
Chapter 294 Trading Platform

"Good news!"

"Good news!"

Besides good news, it’s good news. In recent days, Hudson has been reluctant to accept good news.

I don't know if they are playing a good news competition. There are countless good news from all the major forces, as if they have made an appointment to show off to him.

Especially those big forces, one family is more powerful than the other. It was like a beheading contest, annihilating more than one enemy.

Originally, Hudson thought he was hard-hearted, but after reading the content on the photo stone, he realized that he was too kind.

There is nothing to blame about a race war. Being cruel to the enemy is also responsible for one's own people.

Although he couldn't bear to kill his allies in all directions, Hudson still applauded with both hands.

If you want to show off your record, there is no problem at all. Mr. Hudson is more than happy to act as a green leaf to set off their strong record.

A little bit of fame, if you want it, take it!

Of course, the reason why Mr. Hudson didn't stir up any emotion was because the people they killed were the orc cannon fodder race.

This kind of low-level military exploits, if the number of people beheaded is not followed by tens of thousands, it would be too shameful to show it to others.

If you want to take it back for publicity, you still have to kill a large number of orc royals to cause a sensation.

From joining the army to the present, in the countless battles that Hudson has commanded, he has annihilated not one million, but seven or eight hundred thousand orcs.

But there are still very few achievements that can really be achieved. The main reason is: too few of the main orcs were annihilated.

However, this "less" is also relative. With a record of annihilating tens of thousands of orc royals, Hudson still surpassed many of his colleagues and temporarily ranked first.

"Jose, draft documents for these guys respectively, and congratulate them on their great victory on the front line!"

After hearing what Hudson said, Jose looked depressed. I originally thought that by fighting for this opportunity to join the army, I could make a turnaround and wash away the scapegoat on my head.

Unfortunately, the Kingdom's army was engaged in the business of transport teams, so there was not much room for them to perform. After a long battle, he was snatched away by the nobles of the North.

As a king, even if he wants to gain military glory, he must act with the royal army. If you follow the northern nobles, there is a high probability that you will never come back.

As a loyal minister of the king, he naturally had to preserve the strength of the royal family, so the royal army was left to take care of the food and grass early on.

The opportunity to gain military exploits was gone, but that was only for Jose personally.

From the perspective of the royal family, they have regained the lost ground in this war and have had enough to eat and drink. The most important thing next is to digest the results of the war.

Without merit, you can only earn hard work. Processing official documents for Hudson became his main job.

If this state of affairs continues, it is estimated that when I go back to reward my merits, I will be able to get the title of an honorary knight.

Don't be dissatisfied with the low title, that's how the rules of the game are set. If you want to obtain a title, you must either inherit it or go to the battlefield to get it.

Without military exploits, you can't even make a step forward if you just sit through qualifications for a lifetime. Even if you are following the king, you still have to go to the battlefield to make your presence felt.

The rules are so rigid just to maintain the "martial" spirit of the kingdom. It was made clear in the form of a system that nobles must go to the battlefield.

"Okay, Your Majesty!"

Hanging around the manager should be a good thing. But Jose was very depressed. You must know that when the two met for the first time two years ago, he was the coach in charge of coordination.

As a smart man, he naturally knew what Hudson wanted to recruit him. However, as an aspiring master, he still prefers to follow the king.

Regardless of how miserable he is now, he actually did it on purpose. This time he was sacrificed for the crown prince. How could the royal family not compensate him?

But the smart Jose did not choose to accept compensation, but decided to start over and keep the favor.

Looking at the busy Jose, Hudson shook his head secretly. Both of them knew what the other was thinking, and neither of them wanted to break the window paper, so the matter became a stalemate.

It is not easy to dig the walls of the king, and it is also difficult to dig the walls of the great nobles in the country.

Taking advantage of his position as the head coach, Hudson mobilized many talents in the army to work with him, but unfortunately, no one was willing to defect to him.

There is no solution, smart people have many ideas. Everyone is weighing the pros and cons. Rather than starting from scratch, everyone prefers a comfortable life.

But these are things that Hudson cannot provide. Compared with the prosperous big cities owned by a group of great nobles, the mountainous territory is just a remote country. I don’t know how many years and months it will take for it to develop.

Hudson was not surprised by the crowd's choice. This is just like the previous life, where people had to choose between first-tier cities and small towns.

Food, drink, entertainment, development platforms, and personal treatment are all at a disadvantage, and it is inevitable that they will not be able to attract talents.

It's not that Hudson is stingy, it's just that he has too few chips in his hands and can't give others what they want.

We didn't find first-rate talents, but we snagged a lot of second- and third-rate talents. Basically, they were all from minor noble families and had no title to inherit.

