
Chapter 194 Chapter 38 The Fall of Bethel Fortress

Looking at the information about Flying Bear's Castle in his hand, Hudson nodded with satisfaction. There is no other reason than ancient times.

In the continent of Aslant, ancientness is matched by strength.

The Erwin family, enshrined here, has been passed down for more than forty generations. In terms of strength, among the nobles of the Principality of Moxi, they have always been ranked very high.

The lair carefully built by the veteran nobles goes without saying that it has strong defense capabilities.

When the ancient nobles finally ran out of luck, Viscount John, the contemporary patriarch of the Erwin family, was an unlucky man.

When Fort Augustus fell, as one of the supporting teams, he unfortunately encountered an encounter with orcs in the wild.

Not only did he die in battle, but the family's private army he brought out was almost completely destroyed, and the Erwin family declined.

The high-level officials of the Principality of Moxi gave up the rescue of Augustburg, which was also directly related to this battle.

The feudal nobles suffered heavy losses, and the defense line still had to be defended.

The defense task of Flying Bear Castle naturally fell on the principality.

"Viscount Raquel, why do you look so ugly?"

Hudson asked confused.

Guarding an area with tight fortifications like Flying Bear's Castle is a good job no matter how you look at it.

Even if you don't celebrate, there is no need to put on a dead face.

Perhaps awakened by his words, Viscount Raquel hurriedly explained:

"Sorry, Earl Hudson, I just lost my temper.

I didn't see my brother in today's meeting.

As the commander of the main army, he should not be absent from such a meeting. "

If someone who shouldn't be absent is absent, it's either because something has delayed him or something has happened.

Judging from the situation on the front line, no bad news has been received, so there is a high probability that they are besieged by the orc army.

As a second-generation person, Raquel is not really uneducated and knows very well what this means.

Although his eldest brother was in trouble and he became the heir to the title, his brother also took away the family's most elite troops during this expedition.

If an accident happens unfortunately, the family's strength will be severely damaged.

For a big family, once its vitality is seriously damaged, it is often the beginning of a transition from prosperity to decline.

Raquel is self-aware and knows very well that if the worst happens, he will not be able to turn the situation around.

This is just a family. Looking further, the fate of the Principality of Moxi is also in the wind and rain, and the slightest mistake will be the fate of destruction.

Hudson could only sympathize with this turn of events.

Being surrounded by an army of orcs, there is no better choice but to fight to the end.

If you want to get reinforcements, you can only get them by waiting until reinforcements from various countries arrive in the middle and late stages of the war.

"Don't worry, based on past experience, the risk of being besieged by the orc army is not too great.

As long as it is not a battleground like Fort Augustus, and relies on a large military fortress to defend it tightly, the probability that it can withstand the attack of the orc army is at least 60%. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Hudson noticed something was wrong. It seems that these words of comfort had the opposite effect.

The probability of more than 60% means that the Alpha Kingdom is experienced in being besieged. It does not mean that the Principality of Moxi can also do it.

From the beginning of the war to now, there is no fortress in the Principality of Moxi that can withstand the enemy's siege for half a year.

The city with the best performance only lasted less than three months after being besieged by the orc army.

Of course, this is also the reason why the war broke out not long ago. As time goes by, someone will surely stand out.

However, being able to survive the siege of the orc army depends not only on one's own strength, but also on luck.

Once an orc makes up his mind, there is no fortress that cannot be conquered. The difference is limited to the size of the casualties.

Those who survived were all lucky.

For Raquel, luck is too elusive. Once the family's strength suffers a heavy blow, the good days of a second generation like him will be over.

Hudson said nothing more. This kind of bad thing happens every day on the front line.

The old aristocrats declined and the new aristocrats rose. In troubled times, anything is possible.

Bathed in the autumn wind and experiencing constant twists and turns, the Alpha Kingdom Expeditionary Force finally completed its rendezvous in Dexart.

Looking at the five legions gathered in his hands, Crown Prince Caesar had not had time to be happy for a long time before he encountered a new problem - there was not enough training ground.

It's not that the Mossi people are uncooperative, it's that the expeditionary force is too numerous. There are more than 75,000 officers and soldiers in the five legions, and the training ground is not a small one.

The first two legions can also allow soldiers to take turns to rest and train. It is definitely not possible now. The five legions rotate together and it becomes a training exercise every five days, which has no significance at all in pre-war assault training.

Unless it's on the front line where there are heavy troops gathered, who can afford such a big training ground in the rear area?

It was impossible to seize the wheat fields, and the local nobles were not soft persimmons. Moreover, Crown Prince Caesar could not bear the reputation of bullying the weak just for the sake of a training ground.

