out repairable damage.

After losing power, the nuclear submarine could have used emergency measures to float to the surface. But Li Daniu was very cruel in a dead corner of the submarine, dragged the submarine, and pulled it to the bottom of the sea.

Although nuclear submarines also use nuclear power, in fact, the use of this nuclear power is not much worse than Li Daniu's Ark reactor.

When the American soldiers on the submarine found that the power failed and the submarine began to sink again, they fully carried forward the spirit of the US Army that human life is more important than equipment. After sending a distress signal, they all used the escape inside the submarine device, and fled to the surface of the sea.

Fortunately, there is an iceberg nearby that allows them to climb up. Otherwise, they will definitely freeze to death in the sea before the rescue plane arrives.

After waiting for the American soldiers to escape, Li Daniu followed the escape passage they left behind and entered the interior of the submarine.

Before entering, Li Daniu thought that he would meet some American soldiers who were alive and dead in the boat, but unexpectedly, there was not even a ghost left inside.

After repairing the power system of the nuclear submarine by using some parts configured on the submarine, Li Daniu took off his steel armor and sat down on the commander's seat. He was also exhausted.

"How much energy does the steel armor have?"

Ultron replied: "7%!"

Li Daniu nodded, this is enough, and said: "You control the submarine to drive back, I will fly back after a short rest. Now, report the situation of this weapon system."

At this time, Ultron had already invaded the system of this nuclear submarine, and began to operate the nuclear submarine by means that the technology in the real world could not understand.

"Trident D-5 intercontinental missile, the effective attack distance can reach 11000-12000KM, eight MK-5MIRV, each MK-5 is equipped with a W-88 nuclear warhead with a power of 100,000 tons of TNT. 100 US Tomahawk cruise Missiles. Four torpedo ports and 150 torpedoes."

Hearing Ultron's report, Li Daniu's first feeling was that it was a veritable strategic nuclear submarine.

What is the concept of 100,000 tons level?

After the Pearl Harbor incident, the average yield of the two nuclear bombs that the United States dropped on Japan, Little Boy and Fat Man, did not exceed 20,000 tons.

And what is the concept of an attack distance of 11000-12000KM?

If Li Daniu parks this nuclear submarine in the South China Sea, then the intercontinental missile he launches can directly hit Moscow, Russia.

After mastering such a strategic-level nuclear submarine and related nuclear weapons, Li Daniu was a little excited. After all, the deterrent capability of cyber nuclear strikes is still not as good as nuclear warheads in the real world.

Because cyber attacks can paralyze other countries at most, it only takes time and willingness to suffer losses to recover. But the nuclear bomb in the real world is completely different, because it can fundamentally destroy all man-made objects, and of course can also destroy human beings.

"Turn off all the signals, sonar system and radar system of this submarine!" Li Daniu knew that the US military at this time must be desperately trying to salvage and save the nuclear submarine. Without this nuclear submarine, their fun will be great.

"It's turned off!" After Ultron replied, "There is a signal transmitter in the submarine's weapon room, and you need to turn it off manually."

"Understood." Li Daniu ran to the weapon room without hesitation, and found the hidden emergency signal transmitter according to Ultron's prompt. Although there was no close button on it, Li Daniu didn't care at all, and directly destroyed it from the hardware. .

After all this is done, no one will be able to find this nuclear submarine again, unless someone is willing to use the best sonar system on earth to scan the oceans of the world. But what is the difference between finding a needle in a haystack?

"Let the Americans get nervous and see if they still have the time to take care of our new Tuvalu." Li Daniu smiled triumphantly, and said, "Ultra, prepare the transformation plan, I want to do a good job on this ship. The nuclear submarine's power system, sonar system, camouflage system... undergo a thorough refit." (To be continued.)

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