
Chapter 164 How to train cake painting

In the Holy Mountain of Light, ever since the news came that the Franks questioned the legitimacy of the Pope, something was wrong with the atmosphere in the Holy See.

The originally kind-hearted Protector VII became more and more amiable, but this "amiable" demeanor was full of weirdness.

Being able to fight his way out of a crowd of competitors and seize the throne of the Pope, Pius VII was obviously not really a good guy.

He always has a kind face, but that doesn't touch his interests. This time it was different, someone actually dared to openly question his legitimacy.

The change of power in the Holy See is also bloody. If we dig deeper, none of the senior members of the Holy See can escape unscathed.

It seems that they are just questioning the legitimacy of the Pope. In fact, the Franks brought the entire high-level hierarchy of the Holy See with them.

The pope is not legitimate, and the clergy appointed by the pope will naturally have to be redefined. If the window paper is punctured, everyone will die together.

"What is the reaction of various countries in mainland China?"

Pius VII asked, exhausted both physically and mentally.

He has also been having a hard time recently. The Franks did not question the legitimacy of the Pope in vain.

From the origin of his identity to the process of seizing power, a large piece of the dark history of Pius VII has been uncovered.

Even if the higher-ups of the Holy See who share the same interests stand with him, it does not mean that he will be out of trouble.

The internal structure of the Church of Dawn is very complex. In addition to the vested interest groups in power, there are also many other factions.

The family-rooted inheritance has added a lot of uncertainty to the power struggle in the Holy See. In the process of seizing it, Pius VII also offended many people.

Naturally, internal struggle cannot kill all hostile factions, otherwise it will not be internal fighting, but civil war.

These losers in the power struggle are waiting for opportunities all the time to make a comeback.

As soon as the Pope's dark history was exposed, rumors began to fly all over the Holy Mountain, and all kinds of gossip were overwhelming.

Pius VII, who was good at internal fighting, knew very well that if the Franks were able to obtain so much black information about him, it must have been brought out by someone within the Holy See.

But at this juncture, he couldn't do anything inside. Any inappropriate behavior will be interpreted politically as a guilty conscience.

Internal power disputes can also be suppressed. The external reaction was uncontrollable. If an anti-pope wave started, Pius VII would have no choice but to step down in despair.

After all, an organization like the church cannot be separated from its believers. The Holy See of Dawn today is far less powerful than it was back then. Most believers have the same will, so the Holy See cannot stand firm.

"The situation is not good. Eighteen countries including the Kingdom of Dante, the Kingdom of Hesse, and the South Coast Kingdom are all interested in the Franks' proposal.

It is very likely that they will attack us at the Human Alliance meeting in July.

The Kingdom of Alpha, the Kingdom of Warhammer, and the Principality of Moxi called on all parties to exercise restraint, but the Kingdom of Alpha proposed that all parties form a joint investigation team to investigate the truth of the incident.

Obviously they are also full of hostility towards us. If they were not busy fighting the war with the orcs, I am afraid their reaction would be more positive. "

Bishop Sauron said awkwardly.

Anyone who expresses his stance is bad news, and not expressing his stance is the greatest support for the Holy See.

In this terrible situation, Bishop Solon said: It is really difficult to be responsible for handling the relationship between the Holy See and other countries.

Every cause must have its effect.

In order to restore the glory of the Holy See, in the past few years, they have offended everything that should be offended and those that should not be offended.

Normally, everyone is afraid of the Holy See's strength and influence and dare not act rashly, but the situation has changed recently.

First, the Alpha Kingdom publicly slapped the Holy See in the face, accusing them of colluding with cults and intending to subvert the kingdom's rule.

Now that such a wave has happened again, everyone suddenly discovered that the awesome Holy See is just that.

When the fear subsides, the desire to make trouble comes up. It was a bit embarrassing to directly challenge the Holy See, but no one was afraid of following the Franks and waving flags.

Even the Alpha Kingdom, which was beaten violently by the orcs, did not forget to create obstacles for them.

