King Who Will Cross

Chapter 678: Missiles fired from freighters!

ps: Give a reward of 10,000 coins for Flying Pig and Love Shu Brothers! There is one more chapter today.

After more than half a month of searching, the US secret search team finally had relatively definite news.

The freighter was heading towards the target at a top speed of 28 knots, and the American soldiers on the freighter were all ready to go!

In order to prevent possible encounters, the equipment and weapons on this freighter are very advanced. Even, if you leave out the containers used for camouflage on the freighter, it is not an exaggeration to call it a warship!

When he was about to arrive at the destination island, the commander of the searched 'warship' gathered his soldiers and said loudly: "Confirm once again, our mission goal is to find out the secret base of New Tuvalu The military equipment and their specific production information. If you find any information, report it first!"

"If the opponent's force is insufficient, we will first occupy the secret industrial base in New Tuvalu, and then wait for our follow-up force support. The Darwin Lane military base in Australia is ready for combat."

"However, if we can't get any meaningful intelligence information, they will definitely not easily give us air strike support!"

"To put it simply, if you don't want to become a death squad without national recognition, then you must cheer up in the next operation! Do you understand?"

"Understood!" After the soldiers answered neatly and resonantly, they were able to see the island they had visited through the binoculars!

"Ready to log in!"

After the order was given, a group of elite soldiers had already arrived on the assault ship.

In order to ensure that the weapons on the freighter can provide effective strike support, the freighter stopped 3 nautical miles from the island.

When the assault ship arrived at the island, everything was no different from the previous expedition.

No signs of human activity detected, no unconventional metallic objects detected!

However, these American soldiers have confirmed an abnormal location from the information sent by the Pentagon just now. There, there is a jungle with a radius of 100 meters, which can rise to a height of 15 meters from the ground.

None of the American soldiers marveled at the sci-fi of "Sky Garden", and they were all extremely nervous at the moment.

During the alert march, the American soldiers completely lost the relaxed and lazy look on another uninhabited island just now. Excellent individual combat equipment, as well as hard tactical training in peacetime, let them once again become one of the best soldiers in the world!

At this moment, Castro and Colonel Ryan, who are still in the underground base, are watching the tactical advance of this group of American soldiers through the hidden monitoring device in the jungle!

"Excellent!" Colonel Ryan said after expressing his feelings, "However, compared to our Royal Guard Battalion, it's simply... weak!"

When Castro heard the name of the Royal Guard Battalion, he also said with a proud look: "Yes, whether in real life or in movies and TV dramas, I have never seen a group of people who are better than the Royal Guard Battalion. Soldiers, even more powerful."

Colonel Ryan continued to sigh: "If I didn't know that they would also bleed and feel pain, I would think they were robots."

While the two were talking, the group of elite American soldiers had advanced to the ground entrance of the underground base, and began to use equipment to detect it.

"Report sir, we haven't... found anything unusual!"

Hearing the report, both the commander on the freighter and the Pentagon command center monitoring the operation in real time all looked confused!

If it wasn't for the test data sent back in real time, after their technicians analyzed and confirmed that there was nothing abnormal, they would definitely think that there was something wrong with this team of American soldiers!

"Is our technology really lagging behind New Tuvalu so much?"

Recalling the pictures taken by the military satellite just now, and the location where Castro, the chief assistant of the new King of Tuvalu, finally disappeared, the high-level US military in the Pentagon can only express such feelings!

"What should we do now?"

"They must have other entrances!"

"Our analysis believes that their other entrances are in the sea, which is more difficult to detect and enter than this one on the island!"

"Then...explode it!"

After the order was issued, the American soldiers on the uninhabited island immediately began to place remote-controlled bombs at the entrance to the ground!

According to the Pentagon's monitoring just now, the soil layer at the entrance is at least 10 meters thick. And to explode a 10-meter-thick soil layer, they need to blast twice!

When they finished placing the first round of bombs, retreated a certain safe distance, and pressed the detonation button, the expected roar did not come!

"An electromagnetic pulse weapon?"

No American soldier would suspect that there is something wrong with their bombs. As a team performing such a critical mission, all their weapons are the best.

"But why isn't our communication equipment affected?"

The analysis information sent by the Pentagon in time: "The other party may have local electromagnetic pulse interference equipment, immediately check the bombs planted in this area!"

The order from the superior was issued, and this group of American soldiers rushed to the place where the bomb was placed without hesitation. When they arrived, they found that the bomb that was supposed to have a flashing indicator light had been completely scrapped at this time.

The bomb disposal experts in the team opened the outer layer of the bomb detonator on the spot and found that the electronic components inside had been burned!

"Confirm that there is a problem with the target location!"

When this information was reported to the command room on the freighter, and then transferred to the Pentagon command center via the command room, a new order was issued again.

"Use the missiles on the freighter!"

The American soldiers at the entrance to the ground began to retreat again, and they had to keep a sufficient safe distance. And on the deck of the freighter three nautical miles away from the uninhabited island, a container suddenly opened, revealing the missile launch vehicle inside!

"Start positioning, ready to launch!"

At this time, Colonel Ryan, who was located inside the underground base, sneered after hearing the air defense alarm sounding in the base.

"Prepare to intercept the opponent's missiles! Send ground troops to control the opponent's landing team. If you encounter resistance, kill them directly!"

The soldiers of the New Tuvalu Royal Guard Battalion, who were ready to go in the base, responded with a bang!

On the uninhabited island, a boulder two kilometers away from the entrance to the ground suddenly shifted five meters, revealing a deep circular pothole!

When the missile on the freighter was just ignited, a bunch of flames burst into the circular pothole!

Amidst the roar, a UU reading missile sprang up from the pothole. In just 7 seconds, the missile had already flown to the surface of the sea and hit another missile that had just passed from the freighter. Launched missiles.


Flames splattered and roared loudly, and the commander on the freighter turned pale instantly, because according to the speed and accuracy of the opponent's interceptor missile, his freighter had already become the opponent's target!

When the command room of the Pentagon was a little overwhelmed, the group of American soldiers who were stunned on the island also heard a shout!

"You have entered private territory, put down your weapons and surrender immediately!"

The American soldier subconsciously wanted to raise his gun to aim, but before he could raise his gun, he fell to the ground with a miserable howl, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

"Bang... bang..."

There were a few more gunshots, and when it was discovered that the enemy's position was not clear, four people had been lost. This group of American soldiers finally followed the tradition of the US military, dropped their weapons and chose to surrender!

At this moment, the command room above the freighter also learned the news that his ground team had been captured.

"Fire me another missile! Show off all the missile launch vehicles!"

Following the command of the commander, three more containers on the deck of the freighter suddenly unfolded automatically, revealing the missile launcher inside.

At this moment, a strange voice sounded in his command room: "I'm sorry, you have been captured!"

The command center of the Pentagon in the United States, who heard this voice at the same time, completely lost contact with the freighter afterwards!

The urgently mobilized military satellite could only vaguely see that the freighter was still at its original position on the sea.

However, the analysts said in shock: " sinking!"

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