
Chapter 118 Big Deal

The dead lizard beast was not wasted. After being salvaged, they were all wholesaled to Baron Caillaux.

No one who can play magic is a poor man, and some are just struggling with their capital. There is never a shortage of sales for magic materials.

More than forty lizard beasts were sold for eight hundred gold coins, and Hudson was very satisfied.

If Baron Kayo hadn't happened to appear, these ugly, stinking monsters would have most likely entered the stomachs of the orc slaves.

It's a pity that I forgot to ask Bear Stearns to catch the live ones. According to Baron Caillot, the price of a live lizard beast can triple.

The main reason why it can be sold at such a price is that the swamp is a forbidden area for humans. Even if one organizes manpower to go deep into the swamp, it will be difficult to pull these guys out from the depths of the quagmire.

Luxurious magical research, Hudson has no interest in participating. If you have this spare time, you might as well learn bear magic from Bear Stearns.

Instantaneous casting that does not require spells is much more efficient than human magic. It's all cheating anyway, so naturally you have to open it a little wider.

If he wasn't too young, he could go out and pretend to be a magician with this instant magic.

The main thing that limits the improvement of Hudson's spellcasting level is lack of mental strength. You can rely on plug-ins for magic power, but your mental power is your own.

Theoretically speaking, if you don't have enough mental power to control magic, you can also forcefully release more powerful magic, but you just need to bear the backlash caused by losing control of magic.

Hudson is timid and has stopped all attempts to commit suicide since he accidentally burned his clothes when he unleashed Fire Dance in the Sky last time.

Fortunately, Mantian Huowu's level is not high. If he were to learn to release the forbidden spell regardless of life and death, he would probably become "another" person who was killed by his own magic.

If you have the mental power of an intermediate magician, then you should be an intermediate magician. You only have one life, there is no need to risk your own life just to show off.

"Intermediate Knight + Intermediate Magician + Divine Archer".

With such strength, among his peers, Hudson can be regarded as the top talent.

There are more powerful geniuses, but they all exist in myths and legends. In the real world, it still requires a certain amount of "logic".

No matter how great your talent is, it still takes time to transform into strength. Strong men are tempered in blood and fire, and the flowers in the greenhouse cannot withstand wind and rain.

After seeing off Baron Caillaux, Hudson secretly considered the gains and losses of this meeting.

The matter of large-scale land reclamation cannot be kept secret. If it is exposed, it will be exposed.

The Dalton family is not short of land. It is only tens of thousands of acres of mountain land, but it is not enough to attract anyone's attention.

It's just that the plan to increase food production must be temporarily interrupted. Especially for land in plain areas, Marsh brand fertilizers can no longer be used there.

A good harvest of food one year can be said to be accidental. Grain production increases greatly every year, which cannot be explained by chance.

As long as interested people continue to pay attention, the increase in grain production will eventually be linked to the Marsh Brand fertilizer.

On the contrary, the newly opened mountainous areas can continue to be used. As long as the amount of use is limited and the grain output is slightly lower than that of the plain areas, there will be no big problem.

The land in hilly areas is not static, and the soil quality is different in different regions. If fertile soil happens to be developed, then the food output will be slightly lower than that of the plains.

Maybe we should plant more soybeans, flax, potatoes... and other crops that don't pick on the ground. Even if you charge a little more, it will not arouse suspicion.

No matter what crops are planted, nothing will be wasted. In such a large mountain territory, except for the lord Hudson, who is qualified to be picky about food, everyone else eats whatever they can.

Potatoes serve as the staple food, so it’s no big deal. As long as it fills your stomach, it's not a problem.

The more vegetable oil, the better. Whether it is adding oil and water in the stomachs of the people, or processing soap, it is a big consumer of oil. No matter how much soybeans are, it can be consumed.

Even the residue left over from the oil extraction can be used to feed livestock, and some orc races with good stomachs can also digest it without any waste.

