
Chapter 154 Mobilization

"Out of sight".

"Give out food".

"Pay money."

The king's order can be summed up in three simple words. Even the specific amount has been clarified, which is obviously communicated by the major forces in advance.

As a middle-class noble, he could only barely enter the center of power in the kingdom; he was still far away from the real decision-making level.

The bosses have all discussed it, and this king's order is obviously not negotiated with everyone. All the above requirements must be completed.

But when it comes to specific details, the task sharing among counties within the province is bound to involve wrangling.

Relatively speaking, the situation in the southeastern provinces is considered good. As the kingdom's rear area, the first task is to ensure the supply of money and food to the front line, and the second is to provide qualified soldiers.

Thirty thousand soldiers were best dealt with, and the unlucky nobles who were punished contributed half of the quota. Each of the remaining counties only needs to send out a thousand people, and they are divided among each lord, so there is no pressure at all.

These soldiers are to be added to the border defenders. Throwing more than a hundred knights in and equipping them with a few officers wouldn't be a big problem.

Governor Pierce did not mention a candidate to lead the team, so there is a high probability that it is a certain unlucky nobleman with good ability who was tricked by his own son.

The issue of "war taxes" is a little more difficult. Overall, it's within control, so just pay for it.

If you don't have the money to offset it with physical goods, or send more people to fight, the province can also coordinate within the province.

The most troublesome thing is supplies.

The southeastern province needs to provide various strategic materials including grain, which amounts to 15,000 tons.

For a province, the apportionment does not seem to be much. But the crux of the problem is that everyone not only needs to collect supplies, but also organizes manpower to send things to the front line.

The loss of other materials on the road is not big, and the loss of a few points will be almost the same. But food is the only exception, and the southeastern province mainly provides food.

It is more than a thousand kilometers from the southeastern provinces to the front line. Although it can be transported along the coast and rivers for a while, the distance that requires human transportation is still more than 400 miles.

This is still the most optimistic estimate. In many cases, it is not enough to transport the food and grass to the nearest location, and it may also change with the changes in the battlefield situation.

Hudson's math ability was pretty good. After a little calculation, he came to the conclusion that at least one-third of the journey would be lost along the way.

This is because the Alpha Kingdom has many battle experiences against the orcs. The infrastructure along the way is relatively complete, and there are multiple granaries along the way that can serve as transfer stations.

In peacetime, one-third of the food was lost during transportation. After the war broke out, half of the food was lost during transportation. Hudson would not be surprised at all.

No wonder the southeastern provinces were placed at the back of the mobilization sequence. Without nobles like them to preside over it, how could the materials be collected and transported to the front line?

In Hudson's opinion, every time the orcs invaded, after the human coalition defeated the orc army, they quickly called it a day and went home.

It's not because the human race countries are not united, nor is it because the coalition forces are incapable of fighting back. It's more because the consumption of materials on the battlefield is too terrifying.

Fighting in the Alpha Kingdom itself consumes so much supplies. Once the battle line extends to the Orc Empire, one person fighting and ten people transporting food may not necessarily be able to meet the needs of the front line.

On this issue, humans can never learn from orcs. The Orcs were able to assemble a large number of troops not because of their strong logistics capabilities. On the contrary, the Orc Empire's logistics was beyond description.

Being able to assemble millions of troops on the front line is entirely because there is no bottom line. There was not enough food in the army, and the same people who died in battle were their rations.

Many times the human army and the orcs fought to the death, not because everyone was so brave, but simply because they didn't want to be reduced to food.

"Your Majesty the Governor, it is easy to divide the tasks of military strength and tax revenue directly into county units, but supplies are troublesome.

Although the southeastern provinces are all fertile soil, the specialties of each county are still different, and some counties even do not have some supplies at all.

If we directly assign tasks to counties, I'm afraid it will be difficult for everyone to complete them. It is better to discount all materials and let everyone complete the material collection based on their own specialties.

As long as the total amounts are roughly consistent, even if there are discrepancies in details, the kingdom won't say anything. "

Hudson suggested first.

His vital interests were involved, and he had to fight for them at this time. Otherwise, if we mechanically allocate a bunch of material tasks, we won’t be able to get it together even if we go back and make a big head.

In name, the county guard is Viscount Sith, so these problems should give him a headache. But this guy hasn't said a word since he entered the conference room.

I don’t know if he is self-aware and knows that he has no say here, or if he is dissatisfied with being ignored by Hudson and simply ruined.

The county guard is in trouble, but the mission still needs to be completed. If something went wrong regarding a major matter involving frontline strategic supplies, the entire Wright County nobility would be implicated.

It would not be possible to be executed for "treason", but to be sent to the battlefield in advance to serve the country is a high probability event.

The gang of aristocratic children who committed crimes in front of them were role models. Hudson did not want to go to the front line wearing the hat of "taking responsibility for crimes and meritorious service".

