
Chapter 241 Advance with great success

A large number of Eagle Scouts never returned, which attracted the attention of Eagle officers. After reporting at all levels, the news was quickly passed to Emperor Beamon.

“What is supposed to come will eventually come!

He is really my good son, his actions are extraordinary, and he immediately mobilized all the old immortals from the human race.

I have been pretending for decades, why not keep pretending? Why are you forcing me now?

Unfortunately, it was still too tender after all.

I thought it was a little more subtle. You can hide it from everyone.

Don’t you know that you were on the wrong path from the beginning?

A dandy prince can win the support of a bunch of people. Does he really think that he is the son of destiny? "

After muttering to himself, Emperor Behemoth put away his excess emotions and his whole person became gloomy.

"Guards, pass the order. Let all troops prepare for battle. The human counterattack is coming.

Send someone to summon the crown prince, telling him that I am unwell, asking him to hand over the affairs at hand, and then come over immediately to take charge of the overall situation.

Inform the other four royal families that human reinforcements have arrived, and ask them to seize the time to destroy the Warhammer Kingdom.


A series of orders were issued, and Emperor Beimeng cut off excess emotions, leaving only rationality, like a machine without emotions.

The road to immortality is destined to be lonely. From the grief he felt when his eldest son died to the current routine, Emperor Beimeng's heart has long been as solid as a rock.

Maybe you get emotional occasionally, but that's just a spice to a boring life.

At this point, immortality and powerful power are the ultimate pursuits of Emperor Behemoth.

In order to achieve his goal, he can do anything.


Along with the cry of killing, a special team composed of "gentlemen" appeared on the battlefield between the human and animal races.

Magic flying all over the sky kicked off the war.

Fire rain, hail, ground thorns, wind blades, thunder and lightning... that scene is better than countless special effects blockbusters.

Thousands of magicians took action together, and the scene was really shocking.

A Ursine heavy infantry regiment at the front of the Orc army met the Beast God directly in the dazzling fireworks before they understood what was happening.

"Crossbow shooting, magic crystal cannon turning muzzle. Sacrifice, quickly contain the enemy's magician group!"

Agustin's order was issued, and the priest group behind him was shocked to death.

It is their duty to contain the enemy's magician group on the battlefield, but that also depends on the actual situation.

It can be seen from the body shape that orcs are more suitable for taking the warrior route.

This is also true. The military strength of the Orc Empire crushes the three northern human kingdoms, but in the field of magic, it is at a disadvantage.

It's not that the sacrificial troupes are incompetent, it's actually due to racial talent limitations. Among the five royal families, there are many who are suitable for the warrior route, but there are very few who can practice magic.

You don't even need to practice much, you will be a born warrior when you become an adult.

Lacking magical talent, orcs can only rely on the blessings of gods for their magical power. The sacrificial group, which is responsible for both worshiping the gods and outputting magic, has a special status among the orcs.

Fortunately, the Beast God is a generalist and is involved in various laws. If he were to specialize in one lineage like the Lord of the Dawn, the Beastman Sacrificial Group would be embarrassed.

Relying on the power given by the gods has its limits after all, and it is also limited by the degree of religious piety.

Under this background, the power of the orc sacrificial group naturally cannot grow. Being able to contain the magician groups of the three northern countries is already an extraordinary performance.

The group of uncle-like magicians in front of them are all kings in terms of their spell-casting experience and their own strength.

The magicians from the three northern countries combined cannot put together this kind of lineup. How can they be restrained by a sacrificial group?

War does not pay attention to the principle of fairness. Battles that cannot be won must still be fought. The orders have been issued, and we have to try something.

The idea is good, but the reality is very disappointing.

The sacrificial group's action directly exposed their position. Seeing this scene, a group of magisters who were just watching the excitement also became interested.

Meteors and fire showers, earth pulses, tornadoes, falling ice and rocks...

In addition to forbidden spells, it can be said that all advanced magic mastered by humans can be found here.

