
Chapter 158 Troubles over command authority

The other two unlucky guys came out quickly. Hudson, who was drinking tea, almost spat out a mouthful of water.

Both are popular figures in Wright County, namely his good neighbor Baron Kettle and the butcher knight Justin.

Taking stock of their experiences in recent years, we will know that it is not the most unlucky, only more unlucky.

Others do things because their wishes come true, but they do whatever they want and things don't work out. It would be fine if their abilities were not good, but their personal performance was not bad.

Unfortunately, the Lord of the Dawn is always on the opposite side of them. No matter how perfect their plans are, they will eventually fail due to various accidents.

When times are bad, the hero can only do nothing. So far, it has evolved to the point where the more you do, the more mistakes you make.

If you don't draw lots, you will receive "special prize" treatment. Among the hundreds of wooden sticks, I got the two worst ones accurately.

If they had known this result, I wonder if the two of them would have come to draw lots too early. After all, there are many unlucky nobles in Wright County, and if they go there later, they might be taken away by others.

Everything went as Hudson expected, with a bunch of unlucky guys waiting in front, the ones left in the end wouldn't be too bad.

The unlucky ones snatched up all the junk numbers and chose one of the two remaining numbers, but they were still left with one last number.

With this kind of luck, if it weren't for the behind-the-scenes operation, Hudson would have suspected that he was a "child of luck."

The character cannot be lost, and it is reasonable to deliberately arrange it for a good character.

Wooden sticks that look like normal ones are actually slightly different. Just because outsiders can't see it doesn't mean that your own people can't see it either.

Someone deliberately cooperated, and no matter what number was engraved on the last remaining wooden sign, the final published answer would only be the last number.

The process is not important, what is important is the result. In the eyes of the nobles, Hudson missed the best number by luck.

If the human race countries react faster and the war lasts a little shorter, maybe the transportation mission will not be his turn.

Even if it was his turn to deliver supplies, it would be in the middle and late stages of the war, and it was entirely possible that he would run into trouble with the king's call-up order.

The two major obligations that need to be fulfilled are rushed together, so naturally the priority is to go to the battlefield. The task of transporting supplies will naturally be taken over by other nobles who have not been drafted.

If you calculate the distance, you will know that it takes a month or two to transport supplies back and forth.

However, there is still no merit at all. Naturally, no one will like the drudgery of purely fulfilling obligations.

It is necessary to deliver the goods on time, but if something goes wrong along the way and the supplies arrive late, or are directly lost, they will face accountability from the kingdom.

The probability of being held accountable is not high. In order to avoid delaying the date, everyone will leave early.

If an accident really happened, it must be that there was a hole in the defense line and the orc army rushed in. If they encounter it, the escort team will be almost out of control.

“The results are out, regardless of good or bad luck, it was all drawn by you yourself, you can’t blame others.

The next task of transporting supplies will be carried out according to the results of the lottery. I hope everyone can work together during the escort of supplies and not cause trouble that would embarrass everyone.

In addition, there is a second major event today that requires everyone to make a decision here.

The war has broken out, and those who are willing to go out with me can come and sign up. Those who do not want to perform military obligations in the county and want to transfer to other areas to perform their duties will also need to be counted.

No matter what choice you make now, the supplies provided to the front line every month are indispensable.

If any nobles exchange their obligations, or perform their obligations on behalf of others, or change the place where their obligations are performed for other reasons, they should go to the Governor's Mansion to apply for it.

I would like to remind you that if you want to apply, it is best to do it quickly.

The war has broken out, and some provinces have begun mobilizing to prepare for reinforcements on the front line.

Once the obligation is transferred, you must catch up with others' speed of action. If you act slowly and miss the deadline, you will be held accountable. "

As soon as Hudson finished speaking, everyone started talking. Viscount Sith, who was sitting at the head of the table, was so angry that he almost broke into law.

There are not many people who can do this by overshadowing the guest and taking over the host. As the host's county guard, he was now an outsider.

Such an incredible scene actually happened in front of everyone's eyes, and everyone was used to it.

Even the northern nobles who originally supported him were all mute at this moment and joined the hot discussion in twos and threes. Those who didn't know better thought they were members of the local nobility.

Seeing the two groups of nobles living in harmony, Viscount Sith doubted his own eyes.

A few days ago, they were shouting and killing, but they changed their attitude so quickly, and their position changed too quickly.

It’s not that the world is too magical, but that the world is too realistic.

Nobles are realists. The war in northern Xinjiang has been ignited. In the face of survival, the original small internal conflicts have been reduced to minor conflicts.

On the issue of facing the orcs, everyone has the same position. The need for common interests temporarily suppressed internal conflicts.

Even if everyone can't let go of their hatred and secretly plan to find an opportunity to take revenge, it does not prevent everyone from showing kindness to each other.

There were one hundred and five people present, and there were ninety-four nobles who signed up to join the Hudson team. Especially the Northland nobles. Except for Viscount Sith, who did not express his position, the rest of them actually signed up.

The base of the wall was dug to such an extent that even Hudson was shocked. Obviously he didn't do anything, just made a few hints, but so many people came over.

However, after putting himself in his shoes and weighing the pros and cons, he understood the reasons why the nobles of the North made their choices.

If you go back home to join the war, you can pack your bags and set off now, and then carry it until the end of the war. It's high risk, low reward, and if you fail, you'll be blamed by the orcs.

Viscount Sith, who was most suitable as a leader, was so suppressed by Hudson that he couldn't think about it for a moment and was defeated.

In normal times, playing like this is nothing. At such a critical moment, how can we make everyone trust the country with their lives and fortunes?

As a last resort, everyone had no choice but to follow Hudson. At least Hudson has a good reputation and is very good at playing, so he has good luck.

