
Chapter 170 Ambition

Entering the study, what greeted Hudson was not an invocation of guilt, but a huge map.

Perhaps Viscount Oran had some self-cultivation, or perhaps he didn't take the daytime affair seriously and just dragged Hudson to the map.

From the small characters marked on it, one could vaguely tell that this was a map of Fengyun Province, and instantly Hudson understood what was going on.

As unlucky little boys and wayward nobles of the province, this time they stepped on a thunderbolt.

In order to complete the garrison task, it is said that all the nobles in Fengyun Province conducted a second conscription in the territory.

The number of young men who have been involved in this war is probably no less than 200,000. Even so, they were able to barely hold on to the defense line with the help of reinforcements from the Kingdom.

In the first round of fighting, he was beaten so badly. There is no doubt that all the nobles in Fengyun Province must have been unlucky this time.

If no miracle occurs, many noble families will inevitably decline or even perish.

As an old neighbor, it is only right to help and show condolences, and there is absolutely no other meaning.

“The situation is difficult!

On the frontline battlefield, anything can happen.

Viscount Hudson, are you ready for the challenge? "

Looking at the inspired Viscount Oran, Hudson wanted to reply - No!

The war preparations have been carried out so far, and it seems to have achieved initial results. In fact, everyone knows that this is still far from enough.

The all-out war launched by the orcs has never been a one-step process. The Alpha Kingdom has reinforcements, and the Orc Empire also has reinforcements.

According to the usual practice, the orcs will not stop until the tribesmen in the country are exhausted.

If a race disappears from the Orc Empire due to war, don't be surprised. This is just routine operation.

Maybe in a few years, the disappeared race will appear again. In the interracial orc empire, not only new races are born every day, but some races must be added every month.

These races usually come and go in a hurry. Most of the rare races came to this world in a daze and left this world in a daze.

In a war of this level, the competition is based on the comprehensive strength of both sides, which cannot be changed by the efforts of one or two nobles.

No matter how well-prepared you are, you will only be an insignificant player on the battlefield, and at most it will have an impact on the local war.

You can feel uncertain in your heart, but you must be confident in your words. Every outstanding noble is a qualified king with strong mouth.

"Everything is unfolding step by step. If nothing unexpected happens along the way, when it comes time to join the war, I will go to the battlefield with at least 20,000 elite soldiers!"

His high-spirited voice sounded as if he already had 20,000 elite troops ready to go to war at any time.

In fact, despite all calculations, the private army of the entire Koslow family, plus the private armies of all the nobles in the county, could not muster 10,000 elite troops.

“Twenty thousand elites are not too few, but if we want to get through this war and gain something, I’m afraid it’s still not enough.

According to the news from the frontline army, the total number of casualties among the noble private armies in Fengyun Province has exceeded 70,000, and the number of casualties alone is 30,000, of which more than 1,000 nobles' children were killed.

It is rumored that Feng Yunxing and his family contributed half of the casualties on the front line. That is not an exaggeration at all. It is said that many army chaplains fell down from exhaustion in order to treat the wounded.

If they hadn't been unable to retreat and surrender, they would have collapsed long ago.

This is the consequence of insufficient preparation! As long as they work hard when training, this situation will not happen.

The poor Liufeng family may be in ruins this time when they encounter an arrogant and arrogant family leader!

All the nobles in Fengyun Province have now been tricked by this guy. With so many nobles dead, there will definitely be a settlement with them after this battle.

The Liufeng family, which has been passed down for thousands of years, may not recover this time, and may even end the inheritance directly. "

Intelligence was Hudson's shortcoming. Even if he wanted to send people to the front line, he couldn't get ahead in a short time.

Just a noble and ordinary officer, that is complete cannon fodder. Not to mention transmitting information from the front line back in time, he would be considered lucky if he did not die on the battlefield.

Being able to obtain detailed casualty battle reports, it is obvious that the children of the Hollister family placed on the front line have a high status in the military, and may even be in a core position in the headquarters.

