
Chapter 122 Unexpected

After everyone was settled, Hudson wandered alone in the backyard. The kingdom has always been very strict in controlling the life liquid.

This restriction is very necessary for the entire aristocratic group. If the number of knights is not controlled, competition within the nobility will increase several times.

If a group of guys who wield force cannot find a job, the consequences can be imagined.

Each noble family has a limited quota of life liquid, which is undoubtedly very disadvantageous for a prosperous family.

Taking the Koslow family as an example, if the resources were sufficient, the number of knights born in each generation would probably increase several times.

The reality is cruel. Except for those descendants of the branch who have a foundation and can obtain the life essence, most of the family's descendants are forced to withdraw from the aristocratic circle and become free citizens.

Taking care of each other is limited to raising these people into adulthood. We really can’t afford more resources.

Many free people in big cities are descendants of nobles. It just declined in the end due to various reasons.

Those who came this time should be close relatives who are more capable. At the very least, they were given basic knight training and some cultural knowledge was imparted to them.

If the relationship is more distant, then it is really just a mouthful. Not to mention knight training, even cultural knowledge is not taught.

It’s not that everyone is heartless, but the more they know, the more troubles they will cause.

If you can't take care of your direct descendants, who can take care of your distant relatives?

Except for a few nobles with a small population, the life liquid has overflowed. Most nobles would not sell this thing to anyone, even if their own family couldn't use it all, and relatives still had children who needed it.

The Koslows are relatives of this need. Baron Redman spends a lot of money every year to maintain interpersonal relationships, and there is no shortage of reasons for this.

To purchase the Essence of Life, you not only need money, but also favors.

The most difficult thing for Hudson now is favors. As an interest spokesperson promoted by local nobles, he must pay attention to his appearance.

The most important thing is not to lose face.

"Tom, send a message to Baron Kettle and ask him to come and talk."

According to the laws of the kingdom, in addition to the quota of the nobles themselves, they can also exchange for military merit.

Hudson's military achievements have all been turned into a fiefdom, so naturally there is no way to exchange for the life liquid. But there is a group in the kingdom that never lacks military exploits.

The ancestors of the Koslow family came from Northern Xinjiang, but unfortunately they did not leave any connections, but they did leave many enemies behind.

Even if the nobles of Northern Xinjiang want to exchange for the life liquid, they must first consider the reaction of the enemies of the Koslow family.

Of course, after so many years of no response, the Koslow family has most likely been forgotten by the Locknard family.

For the five wealthy families in the North with enemies all over the kingdom, it is really difficult for the Koslow family, which cannot even maintain the dignity of a middle-class noble, to be remembered all the time.

Big people can ignore it, but little people can't care. Living in the Northland depends on the attitude of the five wealthy families.

There are exceptions to everything. Just because people dare not trade openly does not mean that no one dares to trade secretly.

Even if they dare to engage in large-scale smuggling of arms, Hudson doesn't think that the mysterious organization behind Ketley will be afraid of trading the raw liquid of life.

No matter how bold the five wealthy families in the North are, there is one thing they will definitely not do, and that is smuggling arms to the orcs.

They were even the vanguard in combating the arms trade, forbidding their nobles from smuggling all iron products to the Orc Empire.

It has nothing to do with whether they are patriotic or not, it is simply that once the orcs invade, they will be the first to be beaten.

Only capitalists can sell the rope to hang themselves, and the old aristocrats are not so short-sighted.

Maple leaf collar.

Since experiencing a wave of social beatings, Baron Kettle has become extremely sensitive and looks at everyone as a traitor.

The consequence of a serious lack of trust is that the small team is panicked. Except for Holman Knight, who was able to say a few words, no one else was trusted.

The reason is very simple. Only Holman Knight raised objections before stepping on the trap. During the implementation process, he did not forget to remind him to pay attention to risk control.

I can't talk about being plotted against and being forced to join the July Society. They didn't even dare to investigate the traitors. Kaitele could only keep all his grievances in his stomach.