If you grasp the importance of it, even if it spreads, people will only sigh that Baron Hudson is lucky and can find fertile soil even when opening up wasteland.

Some people find that swamp mud is used, and it can also be deduced that the soil layer of newly reclaimed wasteland is too thin and needs to be thickened.

Naturally, someone will help with the rest of the content. Even if something is unreasonable, others will find ways to help rationalize it.

Although "good luck" hats are easy to envy and hate, the benefits brought by this thing are also very amazing.

After experiencing many things, everyone will get used to it. No matter what good thing happened to Hudson, everyone would think it was normal.

If you don’t believe it, just go back and read the history books left by your ancestors. The “legendary figures” mentioned above all had more magical careers than the last.

From the beginning, Hudson has deliberately deepened the mark of "good luck", causing many people to attribute his success to luck and blocking many unnecessary troubles.

No one is willing to ask for trouble. When meeting someone who is particularly lucky, even if a normal person does not take the initiative to make friends with him, he will not deliberately offend him.

Fortunately, Baron Caillaux is a magician. His focus is always on magic and he is not interested in worldly technological levels.

Otherwise, if you go and join the steel-making furnace, the biggest secret of the Mountain Territory will be exposed. For a long time in the future, mining areas will be the most important industry in the mountainous territory, and technology must not be leaked.

After all, there are still too few talents, not even one who can discuss major matters. Even if Hudson mobilized all his contacts and asked everyone to help search for some management talents, he still had little effect in the end.

Really talented people are basically monopolized by the big nobles. Occasionally, a few are born, and those are among the noble children. Unless the family is completely destroyed, they will not be able to dig them out at all.

The core reason is that mountain collars are not attractive enough to talents. With Hudson's current wealth, if he wants to recruit talents to join him, it is not as useful as wearing a "good luck" hat on his head.

Good luck is a necessary condition for the bottom nobles to successfully counterattack.

For those descendants of down-and-out nobles who are in a desperate situation and want to make a comeback, it is also a good choice to bet on potential stocks that have not yet emerged.

Baron Cayo, who was carrying a group of lizard beast corpses on the road, his face turned gloomy as soon as he left the mountain territory. It was as if the previous conversations were very pleasant, and they were all shown deliberately.

"Master, what happened?"

The accompanying butler asked.

Although acting is a basic skill for nobles, there are not many times when they need to perform so hard. Theoretically speaking, Hudson, who was in the stage of primitive accumulation of capital, should not be worthy of such treatment.

"It's nothing, I just feel a little uncomfortable after being treated differently.

That Baron Hudson is not simple. We must re-evaluate him. His real ability is much more terrifying than what is shown in the data.

After returning, he sent someone to tell the count: I suspect that the bear of the earth is about to reach adulthood, or has already reached adulthood.

Ability and luck coexist, and this kind of existence is not easy to deal with. From now on, we will raise the highest level of attention to the Mountain Territory and pay special attention to this person's suspicious behavior.

If possible, place as many spies as possible in the mountainous areas, and we must not let them escape our sight. "

Baron Cayo said with a solemn expression.

seeing is believing.

After personal contact, he discovered that the descriptions in the information were not only not exaggerated, but even underestimated in some places.

The basic skills of dealing with others seem very simple, but not many people can use them freely before being tempered by society.

During this trip to the Mountain Territory, it seemed that he had seen everything. In fact, Baron Caillot had not seen anything of value.

Everything he comes into contact with is what the other party wants him to see. There are many difficulties in opening up wasteland, many dangers in swamp development, and difficult road construction...all are difficulties.

Most people would probably be fooled, but after experiencing the baptism of the old foxes in the royal capital, Baron Cayo was no longer a simple young man.

Since they are all difficult, why should we spend a lot of money and effort to develop them?

The manpower, material resources, and financial resources consumed by the development of the territory were invested in the battle for county guards. The mountain territory had already suppressed the Sith Baron.

Before knowing that the position of county governor has been decided, normal people would choose the position of county governor where they can see benefits in the short term.

