
Chapter 259 Humility

The Northern Expeditionary Army was worried, and there were also disputes within the orc army. The Northern Expeditionary Army was blocked, but how to deal with it next became a problem again.

Defeating the enemy is not difficult, but what is difficult is how to defeat the enemy in a short period of time while ensuring that one's own strength does not suffer too much loss.

Due to the situation, the five imperial courts did not even care about internal fighting. I originally wanted to seek an explanation from the Beamon clan, but now I have no choice but to cancel it.

The only change is that the Beamon clan has dropped from the top of the five royal families to the bottom. This was the initiative proposed by Alex, the new Behemoth Emperor.

There is no way. In the previous battle of the Imperial Court, the Behemoth clan's strength was greatly damaged and they could no longer suppress the other four imperial courts.

Rather than being beaten down by others, it is better to give in proactively. What's more, this time the old Emperor Beimeng made a big mistake, and he also needed to appease the other four imperial courts.

"The situation is not good. Many large tribes have moved, as if they are deliberately avoiding us, presumably because they have sensed something.

In the past ten days, accidents have continued to happen to the people we sent out. It was originally thought that the human race did it, but judging from the current situation, there are also the black hands of these large tribes.

They no longer take the imperial court's recruitment order seriously. Judging from the situation, they are planning to wait until we have a bloody battle with the human race before jumping out to take advantage. "

The Yingren Emperor said with a livid face.

The Orc Empire is a mixed bag of good and bad people. They all bear the name of Orcs in name, but in fact, each tribe cares for its own tribe.

The strength of the five imperial courts was greatly damaged, and their subordinates immediately couldn't bear it any longer. To jump out in such a hurry is not because these tribes lack patience, but because the five royal families are too cunning.

If he accepts the call honestly, his next fate will be to be slowly consumed in the confrontation with the human race.

After thousands of years, every time the two tribes fought, it was a time of unlucky for the tribes below.

Countless powerful races were sent to the battlefield to be used as cannon fodder. Only the brutal rule of the five royal families could they remain standing.

It was obvious that everyone had had enough, and when they saw the opportunity to break away from the rule of the five royal families, they immediately took action.

However, the five imperial courts had been accumulating power for too long, and everyone chose to avoid them instead of confronting them head-on.

If these tribes dare to gamble and directly take advantage of the main force of the five royal families to go out and slaughter all their tribes, they will definitely be able to bring them down.

Alex was very embarrassed, it was his father's fault again. It's okay to lose the battle. Unexpectedly, even the cannon fodder troops under his command were not used up in time, and they were digging holes and laying mines.

"This is a conspiracy of the human race. It is difficult to defeat us head-on, so they are trying to divide the empire from within.

We cannot sit still and wait for death, we must take sharp counterattacks to let the enemy know how powerful we are! "

Crown Prince Alex tried his best to shirk the blame.

When he meets a father who specializes in cheating on his son, there is only so much he can do now.

Forget about the parts that can't be cleared away. For these uncertain charges, you can push them away if you can, and blame them whenever you can.

"Alex, don't be so excited. There is indeed a counterattack, but where to start must be carefully considered.

The current situation is not about how many human soldiers we kill, but about stabilizing the Orc Empire first.

The tribes that are changing now are only part of the orc race. If this situation continues, more large tribes will follow suit. "

The Lion King said calmly.

As the war progresses, the five royal families have all suffered heavy losses, but relatively speaking, the lion clan has suffered the least damage.

In many previous important battles, the Lion Tribe did not come out to increase its presence, and accordingly there was not much loss.

This kind of incredible luck is really the envy of the other four royal families. It's a pity that envy can't change the fact that the lion-men have a greater say in the orc empire.

If it weren't for the lack of achievements that convinced everyone, the position of boss would be the Lion King.

Logically speaking, at this moment, the Lion King should be fiercely engaged in the battle to eliminate the achievements of the Alpha Kingdom's Northern Expedition and lay the foundation for his ascension to the top.

The current situation is obviously not the case. It is his nature to be warlike, but it does not mean that the Lion King lacks political acumen.

The human army must fight, but stabilizing the rear is obviously more important. It is true that humans and orcs have deep hatred, but it does not mean that the two sides cannot cooperate in a short period of time.

Once the unstable elements within the orc empire get involved with the human race, it will be the end of their five races.

As the overlord of the continent, what the human race cannot tolerate is "a powerful orc empire".

If each tribe could stand on its own and disintegrate the Orc Empire from within, they would lose the value of being suppressed by the Human Alliance.

On this issue, it is possible for the small clans below to compromise with the human race, but not the five major royal families.

On the prairie, the two armies were still facing each other. It was as if the arrival of the orc army had no impact on the battlefield at all.

The "siege but not attack" policy of only encircling one side still made Marshal Campbell feel the pressure.

There was no way. As time went by, more and more orc cannon fodder troops gathered.

"The orcs have divided their forces, are you sure you read that correctly?"

Marshal Campbell asked in surprise.

The strength of the Northern Expedition Army is not weak, and its comprehensive strength is at least 60% of the orc army. If you dare to split up your troops and leave, who are you looking down on?

"Marshal, don't worry, we sent people to verify this information three times, and also asked the investigating soldiers to record it with a photo stone.

Preliminary estimates indicate that at least 80,000 orcs have left. Judging from the direction of the enemy's army's movement, it should be returning to its home base.

Perhaps something happened in the rear of the Orc Empire, forcing them to divide their forces and go back. "

The middle-aged officer's words made Marshal Campbell more and more confused.

Changes occurred at the rear of the Orc Empire, which was completely a super topic. Nothing like this has happened in hundreds of years.

Even though it is known that there are many conflicts within the Orc Empire, there has been no big trouble in the past countless years.