"Viscount Hudson's proposal is very good and very practical. The tasks are still based on counties, but the Governor's Mansion will come up with a conversion ratio, and everyone will take the supplies and divide them in half.

His Majesty the King is very busy at night because of this war. There is no need to disturb His Majesty because we can solve the problems internally.

If certain supplies are insufficient, the Governor-General can also come forward to purchase them. Taking into account the increased cost of procurement, an additional five percent fire cost will be charged for the replacement materials.

In order to combat price gouging, prices within the province must be stable from now on.

Anyone found hoarding and disrupting market prices will be killed without mercy!

In addition to supplies destined for the front line, any strategic supplies on the list must be approved by the Governor-General before they leave the southeastern province.

All counties must cooperate closely, especially those on the border, and must strictly control the outflow of materials. Whoever's territory has problems will be responsible.

The war will definitely not stop for a while. This means that we must be prepared to provide supplies to the front line for a long time, and the next food production must be stepped up.

Everyone should also set an example and take the lead in saving food and reducing unnecessary waste.

Tell the people below me to stop all my extravagant pleasures and tighten my belt to live a hard life. I don't want to see someone bankrupt the territory before the war is over. "

Earl Pierce's words made Hudson's heart drop. Materials can be used to offset each other, and the difficulties faced by the mountainous areas will suddenly disappear.

Five points of fire consumption is definitely a reflection of the conscience of the nobles. It is impossible to make money. If the operation is not good, the Governor's Office will have to pay a sum of money.

Purchasing supplies sounds very simple. Once the supplies that can be purchased reach a large scale, they cannot be purchased just by having money.

Even if prices are suppressed, enough supplies can be purchased, and a five percent fee is not too high.

It can be seen that Earl Pierce is really contributing to the war, rather than dealing with it perfunctorily.

Especially the earnest warning at the end is even more thought-provoking.

Conscience discovery?

Or maybe it's just pity for the lower class nobles?

No one can answer these questions. However, the tragic event of a war leading to the bankruptcy of aristocrats happens in almost every large-scale war.

Once they reach the edge of bankruptcy, the bottom line of the nobles will also break through in a straight line, and the speed of decline is beyond imagination.

The smarter nobles deceived the merchants into taking advantage of them. Mortgage all the property that can be pledged, and finally refuse to admit it.

Those who have no bottom line may even sell their children directly. It's just that they are not selling their own children, but the children of the serfs.

The most stupid thing is to borrow money from the big nobles, or even mortgage the territory to borrow money. Once a debt becomes overdue, the consequences will never be better.

More nobles who were in financial difficulties still turned to relatives and friends to borrow debts. When it comes time to go bankrupt, all relatives and friends will be unlucky.

When something like this happens, everyone can only admit that they are unlucky. Even for the sake of their own reputation, they cannot jump out and add insult to injury. They can only allow the debt to be postponed indefinitely.

As one of the major creditors in the Southeast Province, Hudson felt a chill on the back of his head. Judging from the current situation, he is now very likely to become one of the unlucky relatives and friends who are implicated.

Those who owed Hudson debts, without exception, were all aristocrats with poor financial conditions.

Under normal circumstances, these guys with stable industrial income are high-quality customers. During the war, the situation changed.

The profits from the territory basically support the front line. If the nobles who are not wealthy have no gains on the battlefield, it will be difficult for them to persist until the end of the war.

When he thought of the dozens of debts that might be overdue, and the hundreds of thousands of gold coins that he was supposed to receive were about to be wasted, Hudson's good mood suddenly disappeared.

"You have adapted so quickly. You are worthy of being the famous Knight of the Divine Bow. Hudson, it seems that you are really born for war!"

After leaving the conference hall, hearing Viscount Oran's emotion, Hudson felt a toothache.

"Born for war" is an absolute slur. He is said to be like a disaster star. Wherever he goes, there will be war.

The invasion of the Alpha Kingdom by the orcs lasted for hundreds of years. It will explode with or without him, it's not the butterfly effect of a time traveler.

If it weren't for the fact that the guy in front of him was his father-in-law and someone who couldn't be offended, he would never be polite.

"Viscount Oran, that's too much praise! Compared with you, I still have a long way to go.

If I hadn't received the news in the royal capital in advance and had a few extra days of buffering time in the middle, I'm afraid I would have been in a hurry at the meeting just now. "

If you don’t even get a daughter-in-law, you can’t afford to offend your father-in-law. Especially in times of war like this, everyone has to work together to tide over difficulties.

Compared with these established families, the Koslow family only has a longer inheritance time, but is still far behind in other aspects.

After glancing at Hudson, Viscount Oran laughed and said, "Okay, I won't tease you kid anymore.

I know you have a lot of doubts in your mind right now. If you want to ask, just ask! If we miss this opportunity, the next time we meet may be on the battlefield. "

Hudson didn't find it strange that his thoughts had been read. As the second family in the southeastern province, Viscount Oran is not as simple as it seems on the surface, being able to live a smooth life under the pressure of the Dalton family.