Now that Viscount Oran is talking about the Liufeng family, he may feel the sympathy of the rabbit's death and the fox's sorrow, but there is a high probability that he will not be so kind.

If you look at the map, you will know that to the west of Qiaomu County is Fengyun Province. When something happens to a good neighbor, you need to pay attention.

After all, this opportunity is rare. Not only the Liufeng family is unlucky, but all the nobles in Fengyun Province have been tricked, and they will inevitably fall into a period of weakness after the war.

The Dalton family was suppressing the Southeast Province, and there was no room for the Hollister family to go further. It was understandable that they would focus on their neighbors who were destined to decline.

As the most powerful among the middle-level nobles, as long as there are no big losses in the war, the Holliser family has a high probability of success if they want to take over the Fengyun Province.

Hudson doesn't need to worry about how to operate it. After all, his ancestors were also great nobles, and he didn't believe that Viscount Oran didn't know the rules of the upper-level political game.

Hudson had little interest in the Holliser family's plans. No matter how the Fengyun Province changes, it will not be his turn to get a share of the pie.

Even if the geographical difficulties are ignored, the Koslow family does not have the ability to expand in Fengyun Province. Of course, if you just plan one or two knighthoods, there is still hope.

But this makes no sense. In peacetime, any piece of territory is precious. It was different during the war. Unclaimed territories were created almost every day.

In addition to sighing, Hudson only had admiration. I have seen prodigal people, but I have never seen such a prodigal person.

Before this battle, the head of the Liufeng family had a high reputation in the kingdom.

As one of the few families among the feudal nobles who can obtain the title of Duke, the Liufeng family has always been the mainstay of the kingdom.

"Dear Viscount Oran, but something happened on the front line? Under normal circumstances, as the defender of the city, the noble officers should not have suffered such heavy losses!"

Hudson asked confused.

After losing tens of thousands of soldiers so quickly, he felt that the contemporary Duke Liufeng was a "talent". If a pig were in charge, the defenders might not suffer such heavy casualties all at once.

Not only did the soldiers suffer heavy losses, but even the noble officers lost thousands of lives in one fell swoop. This man was no longer just a "talent", he was clearly a "unparalleled genius."


"Apart from overestimating your capabilities and taking the initiative and being caught and beaten up by the elite orc troops, can you think of a way to lose so many troops in a short period of time?"

Viscount Oran said with contempt.

The Kingdom does not advocate taking the initiative to attack. It is not impossible to take the initiative, but the prerequisite is that the battle must be won, and at the worst, it must be a draw.

This Duke of Liufeng is obviously a negative example. I don't know what kind of nerve is wrong, but he actually led the troops out of the city to play field battles with the orcs.

Fortunately, the Liufeng family was very powerful. After being defeated, they still managed to hold on to the defense line with a group of provincial nobles.

Otherwise, there would be no need to wait for the liquidation within the nobility after the war, and the kingdom would now hold him accountable for his unauthorized attack.

"Your Majesty the Viscount, the nobles of Fengyun Province did not dissuade them and just watched Duke Liufeng become confused?"

Hudson asked confused.

Logically speaking, everyone should be very resistant to this kind of order to voluntarily die.

If it were left to the Southeast Province, if the governor dared to issue such a death order, he would probably have to attack with his own cronies, and the remaining nobles would not care about him at all.

Administrative leadership cannot change the fact that the feudal nobles are all independent princes. Even the governor of a province has very limited restraints on the nobles.

Obeying orders is within the scope of the rules and cannot harm everyone's core interests.

The military order to "send death" is obviously beyond the scope of everyone's tolerance, and it is a "disorder of life".

The king's "arbitrary orders" may be dismissed at the lower level, let alone the "arbitrary orders" of a governor.

“The situation in Fengyun Province is different from our Southeast Province.

The Liufeng family has expanded greatly in recent years, occupying more than 40% of the province's land. Most of the county guards are from the Liufeng family, making it the only family in the province.

