
Chapter 120 Talent is rare

Hudson, who felt his character was insulted, decisively rejected the man in purple. Money can be earned at any time, but dignity cannot...

you get what you pay for.

Three hundred thousand gold coins were all used to purchase inferior weapons. The quantity that could be purchased was simply too huge.

Once displaced, tracing the source of weapons production is as simple as eating and drinking.

There is no law in the Kingdom of Alpha that prohibits the sale of weapons. But reason told Hudson that he should restrain himself when it was time to restrain himself.

If these guys cause big trouble with these weapons, and the kingdom investigates and finds that they were sold by the Mountain Territory, big shots may not always be reasonable when expressing their anger.

"Baron Hudson, don't refuse in a hurry. Since ancient times, if you want to make huge profits, you have to take risks.

Your Excellency only needs to sell the weapons to Baron Kellett. You and we don't have to know each other at all, or we have never met. "

If there was a better choice, Longxi would not want to go all the way to the southeastern province to make this deal. In fact, most of the weapons production in the kingdom is in the hands of big forces.

Although there is a lot of iron ore scattered in the hands of small and medium-sized nobles, the production capacity is extremely limited. Even if there is an occasional large mine, no one dares to get involved in the arms trade.

Hudson is purely an alternative. In addition to the original munitions, a new hole was opened.

Because of the poor quality, it seems that the arms trade in the Mountain Territory is booming, but it has not had a big impact on the traditional weapons market.

Serf soldiers can be used because they are weak in physical strength and do not have high performance requirements for weapons.

If a knight charges into battle with inferior weapons produced by the Mountain Territory, he will definitely be irresponsible for his own life.

A violent collision may cause chips and cracks, and a few more rounds of fighting may cause it to be scrapped.

Without deeply touching the interests of vested interests, the arms trade in the Mountain Territory has been able to continue until now.

So much so that now, in the Alpha Kingdom, apart from the big forces, the only other person with mass production of weapons and equipment is Hudson.

"Sorry, this kind of deal is not something I can afford. If you really want to buy it, you should go find those companies!

Three hundred thousand gold coins is a huge deal here. As far as they were concerned, it was just an ordinary transaction.

If an accident happens, they can handle it. Unlike a small person like me, I have to think twice before making a purchase of more than 3,000 gold coins. "

Hudson has never been able to resist profitable business. He was really timid about taking an order worth 300,000 gold coins.

If someone is willing to split it into smaller units, Hudson wouldn't mind taking a piece of the pie. The production capacity of the mining area continues to expand, and a few small orders can be completed secretly, and the past can be covered up.

Those engaged in this kind of business must pay great attention to confidentiality, and the possibility of being exposed in a short time is unlikely.

The future was discovered, and Baron Kellett took the blame. For a small order worth several thousand gold coins, it makes perfect sense not to trace the identity of the buyer behind the scenes.

"Since you are so worried, let's consider it an order of three thousand gold coins. If there are one hundred such transactions now, how long will it take Baron Hudson to complete it at the earliest?"

Long Xi asked expressionlessly.

If you split it up, split it up. The worst thing you can do is arrange some more vests. As long as he can achieve his goal, he doesn't care how the transaction is conducted.

"One year!"

“This is the most ideal situation. If there is a rainy year, the construction period may be delayed to a year and a half.

Taking into account other factors, the actual construction period will be longer. In order to avoid unnecessary delays, this order may take three to five years.

If you are in a hurry and don't want to get into trouble, I suggest you split your order into smaller pieces and place orders with different suppliers at the same time. "

Hudson replied slightly hesitantly.

Hudson himself was almost moved by pushing the orders that were delivered to his door and taking this into account for his customers.

It's not that he can't complete it alone, but his reason tells him that it's better not to go it alone for such a big deal with unknown origins.

If all the arms dealers in the kingdom have a role, it means that all major forces have been dragged down. No matter how big the trouble is, no one dares to make a fuss about this issue.

"It's too slow. Can you speed it up? If Baron Hudson can complete the order within half a year, we can give you an additional 10,000 slaves..."

Before Longsi could finish his words, Hudson interrupted: "It's a pity that this is an impossible task.

If you want to forge so many weapons within half a year, you have to concentrate all the iron ore in the entire southeastern province. I don't have the ability.

It is impossible for any weapons manufacturer in the kingdom to produce so many weapons and equipment within half a year. Unless you have the ability to persuade several companies to join forces.

As for slave gifts, there is no need for them. There is no shortage of labor in the mountain collar, and only cash transactions are accepted. "

As he spoke, Hudson's tone gradually became colder. From the person's secretive behavior, it can be seen that there is definitely something wrong with this deal.

Northland accent + huge weapons purchase order, but also choose inferior weapons to buy. With such an obvious flaw, I just had to tell him directly. Does anyone want to cause trouble in Northern Xinjiang?

Why is it so urgent?

Delay it for ten or twenty years, and when Mr. Hudson is ready, he will come over to discuss this deal without any hesitation.

