
Chapter 279 Beating

"Earl, the orcs have withdrawn!"

As soon as it got light, I received the good news, and Hudson felt refreshed.

If you are not sure of winning a battle, it is better not to fight if you can. I just don’t know how the nobles from the southeastern provinces who just came to join them felt after hearing this “good news”.

"Tom, send someone to spread the good news."

Hudson said with a smile.

"Good news" must be shared with everyone. I originally thought of summoning a group of high-level nobles to discuss matters, but now it seems that it is unnecessary.

Without the orc army causing trouble, this mission can basically be declared a success.

It doesn't matter if the losses are heavy, at least the cores of many families in the kingdom are saved, and the political system will not completely collapse.

Unlike previous wars, this defeat was a complete accident. Being tricked by the Human Alliance, the Alpha Kingdom could only hold its nose and admit it.

Marshal Campbell was at best half responsible, but since he died on the battlefield, it was impossible to hold him accountable.

If there is no responsibility for defeat, then the nobles who suffered heavy losses are the heroes of the kingdom. Meritorious officials will definitely be treated favorably.

The law of the jungle also has a tender side. At the very least, everyone should do a good job in superficiality.

Except for those families that are directly extinct and will be divided up immediately, the remaining nobles will continue temporarily.

If you have a solid foundation, a strong network of connections, and a strong successor, it will not be a problem to protect the family legacy.

Otherwise, it will slowly decline. In the years to come, it will be slowly carved up by peepers.

The people who are most likely to be shuffled out are the small nobles. The ability to resist risks is weak, and it is difficult to recover once the vitality is injured.

The great nobility is deeply rooted, and even if it declines, it will be difficult to uproot it in a short while. As long as you don't commit suicide, you can persist for many years by resting on your laurels.

The war has now progressed, and Hudson's attention has increasingly turned to the post-war war.

After secretly taking stock of the kingdom's wealth, Hudson also had an idea. These troops on the front line accounted for at least 70% of the kingdom's military strength.

The powerful Northern Expeditionary Army successfully broke out of the encirclement.

The total number of troops currently responding is only 80,000 or 90,000. Even if some of the defeated troops can be collected later, they will only be thirty to twenty thousand at most.

These troops are considered the first-class elite in the kingdom. The 30,000 cavalry led by Hudson, plus several legions of the original expeditionary force, were considered the elite of the second echelon.

The main difference between the two is that among the surviving soldiers of the Northern Expedition Army, the proportion of cultivators is higher.

Of course, in a short period of time, the gap in combat power between the two has not been widened.

The tens of thousands of elite soldiers in Hudson's hands are indeed slightly inferior in individual combat effectiveness, but they are winning battles along the way, and their morale is even higher.

Although the surviving soldiers of the Northern Expeditionary Army were all elite, they had just suffered a heavy loss and their morale and morale were almost completely lost.

In addition to these more than 200,000 capable troops, there are hundreds of thousands of cannon fodder troops on the defense line. Unfortunately, their combat effectiveness is pitifully low.

Then there are the military forces left behind by each family. This part of the force cannot be comprehensively counted, and the strength can only be roughly estimated.

The Alpha Kingdom is tired and tired. In the coming war, it's okay to follow the Human Alliance as a base, but it's no longer enough to be the main force.

The most important thing for people is to understand their own position. The support naturally needs to have a supporting style of play. If you use yourself as the main force, it will be stupid.

A battle report was quickly written in Hudson's pen. Once the ink is dry, quickly bag and seal it. The whole process is done in one go.

In his position, he seeks his own government.

All suggestions were written by Hudson in secret letters. As for the kingdom's decision, he could not control it.

In the camp, Earl Pierce spat out a mouthful of blood after receiving the news that the orcs were retreating.

The previous misjudgment caused the aristocratic coalition forces in the southeastern provinces to suffer heavy losses and be in dire straits. They finally made up their minds not to come over to join them in order to save face, but the orcs retreated again.

Every time he made a decision, he always came up short, and the whole world was targeting him.



"The Earl is injured!"

The guards' panicked shouts caused quite a panic in the camp.

There is no way, there are dozens of various earls in the entire camp, who can tell them apart without mentioning their names?

After the panic, all kinds of rumors started flying.

Gossip is always a favorite among humans, especially when it is known that the orcs have withdrawn. Suddenly the pressure of survival is gone, and everyone is in urgent need of an activity to relax.

Poor Earl Pierce, unfortunately became the "protagonist" of gossip.

When he woke up from the coma, he was injured, poisoned, assassinated, cursed...all the possibilities were arranged by everyone.

"Pastor Debon, how is Governor Pierce's health? When will he wake up?"

In front of the hospital bed, Hudson asked pretending not to know.

With his strength, it is too easy to distinguish whether he is really in a coma or whether he is pretending.

