
Chapter 172 Parliament of Nobles

"News came from the royal capital that something happened to the Principality of Moxi. The orc army attacked Fort Augustus. Reinforcements could not arrive in time. It was only a matter of time before it fell.

Fort Augustus is the northern gate of the Principality of Moxi built with a lot of money. It is also the core of their first line of defense and has always been heavily guarded.

Based on the kingdom's past experience, even in the worst case scenario, our first line of defense can hold off the orc army for half a year.

It had only been more than four months since the war broke out. The main battles in the early stage were carried out by our family. However, the defense line of Fort Augustus still fell so quickly. The top leaders of the kingdom were very worried.

There is no clear information on the specific losses of the Principality of Moxi, but it is estimated to be insignificant.

The main attack on them now is the Yingren Imperial Court. It is really difficult for the main force to evacuate under the eyes of the Yingren.

If the Principality of Moxi responds properly, it may be able to use the cover of night to evacuate some knights to the second line of defense to preserve as much strength as possible.

No matter what the final result is, it is certain that the direction of the orcs' next invasion will change, and the hard days of the Principality of Moxi are coming.

As the weakest family among the Three Kingdoms, it would be difficult for the Principality of Moxi to persevere once it encounters an all-out attack from the orcs.

The royal capital is discussing whether to divide troops to reinforce the Principality of Moxi. This matter is of great concern. As one of the most important provinces in the Kingdom, we should also make our voices heard! "

Earl Pierce said solemnly.

Having a voice should be a good thing. But the current situation really makes people unhappy.

Whether the Principality of Moxi can hold on is of great significance to the Alpha Kingdom, and can even affect the situation on the entire continent.

Judging from the map, once the Principality of Moxi falls, the neighboring Alpha Kingdom and Warhammer Kingdom will directly open their flanks.

Although some fortifications have been prepared on the border, compared with the defense lines in Northland, they are not at the same level.

If the defense line cannot withstand it, then we can only rely on the noble castles along the way to carry out resistance and delay time.

Even if they can hold on, the western provinces are bound to suffer heavy losses.

It was a brutal battle, and no province in the kingdom could escape. Once a new front is opened, it is inevitable that the southeastern provinces will enter the battlefield early.

If you are unlucky and fail to wait until reinforcements from various countries arrive, it will be even worse.

If the order of the Alpha Kingdom is not good, it will be destroyed.

There is no compromise in a race war. Without the unified coordination of the kingdom, the nobles in various places can only fight on their own, and the situation will become even worse.

"Sending troops to help the Principality of Moxi defend its defense line" is also not that easy to accomplish. Not only will it disrupt the military deployment of the Alpha Kingdom, but it will also be tight in terms of military strength.

The most critical thing is whether the Principality of Moxi can withstand it is still unknown. If their local nobles don't provide enough support and only rely on the reinforcements squeezed out from the Alpha Kingdom, it will only be a drop in the bucket.

"Your Majesty the Governor, according to the kingdom's estimation, how long can the Principality of Moxi continue to support itself?

When will reinforcements from various human countries arrive at the earliest? "

Viscount Oran was the first to ask.

There is too little information in hand, and it is too difficult to make a decision that determines the future fate of the kingdom based on only that fragmentary information.

“The most optimistic estimate is that the Principality of Moxi can hold on for a year and a half; pessimists believe that they can hold on for at most half a year.

There are also endless disputes in the royal capital. The generals on the front line also had very different opinions on the strength of the Principality of Moxi.

Some people believe that the Principality of Moxi still has strength and can rely on its city fortresses and geographical advantages to fight the orc army for a while.

Some people think that the Principality of Moxi is an empty frame. The invasion of orcs has exposed their disguise and may fall at any time.

Judging from the situation in Fort Augustus, the Principality of Mossi was obviously insufficiently prepared for this war. If it were left in the kingdom, there would never be a problem of reinforcements not arriving in time.

As for the reinforcements from various human countries, they still have to wait for the alliance meeting in July. The most optimistic estimate is that reinforcements will be sent next year.

Considering the actual situation, the specific time for each country to send troops may have to be delayed for some time.

The Human Alliance has many issues to worry about. It is not only the orcs that threaten the safety of our human race, but other alien races are also ready to take action.

Especially when the orcs make a phased breakthrough on the front line, the stimulation to all races will be even greater. If another alien race takes the opportunity to attack, the situation will be even worse.

In addition to external threats, we must also consider internal issues. The restless Holy See has always been a major hidden danger to the human race.

