
Chapter 282 Hidden edge

Interest is always the best way to stimulate the potential of nobles. The enclosure movement was quickly completed and the city building work was in full swing.

It was obviously too late to recruit labor from the country, so the only option was to turn soldiers into laborers and noble officers into foremen.

Without any surprise, the subsequent newly formed regiments all became construction teams. As for the elite troops, they still train normally while being wary of enemy attacks.

Everyone is very busy, but as the coach, Hudson is free. Apart from occasionally communicating with the nobles in the military, there was basically nothing else.

Frankly speaking, as a rising star, Hudson is still a little uncomfortable with entering the circle of high-level aristocrats.

Fortunately, this is the military, and efficiency is what matters. All activities must be simple, otherwise it will be a joke.

Dealing with different people brings different feelings. The most direct gap is vision. Many times, Hudson feels that he cannot keep up.

There is no way, he has never been exposed to the education of a big noble, and most of his knowledge comes from supplementary classes in recent years.

Nobles from all over the world have their own characteristics, but they have one thing in common, and that is - power and conspiracy.

Vaguely, Hudson suddenly realized that this war was being used by the major forces as a whetstone to sharpen their descendants, as if they were planning a big move.

Through constant testing, he was also able to hear some information about the catastrophe of ten thousand years. Unfortunately, everyone is very taboo about such information. Even if it is revealed inadvertently, the topic will be quickly changed.

If others refused to speak, there was nothing Hudson could do. Only a very small number of ancient families have relevant records about this kind of secret.

When it comes to family inheritance, the nobles of the Northern Continent are somewhat inferior. As the last territory opened up by the human race, the Northern Continent was only truly occupied for a total of more than 1,500 years.

Most of the nobles in the kingdom are descendants of nobles who migrated from the central and southern parts of the continent. Only a very small number of nobles come from civilian families.

Even now, there are still many great nobles with long heritage in the kingdom who maintain contact with the main lineage.

However, this relationship is no longer an ordinary affiliation, but more of a strategic alliance and business partner that tends to watch each other.

The complicated relationship here is something that even those in the industry can’t figure out. The more things he saw, the more Hudson felt that the world was unfriendly to newcomers.

No wonder many great nobles were able to stand up again after their decline. The efforts of future generations are only one aspect, having strong support behind them is the key.

If there wasn't a power behind it that made the enemy fearful, I'm afraid it wouldn't take long for it to be carved up by a pack of wolves after the struggle failed.

All of this is something that Hudson cannot envy. No matter how much help other families have behind them, the Koslow family is really poor.

There are indeed a lot of branch clan members scattered outside; but when it comes to quality, it's hard to describe.

Most of them are semi-illiterate. At most, they can only read a few words and have received some basic knight training.

Only a very small number of them from well-off families have completed the basic education of the lower nobles. Occasionally, a few second- and third-rate talents emerge, and that's just a stroke of luck.

If it weren't for the lack of education, with the population base of the Koslow family, it would be impossible to cultivate a few outstanding people in hundreds of years.

Even if the class jump has not been achieved, at least a few branches have reached the threshold of the middle nobles and are just missing the last chance.

"Nilson, Evola, these are some of my experiences in dealing with people that I have summarized through my contacts with nobles from various places in recent times.

You two should study it carefully, learn from it, and then look for opportunities to pass it on to your tribe.

If you don’t understand something, you can ask me. In the next few days, I will most likely be free. "

During the war, Hudson had to popularize the code of conduct of the nobles among his tribe, and Hudson was very helpless.

He has already conducted similar make-up lessons more than once. Unfortunately, there are too many debts ahead, and we cannot expect a group of semi-literate people to overcome them all at once.

What's more, many things that are passed down orally and subtly have no written records at all. There are many things that even Hudson himself is fumbling forward along the way.

If someone discovers a problem without being in a social relationship, he will just pretend. When getting along with other nobles, he appears as a listener most of the time.

The more things you hear, the more your horizons will open up. What's more, he has experienced the impact of the information explosion, and his ability to accept new things is not generally strong.

It has become a common practice to screen what you learn and then teach it to your tribe in batches.

The effect can only be said to be better than nothing, mainly depends on personal qualifications. Some people have learned a lot, while others have learned nothing.

After all, his foundation was too poor and he was accustomed to the logic of the lower-class nobles. It was difficult to adapt to the game play among the big nobles in a short period of time.