The "magician in disguise" who relies on the compass is also a magician. Hudson also knew ordinary healing magic.

It's just that he has always been cautious and has never used it externally.

In the eyes of the outside world, he is a talented knight with good strength. He became a magician by sharing the magical talent of the Earth Bear.

If you are misunderstood by others, then let them continue to misunderstand you. The cautious Hudson will not reveal his strength.

"Don't worry, Earl Hudson. Your Majesty the Governor is just overworked and fell ill. He will wake up after a short rest. It is not suitable for too many people to disturb you now. You see..."

Pastor Debon said with a slight blush.

Lying was not a problem, but lying in front of all the big guys made him a little nervous.

If a certain big boss sees the problem and reveals the matter on the spot without hesitation, it will be a tragedy for him as a pastor.

It turned out that he was simply overthinking. There were many nobles who noticed that Earl Pierce had woken up, but their emotional intelligence did not allow them to point out the problem so stupidly.

"In that case, let's take our leave first. For the safety of Governor Pierce, Pastor Debon, I will trouble you to worry about it next."

After saying that, Hudson took the lead and walked out of the tent. It's enough to do this well in acting. If you pursue perfection too hard, you will be more likely to leave flaws.

He is just an honorary earl, and his status in the military is not the highest, but he does have the greatest real power at the moment.

Without Marshal Campbell, and the kingdom had not appointed a new commander-in-chief, Hudson, the commander-in-chief in front of the enemy, was the most powerful person on the front line.

Unfortunately, this power is empty. Everything flows from Kingdom appointments.

Because of an appointment, he was able to command the kingdom's army on the front line; he could also lose all power because of the appointment being revoked.

This caused a little trouble for Earl Pierce, and Hudson shook his head secretly. Originally, the two families could live in harmony, but now they are on opposite sides because of their interests.

Similar things often happen among nobles. Not to mention that the two families have nothing to do with each other, even if they are relatives and friends, there are many who turn into enemies in an instant.

With the addition of a heavyweight "sick", the army was forced to stay where it was. Anyway, the orc army has run away, and they dare not pursue them, so Hudson is no longer in a hurry.

As soon as they returned to the barracks, the two brothers hurried over. From their joyful expressions, it could be seen that the two of them were in a particularly comfortable mood now.

"Hudson, is Earl Pierce dying?"

After hearing Evola's words, Hudson almost spit out a mouthful of water. This is all nonsense. He is obviously fine, so how can he say that the other person is going to die?

"Where did you hear these rumors? They are still alive and well. Remember, don't say such nonsense in the future!"

Hudson scolded with a dark face.

Rumors kill people. Earl Pierce was just out of anger for a moment, so furious that he fainted, and it was reported that he was like this. It was obviously someone who did it deliberately.

The mastermind behind the scenes is not so easy to find out. Mainly because there are too many people who might do this kind of thing.

The Dalton family's former political opponents; the nobles who are hiding in the dark and want to replace the Dalton family; the nobles whose interests have been harmed in the Southeast Province; and even Hudson himself are the main suspects.

The whole relationship is a complicated mess. Hudson didn't have the time to help investigate such a thankless matter.

"Hudson, sometimes rumors can become true!"

Nelson said in a deliberately lowered voice.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard he concealed it, his excited expression still betrayed his mood at the moment.

Earl Pierce's son is still a teenager and cannot support a large noble family. Once his leader dies, the Dalton family will immediately fall into a leaderless situation.

There is no guarantee that the Koslow family can replace them. At least they will not be able to cause trouble to the Koslow family for a long time to come.

"Rumors can indeed turn into reality, but they are more likely to cause fire. As the patriarch of the Dalton family, don't you naively think that there will be a lack of protective masters around Pierce?

Okay, you guys don't get involved in these things. The conflict between us and the Dalton family can be settled slowly after the war is over.

Don't fantasize about snakes swallowing elephants, that will only push yourself to death. If you have some spare time, you might as well collect the information about the extinct nobles of the Southeast Province. It will be of great use in the future. "

Too urgent!

The successive victories have caused many people in the Koslow family to lose themselves and unable to give their family a clear position.

Hudson knew very well that the two of them came to represent not only themselves, but also a large part of the family.

The reason why the two can become representatives is because they are close enough to Hudson and it is convenient to talk about anything.

This impetuous evil spirit must be suppressed. Hudson didn't want the family he led to fall into decline before it had time to grow and develop.

After hesitating for a moment, Hudson continued to add: "Sometimes eyes and ears can also deceive people. What you see and hear is just what others want you to see and hear.

The Koslow family currently has only one sworn enemy, and that is the Locknard family that occupies our ancestral land.

As for the Dalton family, they can only be regarded as competitors with potential conflicts of interest, far from a fight to the death.

You must learn to prioritize. Don't rely on your own feelings to act impulsively, and you will bring powerful enemies to your family for nothing! "

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