However, this tumor is so deep into the bone marrow that it is difficult for them to pull it out.

First we had a conflict with the Holy See, and now it is the turn of the Frankish Kingdom to have a conflict with the Holy See. We simply do not want peace for the human race for a moment.

If they weren't wearing human skin, I would have suspected them to be foreigners pretending to be infiltrating the human race and trying to stir up civil strife. "

After listening to Earl Pierce's words, the temperature in the room dropped ten degrees. Even though the red sun outside was scorching the earth, it still couldn't blow away the cold air inside.

Assessments of the Principality's strength are polarized, which means uncertainty is very high.

It would be better if the strength still exists as the optimists estimate. The kingdom sent tens of thousands to two hundred thousand reinforcements to relieve their immediate needs, and they would be able to recover later.

Otherwise, it's over. If the Moxi Principality is not strong enough, even if it sends one million reinforcements, it will only be able to give the orcs their heads.

This high level of uncertainty forced Hudson to hesitate on whether to send troops to reinforce the Principality of Moxi.

What's even more embarrassing is the reinforcements from various countries. Now the three northern countries still have a certain degree of strength. As long as each country sends tens of thousands of elites over, they can teach the orc army to be a new man.

It's a pity that these guys, who have their own agenda, just want to preserve their strength and don't want to work hard in this kind of purely public welfare activities without profit.

As for his evaluation of the Holy See, Hudson simply chose to ignore it. Being against the Holy See is politically correct in the kingdom. If Earl Pierce can say good things about the Holy See, then there will be a problem.

Perhaps the Holy See does want to see the human race in danger, but what they want is to turn the tide and restore glory, rather than kicking the human race into the abyss.

From the standpoint of the kingdom, the Holy See's current approach is indeed a betrayal of the human race.

“Your Majesty the Governor, in addition to the Kingdom, the Kingdom of Warhammer, the Principality of Orton, the Principality of Fike, the County of Ruilin...these countries that border the Principality of Moxi should also make decisions now.

If everyone can act together and send troops to reinforce the Principality of Moxi, the situation should be much better. "

Hudson suggested bluntly.

The Principality of Moxi collapses. Other human nations can wait and see, but these neighbors cannot.

No one knows where the orc army's next target will be. If they are not careful, the flames of war will burn down their own home.

The well-prepared Alpha Kingdom can at least resist. Countries that are not prepared enough will become meat on the orcs' chopping board.

A family can gather tens of thousands of reinforcements, which is not a weak force. There is no guarantee that we can turn the tide, but at least we can buy more preparation time for the kingdom.

"Viscount Hudson's proposal is good. I will report it to the kingdom. I guess there will be considerations in this regard in the royal capital.

What decisions each country will make will probably depend on the Kingdom’s decision. After all, among the neighboring countries of the Principality of Moxi, apart from the kingdom, only the Warhammer Kingdom has some strength.

The remaining small countries have very limited military strength. The military strength of some countries is not even comparable to that of our southeastern province.

If you want to get all countries to send troops together, the prerequisite is that the kingdom sends troops first, and then they can follow up.

The war on the frontline cannot be delayed, and the kingdom must make its position clear as soon as possible. Taking into account the war factors, the Kingdom's Noble Council cannot be convened.

As members of Congress, let’s vote now! The voting results not only represent everyone’s position in the parliament, but also represent the position of our southeastern province.

It involves the future destiny of the kingdom, and also involves the future destiny of everyone. This time we must take a clear stand, either supporting or opposing, and cannot abstain from voting neutrally.

Those who support sending troops to rescue the Principality of Moxi, please raise your hands! "

Earl Pierce said seriously.

In order not to get caught up in the endless wrangling, he directly resorted to "cutting the mess with a quick knife". Opinions can be raised slowly, but voting must take place immediately.

The results come out early, and the wrangling loses its value. After gathering in the royal capital, the will of a group of powerful nobles is the kingdom's decision.

It seems a bit unbelievable, but it is actually the best choice. As a shareholder of the kingdom, at this critical moment, you must show a sense of ownership.

Decisions made by everyone, whether right or wrong, can be faced calmly by everyone.

If he acted arbitrarily, the pressure on the king would be great. You should make the right choice, and you should take responsibility for making mistakes in judgment.

If you are not careful, it will lead to a political turmoil. Facing the orc army, the Alpha Kingdom now needs unity and can no longer withstand internal tossing.

Without any hesitation, Hudson raised his hand first. It is better for the war to burn in the Principality of Moxi than to spread to the Kingdom of Alpha.