Coordination is non-existent. In order to urge the expeditionary force to go to the battlefield, the senior officials of the Principality of Moxi were going crazy.

Almost every day, Crown Prince Caesar received urgent letters asking for help. Even his precious princess complained to him more than once.

If the position were not firm enough, I am afraid it would have fallen long ago.

But as time goes by, the political pressure on Crown Prince Caesar is still increasing day by day.

If the First Legion had not performed well before and scored a lot of points for the expeditionary force, the criticism from the outside world would have been even greater.


"The Mossi people are really useless. They have wasted such a fertile land in vain. They have a strong national power, but they cannot withstand it for such a short period of time.

Our first legion has gone to the battlefield, and they are still rushing every day, as if they can't survive without us.

The troops that had just followed up were now unable to rest for several days. Can't you even fight for this little time? "

As he spoke, Crown Prince Caesar tore up the parchment in his hand. The impatient expression was written directly on his face.

"Your Highness, I'm afraid the Moxi people really can't hold on any longer. The reinforcements from the Principality of Oton that just arrived have now been sent to the front line.

Reinforcements from various countries are accelerating, and official documents have been sent from China, asking us to help the Mossi people survive this year.

The situation is tense now, why don't we go to the front lines to help first. The next plan will be implemented later based on the development of the situation. "

Count Jose tried to persuade him.

The situation on the battlefield is changing every day. As a weak party, only by constantly adjusting plans can we keep up with the development of the situation.

If you want to use "Dapest City" as bait to attract the orcs to go deep alone and implement the encirclement and annihilation plan, you must hold the defense line.

If the Moxi defense line collapses, the orc army will march straight in instead of going in alone.

At this moment, Crown Prince Caesar also became entangled. Continuing to wait and see is indeed conducive to the implementation of the encirclement and annihilation plan, but that only requires the Mossi people to hold on.

If the Moxi people's defense line collapses again, it will be more difficult to organize a defense line later.

Even if it could be organized, someone would have to guard it. After defeating the elite of the army, only the temporarily recruited serf soldiers could not stop the orc army.

Thinking of the domestic orders, Caesar sighed helplessly. In the face of national interests, any plan is insignificant.

Ultimately, he is not a desperate gambler. If he dares to gamble with the fate of the Moxi people, it is because the Moxi Principality does not belong to his family.

When it comes to the Alpha Kingdom, it's different. This is his ancestral inheritance, and Caesar is not crazy enough to overwhelm his own inheritance for a plan.

"That's it!

Pass the order and the army will set out tomorrow. "

Making this decision, Crown Prince Caesar felt a lot more relaxed. The army has been stationed here, and he is under great pressure.

No matter how perfect the plan was, it was useless. There was nothing he could do if the orcs were unwilling to cooperate.

Although deep down in his heart, he still believed that the orcs would send troops to attack Da Pest City, but there was no way to predict the time.

If the orcs on the front line are relatively stable, it is not impossible to push them all the way through.



Along with the shouts of killing, a loud "rumbling" sound shot straight into the sky, and a corner of the city wall that originally blocked the orc army finally collapsed after being destroyed countless times.

The emergence of the gap immediately attracted a mad influx of the orc army.

The defenders in the city hurriedly stepped forward to intercept, and the noble officers charged directly to the front line. Countless soldiers rushed forward to block the gap.

The collapsed city wall became the focus of contention between the two sides. For a time, severed limbs and corpses were flying everywhere, and the ruins were dyed red with blood.

"The heavy infantry of the Bear Clan attack!"

Following the orc commander's order, a group of soldiers wearing heavy armor appeared on the battlefield, and in a blink of an eye they joined in the battle for the gap.

Facing a group of iron-clad enemies, the officers guarding the city also sent out elite heavy infantry.

It's a pity that they are also heavy infantry. The human heavy infantry is much weaker than the bear men in terms of physical strength and size.

It often takes two to three human heavy infantry to fight against one Ursine heavy infantry. In this collision of steel, they were quickly at a disadvantage.

Under the pressure of the Ursine heavy infantry, the defenders were beaten back steadily despite their heroic performance.

"Crossbowmen, use the magic crossbow quickly to suppress the enemy's heavy infantry!"

At the critical moment of life and death, cost is no longer a consideration. Ordinary bows and arrows have little effect on this group of iron lumps. Only magic crossbows and magic crystal cannons have enough lethality.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

Crossbow arrows were fired one after another, and the charging Ursine heavy infantry quickly suffered casualties. Unfortunately, compared to the charging orc army, the number of magic crossbows was ultimately too small.

As for the more lethal magic crystal cannon, they had all been lost in the previous battles, and only the last one was still exerting its residual heat.