Can an "investigation team" be formed?

A pope who is being investigated by a group of people, what does that mean? It was clear that he wanted to drag the Holy See's face to the ground and rub it.

The most important thing is that the Holy See cannot withstand the investigation at all. If it is not investigated, it will be charged with these crimes at most. Once it is investigated, they will be the largest cult organization in mainland China.

In order to make money and weaken the power of various countries, in the past hundred years, more than half of the cult incidents on the mainland have been related to the Holy See.

There are many internal disputes among the human race, and there is also the shadow of the Holy See behind them.

The current situation is even more serious. If we dig deeper, we might even add a charge of colluding with the orcs and betraying the interests of the human race.

With so many crimes added together, not to mention the Pope's demise, the entire Holy See would have to follow suit.

Even if the Lord of the Dawn comes in person, he will probably have to think about whether it is worth offending all the believers in order to keep this bunch of garbage.

"Ulisei, do you have any clues about the Blood Moon Horn?"

Pius VII asked with concern.

He already has enough troubles. If the thunder of "Blood Moon Horn" explodes, Pius VII will really doubt whether his family can withstand the pressure.

He has lost confidence in the Judgment Knights. Those guys who only think about fighting and killing will only make things worse.

Now we can only place our hope in the "divine hand" that has more flexible means and more covert actions.

"Your Majesty, we have now tracked down the Mountain Lord. According to the information collected by intelligence personnel, the Mountain Lord is likely to be a necromancer impersonating him.

The weakest one is a magister, and there is an adult Earth Bear beside him. In addition, there are tens of thousands of troops gathered in the mountain territory, so it is almost impossible to succeed by force.

Our people are communicating with him to see if he can be redeemed. So far, the contact has gone smoothly.

It's just that this person's asking price is too high, our budget is limited, and we can't squeeze out enough funds at the same time. You see..."

In order to increase the budget, Ulisse lied without shame.

However, compared with the previous performance of the Judgment Knights, the Holy Hand pushed things to this point so quickly, and no one had time to worry about it.

"Very good! Don't worry about the budget. What you have to do now is to get the Blood Moon Horn back to me at all costs. All expenses will be borne by the Holy Treasury.

The mountain lord in question also tried his best to win over him. Planting this nail is also a good thing in the Alpha Kingdom.

How a necromancer managed to avoid detection by the nobles of the Alpha Kingdom must be clarified. "

Pius VII said with satisfaction.

Big price, that depends on who it is for. The Holy See is only poor compared to its heyday, but compared to a "Necromancer", it is still much richer.

What's more, transactions between strong men rarely use gold coins directly.

Either use precious magic materials or exchange cultivation resources. Even trading some knowledge is better than gold coins.

In the warehouse of the Holy See, there are many treasures and training materials used by necromancers. At this juncture, Pius VII didn't mind trading at all.

Of course, what satisfied him the most was that his own intelligence organization had a handle on the opponent's identity. Now he dared not use it because it involved the "Blood Moon Horn". They could not afford the consequences of being exposed.

The future is uncertain. If you are willing to cooperate, you are a good friend. If you are unwilling to cooperate, you can also consider finding an appropriate time to expose the other party's identity.

If the secret can be subtly replaced and mastered in a way that has not been discovered by the nobles, the value that can be obtained will be even greater.

All this is based on the confirmation of Ulisse's words. If you knew that all this was just speculation, it would be a different story.

Perhaps because he felt that things were going too smoothly and was a little worried, Pius VII added:

"Be careful when trading. The person who released the news has not been found out yet. There may be twists and turns in the follow-up."

On the northern battlefield, the five major orc royal families gathered together. Except for the Behemoth family, whose crown prince is Alex, the other families are all personally visited by the emperor.



The shouts of killing that filled the sky did not affect the progress of the meeting, as if the fighting outside did not exist.

Perhaps affected by the chilling atmosphere on the battlefield, the atmosphere in the tent was also slightly tense, and the faces of several emperors were not very good-looking.