For Hudson, who is short of people, as long as he is talented, it doesn't matter whether he is born or not. He would not refuse any aristocratic children who wanted to defect.

After accumulating all the way, it can be said that the bricks and mortar are all in place, but now only a few "girders" are missing.

It was all caused by the war. After the war, every family had to repair their houses. Now they have started to grab "building materials", so that Hudson can't grab the "big beams".

If the name of the coach hadn't attracted some talents to defect to the team, it is estimated that even these "bricks and mortar" would not be included in Hudson's share.

Just because it can't be dug doesn't mean it can't be used. At least while serving as the commander-in-chief of the army, Hudson could still command these guys.

For example, if you arrange for a few assistants to come and study with you, everyone still has to give them face.

You can learn as much as you want. Even if a hundred people are arranged to go out and only one can become a talent, it is still a waste of money.

In a sense, the greatest significance of Hudson's role as head coach is that he can openly use the resources of the kingdom to cultivate talents for himself.

Not only did he follow the training, but he also arranged for his own people to train in various key departments.

There was no backlash. The most important thing was that he acted in a measured manner. Even if they want to train their own people, they usually don't assign full-time positions, and even deputy positions are rarely assigned. Most of them just follow behind and do odd jobs.

In order to train the team, Hudson also worked hard.

While patrolling the camp, a special team in the distance caught Hudson's attention.

I have to admit that the interests are very attractive, and there are actually caravans who dare to go deep into the prairie at this time.

“Tom, send someone over to ask, which chamber of commerce are they from?

Why go deep into the orc prairie at this time? "

As early as when he was fighting in the Principality of Moxi, Hudson had many dealings with the local chamber of commerce in order to deal with the spoils of war.

However, those chambers of commerce only reached cooperation through local nobles. There is a guarantee from the beginning of the transaction, so there is no risk of being wiped out halfway.

The caravan in front of me was obviously different. If it were a chamber of commerce group in the kingdom, nobles would have come over to say hello.

Doing business behind the army is all about being humane and worldly. If there was no one to cover their backs, Hudson bet that they would never make it out of the prairie alive.

Let’s forget about gambling on the moral integrity of the nobles! The forest is big and there are all kinds of birds. Although there are many upright knights, there are even more greedy and cruel nobles.

Vaguely, Hudson found that he seemed to have seized a business opportunity and could get a share of the war fortune.

There are constant good news on the front line and countless tribes have been destroyed. The coalition forces must have a lot of loot to deal with.

This business can be done by the businessman, he can do it equally, and he can even do it more beautifully.

It would be too ugly to just go off to do business, and it would be troublesome to sell the supplies. If not, it might end up in your own hands.

It would be different if we find several chambers of commerce to cooperate and build a commodity trading platform for all parties.

In any business, there is a possibility of losing money; only on the platform, you can make a steady profit without losing money.

The main thing that needs to be paid is to provide a credit guarantee and the labor cost of the site can be ignored.

The most important thing is that no one has come to grab the business yet.

Although there are many big bosses in the coalition, they are all fighting on the front lines and may encounter the orc army at any time.

A place where safety is not guaranteed cannot be used as a commodity trading center.

In the blink of an eye, Tom and a middle-aged fat man were seen walking quickly towards this side.

There were two strong men following behind, carrying a box, but they were detained by the guards a hundred meters away.

"Count, this is Sir Xavier, the head of the Cartesia Chamber of Commerce. He came here to visit you specially!"

As soon as Tom finished speaking, the middle-aged fat man hurriedly stepped forward, saluted to Hudson and said: "Xavier, the fifth-level deacon of the Cartesia Chamber of Commerce, would like to say hello to the respected Earl of Hudson.

In the box at the back are some small gifts we prepared. Please accept them, Your Majesty the Earl! "

He stretched out his hand to avoid hitting the smiling man. The fat middle-aged man in front of him was obviously preparing to lose money and avoid disaster. In order to dispel Hudson's greed, he even raised the banner of the Cartesia Chamber of Commerce.

It's a pity that he made the wrong calculation this time. Hudson sent people to stop them, not just to make a deal.

"Sir Xavier, I am familiar with the name of your Chamber of Commerce, but you have not been active in the southern part of the continent all the time. When did you open your business to the Orc prairie?"

Hudson asked pretending to be confused.

As one of the four major chambers of commerce in the mainland, the Katsiya Chamber of Commerce's business is spread across the entire continent, but its main business area is still in the southern continent.

"Your Excellency, the main reason we came here this time was at the invitation of Marquis Sunil, to help the Frankish Kingdom's army deal with some minor troubles!"

Xavier replied neither humble nor haughty.

As a fifth-level deacon of the Katsiya Chamber of Commerce, he can be regarded as a middle-level and high-level member of the chamber of commerce. He has dealt with many nobles, and his mentality has been tempered for a long time.