"Dear Viscount, I have always had a doubt. The kingdom has launched national mobilization so quickly, and the time is so tight.

Our southeastern province alone has so many internal troubles, and it was only through Governor Pierce's forced assignment of tasks that we could barely get things implemented.

It is estimated that other provinces will not be much better, and the capital city will have to face more problems. How can there be coordination among so many provinces in the country?

After the reinforcements arrive at the front line, how can they be quickly reorganized and form combat effectiveness in the shortest possible time? "

In the feudal cold weapon era, millions of troops were mobilized to fight. The amount of work involved was beyond Hudson's imagination.

In particular, the behavior of the nobles of the kingdom did not seem to be too smart, which made him even more worried.

If there is any oversight in the organization, the mobilization of millions of troops will become a joke. Not only does it fail to enhance border strength, it may actually collapse the defense line.

"Hudson, you think too much. No matter who is around you, there is a moment when your neighbor wants to destroy you.

In the past few hundred years, they have encountered more than a dozen wars to destroy the country, and they will have the ability to complete mobilization in a short period of time.

The Koslow family has been in decline for a long time. You have grown up in a small noble family, and many of the things you see are not the truth of this world.

The last suppression of the Skull and Bones rebellion did not represent the true strength of our aristocratic group.

Alphonse was purely an accident. If he hadn't been unlucky and the main family member was not around, the Skull and Bones Society wouldn't have succeeded so easily.

The kingdom has a standing army in the northern frontier, you should have heard of it. But this mysterious army rarely recruits small nobles to join the army. Don't you think it's strange?

In fact, some of the slightly powerful nobles in the kingdom, including my Hollister family, are serving in this army.

In other words, this standing army is essentially controlled by a group of nobles in the kingdom. The difference is limited to the issue of the right to speak.

In addition to guarding the border, this army also has a function of training our army and training our future generations.

Why are we only recruiting soldiers now and not letting everyone lead troops there? That's because our people are already on the front line.

In the constant confrontation with the orcs, everyone not only accumulated combat experience, but also accumulated a large number of grassroots officers.

These were all forced out by the Orc Empire. In order to survive better, we have to learn survival experience from war.

Not allowing small nobles to join is not only a protection for them, but also a restriction on them.

For ordinary people, sometimes knowing too much is not a good thing.

With limited resources, the accommodation space of the upper class is limited. The only profit is not enough to feed the people above, so how can more latecomers join in the fight for food?

Hudson, you're in luck. It just so happened that the situation in northern Xinjiang was tense and a war was about to break out. The kingdom needed to add fresh blood.

Otherwise, even if the Dalton family helps you operate, it will only be an honorary viscount, not a fiefdom viscount. "

For a moment, Hudson became enlightened. It's not that the entire aristocratic group is useless, but the small nobles at the bottom have been deliberately blocked by the upper levels.

It's normal to think about it. As a kingdom that has been fighting fierce battles with the orcs for hundreds of years, even if everything else remains unchanged, it is absolutely impossible not to make progress in the war and military aspects.

The mystery is solved and the aristocratic group is indeed making progress. It's just that the middle and upper-class nobles are making progress, and the lower-class nobles are excluded from the circle.

This is all caused by the solidification of classes. This can actually be seen from the fact that the aristocratic children of the North want to go south to grab fiefdoms.

The benefits are not enough for everyone to share. If a small noble is allowed to join the army and accumulate a lot of military exploits on the front line, but in the end there is no place to place them, it will inevitably cause dissatisfaction among these people.

Rather than doing this, it would be better to let them live in confusion from the beginning. When the war breaks out, just follow them and become cannon fodder.

For a group of small nobles, war is the only opportunity to change the distribution of interests and break class solidification, but it is also the beginning of disaster.

For most people, what they lack is not just opportunities, but also the ability to seize opportunities.

Without systematic study and without experiencing the test of war, the probability of possessing super-strong troop-leading ability is really low.

It was originally an opportunity to change my destiny, but it was due to my own incompetence. Most minor nobles can only play the role of their own cannon fodder.

Thinking of this, Hudson secretly rejoiced. Fortunately, the Koslow family has a glorious past, and it makes sense to leave some military knowledge behind.

In theory, self-taught students also exist. If others are not talented, it is a matter of their own abilities.

The outside world's speculation perfectly explains why he trains troops. As for the differences in military training methods, it took hundreds of years. Who knows how the ancestors of the Koslow family trained their troops.

He is a member of the family with a good background and a clean background, and he happens to be at the juncture of the outbreak of war. Hudson can achieve a class jump without affecting everyone's interests.

A self-taught military genius who is always blessed with luck. And he also has an earth bear as a bodyguard. It is normal for a guy with full battlefield survivability to be popular.

From this point of view, it became logical for Hudson to defeat many competitors and marry the Hollister family.


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