
Chapter 232 Dilemma

The sky was getting darker and darker, and the two armies were already fighting together.

The last rays of the setting sun reflected the blood-red earth, and the whole world was immersed in blood.

The heavy infantry successfully broke into the Orc army, and their equipment advantages were fully demonstrated at this time.

It was not a fair match from the beginning between the fully armored human heavy infantry and the naked orc soldiers.

The military formation was torn apart, the orc soldiers on the front were squeezed back, and the two wings were highlighted.

Realizing that something was wrong, Balazs quickly ordered a change of formation. It's a pity that the idea is plump, but the reality is skinny.

It is not easy for multiple races to join forces to form a military formation. It would be too difficult for the beast to change its formation freely.

The order to "change formation" not only failed to reverse the situation, but instead caused chaos on the military formations on both wings.

Especially where different races meet, there are a lot of jokes. Many orc soldiers couldn't even tell the difference between east, west, and north at this moment, and turned into headless flies scurrying around the field.

Seeing this scene, Balazs was so angry that he almost vomited blood. It was really shocking. Although he knew that these orc armies were useless, he never expected that they would be so useless.

The weapons and equipment are not as good as those of the human race. This is determined by productivity.

The limited armors are all on the soldiers of the five royal families. Even if there are excess armors piled in the warehouse eating dust, it is impossible to equip them.

This is a matter of principle. Once the vassal race becomes big, it will only take a matter of minutes to become the main one.

From the standpoint of the orc royal family, they can lose to humans, but they cannot allow the vassal race to grow bigger.

If they lose to humans, they will lose their position as the hegemon of the continent, and they can still stay in a corner; if the vassal race grows bigger, it will shake the foundation of their existence.

After years of exploitation and oppression, the conflicts accumulated between the orc royal family and various races in the country are not necessarily lower than the hatred between orcs and humans.

In the eyes of humans, all orcs are one. However, in the eyes of the orcs, only those of their own race are considered their own, and the orcs of other races are competitors.

"Army attack!"

Balazs ordered slightly hesitantly.

Taking the initiative to find the expeditionary force for a decisive battle was not originally part of his plan.

But the plan could not keep up with the rapid changes. If the elite of the expeditionary force were to exert themselves, their military formation would be defeated sooner or later.

Rather than being beaten passively, it is better to attack from the master and slaves and drag all the expeditionary soldiers into the water.

His rich life experience told him that the Alpha Kingdom was not so generous as to send hundreds of thousands of elites to reinforce the Principality of Moxi.

As long as they are not elites, the gap in combat effectiveness between everyone will not be too great. Only in large-scale melee can they maximize their strength advantage.

It’s getting dark anyway, so let’s wait until nightfall and let’s start the brawl together!

"The cavalry regiment attacks, targeting both flanks of the enemy!"

Hudson ordered decisively.

By choosing to start the war at this time, he was mentally prepared to fight in the dark.

For an ordinary army, a melee in the dark night would be a disaster.

But the expeditionary force is different. It seems to be an elite force, but in fact the proportion of elite soldiers is less than 30%.

They directly set up their formations and collided head-on with the orc army. The pseudo-elites mixed in were easily intimidated by the brutal battle.

On the contrary, with the cover of darkness, the line of sight only stays within a limited range, which is more conducive to their performance.

As long as you can't clearly see the status of your companions in the distance, your military morale will not collapse. After killing a few orcs, maybe the morale of the army will be even higher.

However, this kind of gameplay is only suitable for armies with high morale. If an army is disorganized, it will only collapse faster in the dark night.

After all, fighting a stupid battle in the dark, in addition to competing for the strength of both sides, is more importantly about the collision of people's hearts.

Hudson was betting that the morale of the expeditionary force was higher than that of the orc army.

The two armies chose to attack at the same time, and the shouts of killing resounded throughout the world. The first thing that broke out was a practical exercise of mounted and archery tactics.

Countless arrows poured into the orc army like a tide.

After three rounds of cavalry shooting, the cavalry not only did not choose to charge, but instead retreated dozens of meters before returning to their previous actions.

There is no best tactic, only the most suitable tactic. The unarmored orc army is the best living target on the battlefield.

