
Chapter 116 The Cake Painting Master

The sky is vast and the earth is vast, and spring plowing is the greatest.

In the era of agricultural economy, all political and economic activities must give way to food production.

With the arrival of the spring plowing season, the originally turbulent situation in the two counties suddenly calmed down.

Hudson didn't have time to continue causing trouble. In fact, he only set up a stage from beginning to end, and the rest of the performance was left to everyone to perform on their own.

The fewer people involved, the smaller the problems exposed will naturally be. If someone hadn't been careful, they probably wouldn't have discovered that Hudson was involved.

Except for adding "Swamp Brand" fertilizer, Hudson never did anything new. The main reason is that they are not familiar with farming technology and dare not give blind orders.

After enjoying the dividends of a wave of chemical fertilizers, Hudson is obviously ready to continue. You must know that the last time spring grain was put into storage, the average rye yield per mu reached an astonishing two hundred and three pounds.

This figure, in an era when the average yield per mu was only 140 to 50 pounds, was simply a huge harvest.

If it weren't for the limited knowledge of the serfs, who only knew that the territory had a good harvest but didn't know the specific output, spreading the news would cause a sensation in the entire Alpha Kingdom.

The spring grain production was originally low, but it actually broke the record. If it was not blessed by the gods, who would believe it?

Just keep quiet and make a fortune, but Hudson won't do this kind of limelight thing.

It would not be a good thing for the nobles in the southeastern provinces if everyone's food crops were to increase.

When the time comes for those guys in Northern Xinjiang to get rid of the shackles of food, the balance of the kingdom will be broken, and a new round of political struggle will inevitably begin.

The order of the kingdom is in chaos, and without the protection of a rule system, the immature mountain territory cannot withstand the wind and rain.

It's okay for a mere two infantry regiments to dominate the county. If left in the whirlpool of the storm, it would be shattered into pieces in an instant.

The staple crops of the plains are rye, potatoes, and a small amount of wheat. The difference is only that this year's seeds are selected large particles.

It was too difficult to cultivate fine varieties, completely beyond the scope of Hudson's knowledge, so he could only use the stupidest method to screen.

How effective it can be depends on the blessing of the Lord of the Dawn. Hudson's expectations were not high. An increase of three to five pounds per acre would be considered a gain.

The newly reclaimed wasteland is all used to grow peanuts, soybeans, flax... and other oil crops.

Even with the use of Marsh brand fertilizer, Hudson still has no yield requirements for the newly reclaimed land and can harvest whatever he can.

The current population and cultivated land area of ​​the mountainous territories are seriously imbalanced. In the next few years, they will have to rely on large-scale external purchases of food to supplement their supply.

This year’s annual plan is to increase the food self-sufficiency rate to one-third.

It’s not that it can’t be higher, it’s mainly that it’s not worth it. Originally, Hudson wanted to rely on fertilizers and abandon the land for fallowing, but after weighing the pros and cons, he was forced to give up.

If the grain output is a little higher, you can still find ways to hide it. Even if everyone is aware of it, no one will care.

After all, the southeastern province is famous as a major grain-producing province. Except for the exception of Hudson, as long as the other territories are cultivated normally, there will be no food shortage.

Even if a large amount of grain is sold to Beidi every year, after the remaining grain is used for personal use, everyone still has a lot of surplus.

I have long been accustomed to abundant grain harvests, and I don’t care if my neighbor harvests three or five pounds more.

But if the fallow system is broken, it will be different. It will attract countless eyes in an instant. Once it is discovered that there is a way to maintain production without leaving crops fallow, Hudson cannot even imagine the scene.

The sowing work went very smoothly. Everyone's focus was on their own fields, and no one had time to make trouble.

Even if Baron Caillot entered the Fallen Leaf Territory during spring plowing, it did not cause any ripples in the outside world, as if everything was in order.

After more than ten days of busy work, smoothing out the affairs in the territory, everyone's attention focused on Baron Cayo.

For a time, it was crowded with guests, and there was an endless stream of nobles visiting every day.

