
Chapter 108 One mountain cannot tolerate two tigers

In the Salam Mountains, looking at the busy pioneering crowd from a distance, Mr. Hudson nodded with satisfaction, and the cub squatting on his shoulders followed suit with great interest.

The progress of land reclamation has greatly increased, and the plan to reclaim 20,000 acres of land before spring plowing will most likely be exceeded.

As the lord, Master Hudson is naturally very happy that his men are working so hard. But he couldn't figure out why the cub was so excited.

If you ask, it means that Mr. Bear Stearns is happy; if you ask further, it means that Uncle Bear likes it.

Forget it, you can’t guess what the naughty kid is thinking. A guy who can make himself happy for several days with just a little gadget obviously cannot judge according to normal people's thinking.

Human beings are not forced to reach their limits. Ever since Hudson ordered the security units to be divided into areas to open up wasteland independently, the security guards below quickly followed suit and divided the tasks among each group.

One level at a time, everyone seems to be self-taught in this area, and the tasks are quickly broken down and passed on to the lowest level. The more clear the tasks are down to the lowest level, the harder it is to be lazy.

People from ten households are very familiar with each other. Everyone knows who each other is and who they are.

When it comes to rations, everyone is staring at each other. It is obvious who is doing more work and who is doing less work.

Even if you don't get advanced and get a reward from the lord, you can't be punished for being at the bottom!

The security chief at the top was afraid of being punished, the armor chief in the middle was equally afraid, and the serfs at the bottom were even more afraid. Once you have experienced the feeling of being hungry for a long time, no one wants to try it a second time.

What seemed like a mere five-pound reduction in rations per month was actually a shift from barely eating to being hungry. Even if it were to gain another five pounds, everyone would still be able to eat it all.

In an era when oil and water are scarce, everyone is a big eater. It seems that the young man has a daily supply of 1.5 pounds of grain, but in fact two-thirds of it is miscellaneous grains.

It's not that Hudson was stingy, but that this was the living standard of serfs these days. A lord like him with sufficient supplies of supplies has become the conscience of the lord world.

If you want more food, you have to do more work. For example, the daily supply for miners and blacksmiths in the mines is 1.8 pounds, and other non-staple foods are also higher.

There are skilled master craftsmen and soldiers, and not only the daily ration supply reaches two pounds, but the proportion of staple food has also increased from one-third to two-thirds, and there is even a small amount of wheat supply.

Compared with the initial ration supply, it has now been greatly improved. After all, at the beginning, the food distributed to less people was cooked food, which seemed to be more in quantity. In fact, the food expanded during the cooking process.

After adding one pound of rye and some wild vegetables and leaves, you can easily make two pounds of rye bread. If you add more ingredients, you can make three pounds of rye bread.

Other cereals are slightly worse, but they are all used to fill the stomach, so there is nothing to be picky about.

All difficulties are temporary. The supply of oil and meat is now tight, mainly because the breeding and planting industries have not developed. Merely relying on the meat brought by hunting is naturally a drop in the bucket in the face of a five-digit population.

The expansion speed of the breeding industry is limited, but the accelerated development of the planting industry is very simple. Now, Hudson is preparing to use the newly reclaimed land to grow soybeans, peanuts, flax...

When the oil extraction process is launched, it is estimated that starting from next year, the oil supply in the territory will improve significantly.

Now, just watch from the sidelines. When it comes to experience in opening up wasteland, no working serf has more experience than Mr. Hudson.

Farm tools and livestock are all equipped, and the lord's mission is completed. The rest of the work can be left to the serfs to perform freely. Anyway, in the end, Hudson only cares about the results.

Involution is more capable of bursting productivity, which is now being confirmed. The unscrupulous Mr. Hudson is already preparing to expand and promote this experience.

For example: Grain planting can also be divided into tasks, and then the output can be compared; a grouping mode can also be implemented in the mine, and the output and scrap rate can be directly compared later...

