King Who Will Cross

Chapter 303: Incident Report from the Pentagon

?For the Pentagon of the United States, it has been really troubled recently.

Because of New Tuvalu's network nuclear weapons, the Pentagon changed its defense strategy that it had implemented for many years, and spent a huge amount of money to start various protections for the domestic Internet. And this plan cannot be completed in three or two months.

According to the report of the Pentagon's Technology Department, it will take at least one and a half years to complete the basic defense with sufficient funds and the cooperation of all relevant units. The so-called basic defense is only able to ensure that the social order will not fall into chaos when it is attacked by network nuclear weapons.

In order not to appear so passive, a certain staff officer formulated a plan called "Killing the King". The king to be beheaded is the king of New Tuvalu, Li Daniu who has mastered cyber nuclear weapons.

Unfortunately, when this plan was still in the preparation stage, a strategic-level nuclear submarine carrying out a secret mission disappeared inexplicably.

Compared with cyber-nuclear weapons, strategic-level nuclear submarines equipped with large-yield nuclear bombs and launch equipment pose a greater threat to the United States. Therefore, the Pentagon announced that it has entered a red combat readiness state and began to actively search for the strategic-class nuclear submarine.

Before the submarine was found, another C-17 strategic transport plane was lost. Moreover, this transport plane was driven away from the heavily guarded Anderson military base in full view.

When the Pentagon heard the news, everyone's first reaction was, are you **** kidding me?

This joke was not funny, but before they had time to say this, they learned that one of the two F22 fighters that were chasing them fell without any perceived attack!

All kinds of incidents have caused the senior officials of the US military in the Pentagon, and even the White House, to be devastated.

Under such circumstances, when the F22 fighter jet that crashed into the sea was salvaged, the Pentagon dispatched their most elite technical team, and even brought in Boeing and Lockheed, which jointly developed the fighter jet. Martin's technical group.

The three parties can be said to be the top flight equipment technical team in the world. When they saw the wreckage of the F22 fighter jet transported back to the Anderson military base, they were all in a daze.

"This so-called wreck is a bit too wrecked, right?"

A Boeing technician pointed to the wreckage of various F22 fighter jets that almost covered two basketball courts, and asked: "You mean, let us look for signs of attack on it? "

"Yes." The representative of the Pentagon said: "We believe that the F22 fighter jet that has been maintained and maintained by normal means, and its flight time does not exceed 200 hours, it is impossible to have the problem of wing deformation by itself."

Hearing what the Pentagon representative said, the technicians of Boeing and Lockheed Martin breathed a sigh of relief, because what they were most afraid of was that the Pentagon attributed this accident to the quality of the F22 fighter jet. You know, they have delivered a total of about 200 F22 fighter jets, and the unit price of the F22 fighter jets has reached 350 million US dollars. If such a serious quality problem occurs, then neither of these two companies can afford huge compensation.

Cons, the head of Boeing's technical team, glared at the technician who had just asked the question, and said in a low voice: "If we can't find any traces of being attacked on this, then what our company has to face is not just data. Do you understand the tens of billions of dollars in compensation?"

The Boeing technicians had been given relevant orders before they came, so they were all very aware of the seriousness of the matter, nodded, and began to probe around.

Kance pulled Lockheed Martin's technical director Phil and the Pentagon's technical director to watch the relevant video information.

The first video was taken by related equipment in the base when the two F22s took off. Although the fighter jets took off very fast, the three of them are the most elite professionals in the industry. Therefore, after watching this After a video, they concluded that there was nothing unusual about the two fighter jets, or a technical malfunction.

"Play the second video!"

The second video was recorded by the on-board equipment of the two fighter jets during their flight. From the time the two fighter jets took off to when one of them had a problem, they did not find any abnormalities.

Cons said: "If it is because the wings of the fighter jets are deformed due to air resistance during high-speed flight, then the speeds of these two fighter jets have not reached their theoretical maximum speeds, and they have not even exceeded Mach 1.6. According to our There can be no quality issues with the design, and the associated materials used.”

Phil said: "That's right. If we pay attention, we will find that the wing deformation process of numbered fighter jets is very short. From the normal state of the wing to 017, it slows down or even rolls due to the wing deformation. This process It’s only about 6 seconds. And if it’s because of the quality of the fighter itself, then it definitely didn’t take only 6 seconds for such a problem to occur.”

The representative of the Pentagon looked at Kance and Phil with idiot eyes, and said, "Don't talk nonsense to me, please? Of course we know that the wing deformation is not due to the quality of the fighter jet, otherwise, You thought it was you who came to see the wreckage of this fighter jet now?"