"Kateley, your mood has been very wrong since the last time you came back from the mountains.

The road of life is destined to be full of ups and downs. Only by learning to tolerate temporary anger can you go further.

Even if you were wronged by those slave traders, you must endure it now. This is the price of doing the wrong thing.

Baron Hudson just left a message for you. Maybe you can go for a walk to relax your mood. "

Holman tried to persuade.

This time when he accompanied his nephew to go south, in addition to the subsidies provided by his family, the most important thing was that he was optimistic that Keterai could become a great person.

It's a pity that the plan didn't change quickly. Kaitley's ability is indeed not bad, but the opponents he faces are more and more perverted.

First, there was competition within the Northland nobles. Ketley, who was quite capable in all aspects, lost to the Sith Baron who had a good father.

This alone was enough to kill him instantly. Even though Kaitley tried to struggle several times, nothing could be changed in the end.

What's even more unfortunate is that he has become a neighbor with Hudson. The poor geographical location makes Maple Leaf collar have to look at the faces of its neighbors next door.

"I know, Uncle Holman."

Kaitley said calmly.

Past experience told him that it was definitely not good for Hudson to ask him out. If it had been before, he would have analyzed it carefully.

Now, there is no need for that. If he doesn't get rid of the control of the July Society, he is destined to have no future in life.

No matter how well the general's territory is managed, once his identity is exposed, he will still be in trouble.

"Tear down the current order and reshape the new world."

It's okay to fool the middle school boy, but anyone with a little knowledge knows that with the strength of the July Club, there is no hope at all.

Even if the orcs invaded south, they would at most be caught by surprise and destroy the five powerful families in the northern border. If you want to go further, you have to ask all human countries if they are willing to agree.

As a son of a noble from Northern Xinjiang, Ketelai didn't want that to happen.

There are no eggs left in the nest.

The five wealthy families in the North are unlucky, and the small and medium-sized nobles who rely on them will only die faster.

He jumped out, but his family roots were still in Northern Xinjiang and there was no time to move.

"You want me to help you get rid of the July Party?"

Hudson asked in disbelief.

He had only heard of the name of this organization, but he knew nothing about the specifics.

Compared with the large and small chaotic party organizations in the kingdom, the July Meeting can be regarded as a breath of fresh air.

They do not engage in cult sacrifices, do not cause trouble to one party, and do not launch armed rebellions. Apart from the scary slogans, the biggest feature is that they are mysterious.

If Catley hadn't said it himself, Hudson wouldn't have believed that the slave traders on that day were all members of the July Society.

What surprised Hudson the most was that the July Meeting not only had its own political program, but also had clear goals of rebellion, an organizational system, and even its own blueprint for the future political system.

Regardless of whether these things are reliable or not, this organizational structure alone surpasses countless rebel organizations.

At one point, Hudson even doubted whether some of his colleagues had traveled through time and had a difficult life, and that was why he created such a mysterious organization.

If you think about it carefully, it's wrong.

The July Party has been shouting slogans for hundreds of years, but it has never been launched. Doesn't it mean that people are trapped in a coffin?


Baron Kettle replied affirmatively.

If there were better options, he wouldn't talk to Hudson about it.

However, when it comes to a mysterious organization like the July Society, even the closest people around him may betray him.

The only exception is Hudson.

Anyway, Hudson was also present that day, so he was considered a half-informant. He also had business dealings with the July Society, and it was difficult to explain clearly once the news got out.

Reaching out and rubbing his forehead, Hudson didn't know whether to be grateful that he was cautious enough or to scold himself for not being greedy.

You should have known earlier that it was the July Society who purchased the weapons, and he would not do anything in this transaction.

Fortunately, things stabilized that day and we didn't go out on our own just to make huge profits. Otherwise, once this thunder explodes in the future, he will be shattered to pieces.

Now all the major arms dealers in the kingdom are involved, which is actually a good thing.

