
Chapter 137 Disciple Soldiers

The results of the robbery of the business traveler were quickly released. There were no surprises. In the end, the Skull and Bones Society, which caused the most trouble last year, took all the responsibility.

For nobles who are under the control of a cult, the Governor's Mansion will arrange for priests to lift the curse. The soldiers who participated in the robbery were all sent to the front line in northern Xinjiang and were not allowed to be released for life.

Overall, this is an outcome acceptable to all parties. Not even the Skull and Bones Society, which took the blame, expressed any objection.

Maybe it’s because he has too many debts to bear down, or maybe it’s because he broke the pot and smashed it. Anyway, Hudson has not heard of the Skull and Bones Society’s recent movements.

The only one who was not willing to accept it was probably a group of business travelers who were robbed. The murderers were all caught, and all the lost goods miraculously disappeared. It was simply "the most ridiculous thing in the world."

There is no use being unwilling. As the group with the least say, it has never had a say in politics.

If you really dare to cause trouble, you can find a hundred reasons to capture them by just checking their past transactions.

"Profiteer" is not called "profiteer" for nothing. Legal trading is purely high-risk hard-earned money.

If you really keep to yourself, you will never make a lot of money in your life.

There is no problem, that is the business of most merchants, and there are nobles behind them, or they can be related to the nobles.

Some big merchants have more energy than small and medium-sized nobles. Even in front of the big nobles, he can have some face.

But if you hang out with the nobles for a long time and think of yourself as a noble, that will be the beginning of disaster.

This time is an example. Even if a group of merchants mobilized all their energy, they were unable to obtain satisfactory results in the end.

The answer given by the Governor's Mansion failed to satisfy them, and the answer given by the Kingdom was even more nonsense.

As if there was no such thing, there was a wanted order against the Skull and Bones Society, plus a personnel appointment that added fuel to the fire.

As an old rebel organization, Skull and Bones' wanted notices have been hanging in the Alpha Kingdom for hundreds of years, and adding one more will not change anything.

Not only the merchants were dissatisfied with the personnel appointments, but also a number of local nobles, including Hudson, also expressed strong dissatisfaction.

"Baron Caillot succeeded as Sheriff of Wytonshire."

"Baron Heath succeeds as Sheriff of Wright County".

Everyone fought for so long, but in the end, two second generations took away all the fruits of victory. No one will be happy when something like this happens.

If Hudson himself had not obtained the position of viscount and slightly made up for his political losses, his position as the spokesman for the interests of the local aristocracy might not have been guaranteed.

I can’t blame everyone for the reality, the world is really too cruel. It is too difficult for the small nobles to counterattack.

Others seemed to be complaining about Hudson, but in fact they were more venting their inner dissatisfaction.

In the eyes of many people, if they had a Sith or Kayo background and had such resources and blessings, they could do better than them.

In the midst of the whirlpool, all Hudson could say was: The truth!

There are indeed many nobles in the two counties who are no less capable than the two of them. Unfortunately, some of the gaps cannot be made up with hard work.

Even if the two mess up, as long as they make waves, the family behind them will be willing to pay their tuition.

In comparison, other children of small and medium-sized nobles cannot do that. They do not allow any mistakes in their lives. A small mistake can make all their efforts in vain.

There is no use being unwilling, the aristocratic world does not believe in tears.

After a brief period of confusion, Hudson quickly recovered. There is still a long way to go in life, and temporary gains and losses are nothing.

Woe to you, blessing to you!

Without the position of county governor, he seemed to be at a disadvantage in this battle, but it also allowed him to avoid a lot of trouble.

The king's appointment was only justified in principle. Whether the position of county governor was well-deserved or not depended on their methods.

Let’s leave aside the situation in Wyton County, but if Baron Sith wants to take control of Wright County, it still depends on whether Hudson is willing to cooperate.

There is no way, who gave the Sith Baron bad luck?

The appearance of two viscounts in one county is nothing new in the Alpha Kingdom, but most of them are empty viscounts.

There are very few fiefdom viscounts who are not county guards in the entire Aslant continent.

Once this happens, the authority of the county magistrate's office will inevitably be seriously challenged.

Whether it can be suppressed depends entirely on the strength of the governor's family and personal means.

Baron Sith's background was naturally tough, but the problem was that Mr. Hudson's fists he met were not that weak.

The grand duke's father, who was far away in the north, had limited reputation in the southeastern provinces, and the Felix family's power in southern Xinjiang was not enough to make Hudson bow his head.

This is not because he is greedy for power, but because he is in the aristocratic circle and cannot help himself.

As the spokesperson for the interests of the local nobles in the county, everyone had this demand for him to fight for. How could Hudson back down?

You can't just enjoy the benefits without taking on the responsibilities, right?

Why should an irresponsible boss let his younger brothers follow him around?

Without the support of these people, Hudson would not be where it is today. It seems that his rise is due to chance and his own struggle, but in fact the local nobles also made great efforts.

If nothing else, the resounding name was brought out by everyone’s help.