The magic of the two groups collided fiercely in the sky, and a dazzling light burst out. However, the stalemate battle did not last for a few moments before a one-sided scene occurred.

Facing the magical attack that shrouded their heads, the orc priests hurriedly put up energy shields. Unfortunately, everything was in vain in the face of absolute power.

Except for a few powerful priests who reacted quickly enough to get out of the magic attack range in time, the rest were instantly wiped out.

As the coach, Agustín was also in trouble because he was too close to the sacrificial group. Although he was lucky enough to save his life, he was still disgraced.

After a brush with death, Agustín's entire outlook changed. Any idea of ​​annihilating the human army was nothing at this moment.

Reason told him that the group of perverts in front of him was not something that his troops could handle.

"Guards, pass the order, let the Pig Legion and the Skaven Legion advance..."

Before the word "attack" could be uttered, he forcefully swallowed it back. The enemy did not take advantage of the mage group to continuously deliver strikes, but directly launched a full-army attack.

The orc army formation, which had long been torn to pieces, was obviously unable to stop the charge of the enemy knights. Agustin hurriedly ordered: "All the Wolf Cavalry Legions attack and stop the enemy!

The Lion Legion and Beamon Legion attacked from both wings, disrupting the enemy's charge formation. The Ursine Legion immediately filled the gap and formed a formation to fight the enemy! "

The fastest wolf cavalry quickly appeared in front of the army from the flanks, blocking the path of the human knights' charge.

Then a scene occurred that Agustín would never forget.

Massacre, naked massacre.

With just one collision, the Wolf Cavalry Legion was decimated and countless Wolf Cavalrymen were unable to even escape.

The corpses all over the ground did not stop the charging pace of the "Uncle" knights, and the Lion Legion and Beamon Legion, which came from both wings, only delayed their time slightly.

The formation of the uncle knights was not torn apart, but in the fierce collision, the Lion Army and the Beamon Army were defeated.

As the cavalry at the top of the mainland's combat power, when has it ever been insulted like this?

In the past, even the most elite knights of the human race were often suppressed and beaten by them.

Unfortunately, this was an exception. The weakest "Master Knight" rushing forward was the Silver Knight. Even the most elite Behemoth Cavalry could only take away three or four of them with one shot.

The first cavalry in the mainland is not the same as the first knight in the mainland. The two are completely different concepts.

Unfortunately, after realizing this, it was over. The orc cavalry legion blocking the road suffered heavy losses in the collision. Before Agustin could withdraw his troops, they were defeated head-on.

The bear infantrymen who were busy filling the gaps and restoring their formation were also stunned by this scene.

Before they could regain their senses, the knight's spear had already stabbed them, and many of the bear-men were sent to see the Beast God with their heads still buzzing.

The elite army was defeated, not to mention the cannon fodder army behind them. They didn't even have any room to struggle, and they were cut into two by the Knights.

Seeing this scene, the commander of the Alpha Kingdom army in the rear hurriedly ordered the entire army to attack and beat up the drowned dog.

The bloody battle continued, but at this moment it was no longer a confrontation between two powerful forces, but a one-sided massacre.

Agustín, who fled in a hurry, was still full of doubts in his head.

Where did these perverts come from?

How could the human race have such a powerful army?

What’s next for the Orc Empire?

What should I do?

With one question after another, Agustin gradually moved away from the battlefield.

The once famous orc commander was dead at this moment, and now he became a middle-aged Behemoth full of fear.

After getting to know the human race again, Agustin finally understood why the human race was the overlord of the continent, while the orcs could only huddle on the border of the barren continent.

Recalling the notes of his ancestors, Agustin vaguely felt that this war was unusual.

In the past, although the human race was able to win, it was definitely not so easy.

Most of the time, a few elite legions were able to rampage across the battlefield, causing the human troops to flee in all directions.

Even if it failed, it would be the result of being besieged by multiple human legions.

Where is it like now, a group of old guys with all white beards who may die at any time beat them to the north, south, east, and west.

How does this look like a battle?

It was clearly a premeditated massacre!

