
Chapter 17 Ethel Fortress

Twelve magic crystals were turned into powder, and the mysterious compass in his mind only solidified a little. Its specific function is still unknown.

Obviously, this little magic power was far from satisfying the appetite of the big eater, causing Hudson to almost collapse. If his physique hadn't improved slightly, he would have been ready to give up.

Goldfinger was no longer available, and Hudson had to continue to be cautious. Set up camp and wait for all the people in the alliance to gather before hitting the road again.

Looking at the gorgeous flags and the swaying team under the flags, Hudson didn't know how to complain.

I thought my own house was bad enough, but I didn't expect that there would be something even worse. In the entire league, except for a few two or three teams that can barely watch, the rest are the garbage among the garbage.

After secretly comparing, Hudson found that in terms of strength, his ragtag group was actually ranked among the top five in the temporary alliance.

It's not because of their strong combat power, it's mainly because of their large numbers. For the same recruitment, different territories have different military obligations.

In the case of a mob, the one with more people is naturally stronger. Hudson, who wanted to paddle, never dreamed that he could become the "main force" in the league.

This is embarrassing. I'm afraid no one can tell whether such a ragtag group of people are going to suppress the rebellion or to kill the rebels.

It can only be said that there are too many smart people in this world. After realizing that something was wrong, they all chose to conserve their strength.

A group of smart people gathered together, and there was this grand scene of "a gathering of rabble".

In the context of paddling becoming mainstream, honest mobilization has become an alternative. Of course, "alternative" is not a derogatory term here, and everyone "respects" those who contribute their wealth.

When choosing allies, it is naturally better to be honest. All the nobles, including Hudson, started the flattery mode tacitly.

It doesn't matter what they really think in their hearts. Anyway, in the coming war, they will be the "responsible force" of the alliance.

Of course, as the nominal leader, the Chelsea Knights are also responsible for force. It's just that he is responsible for personal force, while others are responsible for group force.

Who makes Chelsea poor?

A large amount of wealth has been invested in the bottomless pit of magic research, and naturally there is no financial resources to develop armaments. Even the superficial guards are serving serfs, and the force of the territory is himself.

Among all the noble private armies, Chelsea's tribe is the most rubbish. All bamboo spears and equipment, not even a pair of armor can be seen.

The equipment is rubbish, and the key sergeants are a bunch of crooked people. The scattered formations showed that they had never been trained.

Everyone is afraid of comparison. With the help of allies, Hudson suddenly found that his army had become an "elite division."

At least judging from the marching queue, the team of the Koslow family was the only one that maintained its formation. Unlike other noble private armies, they have to look for people everywhere every time they set up camp.

With so many teammates added, the marching speed naturally dropped again and again. As the scheduled gathering time approached, no one was seen in a hurry.

No one panicked, and Hudson didn't bother to be the first person. The law does not punish everyone also applies to the continent of Aslant, especially since they are noble nobles.

Under the current political system, nobles are not given ordinary preferential treatment. Earl Pierce had the ability to punish a single noble, but he would never dare to punish a group of nobles at the same time. Otherwise, if there is a commotion, the kingdom will definitely be alarmed.

Since ancient times, there have been irreconcilable conflicts between the central government and local princes. How to suppress the local nobles is a required course for every king.

For the sake of the stability and balance of power in the kingdom, successive kings have never forgotten to add sand to the local area. The most intolerable thing is that the local area is monolithic.

Under this general principle, the relationship between the local big nobles and the small and medium nobles will naturally not be harmonious, and they dare not be too harmonious.

After thinking about all this, Hudson suddenly understood the practices of his colleagues. A little fuss, which seems very nonsensical, is actually a manifestation of political wisdom.

Of course, we can’t say how smart everyone is. Most people do this just out of instinct. Maybe they don't want to be late, but the low efficiency prevents them from catching up.

The people who really directed all this were probably the nobles above. Generation after generation of hard work and generation after generation of indulgence have led to the current situation.

If you change position, Hudson will do the same. Deliberately creating a situation of lax local control was the best way to eliminate the king's suspicion.

But this situation has changed in recent decades. With the passage of time, the accumulated strength of local princes became stronger and stronger, and the advantages of the royal family were no longer obvious. There are gradually more and more small attempts to make various attempts.

Of course, these are all Hudson's inferences. The information in hand is limited and the understanding of the upper class is insufficient, so the conclusions drawn may not be accurate.

With the arrival of Earl Pierce's army, Ethel Fortress has become the headquarters of the counter-rebellion army, and it has also become the front line blocking the rebels' westward advance.

Taking the lead is the embodiment of chivalry. Although Earl Pierce did not personally lead the charge, he still went to the front line to command.

After defending the city for many days, Earl Pierce was also tired. Plans never change quickly. I originally thought that the rebels were just a ragtag group of people with nothing to worry about. They wanted to take advantage of the chaos to make profits, so they allowed the rebels to grow bigger.

I didn’t expect that the Skull and Bones Society would play a big game. First, the nobles of Dadir City were slaughtered, and then the rebels quickly swept through the countryside.

Before Earl Pierce could react, the rebels swept across Wright and Wyton counties, heading straight for Beda.

That's it for Wright and Wyton counties. Anyway, most of them are fiefdoms of other nobles. It only affected a few unlucky vassals, and Earl Pierce suffered a lot of losses.

But Beda is different. This place is already the core fiefdom of his Dalton family. Once it falls into the hands of the rebels, it will suffer heavy losses.

As a last resort, Earl Pierce could only issue a call-up order while personally leading an army to meet the enemy and defend him from the Ethel Fortress.

"Where have the nobles' reinforcements arrived, and how long will it take for them to arrive?"

Earl Pierce asked with a frown.

It's not that the Dalton family is afraid of the rebels, but war will eventually kill people. The rebels in front of them were obviously no ordinary people. If they fought head-on with the enemy, even if they could win, they would inevitably suffer heavy losses.

In this world of the weak and the strong, strength is fundamental. If the Dalton family's strength is greatly damaged, there's no telling how many hungry wolves will pounce on them.

In order to reduce his own losses, Earl Pierce chose not to leave even though he clearly had the strength to defeat the rebels outside the city.

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