When supplies were lacking and needed to be exchanged, no local noble took advantage of them.

These are all favors.

It may seem inconspicuous, but it can play an important role at critical moments.

Without these strong supports, why would Hudson dare to take over the orc slaves at this lean time?

After taking advantage of everyone, it is natural to safeguard everyone's interests. At the very least, this cooperation will not change until the interests run counter to each other.

If he fails to seize the position of county governor, the celebration will still continue. The more you fail, the more confident you must be.

Hudson doesn't need to worry about the specific celebration ceremony. After receiving his letter, Baron Redman rushed over to take care of things.

Other branches in the province also sent people to help one after another, and tribesmen from outside the province were also on the way.

Looking at the enthusiastic faces of the tribesmen, Hudson had some doubts that this celebration was not held for him, but for them.

Having passion is ultimately better than having no passion. Although the Koslow family has declined, after all, their ancestors still had a period of glory.

Now is the time to reflect the background. There are many secret things. Looking through the database of each branch can still provide some reference.

Originally, it was because I didn't have the ability. Now, Hudson has to do something to contribute to the development of the family.

In the short term, it is unrealistic to integrate the Koslow family. Each branch has been separated for hundreds of years and has already formed its own system.

Unless the ancestral land can be recovered, the great cause of reviving the family is there, and there is an agreement reached by each branch, there is no way for each branch to willingly become a younger brother.

However, it is still possible to further consolidate the internal relationships of this family alliance, gather the knowledge and materials accumulated by each branch, and increase internal exchanges among family members.

Foundation, this thing is not only reflected in strength, but also reflected in the accumulation of knowledge.

In the past, when everyone exchanged knowledge, they could only exchange information individually on a small scale. Concentrating the knowledge reserves of various branches and sharing knowledge results is even more unthinkable.

It's not that everyone doesn't know the benefits of doing this, but because they are limited by their own strength, no one can afford the risk of attracting outside prying eyes.

The current situation is different. The Koslow family's little background is not enough to make the big nobles rush to rob them regardless of their face. I don't know how much they have piled up in their warehouse.

The prying eyes of small and medium-sized nobles are no longer a problem for the mountain territory. An earth bear + two elite infantry regiments are enough to frighten them.

With an additional platform for communication and learning, adult children from all branches will inevitably come over to learn more knowledge.

As long as people come over, Hudson doesn't worry about being involved in private affairs. As long as the next generation is recovered, the thoughts of the old men above actually don't matter.

The direct descendants can take their time, and Hudson has a lot of patience. In a short period of time, he can start with the collateral descendants.

Especially for the disciples from distant branches who lack cultivation resources, a piece of life essence can be exchanged for them to come and serve for ten years.

This is not because Hudson has a bad heart. In fact, if word of this kind of treatment spreads, there will be many people from the outside world rushing in.

This is how the "knights" of the major forces were formed. Many people have signed harsh unequal treaties for a share of life essence.

Even so, there are still many people who can't grab it. For many major forces, it is better to cultivate cheaper "warriors" than to raise too many cannon fodder knights.

The book is incomplete, only the front part of the Dou Qi cultivation method is enough.

There is no need to worry about training resources, and no one teaches the specific training process. How many qualified warriors can be born purely depends on their luck.

Casting a wide net will always yield something. There is no need to cultivate your fighting spirit to a high level, as long as the base is large enough, you can cultivate an army with extraordinary strength.

Hudson is also following suit, but unfortunately the results have never been ideal. Even if the base is expanded, there are still very few geniuses.

Perhaps this is also the reason why extraordinary armies are rare. Even if a great noble can assemble an extraordinary army of several thousand people, he has a deep foundation.

Hudson did not dare to expect to form an extraordinary army now, but it was still necessary to make his army more elite.

Now that we have qualified soldiers, we now need qualified officers. A serf soldier who has not learned any knowledge can manage a hundred and eighty people, which is almost the limit.

Unless they have experienced hundreds of battles and experienced the test of life and death on the battlefield, it is really difficult to expect them to lead troops in war.

It's not just a matter of talent, it's mainly due to their acquired education, which makes them accustomed to listening to their lords and not willing to use their brains when encountering problems.

Talent is rare. Most of the family members who came here last time have now stayed, and were tricked by Hudson into joining the army for training.

The ability levels of the family's children are also uneven, but their foundation is much stronger than that of the serfs, and their development potential is also much higher.

Even though he knew that the disciple soldiers were a double-edged sword, and that using family disciples on a large scale could easily form closed factions, Hudson couldn't care less.

The troubles of inbreeding and interest grouping are things in the future. If we don't strengthen our military strength first, if the Orc Empire comes over, we may not even be able to see the future.

We will wait until later to encounter any future troubles. Anyway, now Hudson needs an army with high loyalty and strong combat effectiveness to cope with the upcoming changes.

"Hudson, the invitations are ready. Take a look and see who else can be invited. Don't miss some important people."

Baron Redman warned.

Status determines the circle. When he was just starting out, the people he hung out with were the lowest knights, and it was very difficult to make friends with a few barons occasionally.