An army that emerged on the local battlefield actually had a group of thousands of magicians, and countless human masters accompanying the army. It was simply unimaginable.

Not sure if it was an illusion, but a voice deep in his heart told him that there were more masters in the enemy team than in the entire orc empire.

Agustin's defeat was just the beginning. With the help of a group of "uncle" knights, the Alpha Kingdom continued to launch counterattacks in the border areas.

No matter how well-prepared the orc army was, and no matter how many elite troops they gathered, they could not stop the charges of the men.

Even the Yingmen troops who came and went without a trace paid a heavy price on the battlefield. Once caught by the big men, an eagle falling incident will happen in an instant.

In order to retaliate, the Orc Empire also dispatched two Eagle Legions at once to cooperate with the army on land.

Unfortunately, the final result was not much better. The enemy's magicians transformed into artillery and blasted at them, and a group of old immortals flew directly into their ranks to massacre them.

There is no way. The orcs on land can form a formation to fight the enemy, but their air force cannot.

Most of the weapons equipped are aimed at ground troops, and bows and arrows are usually used when facing threats in the air. Once the enemy gets close, the combat effectiveness is not much stronger than that of ordinary people.

For a time, good news from the front line spread frequently. It was said that Caesar III's mouth was almost wet with joy. Even Hudson, thousands of miles away, felt this joy.

Judging from the battle reports forwarded by the kingdom, the Alpha Kingdom has gradually regained the previously lost defense lines, and is just short of expelling all the orcs from the country.

Working together in the same trench, victory can always resonate with everyone. Seeing the allies advancing triumphantly on the battlefield, the city of Da Pest was also filled with the joy of victory.

It was all caused by a dispute in the Alpha Kingdom court.

The victories in the past few days have made the kingdom's senior officials more optimistic about the war situation. Some military generals proposed to regain the land lost by the kingdom in the last war.

Once this strategic plan is completed, the armies that have penetrated into the Principality of Moxi and the Warhammer Kingdom will be separated from the Orc Empire and become a lonely army.

Without reinforcements from the orcs, the strategic situation was completely reversed.

The isolated orcs died one by one. Even without reinforcements from the Human Alliance, they could be slowly worn to death on the battlefield.

Not only will this war be stabilized, but the future national defense security of the Principality of Moxi will also be greatly improved.

With the Alpha Kingdom as a human shield, they can once again live a good life of eating melons and watching movies.

At most, when a war breaks out in the future, we should be more careful and provide more support to our "old friends" to avoid a recurrence of this tragedy.

Hudson just smiled at the Mossi idea. We always have to have ideals, otherwise how would we know how cruel the world is?

With his knowledge of Caesar III, it was absolutely impossible to regain the ground lost in the last war at this time. Even putting aside all the pros and cons, the Alpha Kingdom does not have the strength to regain its lost territory.

It seemed that the front line was advancing in great strides, but except for the initial battle, where the orcs accidentally suffered a big loss, the losses in the subsequent battles were only greater, and the actual losses of the main force were not large.

The beheadings in the battle reports were all made up of miscellaneous soldiers. Anyway, Hudson rarely saw detailed descriptions of killing orcs in official documents.

According to past practice, as long as more than 300 orc royal elites are killed, they will be listed separately and introduced.

There was no mention of it in the documents about the good news coming from China, so Hudson acquiesced that it was not mentioned. Since the main force of the enemy still exists, then recovering lost territory on a large scale is a military adventure.

Recovering lost territory is not just about "recovering" it, but more importantly, "recovering" it. After getting it back, troops will be sent to garrison it.

After being plagued by orcs for so many years, the original fortifications have long been turned into ruins. If you want to build a defense line, you can only start from scratch.

There was no time to repair the wounds caused by the war. How could the Alpha Kingdom have such a strong national power to run the land in the north?

In the short term, apart from gaining some reputation, the Alpha Kingdom cannot gain any substantial benefits from heading north to regain lost territory.