It seems that the Southeast Province is in the rear of the kingdom, so it is safe even if it is attacked. But once the western provinces are corrupted, the burden of providing supplies to the frontline armies will fall entirely on the eastern provinces.

At that time, not only money and food will be required, but soldiers will also be provided, and everyone will even have to personally lead the troops to the front line.

With Shan Di Ling's family background, bankruptcy would be a matter of minutes. There is no hope for the great cause of land reclamation. Priority must be given to ensuring the supply of money and food to the front line.

There were many nobles who had similar concerns. Hudson made the first move, and then everyone followed in twos and threes.

What's interesting is that the county guards from the Dalton family also raised their hands. Obviously, Governor Pierce also supported the issue of sending troops to rescue the Principality of Moxi.

"Everyone has seen the result, and I will report it to the royal capital truthfully. After all the nobles who are qualified to vote have voted, the final summary will be the final decision of the kingdom.

The situation is getting more difficult, and I hope everyone will put more effort into preparing for war. The more you prepare now, the more likely you will come back alive in the future.

Colleagues, I don’t want to see human beings wrapped in horse leather.

A reminder to everyone, given the current complex situation, our recruitment time may be advanced! "

Earl Pierce said earnestly.

Maybe there is concern, but more importantly, I see the tragedy of the losers and don't want to follow in the footsteps of those unlucky people.

According to the establishment of the kingdom, once the aristocratic private army in the southeastern province is reorganized, each county governor will be appointed as the commander of the army, and the governor will be the commander of the group army.

Under the same organization system, when performing tasks, they will most likely act together.

If the younger brother doesn't do his best, the boss will be implicated as well. The orc army won't care so much and will beat you up if you find a weakness.

The best way to survive on the battlefield is to increase the number of troops as much as possible and make the troops in your hands elite.

The kingdom’s military service tasks, in addition to stipulating the minimum number of troops, also encourage everyone to bring more troops to the expedition.

If the legion of 10,000 people is overstretched to 100,000 people, the Kingdom's Logistics Department will distribute supplies based on the actual number of people. In a word: I am not afraid that you have many soldiers, but I am afraid that you have no soldiers.

The more numerous and elite the army is, the higher the probability of completing the mission and the safer the kingdom will be.

Theoretically, as long as all nobles complete their tasks, the orc army will never be able to invade.

In reality, anyone who reads history books knows that this is impossible.

The nobles stationed in the early stage were able to barely complete their tasks with the help of the kingdom.

In the later stages, when the troops are tight and reinforcements cannot arrive in time, the defense line collapses.

In all previous wars, it was only a matter of time before the defense line collapsed. The only difference is when it collapsed and in whose hands it collapsed.

Don’t panic if you lose the battle, because when the front line collapses, everyone is often losing the battle.

As long as the results are good, there is no need to worry about accountability. Those who will really be held accountable are usually those who failed to complete the mission and failed to even cause effective damage to the enemy.

Worrying that your subordinates are too powerful is simply overthinking. No matter how awesome a person is, on the battlefield, he still has to behave with his tail between his legs.

If you are too active, that is the target of the orcs. After suffering the most severe beating from the orcs, even if he could save his life, he would inevitably suffer heavy losses.

This is also the reason why the Alpha Kingdom can maintain balance for a long time. No matter how awesome a noble is, once war breaks out, he will be knocked back to his original form.

For example, the five great nobles of the North, who were so impressive before, returned to the same starting line as the great nobles of the kingdom after the war.

Even though the area of ​​the fiefdom was larger, the losses they suffered were more serious. Not only did the army suffer heavy losses, but the serfs under his command also suffered heavy losses.

Facing the evacuation and transfer of the orc army, they can only move to a nearby castle and fortress. If you want to evacuate to the rear, even if the kingdom is willing to come forward to organize it, your old and weak body will not allow you to travel long distances.

After leaving the Governor's Mansion, Hudson's whole body became heavy. The changes in the Principality of Moxi were like a heavy burden weighing on him.

Can sending troops and reinforcements restore the decadence of the Principality of Moxi?

No one can answer this question. In short, the pace of war is further approaching the mountainous territories, and the time to join the war may have to be advanced.

Correspondingly, it also means that this war will be more cruel and difficult to fight. Without reinforcements from various human countries, the pressure that the three northern countries have to bear to face the orc army alone is too great.

Perhaps the speed of military reorganization needs to be further accelerated. It is also necessary to start the second round of training for the noble children in the county.

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