
Chapter 289 Package Arrangement

Looking at the majestic coalition troops marching out, Hudson just wanted to sigh: The wind is rustling and the water is cold, and the heroes are gone and never come back!

He admitted that he was sore. The majestic Tyrannosaurus rex, the agile yet powerful Velociraptor, the Terrestrial dragon weighing as much as an really blinded his eyes.

In addition to those running on the ground, there are also those flying in the sky. In short, Hudson was extremely greedy for the wealth brought out by the coalition forces.

Regardless of these behemoth legions, the quality of the coalition's individual soldiers is also horribly high, with almost no ordinary people.

Even if they knew it, everyone was using it to prop up the scene. That also made Hudson drool with envy and he had to force his eyes away.

He didn't dare to continue reading, otherwise Hudson would worry that he would become jealous and lose himself.

After watching the large army leave, Hudson realized his gaffe after coming back to his senses.

Fortunately, everyone's reaction was similar to his. Every noble has a dream of commanding thousands of troops. As a high-level noble, two words must be added after this - elite!

"Now let's allocate their respective tasks: Marquis James, you will be responsible for the distribution of food and grass for the army. Coordination must be done well and the materials must be distributed on time.

Marshal Borg, Count Martins, Count Pierce, Duke Pias... you are responsible for the escort of supplies.

Although the coalition air force will provide you with safety warnings, this is the Orc Empire after all, and it is possible for the enemy to bypass the air force's sight and conduct military maneuvers.

Everyone must be vigilant and not give the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of us. In particular, beware of the enemy sending out masters to perform some evil-god sacrifices on the way.

Duke Cavadia, Duke Jagiellon, Duke Dias, Duke Ferdinand... your mission is the most important.

Not only must we capture Fengyue Port, we must also capture Fengyue Port that can ensure navigation, laying the foundation for the army's next attack.


After a series of tasks were assigned, everyone had something to do, and only Hudson was left "idle".

But this is only superficial. As the commander-in-chief of the army, his task is not easy at all.

Sit in charge of the central army and coordinate the overall situation.

If nothing goes wrong, everything will be fine. If an unexpected change occurs in any link, he will have to take charge of the aftermath to avoid further deterioration of the situation.

As soon as he finished speaking, Duke Pias, who couldn't hold himself any longer, jumped out and asked: "Earl Hudson, why am I... responsible for escorting grain and grass instead of attacking Fengyue Port?"

Originally, I wanted to say that all the northern nobles were going to attack Fengyue Port, so why did they treat him separately? But when the words came to his lips, he changed his words temporarily.

It's reckless enough to attack coach Hudson, but if you bring along his colleagues, you'll offend a lot more people.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see at a glance that they all seem to be tasks, but they can also be divided into three, six, and nine levels.

If you want to make connections and not be afraid of the trouble of dealing with interpersonal relationships, the best place to go is to distribute supplies.

If you want to gain military exploits, it is obviously more reliable to attack Fengyue Port. After all, military exploits are all achieved through fighting. If you don’t go out and kill people, where will the credit come from?

Escorting food and grass can only be regarded as hard work. Unless the enemy robs food and successfully defeats the enemy, saving food and grass for the army, it can be regarded as military merit.

With the air force in the sky taking care of them, the probability of being attacked by a large enemy force is infinitely zero.

It is estimated that as soon as they took action, the nearby coalition forces immediately pounced on them.

The Human Alliance launched this war not only to save the human race's face, but also to show off their muscles.

It is not only a show of strength to the foreign races outside, but also a competition between the major forces within the human race, or a mutual deterrent.

There is no doubt about the enthusiasm for fighting. As long as it is a winnable war, everyone will actively participate.

With the coalition forces at the front, even if the orcs come out to rob the food, they will most likely send a small force to come over and cause damage.

On the vast prairie, there are only a thousand or eight hundred people at most. If there are more, they will not be able to hide.

When marching on the grassland, there is often more than one route to choose from. Without prior information, if you want to accurately complete the ambush, it depends purely on luck.

I have been preparing for so long, but when it comes time to make achievements, I have been left with little shoes. Duke Pias did not ask Hudson for a duel, which was considered to be a favor to the king.

"Your Excellency, there is no superiority in military tasks, but the division of labor is different. We are all fighting for the great cause of the human race.

It is important to capture Fengyue Port, and the task of escorting grain and grass is equally important. Especially transporting food and grass on the territory of the orcs is even more dangerous.

All are ordinary armies, which simply cannot meet the demand. Especially some high-risk special route transportation tasks require a kingdom pillar like you to take on this important task! "

Hudson retorted righteously.

Duke Pias was so angry that he showed off his naked shoes and made them look so grand.

However, Hudson's reasons were very good, and he blocked all the words he had prepared in advance.

Everyone was also shocked that their gentle and gentle coach could be so ruthless in tricking people. For a moment, everyone looked at Duke Pias with sympathy.

