
Chapter 254 Difficulties in starting a business

In the Warhammer Kingdom, under the full attack of the orcs, the solid steel defense line was finally overwhelmed and collapsed.

Amidst the heart-rending shouts of killing, the end of the battle was announced.

Several orc emperors were looking at the battlefield from a distance. It could be seen from the unfinished expressions in their eyes that they did not want to withdraw their troops so early.

Although he didn't say anything on his lips, deep down in his heart he was sending greetings to Emperor Beamon's family.

If you have the secret of immortality, it’s fine if you don’t share it with everyone, but you can’t even keep it secret.

Now that he is in trouble, the entire Orc Empire's strategy has been frustrated. If it weren't for the stimulation of the secret method, would the Human Alliance still be wrangling now?

According to past experience, there is no precedent for the arrival of reinforcements in the first year of a war. It will be the second year at the earliest when the front line is really unable to withstand it, and all countries will slowly send troops.

In a few more months, the battlefield would be a different world.

The foreigners who had been persuaded by their efforts and were about to join the battlefield were now frightened and retreated.

There is no way. Although the human race, the overlord of the continent, is now divided, its overall strength has not declined but has increased.

Judging from the number of masters, it can be seen that a group of old men who are nearing the end of their life, with the cooperation of the Alpha Kingdom army, can fight all the way to the Behemoth Imperial Court.

The orcs are not a small tribe. In the entire Aslant continent, they are also a behemoth second only to the human race.

It's never a new thing for the second child to challenge the boss and fail, but their second child's defeat was too miserable.

If only a few more allies participated, there is no guarantee that they would still be able to destroy the Warhammer Kingdom and the Principality of Moxi.

After kicking away the obstacles, the small countries behind them will be unable to stop their military front. By then, the sphere of influence of the Orc Empire will be able to extend all the way to the Elf Coast, and face the Elf Kingdom hand in hand.

As a multi-ethnic country, it is only natural for them to easily bring under their banner the remnants of the mainland from the world of ice and snow in the far north.

When the Orc Empire was at its peak, these races were part of them, and now they have returned to the embrace of the Orc Empire without any problems.

Although the Orc Empire, which has completed a major merger, is still no match for the human race, the strength gap between the two sides will be greatly reduced.

After forming an alliance with the elves and joining forces to resist the human counterattack, there is still a chance of success.

As for whether the elves were willing to be neighbors with them, the emperors did not care at all. Racial competition is based on pros and cons, not based on temperament.

The elves and the orc empire have no dealings with each other, but when it comes to fighting against the humans, he is a natural ally.

Without the orcs standing in front to draw hatred, the heavy hammer of the human race will fall on the elves. Compared with the poor orc empire, the elves themselves are precious wealth.

"Let's go, the fighting here is over, it's time for us to leave.

The reinforcements from the Human Alliance are about to arrive in the Principality of Moxi, and they will come to the rescue soon. The opportunity to destroy the Warhammer Kingdom is gone! "

The Yingren Emperor said with emotion.

An opportunity that was right in front of me just slipped away from my nose. It will become increasingly difficult to change the pattern of the mainland in the future.

If there are no major changes later, the human race's dominance of the continent will become more and more stable after this battle.

"Let's see, if we leave this time, I'm afraid we won't have the chance to come back in this life.

That old immortal Emperor Behemoth is really a scourge! "

The Lion King said angrily.

In order to provoke this war, he was shameless. He was really unwilling to end up in such a bleak situation.

"What's the use of saying all this? The old immortals from the human race have all come to the Imperial Court of Behemoth. Even if he hands over the secret of immortality, they won't let him go.

Even if he was lucky enough to escape the human race's pursuit, there were so many immortals all over the continent sharpening their knives, and he couldn't escape.

There is no need to argue with a dying Behemoth.

With this free time, we might as well discuss post-war matters first. For example: the future political structure of the empire! "

The Bear King said carelessly.

The Behemoth clan suffered heavy losses, and the Bear clan did not fare well either. The only good thing is that this disaster was caused by Emperor Behemoth.

It is impossible for the Orc Empire to initiate liquidation against the two royal families at the same time. Even if a power struggle breaks out, it will only target one of them.

The Bear King chose to bring it up at this time, which was obviously to encourage everyone to point the finger at the Behemoth Imperial Court.