"The giants, dwarves, and elves who promised to start a war with us...none of them attacked the humans as promised.

If these races do not participate in the war, it is almost impossible to shake the dominance of the human race with our strength alone! "

Eagle King said in a cold tone.

From the beginning, he was not optimistic about this operation.

Uniting all the races on the continent to overthrow the dominance of the human race sounds wonderful, but executing it is another matter.

Even if everyone made an agreement in advance, at the critical moment, the allies, who had their own agenda, fell out of control one by one.

It is all caused by interests. Jointly overthrowing the human race is a high-risk action, but whether the interests can match the benefits remains to be verified.

After all, there is only one continental overlord, and not every race has the strength to replace the human race.

For most races, preserving strength is the most important thing compared to the unrealistic struggle for hegemony on the continent.

If the orcs want to cause trouble, everyone has 10,000 support in their hearts, but asking everyone to go to the battlefield with weapons is another matter.

In response to the actions of the orcs, all races have not been idle. They have caused a lot of friction with the human race in the past few days.

Unfortunately, friction is just friction. Everyone should think twice before starting a racial war.

You can't blame others for this kind of thing. During the last continental war, the orcs betrayed all races for their own benefit.

Things are changing, and this time it's their turn to be deceived, and naturally everyone can't stand it.

Mainly because the elves also participated. The pure elves actually learned to lie, which was beyond the imagination of the orcs.

If he had personally participated in the negotiations, the Eagle Emperor would have discovered that the Elf representatives had never made a clear commitment.

It's just that the representatives participating in the alliance were members of the main war faction. In order to promote the war, the news sent back was slightly artistically processed.

The Lion King on the side was very embarrassed. He was the one who promoted this war, and even the alliance between the various races was his handiwork.

Unfortunately, there are too many smart people from all races, and they all want to wait for their allies to consume the strength of the human race first, and then finally jump out and take advantage.

So that except for the orcs who really came forward, other races stopped at the last moment.

"Eagle King, it's useless to talk about this now. If all races don't keep their promises, they will pay the price sooner or later.

The war has started, and the three human kingdoms have launched full mobilization. We can no longer stop if we want to.

The more times this happens, the tougher we must be. Any weak behavior will make the human race worse, causing unpredictable disasters! "

The Lion King said righteously.

As long as you have a thick skin, nothing is a problem. The war has started, and no one will believe it if there is a misunderstanding at this time.

The orc army attacked forcefully, and the human nations who wanted to preserve their strength chose to wait and see for the time being. Once they show their decadence, there will definitely be no shortage of participants when they beat up the lost dog.

The Human Alliance is not just a decoration. If there is really a chance to destroy the orcs, everyone will not show mercy.

On the issue of dealing with alien races, the overall position of the top leaders of the human race is actually the same. No one wants these guys to resurface one day and subvert their own business.

"Eagle King, calm down, we need unity even more at this time.

The choice of all ethnic groups on the mainland to wait and see is also temporary.

As long as we make a major breakthrough on the battlefield, they will still be tempted to join the war.

Let’s put aside the previous matters for now, why don’t we discuss the next war first.

The Alpha Kingdom battlefield has reached a stalemate. These old opponents know us too well. Even if we break through their defenses, there are still countless castles waiting for us behind..."

Alex bites the bullet and smooths things over.

Among the four emperors in the five-person meeting, he was the only one who was still the crown prince. Thinking about it made him feel aggrieved.

For the four emperors, if they win this war, they will gain blood.

If you lose, you can take the opportunity to eliminate dissidents and eliminate unstable factors within the imperial court, with the exception of Alex.

There are some things that the emperor can do, but the crown prince cannot touch. If old Emperor Behemoth is aroused, he, the crown prince, will soon end up in trouble.

Thinking of these troubles, Alex wondered if his father had done this on purpose and wanted to use these troubles to kill him in advance.

After all, Alex's physical condition couldn't withstand such a torment.