It's better to develop the territory slowly. Anyway, the land lies wherever it is, and it won't get lost.

All kinds of abnormalities fell into the eyes of Baron Caillot, which led him to come to the conclusion that Hudson had predicted in advance that this battle for county governor would fail.

There is no specific information, and just based on the apparent political situation of the kingdom, one can predict the outcome of the game between the parties and the final decision of the royal capital. How can this be a political novice?

Including the fact that Hudson didn't let the bear hunt down the lizard beast king, it also became in his eyes: restraining desires and being good at hiding his own strength.

He is full of advantages, and if he becomes an enemy, it will definitely be the most terrifying thing.

As the overlord of the southeastern province, he would naturally be wary of such a figure appearing in his sphere of influence.

"Young Master, there is no need to worry too much. The Earl has actually made arrangements a long time ago. Next, we can send him to Qingyun, and we can also push him off the cliff.

As a chess piece, if you don't have any strength, how can you destroy the Felix family's plan for us?

After all, Wright County is still too small. Even if Baron Hudson sees through everything, he still has to fight with Baron Sith.

If they can maintain restraint now, it's just your arrival that makes them feel the pressure.

The calm is temporary. When the young master's plan in Wyton County is launched, they will definitely take the opportunity to decide the outcome. "

In Maple Leaf Collar, Baron Keterai felt his scalp numb when he saw the menacing creditors coming. It seems that this business is really difficult to do.

In the end, he still couldn't show off his debt-paying attitude. Caitley could only smile and cry while explaining how difficult it was to sell orc slaves.

It's a pity that there is a group of slave traders across the street. People who engage in this kind of unscrupulous business can have everything except sympathy.

"Caitley, that's about it. We have a rough idea of ​​who you are. Who are you trying to fool with these useless performances?

If there weren't enough benefits, would you take the deal?

Now that you have accepted this deal, you naturally have to bear the risks involved. Regardless of whether you take the slave for your own use or resell it, the agreed amount cannot be less.

Don't try to trick me here. It's okay if you don't want to pay me. For your father's sake, as long as you take off one arm, I will let you go. "

The middle-aged man's smiling words made Keterai feel like he had fallen into an ice cave. A creditor asks for an arm. With so many creditors in front of him, wouldn't it mean that all the parts on his body are stripped away?

It just so happens that these guys are not the ones joking. If you say you want to remove an arm, then you really know how to remove the arm.

As for his father's face, it does play a role. But the premise is that interests cannot be involved, otherwise the face of nodding acquaintance will not be enough at all.

"Roman Knight, my arm is not worth that much money. You have been so busy, risking your life to go deep into the Orc Empire to catch slaves, and you have paid such a high price. You can't just breathe a sigh of relief, right?

Although I couldn't pay in cash, what I used to pay off the debt were iron products. These things are commonplace no matter where they are.

As long as you transport things back to the Northland, whether you keep them at home for your own use or sell them, you don't have to worry about losing them.

Even if the quantity is a bit large, it can still be smuggled to the Orc Empire. I have also been there and know how profitable it is.

If I didn't do such a hugely profitable business, I would have lost a lot of money if I had to take off one of my arms. "

Baron Kettle tried to persuade.

Smuggling iron products to the Orc Empire is indeed profitable enough, but the risks hidden in it are also directly proportional to the profits that can be harvested.

The kingdom may not care about the smuggling of some ordinary commodities, but supervision of strategic materials such as iron tools still exists.

Once caught, not to mention the entire family being implicated, the participants will definitely be left in the cold.

"So, we still need to thank you for taking care of us?

Since it’s all about taking care of you, then you might as well take care of it to the end!

You will personally escort these iron products into the Orc Empire and give us the profits in exchange.

Don't worry, we won't treat you badly, and you will get a share of the increased profits. "

The Roman knight said with a sneer.

"Roman is right. Caitley, if you want to take care of us so much, then why don't you go there yourself!