The law does not punish the public. No matter how powerful the thunder explosion is, there is still a large group of people who share the risk. There is a high probability that no one will continue to delve into this issue.

"Baron Kettle, I just want to exchange for some life essence. Compared with helping you get rid of the July Meeting, the risk is not at the same level.

Even if you refuse to do this business, there will be other Northern Xinjiang nobles who will do it.

Besides, why do you think I have the ability to help you with this?

Or do you think that the July Association is so weak that a little baron like me can influence their decisions? "

Hudson said angrily.

If you were in the Northland, if you came to your door to exchange for life liquid, you would most likely be rejected.

But this is the southeastern province, and as long as you are careful and cautious, you can completely hide the past by conducting transactions in secret.

The Life Liquid is also unmarked. Who knows where the Koslow family obtained it?

If the Rocknard family had the time to keep an eye on the Koslow family's every move, they might as well just send people over to exterminate the family.

If you didn't do this, you would naturally have some considerations. Even great nobles must abide by the order in their circle.

Even the five wealthy families in the North are just playing around with borrowed knives to kill people, but they are not so arrogant as to personally lead people to kill all the noble families.

Just killing someone with a borrowed knife makes them infamous. If you do it yourself, then don't think about mixing in the aristocratic circle.

A spitting star can often kill someone.

Unless you are not planning to recruit talents from the outside world, you do not need to marry other nobles, you do not need to form alliances with other nobles, you do not need to get help from the kingdom, and you do not need support from nobles from all over the country during war...

Otherwise, you have to follow the rules of the game.

The risk is controllable. As long as you are not a noble attached to the Locknard family, and the profit is high enough, you will definitely dare to do this deal.

Hudson was ready. If Catley didn't accept the offer, he would go find several other ambitious Northland nobles.

At worst, they would exchange political interests. They would help the Koslow family obtain the life essence, and the Koslow family would help them integrate into the local aristocratic circle.

This kind of business where everyone gets what he needs, there is no need to worry about no one doing it.

Having these guys act as middlemen is much better than the Koslow family finding it themselves.

"Baron Hudson, don't be angry. Since I dare to make such a request, there will naturally be an equivalent exchange.

If you just want to exchange for a small amount of life essence, there are naturally many people who want to sell you face, so you can treat my words as farts.

However, the Koslow family is prosperous. Not to mention a few copies of the life essence, I am afraid that dozens or hundreds of copies may not be enough.

Although they are the same family, the current Koslow family is obviously more like an alliance of interests with blood as the hub.

The branches are not subordinate to each other, and no one can command anyone else. Otherwise, if dozens of branches work together, your journey in the early stage will definitely be smoother than now.

You still can't afford to buy those descendants of the branch who have a foundation.

If you want to cultivate a family of knights, you can only dig out the marginalized children of distant branches.

According to the principle of equal exchange, if a piece of life liquid is exchanged for ten years of their service, this business will definitely not be a loss.

With your methods, you will definitely be able to recover most of them within ten years.

If there is no action ahead, it is because the various channels have not yet made up their minds to place bets on you.

Now the Koslow family has acquiesced in your actions, at least the branches in the Southeast Province support it.

They may be reluctant to part with their direct descendants, but those marginalized children who were originally not qualified to become knights can definitely be recruited as many as you can afford. "

After hearing Baron Kettle's explanation, Hudson fell silent.

It was his plan to win over the marginalized tribesmen. Although establishing a family-based entrepreneurial team is very detrimental to later development.

But under the existing rules system, he can only play like this.

In order not to cause trouble, even imparting some basic knowledge to the officers in private was just an excuse.

Even so, there is a lot of criticism from the outside world. If we spread knowledge on a large scale, we would be cutting ourselves off from the aristocratic group.

In contrast, raising one's own family is less troublesome. No matter how declining the distant branch is, and how many generations have separated their blood relationship, they are all members of the Koslow family, and they are also of noble origin.