Following such a boss may not necessarily lead to success, but the probability of surviving on the battlefield is definitely higher than following other people.

Looking at the results of the lottery, you can see that a guy possessed by the evil spirit reached out his hand first and took away the saddest number 1; the other stayed put and waited for everyone to draw first, and the rest were the best last numbers.

With this stark contrast, even if Hudson said it was a coincidence, no one would believe it.

If Viscount Sith continues to have such miserable luck on the battlefield, his subordinates who follow him will be led into a pit sooner or later.

On the battlefield between the two major races, it was not uncommon in history for the entire army of a province to be wiped out, let alone a county.

When their own lives were at stake, a group of northern nobles didn't care what camp they were in, and they all chose the team they thought had the highest safety factor.

"The statistical results have come out. Everyone chooses the path themselves. No matter what happens in the future, I hope you will not regret it.

Nobles who are willing to stay in the county to participate in the war will be included in the unified training command. If you can't do what you're told, you can still choose to quit if you regret it now.

As for the rest of the people's choices, I will truthfully report your wishes to the Governor's Mansion and wait for coordination from above.

There is no need for trouble for a few people within the province. I have communicated with the other county guards. We are only transferring military obligations. You can just contact your hometown directly.

By the way, there is also the Sith Viscount who has not yet made a decision. Are you going to fight alone, or will you return to the service of the Grand Duke of Kavadia? "

Hudson said meaningfully.

It wasn't his deliberate connotation. In fact, the county guard, Sisi, has now become the biggest unstable element in Wright County. It is necessary to suppress his arrogance and weaken his reputation.

Perhaps out of conscience, Hudson also deliberately reminded everyone that they can still choose to withdraw.

After all, a bluff like "Child of Luck" can be used to deceive others. If he foolishly followed the letter, he would be out of his mind.

Without super good luck, Hudson has no idea where this team will end up.

The only thing that is certain is that if he is unlucky and suffers a huge defeat on the battlefield, he will never care about his allies when he runs away.

"Viscount Hudson, you have misunderstood. As the Sheriff of Wright County, how can I leave everyone alone at such a critical moment?"

Viscount Sith said angrily.

Half of the anger was directed at Hudson; the other half was directed at the former gang of boys.

The sudden betrayal of the Northland nobles made all the plans of the Sith Viscount go bankrupt.

You can't go back to the North.

An embarrassing bastard, he was the son of an archduke when he was left outside. After returning to the family, compared with his half-brothers, he became a dishonorable thing.

With the troops and horses he currently has in hand, going to the battlefield alone to face the orc army is almost like taking the initiative to kill someone.

Both roads were gambled to death, and there was no friendship with other big nobles. If you lean over rashly, you will be tricked to death without any place to redress your grievances.

In contrast, if you continue to stay in the Wright County team, continue to spend time with Hudson, and look for new opportunities, the safety factor is the highest.

As long as the Felix family is still prosperous and his grand duke father is still in power, no one dares to let anything happen to him.


This was Hudson's first reaction. Although the method was a bit shameless, Viscount Sith's choice really made him uncomfortable.

If you want to refuse, you must consider the reaction of the noble children of the North. Although the strength in the hands of these people has been weakened, they still have the ability to use soldiers to fight.

Not to mention their family background, they were all fiefdom nobles who were shot and killed on the battlefield. When it comes to military ability, he definitely surpasses most local nobles.

In the past, they were enemies. The more talented these people were, the more they had to suppress them.

The situation has changed now. Everyone wants to go to war with the orcs. Not only will Hudson not be afraid of their talents, but he will worry that they are not good enough to fight.

Personal grudges will be discussed after the war is over. Judging from the extremely high casualty rate in previous wars, there may be conflicting opponents who died directly on the battlefield.

"We naturally welcome Viscount Sith's willingness to stay. However, efficiency matters on the battlefield, and there can only be one person who can give orders.

In the face of a national crisis, Hudson happened to have some military talent and was willing to take on this important task and serve the country.

This requires you to be aggrieved and obey military orders. Don't do anything that is detrimental to the interests of our human race just because of a momentary dispute of temper. "

When it’s time to fight, you must fight. The Aslant continent believes in respecting the strong and has never considered modesty as a virtue.

If they want to play the trick of "three pushes and three excuses", the younger brothers simply don't know how to cooperate. Doing as the Romans do, involves military power, and Hudson can only show his domineering attitude.

He put down his big hat and glanced at the whole place. He couldn't find a single supporter, and Viscount Sith felt a chill in his heart.

While secretly scolding the noble children of the North for being cowardly and unsatisfactory, at the same time secretly regretting that he was careless and didn't even notice that he was poached.

Fortunately, he didn't know that a group of northern nobles had made a temporary decision to change jobs after seeing that their boss was not doing enough, otherwise they would have collapsed on the spot.

"Viscount Hudson, don't worry. How can the Sith dare to show any slightest care when it comes to important matters involving hundreds of millions of human beings?

Just be afraid, someone is seeking revenge for personal gain, taking the opportunity to suppress dissidents, wasting the vitality of my human race, and taking advantage of the alien bandits..."

The struggle to beat him to death, apart from giving Hudson another round of eye drops, did not affect his ability to gain command of the army.

Deep down in his heart, Hudson secretly became more vigilant towards Viscount Sith. "Be able to bend and stretch" is easy to say, but few can achieve it.

Being able to put down your body and bow your head to competitors who are not as good as yourself is not a kind of ability.

The seemingly futile performance is not completely meaningless. At the very least, a seed of distrust was planted in the minds of the noble children of the North. If one day Hudson acted unfairly, this seed would take root and sprout.

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