Don't worry, we will help take care of your territory. There will be absolutely no room for chaos on your days out.

When it comes to doing business, you are still the best at skinning. Even if you leave the Northland, your name still exists in the Orc Empire. "

The eagle-eyed old man on the side said after finishing his attack.

When he heard the words "skin-picking beast", Baron Kettle just wanted to cry. Wasn't it just to save a little, a group of unscrupulous guys gave him this title?

It's like being a profiteer.

You must know that Kaitele's business in the Orc Empire has always been a business without capital. Completely followed the rules, never...

"Knight of Purple Mountain, this joke is not funny. If I were to take these iron weapons deep into the Orc Empire, I'm afraid everyone would really lose their money.

There are so many tribes on the orc border, which one doesn’t have my wanted order?

Even if you really come to do business, I'm afraid people won't believe it. If a fight breaks out on someone else's territory, it will be difficult to escape unscathed. "

It was all caused by his youth and ignorance. In order to complete the primitive accumulation in the Orc Empire as soon as possible, Baron Ketley used ruthless methods.

Unfortunately, he was unlucky and offended someone he shouldn't have offended. The purpose of going south this time was not only to gain a piece of property, but also to avoid disaster.

"Okay, you two, stop teasing him. It scares our skin-picking beast, as if we are going to skin him.

So be it, Kettle. As long as you introduce the mountain baron who supplies the goods to us and help us broker a big business, we will accept the goods. "

The gentle voice sounded, and cold sweat broke out on Baron Kettle's forehead. Obviously, the man who spoke now is the most terrifying existence among creditors.

"Sir Longxi, I can introduce you to the Mountain Baron. But I can't guarantee whether the next business deal can be concluded.

This guy is very difficult to deal with and only has interests in his eyes. I am not very familiar with him and cannot influence his decision..."

"If you are not familiar with each other, how can you cooperate so many times? If the relationship is not good, can he help you take over that batch of garbage at a fair price?

Kaitley, you should know that I hate deception the most. Things have come to this point, and you don't want to be cunning.

Having facilitated this big deal, hello to you, me, and everyone.

If you screw up this deal, I can guarantee you will regret coming into this world.

Don't blame us for being ruthless, you actually brought it to your doorstep. If it weren't for your greed, I wouldn't be in this situation.

I was originally prepared for you to run away and collect debts from your father, but I didn't expect that you still had some luck and were able to play checkmate alive! "

Long Xi's words completely stopped Keteli from struggling. After doing it for a long time, they were already prepared, but he was just a pawn.

Recalling that before he came up with the idea of ​​monopolizing orc slaves, he seemed to have heard someone say more than once: How does the monopoly business make money, and how high are the prices of human slaves...

I heard it inadvertently every time. I originally thought it was a coincidence, but now it seems that it was arranged by others, just waiting for him to fall into the trap.

But he was blinded by profit at that time, thinking that as long as he monopolized the orc slaves, he would not worry about making big money.

Coupled with the constant persuasion from his cronies, he actually ignored it and directly gambled all his wealth.

Looking back now, that was so stupid. Only the benefits were seen, and even the word "risk" was ignored.

At this point, it's too late to regret. The opponent had laid such a big trap, and it was obviously impossible for him to escape.

"Lord Longhi, I don't know what Katele's virtues or talents are, but I have the honor to trouble you so much.

If you just want to trade with the Mountain Baron, you can just go there. As far as I know, that guy can do any business as long as he has enough money.


Before Keterai could finish his words, Long Xi interrupted: "Okay, boy, there's no need to waste time testing.

If I lay it out specifically for you, your face would be too big. It's just an idle move, you jumped in on your own because of your greed.

In comparison, the mountain baron was much smarter. Seems greedy, but always sticks to the bottom line. People who don't deserve their own profits can bear not to make any profit.

I designed that guy several times, but unfortunately he was avoided all the time. Now I don't have time to waste any more, so I can only find you, a guy with a little connection, to be the matchmaker. "

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