Since he is a son of a noble, he is one of his own. The spread of knowledge is still within the aristocratic group and has not spread to the common people.

No action has been taken, not because anyone in the family is opposed to it. In fact, as long as Hudson can provide enough resources, everyone does not mind sending all the children from distant branches over.

It can enhance the strength of the family without harming their own interests. How can each lineage object?

The most important thing is the lack of resources in Hudson's hands. He can barely bear the consumption of ordinary materials for daily study and training, but there is really nothing he can do about the cultivation resources.

The life essence is just a stepping stone. The training after becoming a knight also requires auxiliary resources.

Putting aside the extravagant resources, there is no shortage of magic potions to treat the wear and tear on the body during training, right?

This is not just about having money. In the case of a serious imbalance between supply and demand, if you want to buy enough auxiliary medicines, you also need personal connections.

For small nobles, these problems are not insurmountable. As long as the daily training time is reduced, the young age will definitely be able to survive.

After the age of 30 or 40, your body begins to decline and if you can't bear the pressure, you should simply give up training.

This is also the reason why there are few high-level knights among the small nobles. It’s not that everyone is talented, it’s just that their family can’t afford it.

After all, family development must be considered comprehensively and cannot be patronizing to individuals.

"Baron Kettle, what you have said is all nonsense.

I do need a large amount of life liquid. Even if you can solve this problem, it does not mean that I can help you escape from the July Society.

I know absolutely nothing about this mysterious organization. I guess you don't know much.

Just from the few words and rumors on the surface, we can boldly infer that there are other forces behind this organization that are secretly controlling the situation.

If the slogans of the July Meeting were not so shocking, they would even be able to come to the stage openly.

For such a rule-abiding organization, it is really difficult for me to compare them with other cult organizations.

Once anything goes too far, there must be something behind it. With your intelligence, I guess you can guess a bit.

Now that you're all trapped, don't expect to get out so easily. Unless you can get the top nobles of the kingdom to come forward and endorse you!

If you can't do this, then live your life peacefully and act as if nothing happened.

Anyway, the name of the July Society has been resounding throughout the kingdom for more than a hundred years, and only a few of its members have revealed their identities. As long as you're not too unlucky, it's not that easy for you to encounter.

I've said everything I can, and now we can talk about the deal between us. Is there any way you can help me get enough life essence? "

Hudson said coldly.

From the solemn expression, it can be seen that he is deeply afraid of Qiyuehui.

Who made the results analyzed by Hudson so surprising?

Even he himself found it unbelievable. But reason told him that many incredible analyzes were often close to the truth.

The content involved was too sensitive, and Hudson simply did not dare to draw conclusions before he was completely sure.

To be on the safe side, let's just keep it vague and let Baron Kettle make his own guess.

"That's it!

The July meeting ends here today.

The amount of life essence you need is too large. No matter which channel you redeem it from, it will be difficult to meet the demand.

The best way to solve this problem is to prepare it yourself.

On the surface, in the kingdom, only the royal family has the secret method of making life liquid, but in fact, all the nobles have no shortage of life liquid.

Even some powerful middle-class nobles rarely hear that there is insufficient life liquid. Every time those who need to buy life liquid happen to be small nobles, and only occasionally can you see middle-class nobles.

I think Baron Hudson also understands the reason for this?"

After hearing Ketley's words, Hudson couldn't help but rolled his eyes. He is not a fool, so he naturally knows the reason behind it.

If the production process of the original liquid of life is really only in the hands of the royal family as recorded in the history books, other major forces will not be able to rise.

Although the production technology is not bad, a group of nobles who are not short of knights have definitely achieved the freedom of life liquid.

"Do you have the formula for making life liquid?"

Hudson asked with a slightly trembling voice.

It is almost impossible to obtain this kind of strategic resource that is strictly blocked by major forces through formal channels.

If he could get it, he would never let it go. I was desperate, so I took the bear out to fight sap in the middle of the night, trying to grab everything.

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