None of this has anything to do with Hudson. Other people's territories have been busy, and the busyness of the mountain territory has just begun.

In the mining area, the year is very busy, and ordinary workers only get two or three days off a month, basically every ten days off, and they have to take turns.

Even the busiest spring plowing has not affected the production of the mining area. Mr. Hudson, who had abundant labor, had no idea of ​​letting workers work in the fields.

The biggest change was in land reclamation. It took several months of hard work last year to open up 33,000 acres of mountainous land, which was obviously not enough to satisfy Mr. Hudson's appetite.

This year’s goal is much more ambitious than last year’s. As early as the beginning of the year, Hudson had shouted the slogan of "opening up 100,000 acres of wasteland".

When the noble Lord shouts, the people below will run away and break their legs.

In order to prevent the land reclamation of 100,000 acres from becoming a joke, Hudson also made corresponding plans.

It is necessary to split the tasks into separate guarantees. After several months of hard work, the serfs were accustomed to assigning tasks.

The most important thing is the reward for over-completion of tasks. In order to mobilize everyone's enthusiasm, Hudson generously announced that one-third of the excess cultivated land would be used as "public land."

The property rights naturally belonged to Mr. Hudson, but the income generated from this part of the "public land" could be divided among the serfs who should be "protected".

Specifically, that part of the land is regarded as public land and will certainly not be designated. How could the thief Mr. Hudson be treated differently?

Taking care of your own land is definitely more careful than taking care of other people's land. If it is really divided, it is certain that the grain output in the public field area will definitely be leveraged.

Therefore, the income from public fields is calculated based on the average yield of all mountainous areas. After deducting the farming costs, the additional income is distributed to everyone.

Such a complicated calculation method obviously embarrasses the serfs. However, as the lowest level of society, everyone still understands one thing - they can share more food.

The most important thing is that this is not an extra distribution, but a part of the food that can be distributed in addition to the daily rations every year during the harvest.

Work hard for a year and share the food for a lifetime. Good things like this don't happen often.

The guy who originally thought Mr. Hudson was the greediest vampire suddenly lowered his head in shame. It is so undeserved. How can you criticize the most generous lord in the world?

Although everyone has been busy all year after following Mr. Hudson, the food standards are also rising!

In particular, Mr. Hudson never added stones, sawdust, soil... these unpalatable things to his bread.

If you eat well, you will naturally spend a lot of money. It's okay to work a little more.

Besides, the work in the fields is limited after all. Land reclamation is nothing new. Everyone has heard of the memories passed down orally from the older generation.

The noble master's territory is not unlimited. Anyway, he will only be busy for a few years. When the land is cultivated, he will naturally be able to relax.

Everyone yearns for a better life, and Hudson, who succeeded in painting the cake, quickly calmed the turbulent hearts of the serfs.

Everyone is thinking about a better life in the future. It's just that they subconsciously forgot that the size of Master Hudson's territory was obviously abnormal.

These are all minor problems, and the extra food will be distributed later, which will be enough to appease everyone's dissatisfaction.

In this regard, Hudson is definitely not stingy. The more he distributes to his younger brothers, the more he, the boss, will get.

Not only the serfs were given cakes, but also the miners and blacksmiths on the mountain received similar incentive "cakes".

As long as the task is exceeded, the rewards will be huge. As for the difficulty of the task, as long as the "pie" is enough, is it still a problem?

The only ones who couldn't win were probably the orc slaves. Even after months of training, only a few orcs have mastered a few simple words.

"Eat", "work", "sleep", "get up"...

If you want to communicate, just play the piano to a group of animals. His IQ is not necessarily comparable to...

There is no way to give an example. Although the IQ of animals is not very good, once they become monsters, their IQ will rise steadily.

Just look at the bears you raise at home and you will know that their IQ is definitely far higher than that of humans of the same age.

The little bear, who is less than three years old, can actually command people to milk cows and sheep, and can also fake orders from Hudson to ask soldiers to find honey for it.

In the end, there was no other way. In order to satisfy the cubs' food rations, the mountain territories had to start beekeeping.

