
Chapter 166 Big Business

After negotiating a big deal, Hudson did not get carried away.

The income that falls into the pocket is the real income. A mere intention contract means nothing.

Requiring multiple Vatican experts to sign the contract as guarantee is not only to worry about the other party's breach of contract, but also to prevent the black hands hidden behind the scenes.

Through the last conversation with Isabel, Hudson knew that the "Blood Moon Horn" was leaked in the Mountain Territory.

The mastermind behind the incident has not yet been found out.

If the front foot is traded, the back foot is robbed, and Hudson will not be able to escape the suspicion.

Selling the Blood Moon Horn can be regarded as everyone getting what they need.

If someone spends a lot of money but doesn't bring something back, they will be remembered.

Being targeted by a powerful force hiding in the dark is definitely not fun.

Now Hudson just wants to throw away the hot potato of "Blood Moon Horn", but he doesn't want to fight with a big force.

After sending the envoy away in a friendly manner, Hudson's mind was already on the battlefield.

The performance of the frontline defenders was much more tenacious than he expected.

There were many battles with heavy losses, but in the end they persisted until reinforcements arrived and held the last line of defense.

There is also a lot of bad news, for example: the noble private troops of Fengyun Province who were the first to arrive at the front line suffered heavy losses.

Rumor has it that one-third of the losses on the front line were contributed by the noble private armies of Fengyun Province.

He's not good at fighting properly, but his killing skills are top-notch.

A typical negative teaching material, you were not active when preparing for war, and now it’s time to pay the price.

Also performing garrison tasks, the private armies of nobles in other provinces performed much better.

The losses were heavy and unavoidable. However, our casualty rate is generally still under control.

As a negative example, Hudson also used the nobles of Fengyun Province as propaganda, repeatedly emphasizing the importance of training.

As for whether doing this will offend the nobles of Fengyun Province, there is no need to worry.

Only three months have passed since half a year of stationing, and there is still half of the time left. I don’t know how they will survive.

Even if the garrison mission is completed, there may not be many nobles who can come down from the battlefield.

Each and every one of them was exhausted. They were busy going home to lick their wounds, recuperate, and prepare for the next call-up. They had no time to worry about Hudson.

Similar negative propaganda is not limited to Hudson in Wright County.

In order to urge the people below to strengthen their training, governors and county guards from almost all places did not forget to step on it.

While busy training and paying attention to territory development, Hudson was also very tired.

The only good news is that after the mining area expanded its production, the food crisis in the territory was also smoothly overcome.

There is nothing new in the operation, it is just exchanging food with the nobles in the province for latte.

After these people obtained the iron, whether they forged weapons for their own use or used weapons and armor to fulfill the kingdom's mission was not a concern of Hudson's.

In critical moments, the nobles' reaction ability is still good.

The first batch of supplies purchased from overseas, led by the Dalton family, have arrived in the southeastern province.

Unfortunately, we haven't disembarked yet and will be sent to the front line soon.

The Governor-General's Office repeatedly issued orders to calm down prices, but in the end it failed to do so.

Affected by the war, prices inevitably soared.

Food prices have soared by 80%, daily necessities by 50%, and some special commodities have even doubled several times.

The merchants who were hoarding money made a fortune, but unfortunately they didn't have time to settle their pockets, and they were killed by the Governor's Mansion to scare the monkeys.

Severe crackdowns cannot stop the stimulation of interests.

Even if the supply of materials is still sufficient, there are too many excuses to raise prices and make huge profits.

The self-sufficient aristocrats were not greatly affected, but the free people were miserable.

Rising prices are not just a problem in the southeastern provinces. Not one of the three northern countries who were caught in the flames of war escaped.

"Master, I just received news that a group of war horses from the Warren Chamber of Commerce will arrive in the Southeast Province soon."

The old butler's words made Hudson's expression brighten.

In the age of cold weapons, war horses are really important. Even as a defender of the city, no one would dislike him for being too mobile.

In the establishment of the Alpha Kingdom's army, the ration standards for war horses are in line with the knight master.

After the war broke out, the price of war horses also skyrocketed.

A high-quality war horse can often be sold for dozens or even hundreds of gold coins.

Even if it is an ordinary war horse, it cannot be taken without a dozen gold coins.

The high price is just painful, and the shortage is the most unsolvable problem.