Experienced commanders are often bound by their rich experience. When encountering such an unexpected event, Marshal Campbell's first reaction was to be vigilant.

"Send the order and ask all troops to be on alert. Immediately slaughter the animals and leave the precious fodder for the horses. We must be prepared for a long confrontation with the enemy!

Send someone to keep an eye on the direction of the orc team and figure out their true purpose as soon as possible. "

Bathed in the spring light, the Southeast Front Army embarked on the journey again. Logically speaking, the Southeast Front Army has been fighting continuously for more than a year, and it is time to rest and recuperate.

But there are exceptions to everything. The situation in the kingdom is in crisis, and the Southeast Front Army is playing the role of reinforcements. Naturally, it cannot go back to rest.

The army advanced all the way, and the team grew stronger. Caesar III once again issued a mobilization order, including the severely weakened Fengyun Province, and the seven provinces in the southeastern region of the kingdom were within the scope of the mobilization.

There was a delay for a while in order to deal with the issue of prisoners of war, and the provinces had almost completed their mobilization.

Without any surprise, the fourteen legions mobilized from the seven southeastern provinces were assigned to the Southeast Front Army.

With a troop strength of +140,000, Hudson felt no joy at all. His intuition told him that this was just the beginning, and more people would be assigned to his command for unified command.

The biggest difference between having more soldiers and less soldiers is that the former is a useless commander if he loses the battle, while the latter is understandable if he loses the battle.

If he is allowed to reorganize the defense line, then these serf soldiers who have only received simple military training can still be used.

If you expect him to lead the army and run to relieve the Northern Expedition army, it is just a trap.

We can only hope that those guys in the royal capital are not hot-headed and issue an idiotic order.

Worried about the next situation, Hudson decisively chose to mess up. Apart from rectifying military discipline, they are just letting things go their own way.

The expanded Southeastern Front fully demonstrated the rabble in terms of marching speed.

Traveling fifty or sixty miles a day is a thing of the past. The current Southeastern Front's marching speed is directly halved.

Snail-like forward speed, if it had been left in the past, Hudson would have had the supervising team kill people long ago.

Now, just slow down. It would be best to arrive at the front line just as the first batch of Alliance reinforcements arrive.

If the Northern Expeditionary Army still fails to break through, then the problem will not be too big if they join forces and go to relieve the siege.

If the front line was unfortunately defeated, Hudson would have no choice but to admit it. He wanted to protect his family fortune for the kingdom, but his own strength did not allow it.

"Count, the king's envoy is here again."

Hearing the word "again", Hudson's scalp went numb. Now he gets upset when he sees Count Lauren, and that guy will push, push, push.

"Please come in Count Lauren!"

No matter how unhappy you are, you still have to see people. They represent the king, and they directly turn people away. Hudson is not that "courageous" yet.

Caesar III was not someone who was easy to bully. Once he was offended, his methods against others were extraordinary.

All the great nobles in the kingdom have lost their temper. There are countless tragic cases out there, but Hudson is not willing to try them.

"Dear Earl Hudson, I bring you new orders from His Majesty the Great Caesar III.

From now on, the Southeastern Front Army will be reorganized into the Central-Southern Front Army, with you as the commander-in-chief, responsible for unified command of the newly organized armies in the central and southern provinces of the kingdom. "

After announcing the king's new order, seeing that Hudson did not respond, Earl Lauren couldn't help but remind him: "Earl Hudson, do you think so?"

Look, look at a ghost!

At this time, the combat effectiveness of the newly mobilized legions is garbage troops that are at the bottom of the kingdom.

I don’t know who gave Caesar III the confidence to think that he could command so many rabble.

The hundreds of thousands of mobs from the seven southeastern provinces alone were enough to destroy him, and now there are more than 200,000, are they going to let him live?

"Count Laurent, please tell His Majesty the King for me: Hudson's abilities are limited and he does not have the ability to command the Central and Southern Front. Please choose another capable person!"

The tone was so sincere that Earl Lauren was stunned. It’s not that there aren’t many commanders who dislike having too many soldiers, but there aren’t many who sincerely do so.

The last time the troops from the southeastern provinces were brought over, Hudson was not very interested, but he accepted it anyway, and this time he refused directly.

"Dear Earl Hudson, please don't say that! The kingdom is in a difficult situation and it needs a good general like you to contribute to the country."

They were all forced out. The most important thing as a king is to strike a balance. Originally, Caesar III was not prepared to hand over so many troops to Hudson.

The commander-in-chief of the Southwest Front Army and the commander-in-chief of the Central Front Army were also appointed. Unfortunately, those two were really incompetent and caused a big mess on the road as soon as they set off.

"A soldier is like a grate" is not a joke. Especially the ragtag army is even more destructive.

There were no surprises. Both the Southwest Front Army and the Central Front Army proved the destructive power of the mob with actual actions.

The Southeast Front Army, the only one without any problems, suddenly stood out from the crowd. In stark contrast, Caesar III immediately decided to replace him.

The military discipline of the newly formed regiments was abysmal. In addition to lack of training, there was another important reason - a serious lack of qualified officers.

In other words, there are not enough capable noble children. The rest are a bunch of second-generation dudes, now forcibly conscripted into the army.

A group of useless officers and a group of ragtag soldiers staged a tragedy of "soldiers passing like grates".

The families of many nobles were brutally poisoned by insurgent soldiers. Do you know that these nobles are still fighting on the front line?

How could the kingdom just sit idly by when such a major event happened? As the commander-in-chief who is directly responsible, it is natural that he should be removed from his post immediately, and the parties involved in the chaos must also be held accountable.

After some fussing, the position was freed up. Knowing that it was a mess, all the big guys in the royal capital naturally gave in.

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