
Chapter 236 Collision

On the top of the city tower, looking at the cavalry team gathering below, Hudson suddenly felt that the Beamon Army could also have a touch.

Unlike the infantry, which was just filling the numbers, the Moxi cavalry was of good quality, especially those knights that made him covet.

The sudden change was not that Hudson was hot-headed, but that the situation was different.

There is definite news from the Human Alliance, and there is a clear deadline for the arrival of reinforcements. The originally passive response plan will naturally become more positive.

"Earl Hudson, if you command these troops, can you encircle and annihilate the Beamon Army?"

Prime Minister Herceg's expected question directly confused Hudson.

Putting all the cavalry under the command of this guest general would be too much.

After being stunned for a while, Hudson quickly understood what was going on. "Foreign missionaries like to recite sutras" is also applicable to the continent of Aslant.

Compared to the Principality of Moxi, the Kingdom of Alpha is quite a big country. As a general of the Alpha Kingdom, he would be looked down upon by others.

Even with the previous defeat of Crown Prince Caesar, it could not affect Hudson's "aura of famous general".

There are ready-made famous generals, so there is no need to take risks and use generals without outstanding records. The Principality of Moxi cannot afford to gamble if it encounters a scammer like Crown Prince Caesar.

"Your Excellency, the Prime Minister, wants to annihilate a Behemoth Cavalry Corps in a field battle, unless they themselves make a big mistake.

Under normal circumstances, even if they have dozens of times the force to besiege, they can still escape in advance.

Therefore, to annihilate the Beamon Army, the key to the problem is not on our side, but on whether the enemy generals are willing to cooperate.

Of course, if we can lower our expectations and just defeat them, or drive them away, there is still hope. "

Hudson dared to be so calm, so naturally the orc reinforcements slowed down their march.

This time it was not a trick to slow down their teammates, but the Mossi people followed the expeditionary force's example and disrupted their path forward.

Without so much baggage, the other orc reinforcements were relatively less affected. The exact time of arrival is uncertain, but it will definitely be a few days later than a normal march.

A few days in normal times are nothing, but a few days now can change the fate of the Behemoth Army.

“Then I’ll leave this matter to Earl Hudson!”

Prime Minister Herceg's crisp words made Hudson dumbfounded.

Are Moxi people so upright? He just analyzed it. When did he say he would agree?

He carefully looked at Prime Minister Herceg, trying to find any flaws in his expression, but unfortunately he found nothing in the end.

None of the nearby Moxi ministers raised any objections. Make it clear that it was discussed in advance, and just wait for him to fall into the trap.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with commanding an army to fight. The key is to negotiate the "price" first!

There are now three cavalry legions + four knights on the human coalition side, as well as a palace knights. The overall strength is definitely higher than that of the Beamon Legion.

What's more, some noble knights can now be drawn from the army to participate in the battle, plus masters from many families in the Principality of Moxi. As long as they don't command blindly, there is almost no possibility of defeat.

If the Mossi people had not suffered too much from the defeat and lacked confidence in their own generals, this kind of good job that could easily earn military exploits would never have been Hudson's turn.

As for the price to be paid to defeat the Beamon Legion, it is no longer a problem at this moment.

These are all political needs. The arrival time of reinforcements from the Human Alliance is clear, and the Mossi people must show their performance in advance.

It is best to let the alliance think that as long as they send more reinforcements, they will be able to make a comeback immediately and revitalize the entire battlefield.

After some hesitation, Hudson finally decided to help. Just treat it as a contribution to the human race's cause of fighting against the orcs, don't care about that much.

"It's okay for me to command the army, but during the mission, all combatants must strictly abide by military orders.

Anyone who disobeys military orders will be killed on the spot. We cannot wait for your country's noble assembly to go through the procedures! "

This is an embarrassing topic. The question of whether nobles should be executed on the spot for violating military orders has always been a controversial topic in the Principality of Moxi.

There were both supporters and opponents. It was submitted to the Parliament of Nobles for review several times, but was ultimately rejected.

In fact, this kind of dispute mainly stems from the differences between the king and several big nobles. The small and medium nobles below are just facilitators.

If you were a local noble of the Principality of Moxi, if you dared to make this request, you would immediately be criticized and cast into doubt.

Hudson is different. Special wartime laws have long been implemented in the Alpha Kingdom. In normal times, crimes committed by nobles need to be approved by the noble assembly before they can be executed. This is an exception on the battlefield.

If there is precedent for something, it will not be out of the blue if it is brought up again. What's more, with the support of the Human Alliance Code, there is no lack of legal basis.

The awkward atmosphere did not last long. Representatives of the noble nobles of the Principality of Moxi nodded one after another to express their agreement.

It can be seen that everyone is smart and understands the current situation very well, and they will not be allowed to continue willfully.

Whether it's coaxing or deceiving, the reinforcements from the Human Alliance must be fooled.

At this time, the three northern countries are all competitors. Which country the reinforcements go to help first means that the situation in that country can be reversed faster and its own losses will be minimized.