Hudson actually does not have high expectations for these adult children of the family. The real focus of training is the group of teenagers in the territory.


"By the way, Hudson. If you divide all the affairs in the general, will it have any impact?

Now, there are a lot of rumors in the camp. Many people say you have a vain reputation, but all I know is..."

In the middle of the sentence, Nelson swallowed it back. It's really hard to say anything. Even if they are brothers, it doesn't mean they can say anything.

"Ha ha……"

Hudson laughed.

"It's okay if there are rumors in the army! I was the one who let people out on purpose. It would be a problem if you didn't hear it."

Everything is the fault of youth.

It's not a big deal if you are in a high position and make people "jealous"; but if you cause everyone to be "jealous", it will be a big trouble.

Thinking about a military commander in his twenties is scary.

Had it not been for the sudden change in the political situation in the kingdom, even with great merit, this position would not have fallen to Hudson.

Under this background, even if he had the opportunity to firmly control the army, he would deliberately look very reluctant.

In order to make the outside world mistakenly think that his foundation in the army is unstable, he still needs the cooperation of the two deputy commanders to control the entire army.

This was something he did not only to show to Caesar III, but also to all the nobles in the army, including the two decentralized deputy commanders who were also involved in the situation.

As a loyal minister of the kingdom, His Majesty the King now needs a balance of power in the army, and Hudson naturally has to give him a balance.

Knowing that many of his fellow nobles did not like to see a strong commander, Hudson also cooperated very cooperatively to fulfill their wishes.

In a sense, this is why Hudson had to retire after the war. At his age, if he holds the position and doesn't let it go, he can stay there for a hundred years.

Now Hudson's foundation in the military is still shallow, and in the era of Caesar III, the king could still suppress him.

However, after the throne was passed down for two or three generations, most of the senior officials in the court and the rising generals in the army became his trusted followers, which became a real threat.

It may be unrealistic to usurp the throne and rebel, but to evade the king and become a powerful minister is as simple as eating and drinking.

The Orc Empire watched helplessly as the human alliance occupied its own land, but was unable to do anything. For the five emperors, it was undoubtedly the greatest shame in life.

"We can't let this go anymore, we have to fight back!"

As soon as the Bear King finished speaking, he heard a "crash" sound and saw that the table in front of him had been torn into pieces and wood chips were flying everywhere.

"King Xiong, calm down. What the human race is doing is indeed challenging our bottom line, but from another perspective, it also reflects their inner hesitation.

If they really have the confidence to destroy us, there is no need for them to be in such a hurry to occupy land and build defense lines.

Eighty percent of them are Alpha people. They are not optimistic about this war, so they have prepared their backup plan in advance. "

Alex tried to persuade.

It was probably because they had become angry recently. The tempers of several Beast Kings were getting louder than the last, making him, a professional persuader, almost unable to keep up.

Despite his dissatisfaction, Alex still did not compromise on the role he should play.

Everything was to pay off the previous bad debts. The mess left by the old Emperor Behemoth now fell on him, the heir.

As the weakest among the five royal families, Alex must remain rational at all times and must not act on impulse.

"It doesn't actually matter what the Alpha people think. What we need to do right now is: whatever the enemy wants to do, let them do nothing.

Destruction is always easier than construction. Once they are almost done with the construction, we can send troops over to hold up their defense line.

In a short period of time, our main task is to calm down the domestic chaos as soon as possible, and we cannot let them cause chaos to us at a critical moment! "

Silver Moon Wolf Emperor said coldly.

Compared to the visible external enemies, the rebels hidden within are the ones who attract the most hatred.

Especially after learning that the rebels had started civil strife this time, and that there were humans supporting them, it became even more unbearable.

"The Wolf King is right, we must not let go of any rebels.

It's just that reinforcements from the Human Alliance are coming from all directions. It's absolutely impossible to come out just to show off, to scare us and then go back.

There is bound to be a fierce battle next, and the empire's preparations are far from adequate. We need a complete set of combat plans and countermeasures. "

The Yingren Emperor's analysis caused the temperature in the room to drop by at least ten degrees. A head-on battle with the human race was the previous plan.

Following a series of unexpected changes, everyone's expectations became lower and lower. From the earliest stage of annihilating the human race to seizing the hegemony of the continent, it has fallen to the current stage of survival.

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