Even because of the reversal of the war situation, the Human Alliance reinforcements already on the road will be disbanded on the spot and go directly back home.

You know, you know, on the surface, Hudson is a staunch fighter.

Not to mention regaining the lost ground, even if someone proposed: send troops northward, all the way to the orc royal palace's nest. As long as he is not asked to lead troops to complete it, Hudson will also support it.

It's just a personality, it's all political needs. It just represents the position of his current status, and does not represent his own position.

Looking at the foreign secretary who was lobbying him, Hudson wanted to laugh. Regardless of how majestic he is in the Principality of Moxi, it is all just a pretense.

If he really came to the country, who among the high-ranking officials in the kingdom would know him?

His military exploits were outstanding, but it was a pity that they were fought in the Principality of Moxi. In name, the kingdom treats everyone equally, but in actual practice, there are still differences.

The core reason is that the distance is too far, and with only data on paper, it is difficult for everyone to feel Hudson's contribution to the kingdom.

Even if everyone can recognize these contributions, it does not mean how high Hudson's political voice will be.

In essence, the right to speak still comes from strength. In the Principality of Moxi, he has an expeditionary force of 110,000 people, and his military strength is almost equivalent to a quarter of the current strength of the Principality of Moxi.

As the frontline battle situation develops, the strength proportion of the expeditionary force continues to rise. If the entire Terrance defense line fell, this ratio could even increase to 40%.

With the strength at hand and the support of the Alpha Kingdom behind him, Hudson can naturally be tough in what he says and does.

Things were different when he returned home. The expeditionary force was disbanded and everyone returned to their respective families. He, the commander-in-chief, was instantly knocked back to his original form.

Even if we unite everyone and form a new political faction, it will be difficult to gain much say in politics in the short term.

In the final analysis, the reason why Hudson is powerful now is because the platform provided by Alpha Kingdom is powerful. In essence, it is the power of the platform, not his own power.

Regardless of the power of the platform, his direct troops have expanded to just over 10,000. Some of the powerful middle-class nobles in the country have greater overall strength than what he has in his hands.

It is simply a dream to expect him to promote the kingdom's decision-making. If he really had that political influence, Hudson would not use it at a time like this.

"Your Excellency, recovering lost territory is the common wish of every noble of the Alpha Kingdom. In principle, I definitely support this plan.

But now that I am out of the country, I am really beyond my reach to decide the royal capital.

It is better to wait for a while. When the expeditionary force returns to China to rest, I will make a proposal to His Majesty the King and do my best to promote the implementation of this strategic plan. "

Hudson's nonchalant answer made Renato break into a cold sweat. The expeditionary force is returning to China. Are you kidding me?

The situation in the Alpha Kingdom has been reversed, which does not mean that the situation in the Principality of Moxi has also been reversed. Terrence's defense line is crumbling. Once the defense line collapses, the orc army will move south again.

Without the important military force of the expeditionary force, there is no way to guarantee that they can survive until reinforcements from the Human Alliance arrive.

In the face of real survival issues, everything has to give way.

Hudson's face was so deceptive. It was entirely possible for a young and high-spirited general to become famous and lead an expeditionary force back home to launch a campaign to regain lost territory.

"Your Excellency, this matter needs long-term consideration. We are just a suggestion. The main reason is that the opportunity suddenly appeared. It would be a pity not to take advantage of it.

The battlefield is changing rapidly, and no one can predict what will happen in the future. It's appropriate to take action now, but it doesn't mean it's appropriate to take action next time. Even if you rush back now, it may be too late.

This is all to attack the orcs. Why not stay here first to crush the enemy’s ambition to go south and subvert our hegemony on the human continent! "

Renato reorganized his words and said.

Deep down, he was depressed to death. He had long heard from his colleagues that Hudson was a bit difficult to deal with, but he never expected that he would be so difficult to deal with.

He had just made a suggestion, but not only was the topic blocked by Hudson, but he was even turned against him.

It seemed like he was just young and energetic, but his many years of diplomatic career told him that this was a subtle warning.

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