"Looking at the posture of the human race, they will probably launch a liquidation against us next. If we are not careful, we will suffer heavy losses.

It's too early to discuss post-war issues. Let's wait until the war is over to discuss it!

In order to avoid some unnecessary conflicts, it is best for everyone to appease the tribes under their control and remove the unstable factors in advance to avoid making a joke. "

Silver Moon Wolf Emperor's words made everyone's expressions change drastically. All previous wars had a common purpose - to consume excess population and purge unstable tribes.

The situation this time was somewhat special. Although the troops they led had completed the cleaning mission, something happened on the Alpha battlefield.

After the army was defeated, the human army only caught the main force of the five royal families and chased them, paying no attention to the other races who were fleeing.

Under this situation, those races with strong combat power that escaped the disaster became unstable factors.

Next, the offensive and defensive momentum reversed, and the human race's key targets would definitely be on these few, and there would be a high probability of heavy losses.

If these powerful fighting races that have not lost their strength are not suppressed, they may become a major hidden danger that threatens their rule after the war.

Even if these races are weak, how about help from their neighbor, the Alpha Kingdom?

The human race is good at playing politics. If there is an opportunity to provoke civil strife in the Orc Empire, they will definitely not let go of this opportunity.

The orcs were worried, and Joseph II was even more worried. As the war progresses, the only direct lineage of the royal family left is the tens of thousands of followers who follow him.

Such an armed force would only be considered shabby in the hands of a big noble family.

The great nobles can rely on this armed force to survive, which does not mean that the king can. No one will fight for the throne, but in the fight for the right to speak in the kingdom, no one can give in.

Especially after the news of the withdrawal of the orc army came, the internal fighting became more intense.

The eastern aristocrats wanted to get back everything they had, while the western aristocrats wanted to get a bigger piece of the cake. The two sides were quarreling.

There were even more than one fights in private, with casualties exceeding three digits, which made Joseph II furious.

Unfortunately, he couldn't do anything yet. If he was not careful, the western nobles would scold him for being unfair.

There are many people who complain about "unfair treatment", but those who dare to say so openly in court are rare in the entire Aslant continent.

"The orcs have just started to evacuate. I'm afraid it's not good for us to evacuate in such a hurry!"

Joseph II said awkwardly.

In the western region, they are dependent on others, and the eastern nobles are naturally no match for these landless tigers.

Returning to one's own territory is undoubtedly the best option to save the situation. But the problem is that the current eastern part of the kingdom is not the prosperous eastern part it used to be.

After suffering the scourge of the orcs, everything has now turned into a white field, it can be said that the ground is full of corpses.

This kind of ghost place is simply not suitable for human survival.

Even if you have a strong heart and don't taboo these things when you forcefully move there, you still have to consider practical issues.

The army plus the nobles' family members and servants who had evacuated early, and the food, drink, and urination of hundreds of thousands of people was a big problem.

The western nobles dare to be so arrogant now, not only to vent the grievances accumulated in the past, but also because they, outsiders, take advantage of others.

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid this is not up to us. The appetite of these people in the west is too great. We have promised to make concessions, but they still refuse to give up.

Half of the court and one-fifth of the land in the Warhammer Plains are not enough to satisfy their appetite.

If they continue to compromise, I'm afraid the Warhammer Kingdom will become their kingdom! "

Prime Minister Guy Gonghuo Road.

If he had a choice, he would not jump out and challenge the nobles from the west. After all, they had the upper hand now.

Even if they get their foundation back, it won't take them a day or two to regain their strength. For a long time to come, the nobles from the west would have the upper hand.

But the problem is that the conflicts accumulated in the past are too deep, especially after the last war, the deliberate leaving of the western nobles as cannon fodder completely ignited the conflicts between the two sides.

It is easy to stir up disputes, but difficult to quell them. Once many things are made clear, they cannot be compromised.

The minister of military affairs, the minister of foreign affairs and other important ministers of the kingdom were taken down one after another. If he, the prime minister, had not been supported by the king, he would also have to resign and leave in despair.

Their reasons are too good. The situation in the kingdom has deteriorated to this point. Someone at the decision-making level must be responsible for this.

The army suffered defeats along the way, and the Ministry of Military Affairs was to blame. Just asking the Minister of Military Affairs to resign and leave without continuing to pursue the responsibility is because everyone is a noble.