Although the U.S. military has various unusual relationships with these two companies, or other arms companies, the U.S. military will never be polite to anyone in this matter, because they are almost hysterical.

After Cons and Phil looked at each other awkwardly, Cons asked, "Can we have a look at the video of that C17 before and during take-off, as well as the video of these two fighter jets when they were parked there? "

"Call it out and show them."

When the relevant staff called up the video to play, they introduced: "Our monitoring did not find any abnormalities. During this process, no personnel or equipment passed by. The C17 is like a drone. , drove to the runway by himself, and then directly accelerated to take off."

If Li Daniu knew the problem here, he would definitely say with a look of embarrassment: "Surveillance? You don't know that I have the big killer of Ultron, right?"

After watching the video several times, Kang Si and Phil found helplessly that no one had tampered with it. However, it is absolutely impossible for the C17 to take off by itself, or if someone remotely controls it to take off.

Although the C17 was not designed and produced by these two companies, they know as much relevant information as the company that produced the C17.

Kang Si asked: "Could it be that someone tampered with the monitoring system, and the pictures we saw were cut off by someone."

The representative of the Pentagon said: "This possibility cannot be ruled out, because the air defense alarm system at the base at that time did not call the police when C17 took off. If the staff on duty did not see the plane take off, then the plane would have disappeared. ...However, even if this reason is valid, it can only explain how the C17 took off, and cannot explain how the F22 fighter jets have problems."

Phil asked: "Is it possible that after the enemy disarmed the relevant alarms and controlled the surveillance video, they damaged the F22 fighter jets parked there, resulting in the deformation of the wings during the pursuit."

The representative of the Pentagon said: "Impossible. After this incident, we have checked all the aircraft on this military base and found nothing abnormal. Moreover, the fighter jets we sent to pursue were all selected according to the secret order, except for the The commander of the day, no one can know which fighter jets will be sent to pursue, so it is impossible for the enemy to destroy in advance."

After checking the black box data of the crashed fighter, Phil found that there was no attack data, and another fighter that was very close to it did not find any enemy aircraft or weapons such as missiles.

"Could it be that the C17 released some invisible interception weapon in the air?" Phil said: "This can also explain why in just 30 seconds, the other fighter completely lost the trace of the C17. Because it needs to block our chasing fighter planes for a certain period of time, so that the enemy can hide."

The head of the Pentagon's technical team said: "We believe that the possibility of this attack is very high, because since the enemy can sneak into the C17, it is possible to bring some weapons in. Moreover, according to relevant news, there is a The country has been researching similar weapons."

The representative of the Pentagon said: "The most important thing for us at present is not only how they attack, but also how they attack, and what principle is this attack based on, and how to prevent it?"

Kance and Phil understood immediately that the Pentagon was a fighter jet that was afraid of them, and it would become a display in the future.

At this moment, the technicians who inspected the wreckage discovered an abnormality.

"Report, there seems to be traces of high temperature heating at the root of the wing."

"Heating at high temperature?" Kang Si and others immediately took a piece of wreckage handed over by the technician. Unlike other wreckages that were deformed by the impact of the fall, this piece of wreckage appeared to be somewhat regular, but such rules did not belong to the manufacture of this aircraft. time design.

"Take it for analysis."

Watching with the naked eye is, after all, a matter of experience. In this kind of matter, data must always be used to speak.

Twenty minutes later, the analysis report was typed out.

"The analysis results show that this piece of wreckage was heated by high temperature before it fell, and we also found similar wreckage, and these wreckages are all concentrated at the root of the deformed wing." A technician reported: "That is to say, during the high-speed flight of the crashed F22 fighter jet, the root of the wing was heated, causing the metal to soften, and the wind resistance encountered during high-speed flight caused the softened metal, that is, the wing to deform and then fell."

The representative of the Pentagon folded his hands and asked: "In other words, the enemy's weapons can intercept high-speed fighter jets in the air, and then conduct heat attacks on the weak points of the fighter jets?"

"Yes. But we believe that such an intercept is probabilistic, otherwise the other fighter would not have been spared."

"So, how do you explain that all the detection equipment did not find this weapon?"

"Our analysis suggests that there are several possibilities: first, this weapon is very small, so it cannot be detected by relevant equipment. Second, this weapon is a non-metallic weapon, similar to a bionic weapon. Third, This weapon does not intercept our fighter jets in the air, but is placed on the airport runway in advance and attached to the fighter jets when they take off."

"Which one is most likely?"

"The third type, because no relevant launching equipment has been found, and intercepting and attacking a fighter jet flying at a speed of Mach 1.6 in the air, it is technically difficult not to be detected."

When this report reached the Pentagon, Li Daniu was preparing to test fly his own L-1 transport aircraft. (To be continued.)

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