A set of plans to guide his subordinates to involuntarily take shape in Hudson's mind. Once the plan is completed, it will be fully promoted in the territory.

"Master, the iron production capacity data for this month has come out. A total of forty pairs of plate armor, one thousand three hundred and twenty four broadswords, and one thousand three hundred hammers have been produced...

We have already informed the noble gentlemen to come and collect the goods as you asked. We estimate that we will be able to complete half of the previous orders before God descends, and the rest can be shipped out before the spring of next year.

However, several new orders added recently have not been included in the calculation for the time being. According to your wishes, our production sequence always follows the principle of first come, first served.

The number of new orders is not very large and can be completed in about half a month. If nothing else goes wrong, the production task pressure in the mining area will gradually decrease from the beginning of next spring. "

The old housekeeper's words suddenly made Hudson's expression serious. Reduced pressure on production tasks is not a good thing.

Although redundant miners can be sent to open up wasteland without wasting labor, land reclamation is a long-term investment and it is difficult to see benefits in a short period of time.

If this situation continues, the territory's income will inevitably drop significantly next year. For Mr. Hudson, who is heavily in debt, lower returns are undoubtedly dangerous.

Although creditors will not come to collect debts for a while, having money to borrow debt and not having money to borrow debt are two completely different concepts.

The situation has stabilized and there will be no more explosive market trends. Next, our own products must also undergo transformation.

The arms business cannot be given up, but its proportion must be reduced. The main reason is that its own strength is too weak and it can only operate in the low-end market.

The market for serf soldiers seems huge, but in fact there are only a few nobles willing to pay. Most orders were placed after feeling the danger firsthand.

Looking at the distribution of customers, we can see that the nobles of Wright and Wyton counties, who have little money, actually contributed 70% of the weapons orders.

If the Skull and Bones Society hadn't caused trouble in Qiaomu County, scaring the local nobles into hurriedly strengthening their military strength, this ratio would have been even higher.

Relatively speaking, sales of agricultural tools and daily necessities were more balanced. Generally speaking, Wright and Wyton counties are still the main ones, but this is mainly a matter of market development.

Since the outbreak of the Skull and Bones Rebellion, the Salam Mining Area has stopped selling iron to outsiders. Due to the relationship between supply and demand, the price of iron in the southeastern provinces has begun to skyrocket.

There was a doubling in the middle, and even if it fell back in the later period, the price was still 30% higher than before. Even so, the market is still out of stock.

In this context, purchasing finished iron products directly has gradually become a new choice for the lords.

I sit at home and wait for business to come to my door, and there are orders coming in. If I take the initiative to sell goods to others, I think the situation will only be better.

If you want to smoothly survive the decline in orders, which will have an impact on the territory's income, building a sales network and distributing goods throughout the province is undoubtedly the best choice.

There is no doubt that such a network is not easy to build. The only one with a complete commercial network in the southeastern province is the Dalton family's salt sales.

Hudson didn't know how lucrative the profits were. Anyway, the profits of any county were higher than the output of the entire Mountain Territory.

After all, iron products can be replaced by a series of tools such as bronze, pottery, wooden tools, etc., but table salt is irreplaceable.

From the lord to the humblest slave, everyone needs salt. Not only people have to eat it, but even livestock animals have to supplement a small amount of salt.

With 100% rigid demand products and monopoly operations, the final result will naturally be huge profits.

When Hudson sells iron products, he often has to give discounts to big customers, but the Dalton family never offers discounts on salt.

Not only did they refuse to give up profits, they also often added ingredients to the table salt. The low-quality coarse salt consumed by civilians is not only yellow in color, but also sand, soil, sawdust and other attachments can be seen at a glance.

If you want high-quality table salt, no problem, just add money. The quality of refined salt worth two silver coins per pound is much better. Not only are the impurities gone, but the color has also turned white.

If the price continues, one gold coin per pound of magic salt will be in better condition. It is said that it contains a magic active factor, which can slightly increase one's affinity with magic elements after consumption. It has always been a favorite among mages.

