King Who Will Cross

Chapter 562: Another Ultron!

In the laboratory on the top floor of the Avengers Building, Dr. Banner asked inexplicably: "Why do you want to keep him so much? Although he is from Earth, and according to Thor, he also saved the galaxy, but I think the treatment of him Be more cautious."

Apart from Dr. Banner, there is only Tony Stark in the laboratory.

"Dr. Banner, I think you are a little too nervous." Tony Stark said excitedly: "It is impossible for him to know that we planned to give the Soul Stone to Thor before, so what he said should be sincere. Since he cares about the earth so much, we can treat him as a friend."

Dr. Banner shook his head and said, "Then what do you mean by bringing me here now?"

Tony Stark smiled mysteriously and said, "Not only did I find you, I also found him!"


Before Dr. Banner could ask, Jarvis' voice sounded from the laboratory: "Boss, Li has accepted your invitation and is expected to arrive at the laboratory in a minute."

Dr. Banner asked blankly, "What exactly do you want to do?"

Tony Stark didn't answer, but asked Jarvis to open the door of the laboratory. When Li Daniu walked in, Tony Stark asked, "After visiting my Avengers Building, how do you feel?"

Li Daniu wanted to say that I lived in this building for three months, so I didn't feel very good. But the play that should be played still needs to be played.

"I have to say that it is really surprising to have such a high-tech building on Earth!"

Tony Stark said with a confident expression: "How does my technological level compare with the alien empire you mentioned? By the way, is it called the Nova Empire?"

Dr. Banner was also very curious when he heard this question. When he was not transformed into the Hulk, his IQ level was completely at the top level on earth. He also wants to know how far the earth's technology is from that of aliens.

Li Daniu glanced at the Mind Gem on the test bench, and said: "The Nova Empire is actually a huge artificial star, and its area is not smaller than the earth. Moreover, the spaceship of the Nova Empire that can jump into space has already been realized." Civilization. Compared with the earth, which can't even recover the satellites that have been released, how big is the gap?"

"Artificial planet?"

"Spatial jump?"

Dr. Banner and Tony Stark exclaimed at the same time, obviously shocked by the technology of Nova Empire.

Li Daniu continued to attack without mercy: "To be honest, I really don't understand how you defeated the Chitauri last time. The space battleship of the Chitauri only needs to fire one round of main guns. America will be destroyed."

Tony Stark smiled and said, "Of course I won't give them a chance to fire."

Li Daniu asked: "Did you come here just to let me see that the Soul Stone is in your laboratory?"

Tony Stark glanced at the Soul Stone, then looked at the very calm Li Daniu and said: "Li, you said that you know these Infinity Stones very well, I want to know, what is this Soul Stone?"

Li Daniu shook his head and said, "I didn't say that I knew a lot about Infinity Gems, but I just collected some information about them because I was almost blown away by Power Gems."

After Tony Stark heard this sentence, he didn't say a word, and after looking at the bewildered Dr. Banner, he walked to the Mind Stone Scepter.

"Jarvis, project the analysis results!"

"Okay, boss."

As soon as Jarvis finished speaking, a blue ball of light appeared next to the test bench. Inside this ball of light were countless complex branches.

Dr. Banner looked at the ball of light in shock and asked, "What does this look like?"

Tony Stark smiled and said, "Jarvis, project yourself!"

"Okay, boss!"

Next to the blue ball of light, a yellow ball of light suddenly appeared, inside which were also extremely complicated branches.

Just like, the human brain!

Dr. Banner saw it clearly now, and said, "This... the Mind Stone is thinking?"

Tony Stark did not reply to Dr. Banner, but looked at Li Daniu who was silent beside him.

"Lee, can you explain to me what this is? Why does it think like a human?"

Li Daniu was in a good mood at this time, because he had been waiting for this scene, and when he heard Tony Stark's question, he replied: "As the name suggests, the Mind Gem contains the power of the mind. And this power of the mind has different powers in different races. Different interpretations. It can be understood as the power of thought, the power of dreams, subconsciousness, etc. And now this projection does not mean that the mind stone is thinking, but its power itself contains this pattern."

Tony Stark shouted excitedly: "I knew it was like this, Banner, don't you think this is a very good opportunity?"

Dr. Banner looked at the yellow ball of light representing Jarvis, and said, "What do you mean?"

Tony Stark said: "Yes, I want to use this model to perfect Jarvis and make it a real artificial intelligence, or an artificial intelligence life!"

Dr. Banner said with a solemn expression: "What is the significance of doing this?"

Tony Stark glanced at Li Daniu, and then said: "Jarvis was just a human-computer interaction system at first, but now, it has been able to control an Iron Legion. If we go further, then, if one day the alien empire invades When we are on Earth, can we have the power to resist?"

Seeing that Dr. Banner was silent, Tony Stark continued: "Although I like the name Avengers very much, if we can win the war of alien aggression, why should we avenge?"

This sentence from Tony Stark moved Dr. Banner. Since it is revenge, then the earth must have suffered very serious damage. At that time, even if the revenge is successful, how can it be possible to restore this damage?

"You can give it a try!"

Seeing that Dr. Banner agreed, Tony Stark was very excited.

And Li Daniu asked: "Why do you let me know about such an important plan?"

Hearing Li Daniu's question, Tony Stark's wariness of Li Daniu dropped again.

"I heard from Thor that you once refused to use any high-tech weapons, but during the Battle of the Nova Empire, you changed yourself and later taught yourself a lot of alien technology. Although I don't know what kind of knowledge you learned , but I think you should be able to help me!"

Li Daniu did not expect that the system had arranged his identity so reasonably, that even the history he studied in retreat after the Battle of the Nova Empire was spread to the entire galaxy.

"Then, I need you to tell me why I should help you!"

Although the purpose of Li Daniu contacting the Avengers was to participate in this plan, he couldn't directly express it. Li Daniu has already mastered the method of using retreat as an advance.

Tony Stark's expression became and said: "You are from Earth, and you have also seen the power of alien technology. If you don't want to help the earth, then why do you want to come back and take a look?"

Only then did Dr. Banner understand Tony Stark's thoughts, and he also looked at Li Daniu with some hot eyes.

Li Daniu smiled and said, "Dr. Banner, if your eyes were hotter, I might run away. I have read the news about you and know how powerful you are after your transformation."

Dr. Banner rarely made a joke and said, "So, should you agree? Otherwise, I will be angry."

Li Daniu shrugged and said: "Well, I can help you. Because artificial intelligence life is indeed much stronger than humans in terms of improving technology. Ronan, who invaded the Nova Empire at that time, was the only one among his race There is an artificial intelligence life, which they call the highest intelligence! It is also the highest intelligence that allows their race's technology to develop by leaps and bounds."

Banner smiled and asked, "So, what should our artificial intelligence life be called?"

Tony Stark said: "I thought about it a long time ago, I think it should be called Ultron!"

Li Daniu said: "It doesn't matter, the name is just a code name."

Tony Stark walked up to Li Daniu, stretched out his hand and said, "I wish us a happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!" Li Daniu smiled and shook hands with Tony Stark.

His smile at this time is a genuinely happy smile. Because being able to participate in the evolution of artificial intelligence by the Mind Stone has a great role in promoting Ultron's artificial intelligence level after returning to the real world.

Of course, his Ultron and the Ultron that Tony Stark is about to create have the same name, but they are completely unrelated!

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