In the diplomatic competition for assistance from the Alliance, they lost to the Kingdom of Alpha and the Principality of Moxi. Naturally, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was incompetent.

The situation has deteriorated to this point, and few people in the kingdom's top management can say that they are not responsible. As soon as the lid is lifted, everyone has to get out of their positions.

Joseph II tried to keep the prime minister, not because he valued this capable general, but because he needed someone to attract firepower and prevent the spearhead from pointing directly at himself.

If all the ministers go down, then it will be the king's responsibility. The operation method is very simple, just give the throne to your son.

As long as the king is willing to cooperate, everyone will be a "loyal minister" of the kingdom and will never commit regicide.

"Shut up, don't say such nonsense!"

Joseph II snapped.

Now it is just a struggle between the nobles between the two camps. The western nobles are just dissatisfied with him, but they have not yet reached the point of changing the king.

If we continue to stand with the eastern nobles, it will be difficult to guarantee that the situation will not evolve to that point.

However, in order to maintain the political balance of the kingdom and ensure the stability of the royal power, he had to support the disadvantaged eastern nobles.

The contradictory situation gave Joseph II a particularly headache. It's like dancing on two eggs. If you don't pay attention, the eggs will break and you will be miserable.

Without the Behemoth cavalry to cause trouble, a group of rioters led by a cult organization were naturally no match for the expeditionary force. From the moment the troops were divided, the reports of success never ceased.

Three thousand here, five thousand there. Soon the main mission of the expeditionary force was not to fight, but to guard captured prisoners of war.

As the number of prisoners increased, the pressure on Hudson also increased.

As the war progresses, the population losses of the Alpha Kingdom are not small, especially in the fallen provinces in the north. The population losses are even more severe.

Especially now that the uninhabited provinces further north have been recovered, the noble lords who obtained these lands after the war have to worry about the population.

Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared. Before the dust has settled, the great nobles in the kingdom have already started a war to snatch people.

The large number of prisoners of war in the hands of the expeditionary force soon came into everyone's sight. Everyone, whether they were friends or not, sent representatives over.

Facing a group of important nobles, Hudson was helpless. Although there were many prisoners of war, there were not enough for everyone.

What's more, he himself has to take a share, and the younger brothers under his command also get a share, and the rest can be taken out and divided.

With the limited number of prisoners of war in hand, it became a test to decide whether to give them to whom.

If everyone shares it together, it won't offend anyone, but don't expect anyone to think of him well.

Everyone will just take it for granted, and most people will even complain about the lack of points. Because the result of a fair distribution of the cake is often lower than each party's expectations.

Hudson wouldn't do such a thankless thing. Rather than being blamed by everyone, it is better to selectively offend a group of people.

Hudson had no idea how to distribute the cake in his hands.

Who are friends and who are enemies?

He couldn't figure out this issue at all now. This is the biggest disadvantage of climbing up from below. You cannot accurately position yourself immediately.

Deep-seated interests are involved, and many things cannot be taken at face value. Being friendly doesn't mean you can be a friend, and having a bad attitude doesn't mean you can be an enemy.

There are too many things to consider behind this. To determine whether a large noble family is an enemy or a friend, we not only need to look at the relationship between the two parties, but also need to consider the marriage behind it, their respective circles, and the location of the fief...

Hudson would not dare to fake this kind of thing involving the future. We can only sort out and select one by one based on the limited information we have.

"Enemies" are selected and put aside, and potential competitors are singled out and put aside. These are the first things to be eliminated.

No matter whose face it is, one cannot do anything to capitalize on the enemy.

Nobles with unclear positions and neutral camps are the targets that can be fought for, which is another kind of treatment.

As for allies, this is a great pity. The Koslow family has not yet become allies with any major nobles, but has several enemies.

Not to mention making friends, there are only a handful of great nobles that I have interacted with.

If you are not from the same world and forcefully join a circle, you are not from the same place.

Hudson was very embarrassed. He rose too quickly and had no time to build a network of contacts.

Even if there is a network of connections, it is in the Principality of Moxi. There is no core conflict of interest and you can make friends with confidence and boldness.

When he was mixing in the middle- and lower-class aristocratic circles, he still had the connections of the Koslow family to use, and Hudson was thriving.

When Hudson's current status requires him to face nobles across the country, the family's personal connections cannot keep up.

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