If the fight started now, Hudson would have no chance of escaping unscathed. Under the general trend, the weak mountain territory simply cannot withstand the impact of the huge waves.

Not enough words to speculate.

The purpose of the person's arrival was guessed, and the ensuing negotiation quickly ended unhappily.

At one point, Hudson had the idea of ​​reporting these guys, but in the end he suppressed it. If there is no righteousness in buying and selling, how can one do such unjust things?

On the way back, Baron Kellett's legs kept trembling. If possible, he would prefer to live in the mountains.

Although Hudson was very annoying, these guys obviously didn't have time to penetrate the newly emerged mountain territory.

Unlike the unlucky guy like him, who had buried countless nails in his hands, he didn't have the confidence to fall out with these guys even though he was in his own territory.

Everything was caused by youth and frivolousness. If he had kept a lower profile in the North and done fewer important things, he wouldn't have been noticed.

"Okay, kid. Don't expect to act stupid in front of me and try to fool me.

Now that things have not been done, the original agreement is naturally void. Give you two options:

Either join us, overthrow this dark order, and shape an era that belongs to us.

Or you can solve it yourself, so that we don't have to do anything and you can't bear the pain. "

Long Xi said coldly.

It can be seen from the sharp eyes that he wants to kill someone at this moment. Although the consequences of killing a noble are not small, it is nothing compared to what they want to do.

"You are a mess..."

When the words came to his lips, Baron Kellett hurriedly swallowed them back. Under everyone's murderous gazes, he quickly said, "I'll join!"

Only those who have walked on the edge of life and death know how precious life is.

Although the great cause of the mysterious organization in front of me seems to have no bright future at first glance, at least I can still live for now.

As for the future, that is something that living talents need to consider.

"Very good, I like smart people best. I believe you won't do stupid things, but the process still needs to be followed.

The pledge is very simple. I don’t care whether you steal, rob or buy. In short, according to the requirements above, one-third of the armaments will be raised within half a year.

I can reimburse you for the expenses, but the task must be completed.

I will have clear rewards and punishments in July. If you exceed the target, you will be rewarded heavily. Many things that are rare in the market can be obtained within the organization.

You should know what the consequences will be if you fail to complete the task! "

Long Xi laughed.

His face changed so quickly, it was as if he was a different person. Just thinking of this person's nickname of "Smiling Lion", Kelette couldn't be happy and immediately asked tentatively:

"Sir, will the Shandi leader let it go?"

Kellett is very familiar with the rumors about the mysterious organization "July Meeting". It is said that once targeted by this organization, they will never give up until they achieve their goals.

Even the great nobles are wary of this mysterious organization. It's not that they can't beat these guys, it's mainly that they're hidden too deep and no one knows their true identities.

Just like now, if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Baron Kellett wouldn't be able to believe that a group of slave traders were actually members of this organization.

You must know that these guys are not without origins. They are all descendants of the nobles of the North. According to common sense, it is impossible for them to join an evil organization that attempts to subvert the rule of the aristocracy.

"If you don't let it go, what else can you do?

Lead people to kill them and kill them?

The few soldiers you have are not enough to fight!

What's more, this guy is also a smart man. He seemed to reject us, but in fact he gave us ideas.

Although it's a little troublesome, I can still get things together by scraping together.

It is not necessary to purchase weapons directly. You can also buy some pig iron and arrange for it to be forged manually. It's for those beasts anyway, so there's no need to consider quality.

As long as he doesn't report it, the connections will continue to be maintained and may be used again. "

Long Xi said rather fearfully.

After all, this is not Northland, not their home ground. Baron Kellett was mainly shocked by their reputation in the North, and was frightened for a while.

If they really turned against each other directly, they might not be able to please them in the face of three hundred elite soldiers.

It would be even more troublesome to deal with the stronger mountain leaders. If the July Meeting had the ability to mobilize troops and quietly wipe out the mountain territory, there would be no need to hide in secret.

In the Mountain Territory, since sending away the uninvited guests, Hudson has tightened the security in the territory.

In addition to vigorous drills for the two standing regiments, young men and women are often assigned to military training in Baojia units.

For these reserve forces, Hudson adopted the standard feudal system training model-one exercise every ten days.

According to the work and rest schedule established by Hudson, reserve soldiers work eight days out of ten, rest one day, and drill one day.

In order to mobilize everyone's enthusiasm, the training day is also a meat day, and only on this day can you eat meat.

There is no doubt that the better your performance in training, the more meat you can eat.

You have to take exams at work, and you also have to take exams during training. Except during the break, no one was allowed to roll, and everyone was rolling wherever they could.

If the training results make Mr. Hudson happy and he kills one or two more sheep to give everyone extra meals, it is just a trivial matter.

Although compared with the population, the number of livestock in the territory is still small, but Mr. Hudson is willing to spend money to buy them!

When it comes to food standards, if you look around for hundreds of miles, who would dare to compare with those from the mountains?