It is impossible to calculate the specific results of the chaotic scene. The only thing that is certain is that the morale of the orc army under the rain of arrows is constantly being eroded.

The game was played like brown sugar, which caused Balaz's mentality to collapse. It was so shameless that the cavalry did not charge, but instead played with bows and arrows.

It was the first time I encountered such a shameless enemy. How could I think of a way to deal with him in such a short time?

What's more, the army has already launched a charge, and there is no way it can be stopped if it wants to. Any untimely order may lead to a major rout.

Even though he knew that continuing like this would cost him dearly, Balazs could only grit his teeth and hold on.

What was even more collapsed were the orc soldiers on both wings. They were advancing against the enemy's arrows, but they were not strong enough in their hearts.

Unfortunately, they were pushed forward by the rear army and could not stop at all. They could only grit their teeth and hold on.

For a time, screams resounded in all directions, and could be heard clearly even on the city wall.

Because of the light, it was no longer possible to overlook the entire battlefield from the tower. Count Martins commanded the army purely by feeling.

Seeing the magic lighting equipment landing one after another, Count Martins knew that the time to attack had come. If it was later, the expeditionary force outside would be scolded.

Now is not the time to cheat teammates. In the coming battle, the Principality of Moxi will still need the expeditionary force to continue to contribute.

"Give the order and shine the light on the orc army camp ahead. The 1st, 23rd and 3rd legions of the garrison attack, and attack the orc army from front to back with the expeditionary force!

The light magician moved with the army, waiting for an opportunity to cast lighting spells on the orc army camp, bringing all the lighting scrolls and half of the powerful attack scrolls..."

Following an order, countless lights flashed instantly. I don't know whose invention it was, but he also put a reflective shell on the magic lamp to maximize the light's forward direction.

A group of alchemists organized by magicians then came on stage to set up an incomprehensible magic circle, and the light from countless lamps directly converged together.

The city wall that was originally illuminated by magic lamps dimmed again, and all the lights were actually moved above the orc army. It was like the sun falling from the sky, illuminating the camp like daylight.

The sudden scene made the orc soldiers very uncomfortable. The dazzling light illuminated the way forward for them, but it also exposed their figures.

The target was found again, and the crossbow arrows and magic crystal cannons on the tower rang loudly again. When the defenders rushed out of the city, the first thing they sent them was a wave of magic rain.

Countless scrolls flew all over the sky, tearing apart the formation of the orc army in an instant. Before the first-line orc officers could give the order to block the gap, the army rushed in through the torn hole.

After seeing the offensive of Moxi's army, Balazs was so angry that he swore. It was really bullying. The expeditionary force only relied on armor and weapons, but the Mossi people directly resorted to magic.

No matter how powerful the orc army is, it cannot withstand this kind of attack regardless of cost.

A round of magic rain came down, directly clearing a clearing. Any resistance was pale and powerless in the face of extraordinary power.

The great brawl has begun, but the scene of the battle is somewhat beyond Balaz's expectations. Past experience, in the face of magic alchemy technology, went to an extreme that he had never heard of.

At this moment, the cover brought by the night belongs only to the enemy, and they still enjoy the "day" brought by the light.

"Send the order and ask the masters accompanying the army to destroy the magic lamps on the enemy's towers. They must not keep them on!"

In a panic, Baraz hurriedly ordered.

Countless figures flew out from the army and headed straight for the city wall. Unfortunately, this order was obviously too late. As soon as these people's figures emerged, they exposed themselves.

Countless crossbow arrows were fired directly at them. The master who was lucky enough to break through the arrow rain was intercepted by Moxi master before he could touch the city wall.

It was destined to be a low-cost battle. The magic on the city wall could not be destroyed, but the orc masters who rushed out suffered heavy losses.

Hudson, who was commanding the battle from afar, witnessed with his own eyes the massacre caused by technological inequality, and was deeply shocked.

Magic can still be used in this way, and he has learned it this time. Sure enough, people's potential is forced out.

The sudden outbreak of the Mossi made Hudson get to know this unreliable ally again.

Originally, Hudson was planning to first undermine the morale of the orcs, and then use the chaos in the night to slowly destroy the orc army.