Before this battle, Duke Liufeng's performance was still very good. In terms of personal prestige, he is far superior to our Earl Pierce.

Most of the county governors from various places are his cronies, and they are almost the most trusted advisor in Fengyun Province. Even if others found a problem, they would not dare to confront him.

If he dares to take the initiative, Duke Liufeng is not completely fooling around.

The overall quality of Fengyun Province's army is not good, but there are still many elites among them. Under normal circumstances, an encounter with an orc army shouldn't be so miserable.

Unfortunately, they were very unlucky. They had just dealt with a rat tribe army when they encountered a Beamon army.

Even if they have a military advantage, they cannot make up for the gap in strength. Facing the Behemoth Army with over 10,000 troops, the coalition of nobles from Fengyun Province soon suffered heavy losses.

Hudson, I know that your military ability is good, but the lesson of this bloodshed of the Feng family must always be kept in mind.

Extraordinary last resort, do not go into a head-on confrontation with the Beamon Army. Even the most elite troops in the kingdom would have to muster several times the strength advantage to face the Behemoth Army before they dared to fight against them.

Fortunately, the number of members of the Behemoth clan is limited, and there is little chance of encountering their main force. Otherwise, this war would not be fought at all. "

Looking at the frightened Viscount Oran, Hudson instantly let go of his worries. It's good to be in awe, but to be afraid is to be afraid of the kind of person who thinks he's awesome even though he's obviously not good at it.

The kingdom does not allow unauthorized attacks, perhaps because of the nobles who think they are awesome. One Liufeng Duke has deceived Fengyun Province. If there were a few more, wouldn't the Alpha Kingdom be directly in the cold?

"Your Excellency, the Viscount, Fengyun Province has suffered such heavy losses, so its achievements should be quite large, right?"

Hudson asked tentatively.

Although he didn't hold out much hope, he still hoped for a miracle to happen. If the Behemoth Army can be severely damaged, it will not be a loss for the entire kingdom to pay these losses.

"Don't fantasize! The casualties of the Behemoth Army are less than four figures, and the number of those killed in battle is even less.

As long as thousands of Behemoths can be killed, then this battle will be a great victory in the human race's counterattack against the orc invasion.

If a 10,000-strong Behemoth Army can be annihilated, even if Duke Liufeng loses the entire Fengyun Province army, the kingdom will take care of the consequences for him! "

After hearing what Viscount Oran said, Hudson rolled his eyes. Annihilating a Behemoth army of ten thousand people is simply a dream.

In the past hundreds of years, there have only been two cases in which the Beamon Army was annihilated as an established organization, both of which were completed only after the arrival of reinforcements from various countries in the mainland.

The price paid has only two words left in the history books - tragic!

If Duke Liufeng could do it, he would now be a hero respected by hundreds of millions of people, instead of being the negative example he is now.

Not to mention the group of soldiers who had not completed their training and rushed to the battlefield. Even if they were replaced by the Kingdom's standing army, without ten times the strength, it would be difficult to defeat a Behemoth Army.

If you want to fight a battle of annihilation, you have to be stupid and rush into the trap. Otherwise, if you can’t win the fight, why can’t you run away?

Different from the human race, Behemoths are twins, one is "human" and the other is "beast".

War Beast and Beamon are brothers. They grew up together since childhood, and their cooperation is completely close.

In terms of speed, it surpasses most human cavalry. Only a small number of high-quality horses can compete with them in speed.

Fast speed + strong combat effectiveness are the reasons why the Behemoth clan can occupy the top of the five royal families with a small population.

In fact, the five major royal families of the Orc Empire are not constant. If a certain race falls into decline, it is also possible that the race below will take over.

The five royal families continuously launched wars of invasion to the south, not only to clean up the excess population in the country, but also to take the opportunity to weaken the powerful races in the country.

After war after war, the situation of dominance of the five royal families was established.

Except for the five major royal families, the number of Dingkou of other powerful races has always remained at a low value and it is difficult to increase.