If supply exceeds demand, there will be excess profits.

As one of the four major chambers of commerce in mainland China, it is only natural for the Warren Chamber of Commerce to get involved in this kind of business.

"Do you know how many war horses the Warren Chamber of Commerce shipped this time and where they were delivered?"

Hudson asked concerned.

There are many merchants engaged in horse trading business, but most merchants only sell a few or a dozen horses at a time, and those with hundreds of horses are considered big merchants.

As the largest seller of iron products in the southeast, Shandi Ling has always had close ties with merchants.

After the war broke out, through the previous business network, Hudson also successively obtained hundreds of war horses.

There is nothing you can do if you want more, and nobles from all over the country are rushing to buy it. No one will let go of something that enhances the ability to save lives on the battlefield.

There were many competitors, and if too few horses were delivered, they would probably be snapped up long before Hudson sent someone over.

"It is said that there are more than 3,000 horses. The Warren Chamber of Commerce is preparing to auction them in Beida City and has not accepted reservations."

Upon hearing this answer, Hudson instantly lost interest.

There are only 3,000 war horses, but they are still being sold at auction, clearly hoping to make a big profit.

In a competition for financial resources, he is no match for the established nobles.

Deep down in his heart, Hudson complained about the old aristocrats more than once. Knowing that war might break out, why not raise more war horses?

Of course, this can only be imagined. The warning of orc invasion is rehearsed almost every few years.

No one knows when the war will break out until it actually breaks out.

If we reserve in advance, we can only keep a large number of war horses.

War horses are purely consumables, and the money and food consumed for daily feeding alone is higher than the maintenance of the same number of standing infantry.

Except for the wealthy nobles, who can keep thousands of war horses all the time?

In the early days of starting his business, he only had 20 or 30 war horses in hand, and Hudson couldn't afford to keep them, so he had to sell them for cash.

If there was no pressure to go to the battlefield, even now Hudson would not purchase large quantities of war horses.

In name, he, the Viscount, now commands tens of thousands of troops, so it is not too much to have a thousand-man cavalry regiment.

Unfortunately, these soldiers were all put together by everyone, and he only had temporary command authority.

The cavalry was too expensive, and even forming a small cavalry regiment of several hundred people would put a lot of pressure on the mountain territories.

"I know, remember to remind me to attend when the time comes."

Hudson said coldly.

If you have a chance, you have to go and give it a try.

The money of the established nobles does not fall from the sky, and no one wants to be taken advantage of.

Instead of fighting to the death, it is better to collude secretly to carve up the troubles.

If we connect them in series, we might be able to get a share of the pie.

After two or three years in the aristocratic circle, I have never even seen an auction, which is a tragedy when I think about it.

In Dadir City, an old man lay lazily at the door of the grocery store, bathing in the afterglow of spring.

"Grandpa, your business vision is really not very good. You didn't choose from so many places in Dadil City, and you chose such a remote shop instead.

We have owned this shop for more than three months, and the number of customers who come to buy things every day is not as many as ours!

If the business continues as you do, we will have to move again soon. "

The little girl complained helplessly.

She has absolutely no hope for her own business. For as long as I can remember, my family's business has never been good.

Deep down in her heart, she had already decided that her grandfather was not a business person.

The products in the store are quite satisfactory. They are all fast-selling daily necessities, including some items that are in short supply.

Logically speaking, as long as the price is reasonable, there is no need to worry about no customers coming to your door.

But the location of the store cannot stand in a remote location.

Not far away was a military camp, with no residents nearby at all.

Don't expect the conscripted serf soldiers to have any purchasing power. Maybe from birth to now, people don’t know what money looks like.

"You can't blame me, who knew the orcs would suddenly invade.

You go to the city and have a look. Whose shop is doing well now?

Everyone is gritting their teeth to support it. Although our passenger flow here is small, the rent cost is also low.

I bet that among the large and small shops in the city, our losses are definitely the smallest! "

The old man argued forcefully.

Others' losses are temporary losses; they are different, they have been losing money since they opened until now.

The smell of gunpowder smoke filled the air, and the nobles in Wright County were busy training their troops and horses, and had no time to come over and spend money.

The free people in the city are mainly merchants like them, and the source of customers is extremely limited.

This is because Viscount Sith considered long-term development and did not rush to collect war taxes, otherwise everyone would run away.