"Move the capital and fight again, resist to the death..." are just slogans. If it really gets to that point, the human tragedy of ten rooms and nine empty rooms will really happen before our eyes.

The foundation is burned, the vitality is severely damaged, the class is reduced, and everything is reshuffled. These are not what the vested interests want to see.

After receiving the authorization, Hudson was not polite and started to give orders directly: "Give me the order, arrange the troops to rest for a day, and set off to fight the orcs early tomorrow morning!

Inform all officers above the regiment level that I will hold a military meeting on this tower in two hours. "

The vigorous and resolute style really shocked the senior officials of Moxi Principality, and then everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Everyone was not afraid of Hudson's decisive attack, but they were afraid of the indecisiveness of the commander he invited. The more resolute and resolute you are, the more convincing you will be.

Of course, it would be more reassuring if Hudson had an older face, preferably in his fifties or sixties.

Thirty miles away, in the camp of Behemoth's army.

After receiving the news that the arrival of reinforcements would be delayed, Prince Butzweig was furious. My bad mood, which was already bad, has become even worse.

Reinforcements cannot arrive in time, which means that in the next few days, the Beamon Army will fight alone.

He didn't panic at all in the past two days. That was because the Mossi army was still on the way, and the cavalry regiment + palace knights in the hands of the expeditionary army were not taken seriously by him.

Starting today, the situation has fundamentally changed. The human race, which has added two cavalry legions and four knights, already has the strength to threaten the Beamon Legion.

Perhaps that's not all. Among the coalition of nobles from the southern provinces that he had bullied before, there was also a knighthood.

Cavalry vs. cavalry, if you want to rely on the advantage of high mobility, it is not that simple to come and go freely on the battlefield.

"Satuk, send someone to urge the reinforcements from all walks of life and tell them that if they don't come, I will leave with my team first!"

These are angry words, but they are also his true words. Prince Butzweig, who acted as a bait, really doesn’t want to do it now.

The loss of 300,000 cannon fodder can still balance the merits and demerits, so the previous military achievements are in vain.

If we lose the Behemoth Army in our hands, it will really be over. Even if he is a descendant of Emperor Behemoth, he cannot escape the punishment of the imperial court.

Who made the Behemoth clan so sparsely populated?

Even if all the people are soldiers, there are only so few troops, and they simply cannot afford such losses.

The speaker has no intention, but the listener has intention.

Prince Butzweig said angrily, but his men really began to think about how to lead the team to escape safely.

"Your Highness, it may not be easy for us to evacuate now.

Unless they can make a big circle and deliberately avoid the human army in the Da Pest area, they will definitely intercept it.

But in this case, a lot of time will be wasted. The added distance may not necessarily be safe.

We don't carry much rations. If we delay for too long, we can easily lead the army into danger.

Forcibly rushing over to join the Imperial Court's reinforcements was also very dangerous.

From the intelligence point of view, the human race has destroyed the road leading to northern Xinjiang. If we are not careful, we will be blocked by the human army.

They now have an absolute advantage in military strength. If they directly confront them, they will suffer a big loss!

If His Highness really wants to transfer, the best option is to avoid the reality and make a U-turn directly into the Principality of Alton, and then divert to the Warhammer Kingdom.

The war situation over there is also very tense now. If we can go over and help, it will definitely be of great help to the empire's strategy! "

Clark offered advice.

A counselor is anxious about his master's worries and worries about his master's worries.

When the situation suddenly changes, Prince Butzweig will naturally not refuse the addition of such a retreat.

As a bait, he is still qualified. Not only were a large number of active forces from the Principality of Moxi attracted, but the expeditionary force of the Kingdom of Alpha also joined in.

Next is the time to close the net. Whether they can absorb these human military forces depends on the performance of their teammates.

The road was damaged and the march was forced to be extended, which I couldn't blame my teammates for. But if he is responsible for paying for the consequences, that would be a scam.

After glancing at his own adviser, Prince Butzweig nodded slightly and said: "Let this plan be listed as an alternative for the time being!

Let’s wait and see the situation first. If it is really irreversible, then come back to discuss the issue. No matter what, we cannot easily..."

He talks tough, but deep down in his heart, he has already begun to consider whether to adopt this plan.

What are you afraid of?

In the morning, the first rays of the sun shine down. A group of Behemoths were busy making a fire to cook, and suddenly the ground began to tremble.

Soldiers with a little experience can easily judge that this is a precursor to the arrival of the cavalry.

The Imperial Court's reinforcements were still on the way, but the enemy came to the door first. Prince Butzweig was also very angry.

Although he received the news of the dispatch of the human army in advance, the buffer time was still too short and there was no time to make any military arrangements.

"Send the order and prepare the entire army for war!"

Prince Butzweig immediately ordered.

Whether to fight or not is a troubling question. However, this embarrassing scene did not last long.

The human army appearing on the horizon is making a decision for Prince Butzweig. The leader is Mr. Hudson.

With less than 4,000 words, I really can’t hold on any longer, so I need to take a nap first.

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