Sympathy is sympathy, and it is impossible to stand up and help. Someone had to do the dirty work, and either Duke Pias was unlucky, or one of them had to fill the hole.

Especially Earl Pierce, who was on the edge, was so frightened that his face turned pale. As a potential competitor, what if he is assigned a death mission?

Fortunately, this worry only lasted for a moment.

Unlike the five major families in the north, where the remaining nobles are their vassals, the southeastern provinces are filled with nobles of all sizes.

The prosperous Koslow family has many relatives and friends in the province. Hudson had reason to attack the Dalton family, but he couldn't catch the nobles of the entire province in his trap.

Arranging the Locknard family's army to transport grain and grass will cut off their path to military glory; but arranging the coalition of nobles from the Southeast Province to transport tasks is a real blessing.

The foundation of success is strength.

Relying on the broken troops gathered piecemeal and the military power of the vassal nobles, Duke Pias still has more than 15,000 elites in his hands, who can definitely go to the battlefield to give it a try.

The combined force of nobles from the Southeast Province under Count Pierce totaled only more than 3,500 people and could not afford to lose anything.

"You are avenging a private vendetta!"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Duke Pias regretted them. If you are wearing small shoes, at most you will lose the opportunity to gain military glory.

As for the dangerous mission that Hudson said, that is only relative. As a commander, as long as his mind is not bad, he will not deliberately send his troops to die.

Many nobles in the kingdom are watching. If there is really a problem with Hudson's military deployment, he will not be able to convince the public.

Revenge is very important, but this kind of lose-lose strategy is obviously not what a wise man would do.

Without breaking the window paper, even for the sake of his own reputation, the best Hudson could do was hide them in the snow. It is impossible to really arrange dangerous tasks for them.

"Duke Pias, you are not talking nonsense. You and I have no grievances in the past and no enmity in recent times. How can we talk about public revenge?

Difficulty: What unspeakable evil things have you done behind the scenes, and have you secretly become enemies with me? "

Hudson asked pretending to be confused.

The grievances between the Koslow family and the Locknard family are all ancient accounts that go back hundreds of years. No one can tell the specific details now.

It was the orc army that set out to destroy the Koslow family. The Rocknard family just secretly added fuel to the flames and deliberately ignored the situation. On the surface, the two families did not take action directly.

Regarding the betrayal of the Koslow family, the Locknard family also destroyed all the evidence and never admitted it to the outside world.

The well-known truth could not be told from his mouth, and Duke Pias suddenly turned red.

"Earl of Hudson, please calm down. Pias is just talking nonsense and has never been in contact with you. How can there be a personal enmity between you two!"

Duke Kavadia said with sincerity.

If everyone present was not an insider, they might actually believe it. But it doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. In short, there must be no hatred between Pias and Hudson.

In addition to the unspeakable secrets of the Locknard family, there was also the fact that during the previous war, Hudson sent troops to meet Duke Pias in time.

Even if this kind of agreement has no substantive meaning, the agreement between them and the orcs cannot be exposed, and they can only accept this favor on the surface.

After hesitating for a while, Duke Pias finally stepped forward and said, "I'm sorry, Dear Earl of Hudson. Please forgive me for my gaffe just now..."

Face cannot be used for food. Confronting the coach head-on without sufficient reasons is a taboo in the military.

"That's all, Your Excellency the Duke is eager to perform meritorious service, I can completely understand it.

If you don't want to take on the task of transporting food, there is also a combat mission here. It was originally planned to be completed by my own troops. Since Duke Pias needs it, I will leave it to Your Excellency.

Before attacking Fengyue Port, we still need a force to go over and create chaos to attract the enemy's main force to ensure that the port is not destroyed. "

Hudson said nonchalantly.

The melon-eaters who were originally watching the excitement now opened their eyes wide and looked at Duke Pias in a joking manner.

If you want a combat mission, you really have it this time. It's the same attack on Fengyue Port, the only difference is that he has to go forward to attract the enemy's firepower.

There are definitely risks, but it certainly doesn't count as risking death. It is not a decisive battle with the enemy in the past, it is just to attract the enemy. What is tested is the general's command ability.

He wanted to refuse, but when the words came to his lips, Duke Pias couldn't say them.

By this time, if he didn't understand that he was being plotted by Hudson, he would have spent so many years in vain.

In the prior communication with Duke Kavadia, there was no such task at all. This means that this military mission is completely tailor-made for him.

If I hadn't made a scene just now, I guess nothing would have happened later. Now that they are making such a fuss, they become the vanguard of the army.

But he still couldn't refuse. He didn't want to participate in the task of transporting grain and grass. It could be said that he wanted to go to the battlefield. If he refuses the vanguard mission again, it would appear to be too ignorant.

Military orders are like a mountain, how can they be changed one after another. If he refuses at this moment, I am afraid that none of his allies will support him.

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