King Who Will Cross

Chapter 352: Money buys time!

Tuvalu's poor history will not be forgotten just because its name has been changed to New Tuvalu. On the contrary, because of the strong contrast between now and before, many people will be more impressed.

So, in the early stages of the construction of New Tuvalu, such as when the airport and port are being built. In order for those construction companies to dare to come to New Tuvalu for construction, Li Daniu has always paid a large amount of deposit in advance.

He gave a deposit, and Li Daniu paid very well when every project progress was completed, so more and more foreign construction companies came to New Tuvalu for construction.

"No deposit?" Li Daniu was stunned for a moment. He had just told Burns not to pay too much attention to the order price, but Burns made a suggestion that stunned him.

"Yes, no deposit." Burns said confidently: "Your Majesty, why did we always pay a regular amount of deposit for uniforms before, and even for some items, such as building materials, the amount of deposit payment has exceeded Fifty percent, I think you are very clear about these reasons."

After Li Daniu coughed, he said, "Don't play tricks in front of me."

Burns smiled and said, "But our new Tuvalu is different now, and your wealth has reached a new height. I believe that those builders, or businessmen in other industries, are thinking about How can we cooperate with us. With this advantage, why do we need to pay a deposit?"

Buyer's market and seller's market, the difference between the two, even Li Daniu in his previous life, can talk about it, let alone now?

Li Daniu asked: "What you said is very reasonable, but in this way, will there be a lot less builders who are willing to cooperate with us?"

"I think this is a very trouble-free way to eliminate." Burns said: "If those construction manufacturers cannot receive payment because they are worried about the quality of their products, then they will definitely not dare to accept our offer. orders. Conversely, under such conditions, the builders who dare to accept our orders are absolutely confident in the quality of their products.”

"Yes, this method is very good." Li Daniu nodded in agreement and said, "Then do as you said."

After Burns responded, he said: "There is a prerequisite for doing this, that is, we need to transfer the construction budget for this period to a credible bank, and implement the model of earmarking funds for special purposes. Otherwise, even if we have money, there will be many people worried that we will not pay by then.”

"It's simple." Li Daniu said: "The last time the idiots in Saudi Arabia contributed 14 billion US dollars, didn't they not move? Just use 100 billion US dollars as a special fund, and then find a notary organization with a good reputation in the world for notarization. There's no problem at all."

Burns smiled wryly. In this world, only His Majesty the King would think others are idiots after slaughtering 14 billion US dollars.

After obtaining the relevant authorization, Burns immediately started the relevant work arrangements. Given that His Majesty the King's favorite thing to pursue is efficiency, the office efficiency of the current government employees in New Tuvalu can almost be called the first in the world.

After contacting some builders engaged in the production of building modules, Castro was a little surprised to find that many construction companies that had no relevant production experience before also wanted to get involved.

Castro, who originally wanted to report the matter to the king, decided to handle it by themselves after communicating with Burns.

According to Burns, that is, everything must be reported to His Majesty the King, so what use does His Majesty want us to have?

The originally scheduled meeting with the builders was postponed for two days because of the flock of builders.

But Li Daniu, who was informed of the news, did not take the initiative to ask Burns and Castro what problems they encountered. He has only been the President of the Federation in the film world for more than a year, and he is tired of dealing with so many government affairs every day. If he can be a hands-off shopkeeper, why not do it?

Burns and Castro, who hosted an event of this level for the first time, were a little nervous, but in order to share the trouble for His Majesty the King, and even prove their abilities, they did everything they could.

In a venue with thousands of people in New Tuvalu, Burns, as the Prime Minister of New Tuvalu, was the first to speak after the host announced the curtain call.

"First of all, on behalf of His Majesty the King of New Tuvalu, and the people of the whole country, I would like to thank you all for coming to our New Tuvalu not far away, even thousands of miles away."

In the applause of nearly a thousand representatives of well-known construction groups from all over the world at the venue, Burns continued: "Then I would like to introduce to you the theme of this investment promotion conference."

"As we all know, our Majesty the King has always been at the forefront of the world in terms of technology. In order to solve the problem of slow progress in the infrastructure construction of New Tuvalu, our Majesty the King understands the real modular construction method."

The builders below all looked at Burns in astonishment. Didn't the modular construction method already exist? There were dozens of representatives of relevant builders present, when did your Majesty the King find out?

Burns ignored the whispers in the audience, and said to himself: "The modular construction method has already had mature samples many years ago. This production method can even be traced back to ancient times. However, in history, There has never been a really large building that has been built modularly."

Large buildings?

Many builders had guessed what Burns was going to say next, but none of them dared to believe it, because it was too bizarre.

Burns signaled the staff to turn on the 3D projection on the host stage, and then introduced: "As you can see, this is a building with a height of 99 floors. The time required to build such a building naturally needs to be spent. Years. However, if the modular construction technology invented by our Majesty the King is used, as long as these basic modules are completed, then the construction can be completed within one month, and the decoration process can even be omitted. "

During Burns' introduction, the 3D projected building instantly decomposed into hundreds of modules of different sizes. If it is for ordinary consumers to look at these modules, they will feel confused. But for the top builders from various countries present, or the engineers accompanying the team, every module can be rearranged to its proper position in their minds.

"It's an incredible invention."

Many people exclaimed. As builders, they naturally know why the modular construction method has not been able to develop. In addition to the high cost, there is another reason that large buildings cannot use this construction method. If it is a small building, it will not waste much time in itself, so why do you need to carry out modular production?

Burns said: "Of course, the specific parameters and related combinations will be communicated with professionals after the order is confirmed."

Many builders sighed, the parameters of building modules are definitely the top priority of this invention. Many people have even thought that New Tuvalu will never hand over all the modules of a building to the same company for production. In that way, it will definitely make it easy for people to analyze its data model, which is equivalent to handing over this invention to others.

"Finally, what I need to tell everyone is that after the order is generated this time, we will not pay any deposit."

Speaking of this, Burns paused for a moment, and waited for the exclamation below, before saying: "We will set up a special regulatory fund in Swiss Bank. As long as the builder who gets the order can deliver the goods that meet the requirements The parameters module we give, then, the relevant funds can be withdrawn directly from the Swiss bank. The UHF notary agency in charge of notarizing this commercial activity, and the World Architecture Federation providing technical support."

UHF is one of the most well-known notarization organizations in the world, and the World Federation of Architecture is even worse. Nearly 30% of the companies represented by the builders present are members of this federation.

After Burns finished speaking, Castro came to the stage and presided over the specific investment promotion work in the name of Li Daniu's assistant.

Of course, this level of bidding meeting cannot be completed in a day or two, after all, there are so many basic buildings.

Therefore, after Castro announced the specific project details of this bidding conference, he directly announced that he would enter the adjournment mode, and let those builders go back to the meeting to discuss.

The efficient and fast construction company exclaimed after calculating the related project cost.

"If these buildings are all completed, even if different companies quote different projects for different projects, the total cost will reach the level of 1000 million U.S. dollars."

"That is to say, if you refer to the cost factor of 1.5 times the module construction method, then if New Tuvalu is built in a conventional way, at least 3 billion US dollars can be saved?"

"Do you want to calculate, how much is the one-month interest for a deposit of 1000 million US dollars? If it is a traditional construction method, most of these funds can be used for other purposes, and how much profit is lost in the process?"

Some reporters who came to interview, after getting the relevant data, immediately brewed a report.

"Time can be bought with money", subtitle - 5 billion US dollars to buy two years of construction time.

As for the amount of 5 billion US dollars and where the two-year construction time came from, there are always some experts who can justify it. (.)

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