Fortunately, you are still a knight.

With such a reaction speed, are you going to kill the orcs? "

Hudson snapped.

Ever since they sensed something was not going well on the front line, members of the Koslow family have been in bad luck. Ushered in the most rigorous military training.

Even Baron Redman was running in the team at the moment.

Military duty is the unshirkable responsibility of every noble!

On the battlefield, the orcs don't care who you are. The more noble your status is, the happier people will be to kill you.

In order to increase everyone's survival rate, Hudson decisively chose to train. All clan members who need to go to the battlefield enjoy the treatment of devil training.

Simply running would naturally not be a problem for these knight masters. But under the gravity field of Bear Stearns, it is very different.

Everyone seemed to be carrying hundreds of kilograms on their backs. It was barely possible to walk normally, but running fast would be too embarrassing.

The protest was ineffective, and when Hudson arrived at the training ground, he was in denial.

Mr. Bear Stearns, who was having a good time, didn't know how to sell favors.

One person and one bear, like devils, forcing them to train.

The effect is also impressive. After leaving the scope of the gravity field, their reaction speed has been greatly improved.

However, there is still a long way to go to meet Hudson's requirements.

In normal times, when nobles fight in a civilized manner, the stronger ones will basically win, but it's different when fighting to the death on the battlefield.

Any unexpected situation will affect both warring parties. It is common for the strong to die at the hands of the weak.

There is no chance for everyone to experience the life-and-death experience, but you can still work hard to improve your body's reaction speed.

These people are the elites of the Koslow family. If they all died on the battlefield, Hudson would not be able to support a family by himself.

If the battle doesn't go well, those with quick reactions can follow him to make strategic changes.

As long as he can keep these elites, even if the entire army in his hand is wiped out, he can pull out another team at any time.

The most typical sign of the decline of the great nobility is that the population is thin, or the descendants are all useless.

Without the direct lineage members, the great nobles who all rely on outsiders will soon be hollowed out.

In this era where blood is important, family is the best link of interests, and it is far more reliable than various alliances.

Even if not all of these people are loyal to Hudson, in terms of loyalty, they are still generally higher than outsiders.

After struggling until everyone fell down from exhaustion, Hudson stopped and wiped his sweat.

Although nourished by the power of the mysterious compass, his physique is much stronger than that of ordinary people, but he will still be tired and tired after all.

Bear Stearns' Gravity Field is good at everything, its only shortcoming is its indiscriminate attack.

Everyone who received the training felt uncomfortable, and the instructors who enjoyed the same treatment as Hudson were not much better.

"Hudson, this kind of training intensity consumes too much, I'm afraid..."

Before Baron Redman could finish speaking, Hudson interrupted:

"Father, don't worry, I am active in the field of gravity just like you guys, and I know very well how much your body consumes.

As long as you eat more nutrients, you can still make up for your body's consumption. You don’t have to worry about the expenses, it’s actually not much if you share it together.

On average, only two or three gold coins per person per day can enhance survivability on the battlefield. Such a good thing cannot be obtained from outsiders.

What's more, this level of training is also beneficial to everyone's cultivation. I clearly feel that the speed of the life seeds has increased by nearly 20% recently.

Especially you knights who are stuck at the bottleneck, if you persist for a while, you may be able to break through your current level. "

Hudson said with all his heart.

Only the Lord of Dawn knows whether this kind of training can break through the realm.

Anyway, what he has to do is to convince these people that the current training can not only enhance their ability to survive, but also improve their own strength.

If your strength has not improved, it must be because you have not worked hard in training. Anyway, with so many people present, Hudson didn't believe that there weren't many people who had achieved breakthroughs in cultivation.

As long as a role model is born, this pancake training method can continue.

The perfect answer, Baron Redman swallowed everything he said.

For a knight, the temptation of being able to further his cultivation is too great.

Now it is deceiving the knight officers, and later it will be extended to the whole army, and it will also deceive the soldiers.

The theoretical basis must be improved.

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