As a pseudo-magician, Hudson can solemnly declare that these are false claims.

In theory, it can indeed increase the activity and affinity of elements, but that is only when consumed in large quantities. If you can eat a few pounds of magic salt every day, you can probably increase your affinity by one-tenth or two, but it is only effective at that time.

The question is, how can salt be consumed in large quantities? Putting aside the issue of injured wallets, my body doesn’t allow it either!

I can only say that IQ tax exists in every world. The only difference is that the IQ tax in the Aslant continent only targets wealthy people.

Frankly speaking, with the wide distribution of Koslow family members, it is not difficult to establish a business network.

The problem is that Hudson has always kept in mind one truth - do not do business in partnership with family and friends.

One or two transactions are okay, but in long-term business cooperation, interest friction is inevitable.

If it is not handled properly once, not only will the business be damaged, but also relatives and friends will be ruined.

Relatives and friends are not allowed, let alone other nobles. After all, this is a profitable business. If you give it to outsiders but not to your own people, what will your relatives and friends think?

In fact, even if Hudson is willing to give up his bottom line, it will be very troublesome to find cooperation with his own family. Who gives him many relatives and friends?

Everyone is willing to get involved in profitable business. No matter how you choose whether to give it to someone or not, you will inevitably offend someone in the end.

The best way is to directly organize people to do it yourself. There is no doubt that it is definitely challenging to play direct sales in the feudal era.

Safety is second, and the key lies in talent allocation. There are so many sales staff who may deal with noble lords at any time, and not just cats and dogs can do the job.

"I know, continue to organize production as planned. I will take care of other things."

Hudson replied expressionlessly.

For such a complicated matter, there is no need to bother with a borrowed butler. Identity determines stance. If you bring back some information that you shouldn't know, it will not be a good thing for everyone.

Although immersed in the troubles of building a business network, Hudson still did not ignore the big changes in the outside world.

First, the Alpha Kingdom and the Holy See reached a preliminary reconciliation under the mediation of various countries. According to the information he heard, Hudson summed it up in one sentence:

"We will not hold each other accountable for things in the past; for things in the future, everyone will go their separate ways, and no one should interfere with anyone else."

With such an agreement, whether the Alpha Kingdom will suffer or take advantage, Hudson, who has limited information, cannot make an accurate judgment for the time being.

The only thing that is certain is that the two major forces will not start fighting in the near future, the peaceful years of the Alpha Kingdom can continue, and there is still time for farming in the Mountain Territory.

Another major event is further back than Hudson's life, but its impact is the most practical.

Prince Alex, under the public's expectation, ascended to the throne of the Behemoth Imperial Court.

It is really what everyone expected. In addition to the fierce opposition within the Behemoth Imperial Court, everyone from the Orc Empire to the entire Alpha Kingdom is singing praises for this.

Alex was the first Crown Prince to have such a strong appeal before taking the throne.

It is a good thing for all parties, including the Mountain Territory, that the Behemoth Imperial Court welcomes a debauched crown prince.

At the very least, it is certain that after this person becomes Crown Prince Beamon, the balance of power between the warring faction and the peace faction within the Orc Empire will not be reversed.

"Crown Prince" not only means the heir, but also has great power and influence in the imperial court. If a young and powerful war-minded crown prince is replaced, the Behemoth Imperial Court may change from an anti-war faction to an anti-war faction. Became the main war faction.

The current situation is undoubtedly the best. The elderly Emperor Beamon is unable to lead an army on an expedition, and Crown Prince Alex, who is also in poor health, is also not able to lead an army.

Neither of the two imperial court bosses were suitable to lead an army, and the others were not of sufficient status to compete with the four imperial courts for leadership.

To start a war is to hand over the dominance of the Orc Empire. Driven by interests, it is difficult for the Behemoth Imperial Court to resist the war.