The conscience of the lord is not only reflected in the quality of bread, but also in the meat ration, the mountain territory is the only one that is standardized.

In other territories, if the serfs wanted to eat meat, it all depended on the mood of the nobles. Even if you occasionally hunted prey, you had to give the nobility a nod before you could eat it.

Standard quantitative supply is also accompanied by serious polarization. The minimum meat supply in the territory is still at 0.5 pounds/month, but the maximum standard has climbed to 10 pounds/month.

There is a disparity of twenty times. The former is still happy for a bowl of broth, while the latter has realized the freedom to eat meat.

Hudson doesn’t have a good answer to this polarization. The rules were set by him as the lord. If he chose the involution development model, this scene would inevitably occur.

Fortunately, human nature is all about "it is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality."

After all, everyone is used to living a hard life. Although there is a lot of work in the mountainous areas, the best thing is that they can fill their stomachs.

People who behave well are even free to eat meat. Countless real-life cases continue to stimulate everyone's nerves.

Otherwise, Hudson very much suspected, the serfs would defect on a large scale. In the past era of large-scale land reclamation, there was never a shortage of escaped slaves.

"Sir, the orders for weapons have suddenly increased in recent days. Many of the customers have unfamiliar faces, and even their accents are not local.

Originally, I was not prepared to take these orders from unknown sources. Just because the amount of each order was not large, and because they paid generously and were willing to pay for the goods in advance, I took it anyway.

But gradually I discovered something was wrong. In less than five days, the total sales of weapons orders from Ling Ling Zong Zong totaled more than 30,000 gold coins.

With so many orders crowded together, it is definitely not simple behind this. Perhaps something has changed in the outside world, and the news has not spread yet. "

After listening to the analysis of the middle-aged man in charge, Hudson nodded slightly. It’s not easy. After more than half a year of starting a business, I finally have talented people who can use their brains.

If it were left to the former confidant, he would probably be coming over excitedly to claim credit at this moment.

Being able to accurately add up the order amounts without making any major mistakes is the result of hard work.

As for the excessive orders and the possibility of external changes, unfortunately that is beyond the capacity of one's brain.

"I got it, Nick. Business continues as usual, but we have to increase the selling price by 20% for unknown customers to serve as our risk tolerance fee.

Inform Tom and ask him to arrange for someone to report the news to the nobles who are friendly with us. By the way, I also sent someone to find out what happened outside. "

Hudson said pretending not to know.

Although the Nick in front of him performed well, he was a new defector after all. Hudson had only heard a few words about his past.

If it weren't for the lack of talent in the Mountain Territory and the heavy administrative burden that made him physically and mentally exhausted, Hudson would never have used such a person of unknown origin.

In his view, the idea of ​​"doing nothing for those who doubt others, but not doubting those who employ others" is pure nonsense.

The result of "no use for suspects" is that no one is available. No one can make his subordinates full of talents that he can trust 100%.

"Employers should not be trusted", then just wait until you die young and have grass growing on your grave!

If you don’t know anything, and you’ve only met a few times, and you want someone to work for you, that’s an oversimplified idea of ​​talent.

Especially this kind of talented person who can spin melons in his head, he has a lot of thoughts. The smarter a person is, the more he knows how to weigh the pros and cons. It is simply impossible to win the loyalty of these people.

Without going through the test of ups and downs, no one can determine the degree of loyalty. In many cases, even the parties themselves do not know whether they can be 100% loyal.

Regardless of the origin, the prerequisite for betrayal is: enough chips. The best way to get along is to not provide the other party with this opportunity.

For example, now, Hudson will reuse several of the talents it has recruited, but all of them must be used with caution.

Helping with government affairs, participating in formulating the rules of the territory, and analyzing some situational issues can all be arranged. If you want to participate in the final decision, then just go to bed!

"Yes, sir."

Nick replied.

It's simple to communicate with smart people. Knowing that Hudson doesn't want to delve into this issue, enough is enough immediately.

For a time, Hudson even had the idea of ​​focusing on training, but then he was extinguished by reason. There is no way, who told him to read too many history books?

In the early days of starting a business, recruiting talents is not qualified to require loyalty from the other party. Only when you have developed to a certain level and can provide the other party with what you want in exchange can you be qualified to make demands for loyalty.

"Equivalent exchange" is implanted in the bone marrow of every noble child in the Aslant continent. In the world of aristocrats, there is never love or hate for no reason, there is only exchange.

Acquiescing to the order, Hudson didn't know whether his choice was right or wrong. The only thing that is certain is that if you don’t do this business, others will do the same.

As long as the other party is willing to break up the order, there is no need to worry about no one taking the order. Even if someone is aware of it, they will most likely turn a blind eye.

After all, it has been suppressed for too long, and there are too many people who want to change the world. Including some collateral members of big forces, they also want to change the existing profit distribution model.

After all, these guys still have some bottom lines and know what can and cannot be sold.

Inferior weapons are all consumables. No matter who hands them, they will be scrapped after a few battles.

The hazards are relatively controllable.

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