Grandpa, you are blushing.

Admit it, everyone knows you are not destined to get rich anyway.

How about we sell horses too?

The war horses of the Alpha Kingdom are now the best-selling ones, and they are quickly sold out as soon as they arrive.

I heard that many businessmen have switched to horse selling, and they all make a lot of money..."

The little girl had an idea.

The old man simply rolled his eyes. If it was to make money, selling horses now would definitely be a good business.

The lack of a winner in the Northern Xinjiang battlefield means that the price of war horses will rise for a long time, and the profits will inevitably be extremely generous.

I think he is also a big boss. Although his identity is not visible to the public, his pockets are very deep.

"Okay, Guna. How many times have I told you not to touch hot business.

You only see that the horse traders make a lot of money, but you know how much risk they take.

Not to mention the bandits and bandits along the way. Isn't it easy for noble men to do business? If the price negotiation breaks down, maybe..."

While speaking, the old man also made a gesture of wiping his neck.

Unfortunately, all this did not deter Guna at all.

Even if it is dangerous, it is only others who are in danger. After traveling all over the country for so many years, anyone who came to trouble them ended up dying in an ugly way.

Weird elf doesn't mean he has no brains.

After wandering around the mainland for so many years, she has never seen anyone stronger than her grandfather, but her grandfather is a coward.

During the conversation, a burly middle-aged man arrived at the door of the store. It was rare for business to come to his door, so the old man hurriedly greeted the waiter to receive him.

"You're welcome, call your boss out, I have a big deal to discuss with him!"

The ice-like voice made people's scalp tingle when they heard it.

"here we go again!"

Guna muttered secretly.

Similar "big deals" will appear on time when their business cannot continue.

Relying on these "big businesses" that popped up from nowhere, the old man's business, which had been losing money, was successfully maintained.

"I'm the boss. I wonder what you need, sir?"

"By the way, this is not the place to talk. Come with me, sir!"

Guna, what are you still doing? Hurry up and take out my treasured tea leaves to entertain the distinguished guests! "

As he spoke, he led the middle-aged man into the guest room.

"There's no need to entertain. I don't like anyone to disturb me when we're discussing business."

Guna has heard the same old words a dozen times. She has long been fed up with it, and if it is inconvenient to disturb her, she is clearly told not to eavesdrop.

As a self-proclaimed businessman, you cannot go head-to-head with your customers. Guna secretly stamped her feet, turned around and left.

The owners all stayed out of the way, and the waiters in the store even left early. I'm afraid that the poor reception will offend the big customers and ruin the business.

After making sure that no one was eavesdropping, the old man's aura changed and he asked:

"Come here to look for me at this time. Could it be that the investigation has yielded results?"

The joints are also particular.

As an underground organization, it has not been taken advantage of, all thanks to its good concealment work.

“Reporting to the Holy Lord, people from the Holy See have already found the Mountain Territory.

The security inside the mountain territory is too tight and we can't penetrate.

What exactly happened is still unknown.

But what is certain is that there was no conflict between the two parties.

The most noteworthy one is a singer named Isabel, who is an intelligence officer for the development of the Holy See and has contacted Viscount Hudson many times.

It is said that there is still an ambiguous relationship between the two. Maybe there was no conflict between the two parties and there was a certain relationship with her. "

The middle-aged man answered seriously.

The tracking work is not easy to do, especially in heavily guarded areas like the mountainous areas, which limits their room for performance.

"Hudson is not a simple person, and he will never give up the Blood Moon Horn for a woman.

There was no conflict between the two parties, either the things were not in the mountain territory, or the two parties reached a secret deal.

Continue to keep an eye on the mountain leader. If a deal is reached, he will never give up this opportunity to rip off.

The transportation of bulk materials will definitely leave clues..."

As soon as he said the words, the old man suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Dealing with the Holy See at this juncture is inherently full of risks. If we engage in large-scale material transactions, wouldn't we deliberately let interested parties discover it?

This kind of stupid thing would definitely not be done by a smart "creator generation".

With the Blood Moon Horn's great reputation and its valuation directly in gold coins, hundreds of carriages could not pull it.

It is impossible not to leak such a huge amount of cash.

The essence of the transaction is equivalent exchange. As long as the value is similar, there is no need to use gold coins.

The Holy See's family is rich, and it can definitely trade some valuable treasures.

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