In an instant, the orc centaur archers also appeared on the front line and launched a counterattack against the crossbowmen.

Theoretically speaking, the magic crossbow has a longer range and does not require too much physical energy to launch, so it should be an advantage in a duel.

Unfortunately, like magic crossbows and bows, it is the person who determines the hit rate.

The distance was widened, and the hit rate was horribly low. By shortening the distance, his hit rate increased, and he also exposed himself to the enemy's range.

In fact, the orc army also has magic crossbows and magic crystal cannons, but the number is far less than that of the human army.

Generally, it will only be used at critical moments. Unlike the human race, which is equipped with almost every important military fortress.

Unfortunately, this kind of equipment is still very rare in quantity. The entire Bethel Fortress is only equipped with six magic crystal cannons, and the total number of light and heavy magic crossbows is less than a hundred.

The scarce quantity and high price forced the defenders to save some money. Under normal circumstances, they are reluctant to use it at all; once it is used, it also means danger is coming.

Watching the enemy continue to rush up the city wall, the original defenses gradually lost their effectiveness. Earl Langton, realizing that the situation was over, hurriedly ordered:

"Retreat to the inner city!"

The retreat horn sounded, and the defenders' retreat further aroused the orc army's madness. Bloodthirsty orc soldiers continued to pour into the city and started massacres.

At this moment, the consequences of the poor quality of the soldiers were revealed. The planned orderly retreat did not happen. Instead, a large-scale stampede occurred because of the rush to retreat.

"Everyone retreats in an orderly manner. Anyone who disturbs the order will be killed. The war team is responsible for supervision!"

Earl Langton's order was obviously too late. The moment the defenders fell into chaos, the orc army pounced on them.

The battle became more and more intense, and the original offensive and defensive battle in the outer city spread directly to the inner city.

In order to prevent chaos from affecting the inner city defenders, Earl Langton had no choice but to abandon his vehicle to protect his commander.

"Close the city gates and block all entrances and exits!"

As the order was issued, countless defenders who had no time to evacuate remained in the outer city forever.

For a moment, the sound of abuse resounded through the sky.

None of this could shake Earl Langton's determination. Watching countless soldiers fall, even though his heart was bleeding, he still chose reason at this moment.

The bloody battle continues. Along with the fall of the outer city, there were also a bunch of nearby city fortifications attached to the Bethel Fortress.

The shouts of killing and crying constantly impacted Earl Langton's nerves. Looking at the fallen family flag, he knew that the era of the Leberon family was about to come to an end.

He was supposed to calm the morale of the troops, but at this moment he had lost interest. Like everyone else, desperate thoughts came to his mind, and he didn't even think that an inner city could block the orcs' front.

Returning to the city lord's palace, he took a nostalgic look, and Earl Langton told his eldest son: "Bethel City can no longer be defended. When it gets dark, take your brothers and sisters and leave through the secret passage.

The secret guards trained by the family were also brought along. How much heritage can be taken away?

Don't go to Da Pest. The family's century-old business has collapsed so quickly, and the Principality of Moxi may not be able to survive for long.

Troubled times are coming, and now is just the beginning. The orc army is approaching fiercely, and the northern countries may not be able to escape this time.

The future of the Leberon family is now in your hands. Remember, the family inheritance cannot be broken no matter what! "

After saying that, Earl Langton's whole person darkened. I originally thought about leading the family further in this troubled world, but I didn't expect that just at the beginning, the Leberon family would be out of the game.

"Father, please come with us! Without you, we alone cannot support the Leberon family."

The eldest son's words did not shake Earl Langton's determination. He looked at his son kindly and shook his head:

"You can leave, but I can't leave. Nobility is not only an honor, but also a responsibility and obligation.

As a lord, I must live and die with my territory. I think you should know what it means if you leave at this time.

Okay, you are not a child anymore, you have to learn to face all this.

I can't let the Lebron family become more glorious in my hands, but I can't let the ancestors be humiliated either.

The war lasted for such a long time, and many nobles died in the battle. Others can die for their family, and I am no exception.

The time is almost up, go get ready! In the days to come, I won't be by your side, and you can only rely on yourself for everything.

There are quite a few people outside who are concerned about the inheritance of the Leberon family. Even some old relatives and friends from the past may not be reliable now.

After leaving here, you must act with caution. Don't rush for success, there is never a lack of opportunities in troubled times. "

No one wants to die, not even Lord Langton. But there was no other way. He had to stay due to the obligation of "responsible for defending the land".

Especially when fighting against alien races, if he dares to run away with him, he will be hunted down by the Human Alliance!

"Father, take care!"

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