Now it seems that there is no need to bother at all. Faced with the front and rear attacks from the expeditionary force and the defenders, it was only a matter of time before the orc army collapsed.

The morale of the orc army that was originally put together was not very high, and it was worn down by Hudson for a while. Now he has witnessed the collapse of his companions. The blow to the morale of the army is absolutely fatal.

I don’t know who was leading the orc army. Suddenly, someone broke away from the two wings of the orc army that was gathered together.

For a melee involving hundreds of thousands of people, a few deserters is nothing, but the impact of these three or five deserters is huge.

"Supervise the team, go and hunt down the deserters!"

As soon as Balazs' order was issued, he realized that the situation was not good. At this time, the supervising team left and fell into the eyes of ordinary soldiers, and could easily be regarded as fleeing soldiers.

It seemed that he was chasing deserters, but in fact he unfortunately acted as the "leader", causing more followers to follow him and run away.

Killing means nothing. Killing each other has long been commonplace within the Orc Empire.

As long as they are not from the same tribe, they are all competitors; if they are even of different races, they are even more "dead enemies".

In the orc empire where resources are scarce, if the orcs want to live a better life, they can only rely on fighting and grabbing.

Since they are enemies, they will naturally do evil things if they have the chance. If it were not for the constraints of military law, civil war would have broken out among the tribes.

"Send the order and ask the soldiers besieging the city to come over and join the battle!"

Balazs ordered again.

In times of crisis, he no longer cares about military orders. Disobeying military orders will certainly result in death, but you can also look forward to the coach's "conscience."

Although this thing is a rare item among the top brass of the Orc Empire, exceptions may occasionally occur.

If he loses the battle, he will not only die. The entire family, and even the tribe they live in, will suffer the same fate.

Unfortunately, everything is in vain. When collapse comes, no matter how many armies there are, the outcome will be the same.

In essence, war is about strength and morale. Without absolute strength to overwhelm the opponent, military morale is the key to determining the outcome of a battle.

The morale of the expeditionary force was high, and the Mossi people who were trapped in the isolated city were fighting with their last legs. These were not comparable to the orc army.

Seeing the orc army fleeing in all directions, Hudson not only did not order an interception, but instead restrained the cavalry's offensive and deliberately allowed them to leave.

Of the more than 300,000 orcs in the army, not even one-tenth of them were annihilated in the battle just now. If you want to rely on the expeditionary force to pursue and kill them, you won't be able to kill many even if you kill them until dawn.

The best way is to lead the enemies to kill each other. Don't expect many orcs to die in the internal fighting. As long as the hatred between the tribes is stirred up, this army will be useless.

As for allowing the orc army to collapse and causing local disasters, Hudson believed that the Mossi nobles everywhere could solve it.

If they can't even deal with the scattered defeated troops, it proves that they are weak and should be eliminated by this era.

Outside Ellente Castle, in the Beamon army camp, Prince Butzweig, who had just received the news of the outbreak of the war, was immediately frightened.

The enemy actually went against common sense and chose to launch an attack overnight, clearly not giving him a chance to return reinforcements.

Whether or not to rush back to join the war at night is a tangled question.

Although the Behemoth Cavalry Corps is elite, it has already consumed a lot of energy in the day's battle. If they continue to attack for more than two hundred miles, they will probably only have half of their 100% strength left at the end.

Leading tired troops into the battlefield is a taboo in military affairs. If you are not careful, you will suffer big losses.

But without sending troops for reinforcements, Prince Butzweig felt uncertain. The orc army that besieged the city of Da Pest were all decoys, or in other words, abandoned sons, selected by the five imperial courts.

The combat effectiveness of a unit that can be easily abandoned is somewhat self-evident. If they really have the strength, even if they want to eliminate dissidents, their death will be more valuable.

Vaguely, Prince Butzweig found himself in a "dilemma" and was unable to advance or retreat for a while.

"Send the order and have the Yingren scouts dispatch immediately, contact the reinforcements from the various imperial courts, and urge them to rush to the battlefield as soon as possible!"

It's already late tonight, it's better to start tomorrow morning. After all, there were 300,000 troops, and Prince Butzweig did not believe that they could not hold out for even one night.

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