He went to raise bees without any experience or technical reserves. Even Hudson admired his courage.

Fortunately, you don't need to do it yourself, otherwise you won't be able to see the honey, and the bees will become extinct first.

In fact, the situation is similar. Master Hudson is inexperienced, and the serfs below are equally inexperienced. Everyone is accustomed to eating wild honey and has no idea of ​​beekeeping.

But due to the appetite of the cub, I had to start from scratch and slowly accumulate experience in practice.

If it succeeds, a new industry will be added; if it fails, it will just be a waste of labor, and the "bear" will be responsible for paying the salary anyway.

This is a special cooperation model that Hudson figured out after constant contact with the cubs and summing up countless experiences.

Bear Stearns worked for him and had to pay wages; on the other hand, the bear himself had to be responsible for his daily expenses and training needs.

No one suffers, and no one takes advantage.

As of now, Uncle Xiong has owed a huge debt of five figures to Hudson. And, this number is still rising.

According to the rules agreed upon by both parties, Uncle Xiong's charging standard of one gold coin per slap would require tens of thousands of bear slaps to pay off the debt.

If a sustained war does not break out, it is estimated that this debt will most likely evolve into a series in our lifetime.

But Bear Stearns is not worried at all. The price for selling it now is low because he has not reached adulthood. After you reach adulthood, the charging standards are different.

Unfortunately, although the cub's strength is gradually improving, its physical development is still at the level of a normal bear. However, the unscrupulous Mr. Hudson is also a master who accepts death and follows the rules of the Earth Bear clan.

Body shape represents strength, and any excess will not be recognized. Anyway, after so many thousands of years, there is only one exception: Bear Stearns, so there is no need to be special.

With the help of a great deception, Bear Stearns signed a new cooperation agreement in a daze and became a working bear from then on.

If it weren't for the loss of face, Uncle Xiong would have quit working long ago. According to the mutual aid agreement signed at the beginning, food and accommodation are included, and the degree of freedom is high.

Now the relationship between the two parties is truly equal. It's just that food and clothing are all calculated in accordance with prevailing price standards.

Of course, the ultimate reason for not regretting it is that Xiong Sheng has not changed much.

You should eat, drink, and sleep. As long as you don't think about it so much, debt is just a bunch of numbers.

It is impossible to work to pay off debts. Bear Stearns is not a diligent bear. Providing safety protection for creditors is its greatest contribution.

Anyway, no matter how the debt changes, it is impossible to abuse the bodyguard, and Xiong's living standard is guaranteed.

Warcraft knows that there are pros and cons, and they choose the lifestyle that is most beneficial to them. In comparison, the IQ of the orcs is really worrying.

Of course, this is also because Hudson has a bunch of garbage orcs under his command, which represents the lower limit of orcs.

The highly intelligent race that represents the upper limit among orcs is no less powerful than humans. It's a pity that these highly intelligent orc races not only have good brains, but also have strong strength.

In Dadir City, Baron Sith had finished his work in the territory and was free to think about how to deal with the relationship with the mountain territory next.

He was playing with a pair of golden horses in his hands, but accidentally used too much force, and the golden horses revealed their true colors.

It turned out that it was just plated with gold on the outside but made of pig iron on the inside. No wonder he felt something was wrong when he held it in his hand.

"Hudson, you stingy evil spirit! You don't even know how to give gifts to others, and you don't have to worry about embarrassing yourself with such junk..."

The Sith Baron was so angry that he couldn't help but curse. He was so bullying. He wrapped a layer of gold on the iron and dared to send it as a gift. It was clear that he didn't take him seriously.

"Master, take a closer look at the golden horse to see if there are any mechanisms or handwriting on it.

Baron Hudson was no dull man. Whether it's to show you goodwill or to anger you, I will never send you this kind of golden horse that means nothing. "

Butler Phelan reminded.

These are all experiences accumulated over the years. Hudson and Sith each represent the interests of different camps, and their identities are not suitable for private friendship.