By now, Hudson had already half-stepped into the "upper class" of the southeastern province. Although he doesn't have many interactions with nobles of the same level, he knows many powerful people!

The last battle against locusts was not in vain for Hudson. Most of the powerful men who participated in the operation had familiar faces.

Originally, this kind of friendship was nothing, but Bear Stearns' "adulthood" gave him once again impressive capabilities.

I'm not sure about anything else. Even if you don't come in person after sending an invitation, the representative will definitely send one.

In this way, almost all the slightly influential forces in the province were included.

There is no doubt that this ostentatious display of connections must have political significance.

Hudson's goal is very clear, which is to create the illusion to the outside world that all powerful factions in the southeastern province are supporting him.

Only in this way can the younger brothers who follow him have enough confidence to keep following him. It’s unlikely that the Felix family would just take a stand one day and just go back.

After quickly scanning the invitation, Hudson smiled slightly and said: "Don't worry, father.

These invitations invited all the large and medium-sized forces in the province.

If there are still omissions, it must be that this force is too weak and lacks a sense of existence. If it's missed, it won't hurt.

I will personally receive the important guests on the list. Nelson and Evola will take care of the rest, and there will be no trouble.

Mainly from the family side, it may be a bit complicated to get people here this time, so you need to pay more attention.

There are many declining branches, and now there is not even a knight. At that time, it will be easy to be ignored in the reception arrangements. "

It's not that Hudson looks down on people, it's that the Aslant continent is very hierarchical. If guests of different statuses are arranged together, everyone will not feel comfortable.

Reception work is destined to be divided into three, six or nine levels. At this time, the benefits of a prosperous population can be reflected.

According to the principle of reciprocity, Hudson must personally greet the most distinguished guests. All the rest of the guests can be left to the brothers to receive them.

When people from the family come, Baron Redman goes to reminisce with them. Even the female relatives attending the celebration had their married sisters rushing back to help.

As for the cheap stepmother, there is no chance to show up on such occasions. It's all determined by status. No matter how unwilling you are, you can only stay in your hometown and suffer.

There's no point in talking about it. Baron Redman doesn't dare to neglect this important matter that involves the reputation of the entire Koslow family.

Compared to Baron Redman's emphasis, Hudson was more relaxed.

Perhaps due to the confidence brought by his strength, he didn't have too many thoughts about this special celebration banquet.

The banquet is only on the surface. In essence, everyone's ability to come and support is still important.

If Hudson had dared to send out invitations like this a year ago, he would have probably used them as matches.

If it had been held directly in the temporary lord's mansion according to Hudson's idea, the celebration banquet would have started long ago.

The delay to this point is mainly due to Baron Redman's insistence that we can't just make do with it so casually, and we must create a class.

As a result, the temporary lord's mansion with several cabins was obviously out of reach.

However, the construction progress of the castle was not as good as expected. Even during the temporary rush period, the celebration was forced to be postponed for a month.

This is Hudson's fault. He usually doesn't pay enough attention to castle construction, and prioritizes investing labor in mines and land reclamation that can create wealth.

When it was time to use it, I discovered that even the main project of the castle, which had been under construction for a year, had not been completed.

It wasn't until Baron Redman arrived in the Mountain Territory that he convinced Hudson and mobilized a large number of laborers to invest in the construction of the castle.

In order to meet the deadline, Hudson even cheated Bear Stearns. The price paid is that in the plan of the Lord's Mansion, a bear castle must be built according to the cub's will.

Construction these days is all about using local materials. The cost is mainly labor, but this part is mainly food, drink, and a small amount of rewards for the craftsmen who are in charge of the project.

Overall, it is still ignored.

The main reason why Hudson agreed so readily is that Bear Stearns is a country bear who has never seen many big scenes. The so-called castle is a big hole with the bear's unique aesthetics.

Regardless of the issues of beauty and practicality, the key is that the cost is low. A pile of rocks and wood will do the trick.

Decorative engraving, which was supposed to be the most costly, was simply ignored by Bear Stearns because of its different aesthetics.

He doesn't care about his own bears, so of course Hudson won't add anything to the problem. The simple Bear Castle is quite good. If you are not satisfied with it, you can continue to change it later.

It's just that when the time comes, it will be Bear Stearns's own business, and he doesn't need to pay for it.

After looking in the direction of Dadir City and throwing away the invitation, Hudson shook his head disdainfully.

Isn't it a clear demonstration to send an invitation at this time?

But the Sith Baron does have the capital to win. After going through so many twists and turns, finally defeating a lot of competitors and picking up the fruits of victory for the position of county governor really needs to be celebrated.

In the aristocratic world, everyone only cares about the results, and the process is not important.

Compared to the proud Sith Baron, the current Hudson is a complete loser.

Even if he gets the position of Viscount. Compared with the actual shortage of county governor, the position of Viscount Hudson is purely a name, and the actual benefits are not seen at all.

"Reply to Viscount Sith. I will attend his celebration banquet on time!"

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