No matter how many years these two guys can persist, it is a rare farming time for Hudson.

If possible, it would be best to keep these two guys alive...

It's embarrassing. One of these two old guys is over three hundred years old, and the other is almost two hundred years old. Judging from their age, their longevity seems inappropriate.

In short, Master Hudson now needs them all alive to maintain the current structure of the Orc Empire. It would be best to live for more than ten or twenty years at a stretch, extending the peaceful years until all the mountain territory is developed.

Against the background of two major events, it was nothing at all for a group of orc slaves to go south.

Although he had never seen what an orc looked like and wanted to see it, Hudson, who was rational, finally held back.

The relationship with the Northern Xinjiang nobles was already very ordinary, and it was very rude for them to take the initiative to come to watch the fun without sending out an invitation.

"Sir, the Sith Baron sent an invitation to invite you to the trade fair held in Dadir City next month."

Looking at the invitation handed over by the servant, Hudson was also speechless. Is this a pillow for someone who feels sleepy, or is it a weasel giving a New Year greeting to a chicken?

Although there is no direct conflict of interest, Hudson and the Sith Baron are indeed hostile forces. The last dispute that occurred in Dadir City pushed both of them to the wall.

Perhaps the Sith Baron was just hot-headed at the time, but there was no regret in the aristocratic world. Once you make a choice, you must live with the consequences.

Dadir City has an advantageous geographical location and convenient transportation. It has always been the commercial capital of the southern region of Southeast Province.

Any lord who takes root here and wants to make a fortune quickly must pay attention to commercial development. Being able to hold back until now, the Sith Baron can be considered calm.

But Hudson was hesitant about whether to support this event. Although he is now interested in what the orc slaves look like, he and the Sith Baron are still hostile forces.

As one of the representatives of the local aristocracy, Hudson had considerable influence among the aristocrats of Wright and Wyton counties. Once you react, it will not only represent yourself, but also affect the choices of some local nobles.

At this time, running to support the Sith Baron is undoubtedly siding with the enemy. Even at a trade fair, it is possible to get new orders, and the one who benefits the most is the other party.

Can I mess up this trade fair just by not participating?

Hudson was very skeptical.

In the final analysis, the two counties of Wright and Wyton, which are recovering their strength, need a commodity trading place to provide transactions for a number of nobles in the two counties.

If possible, Hudson would also like to keep the commodities trading facility on his own turf.

Unfortunately, the mountain territory is too remote. Even the largest iron products production base in the southeastern province has no possibility of becoming a business center.

No matter how strong your personal connections are, if you want customers to buy goods, you have to travel hundreds of miles to save your face!

Deep down in his heart, Hudson had secretly cursed all his fellow nobles as useless people. Dadir City's geographical location is indeed superior, but that does not mean that other people's territories are remote.

In the past, the biggest reason why Dadir City was able to become the commercial center in the southern part of the province was because the former lord was the most powerful noble in the southern region.

Among the two counties, there are many areas that have the opportunity to compete with Dadir City for the commercial center. Although the reputation is not as loud as Dadir City, it does have the innate conditions.

Anyway, everyone is rebuilding now, and no one’s foundation is much stronger than anyone else’s. As long as they plan carefully and are willing to spend money, they can definitely jump out and compete.

It doesn't matter whether he succeeds or not, as long as someone can jump out to cause trouble and cause some trouble for the Sith Baron, it is enough.

If force is not enough, Mr. Hudson is willing to help stand up. He is willing to provide all verbal support as long as his own interests are not involved.

There is no room for two tigers in one mountain, and little Wright County is destined to have room for two powerful dragons. The strong rise of any one company is bound to squeeze out the political resources of another company.

Unfortunately, Hudson was in a competitive relationship with the Sith Baron. Especially in the last conflict, everyone directly put the contradiction on the surface, so there was no need to talk about it.

As for the other nobles in the county, although they all have great ambitions, they are limited by their own strength and will not be able to participate in the competition in the short term.

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