Whether you want to ease the relationship or make trouble. Then you should also give something with symbolic meaning, at least it should be understandable.

What does it mean to give a pair of gold horses as a gift?

Are you a warrior?

Looking carefully at the iron horse in his hand, Baron Sith finally found a few lines of small writing under the horse's belly. The originally gloomy expression finally slowly softened.

"You guessed it right, Hudson really wants to ease the relationship with us. But it's not an ordinary relaxation of relations, but tight on the outside and loose on the inside.

According to his wishes, on the surface our two families are still going to continue to quarrel. But to control the scale of the conflict, it is best to keep the conflict in words.

It seemed that the arrival of Baron Cayo really put a lot of pressure on him. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have thought of acting with us.

In theory, this should be a good thing. But now I am hesitant about whether to cooperate with him or not.

There were so many smart people in the two counties, and they had been making trouble for so many months, but the only one who never suffered a loss was the mountain baron.

Looking at every move he makes, it seems that he is forced to do it, but in fact, is it not that he is deliberately guiding?

Although easing the relationship between the two families now can greatly reduce our pressure. But I’ve been led by the nose all the time, I’m afraid…”

It's not that Sith lacks determination, it's just that he suffered too much in the past, and now facing Hudson, he can't help but be more cautious.

"Master, it doesn't matter whether Baron Hudson has other plans. The key is whether easing the relationship at this moment is really beneficial to us.

As long as it is in our interests, even if he has other plans, we don't need to delve into them.

The arrival of Baron Caillot weakened his appeal to the local nobility. Perhaps this had little impact on Hudson's military strength, but the political impact was enough for him to bear.

Taking counterattack is also a matter of course. As for Baron Caillot, our origins in the Dalton family make us destined to be two people. "

The old man analyzed calmly.

After all, he had been with the Grand Duke of Kavadia. His abilities may not be outstanding, but his vision was not comparable to that of ordinary people.

People's hearts are the most unpredictable. It is really difficult to fully understand the other party's calculations.

Instead of blindly guessing, it's better to just ignore it. As long as it is in your own interests, you can cooperate, otherwise you will destroy it.

Not making decisions based on one's own preferences is an essential quality for a mature noble.

After a moment of silence, the Sith Baron nodded slowly: "You are right, I really shouldn't think too much.

It seems that I came to the right place this time when I went south. If I hadn't met so many opponents and suffered so many losses, I wouldn't have discovered that I had so many shortcomings.

This mountain baron is not simple!

A few days ago, they were having a lot of trouble with us, but now that the situation has changed, they can come over to show their goodwill, as if nothing had happened.

I am ashamed of myself for just this ability to change my face.

With this kind of character, coupled with his terrifying luck, it would be difficult to suppress this person. "

The deep fear was palpable, which was the aftermath of the orc slave incident. Although Hudson tried to reduce his presence as much as possible, so many serfs entered the mountain territory, but he could not deceive anyone.

Without spending a single gold coin, a new market was opened, the desired labor force was obtained, and the northern Xinjiang aristocratic camp was divided. It would be impossible for the Sith Baron not to be afraid of such an opponent.

"Master, if you can't hold it back, then don't hold it back! Luck can't always be with you, and some things are destined not to be rushed.

After a few years, look back. You will find that most of the influential figures of the past have been reduced to the dust of history, but a group of seemingly ordinary guys are standing at the end.

The Grand Duke had encountered similar opponents before. But these lucky people can be prosperous for ten or twenty years, but it is difficult for them to be prosperous for a lifetime.

To deal with such people, we need to make arrangements slowly. If the young master is willing, it can be arranged now.

When a small noble rises, what they lack most is talent. Within their circle, it is simply impossible to collect enough talents.

Therefore, after development reaches a certain level, foreign talents will inevitably be introduced, and we can definitely arrange people there.

In the short term, it is difficult for these people to gain trust. But after extending the time to ten or twenty years... the situation is different.

Time is the easiest to deceive people, and constant success is the easiest to get lost. When all the luck is exhausted, the foundation will be overturned.


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