"Oh! Your headquarters is in the Frankish Kingdom, and it is only natural that you have some friendship with Marquis Sunil.

The main reason I invite you here this time is to tell you: In order to facilitate the coalition forces to handle the spoils of war, I am going to build a commodity trading platform to provide a safe trading place for everyone. "

Hudson bites the word "safety" very hard. As long as you are not a fool, you will know that this is the point.

Xavier frowned slightly, and in an instant the clouds cleared up. He smiled and asked Hudson: "Don't worry, Your Excellency! We will definitely come to support you when the time comes. Is it just a matter of cost?"

Although the Katsiya Chamber of Commerce has a great reputation, it cannot deter the wolves. Even if they hire the best mercenary group, going deep into the orc prairie this time is still very dangerous.

Even if they get Marquis Sunil's endorsement, there's no guarantee that someone will be unable to withstand the temptation of profit and do something dirty to them.

As long as it is done cleanly enough and leaves no obvious evidence, it will be very difficult to trace it afterwards.

As far as Xavier knows, more than ten chambers of commerce have had accidents on the grassland.

To investigate further, the murderer is the "orc". There is no point in complaining. Everyone is busy fighting and has no time to care about the life and death of a caravan.

"Don't worry. The purpose of building this trading platform is mainly to facilitate everyone's free trade and make friends by the way. I won't accept commissions or anything like that!"

Hudson said pretending to be heroic.

According to mainland China practice, platform operators charge commissions based on transaction volume, but this time the situation is different.

The transaction targets involved many nobles in the coalition, and commissions were directly drawn from the transaction amount, which could easily make people think that this was making money from their pockets.

If you don't take a commission directly, it doesn't mean you can't make money. Compared with the naked interests on the surface, he still made money secretly, which is more in line with Hudson's character.

"Your Excellency, this..."

As a businessman, Xavier didn't think that Hudson spent so much effort to build a trading platform just to make friends.

"Sir Xavier, don't be too surprised. I built the trading platform for free because I really want to make friends with you.

As you know, I am also a lord. In the process of territorial development, it is inevitable to encounter many troubles.

It just so happens that many of the troubles here can be solved by everyone. As friends, we should help each other! "

Hudson said without changing his expression.

Xavier, who was still uneasy at first, regained his smile in an instant. Exchange of interests, that's right.

If it were a free pie, he wouldn't dare to eat it if it came to his mouth. The big aristocrats don't have fuel-efficient lamps. If they get free benefits, they often have to pay a higher price.

This kind of transaction that puts the demand on the table is even more reassuring. It is not convenient to discuss the specific details of the transaction now, but Xavier knows that the deal is likely to be completed.

"Your Excellency the Earl is right, friends should be mutually beneficial!

However, the most important thing in establishing a commodity trading platform is strength. If everyone joins in, it will easily affect the credibility of the platform.

For the sake of everyone’s interests, it’s best to…”

Before Xavier finished speaking, Hudson knew that the fat man in front of him had already held back a lot of bad water. Talking about strength and keeping silent about credibility is nothing more than wanting to reduce competitors.

"Sir Xavier, you can rest assured. The chamber of commerce that is qualified to handle the spoils of war for the army must be reputable.

Considering the large-scale transactions, it is inconvenient to carry so many gold coins, and it is inevitable to keep accounts at that time. This places higher demands on the reputation and strength of the Chamber of Commerce.

In addition to paying a certain deposit, we must also obtain guarantees from at least three nobles in the coalition, and prove to us that the Chamber of Commerce has a complete sales network.

For caravans that cannot meet the conditions, in order to enter the trading venue, in addition to paying a deposit, we will also issue a risk warning and recommend that everyone use cash transactions. "

It's not that Hudson is discriminating. It's really a big business like this. Without sufficient political background and strong financial strength, it is simply impossible to do it.

The trophies of an army, no matter how discounted the price, is a big deal worth tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of gold coins, and it is simply not suitable for all cash settlements.

Requiring all transactions to be done in cash is actually a tactful way to persuade them to quit. A clear message to those businessmen with no backing not to come and participate in this kind of business blindly, otherwise people will die.

The struggle in the business field is much more cruel than the disputes in the aristocratic circle. It's all about naked interests, and there's no room for any tenderness.

A hugely profitable business depends on whose hands it is. If you force yourself into a business beyond your ability, you will be lucky if you don't lose everything.

"Your Excellency, you are so considerate! My vision is too narrow. I only think about credibility and ignore the reality..."

He said this, but he didn't think so in his heart.

In essence, they are raising the transaction threshold. The difference lies in the way Hudson handles it. He took it out and framed it. There is no one-size-fits-all approach that completely blocks the path of small and medium-sized chambers of commerce.

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