"Your Majesty the Viscount, the strength of Fengyun Province's nobles has been greatly reduced. It is estimated that after completing the garrison mission, their strength will be further weakened.

What's more, there will be a second call-up and a third call-up later. I'm afraid that before the war is over, they will have exhausted their energy.

Duke Liufeng made another big mistake. After the war, he will inevitably become separated from the nobles in the province, and a major reshuffle in Fengyun Province is inevitable.

I wonder if the Holliser family has any ideas about such a once-in-a-century opportunity? "

Hudson asked straight to the point.

After chatting over the map for so long, Hudson didn't think his father-in-law was just discussing the situation on the battlefield with him.

Even if they really wanted to discuss it, it would only be done slowly after giving him a slap in the face.

He even missed the opportunity to grab his pigtails, making it clear that there was something important to discuss, so that Viscount Oran could not care about pursuing his petty matter.

The topics all revolved around the Liufeng family. It was clear that the Hollister family saw that it was difficult to expand in the Southeast Province and wanted to find opportunities in the Fengyun Province to return to the ranks of the great nobles.

"Duke Liufeng caused too much trouble this time, and the Fengyun Province will inevitably fall into chaos after the war. In order to prevent the chaos from spreading to the Southeast Province, I paid close attention.

However, if the situation in the province cannot be stabilized after the war, the Hollister family is still willing to share the worries of the kingdom. "

Viscount Oran said as if he was concerned about the country and the people.

Seeing this scene, Hudson felt that he had learned something again. Obviously he wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to expand, but he insisted on saying that he wanted to share the worries of the kingdom.

It seems that if you want to mix well in aristocratic circles, you must develop a thick skin. Having a red face and a dark heart is the correct way to open it.

As an ally, the Holliser family wanted to expand abroad, and Hudson would definitely support it as long as it did not harm their own interests.

If the Holliser family returns to the ranks of the great nobility, it will be a good thing for Hudson, and the only one who will have to suffer is the Dalton family.

However, judging from Viscount Oran's style, it is estimated that there will be no conflict with the Dalton family at the juncture of wanting to take over the province, and maybe the two families will make secret deals.

As a result, the nobles in the southeastern provinces must be careful. Without the support of the second family in the province, the original political balance is bound to be broken.

Facing the powerful Dalton family, the remaining middle-class nobles may not be able to form an alliance and continue to compete with them.

The situation of one dominant family is definitely not a good thing for the Mountain Territory, which is building strength.

While he was thinking wildly, Hudson suddenly woke up. The private armies of the nobles in the southeastern provinces have not yet entered the battlefield. Who knows what will happen on the battlefield?

If you are unlucky and get maimed by the orcs just like Fengyun Province, and it is too late to protect yourself, then there is no need to think about anything.

It's not a bad thing if everyone is damaged together. Just pull down the horizontal line together, and the balance can still be maintained. In order to block outside prying eyes, everyone can also join forces.

If only a few companies suffered heavy losses, but the others did not, that would be a real trouble.

In a short period of time, everyone may be embarrassed to attack their own people for the sake of their allies.

As time goes by, emotions slowly fade away. Driven by interests, conflicts are inevitable.

Everything is uncertain, but Hudson has nothing to worry about. Compared to other nobles, the Mountain Territory did not have so many interests to lose.

The core interests are the mining areas and the developed wasteland. It’s not that easy for others to come and grab it.

As long as he lives and Bear Stearns is in charge, there will be no problem in preserving the foundation.

As long as the foundation is not lost, it is easy to restore military strength. As long as the entire army was not wiped out, it would only take a year and a half for the soldiers to recover.

"Your Excellency, the Viscount, is truly a role model for us. His concern for the country and his people is worth learning from. If necessary, the Koslow family can also contribute!"

Hudson immediately wrote a bad check. As for whether to honor it and to what extent it will provide support, it depends on the development of the situation.

Note: Noble children are not equal to noble family heads. A family can have multiple children serving in the service. When nobles are old, their sons can serve instead.

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