
Chapter 308 A black-hearted transaction

"Why is it so expensive?"

Looking at the quotation list in his hand, Earl Pierce couldn't help but question.

You won’t know if you don’t look at it, but you will be shocked when you look at it. The prices of the goods on the list have at least doubled compared to the previous selling prices, and some supplies have even increased several times.

"Your Excellency, the prices here are already considered cheap. To be honest, since the news of the impending arrival of the investigation team spread, the prices of all strategic materials have been rising rapidly.

If you need it, place an order quickly. The prices of goods here are adjusted three times a day. If you don't place an order now, it might be another price in the afternoon.

We are able to give you this price because we have enjoyed our previous cooperation. Otherwise, even if you have money, you won’t be able to buy it now! "

The middle-aged man's words made Earl Pierce angry to death. Five days ago, he was selling a batch of strategic supplies here.

Comparing the current sales prices on the list, the overall price difference is as much as five times. If we push forward the time, the price gap of strategic materials will further widen.

"Mr. Snyder, what you are doing is too shady! Just after changing hands, you are going to make a huge profit five times as much. Aren't you afraid of being choked to death?"

Earl Pierce said angrily.

If it weren't for the wrong situation, he would have sent troops to snatch it away. If you dare to hit him on the head with a blackmail, you simply don't take the Dalton family seriously.

"Your Excellency, don't get angry in a hurry. If you had come here a few days ago, we would have added 30-50% to the purchase price at most. If the quantity was large, we would have made a profit of 20-30%, and the sale could be done.

But the situation is different now. With the intervention of the investigation team, everyone is busy making up for the shortfall. Who dares to sell materials on the black market?

You must also know how difficult it is to transport strategic materials from the rear. The current situation on the black market is that for every ton of strategic materials sold, one ton will be reduced.

If you want to replenish it from behind, it will take a few months at the earliest. If you can wait that long before purchasing, you can rest assured that it won’t be much more expensive than the previous price.

But that's not possible now. Everyone is rushing to buy strategic supplies to make up for the shortfall. The current prices on the market have soared.

You can also inquire about these trading rules. The price list we give you now is only based on the market price. If you think it's too expensive, you can go elsewhere and compare prices.

However, it doesn’t matter where you buy from. It's best to place your order quickly, otherwise you won't be able to buy it if you want to buy it. "

Snyder said confidently.

If you want to buy it, buy it. If you don’t buy it, the price will be higher. Everything stems from profit. Stimulated by huge profits, everyone has no idea what fear is.

Although the big nobles are not easy to mess with, it cannot prevent everyone from making a fortune. Who can open a chamber of commerce into a trading center without some backend?

If you are afraid, don't get involved in the business world. When you can make money, you must make enough profits. If you are soft-hearted now, you will never get rich in your life.

As a "worker", Snyder would not dare to harm the interests of the "behind-the-scenes boss" just to gain face by betraying Earl Pierce.

Stomping his foot fiercely, Count Pierce said bravely: "No, I'll buy it! This is the list. You prepare the supplies according to it."

As he spoke, he had already handed over the parchment.

In a seller's market, buyers simply have no bargaining capital. Before entering here, Earl Pierce had already visited the nearby shops, and the prices were all about the same.

Knowing that the supply of strategic materials on the black market exceeds demand, and that someone will eventually be involved in a corruption case due to insufficient procurement of materials to make up for the shortfall, he really does not dare to hesitate too much.

After taking a rough look at the list, Snyder shook his head: "I'm very sorry, Your Excellency, Earl. We can't collect all the strategic materials here.

Especially arrows, disposable spears, throwing spears... the stocks of these fast consumables are not large in the entire black market.

If you want to buy it, I can only help coordinate with other merchants. I can't guarantee whether I can get the above quantity together.

And the prices of the coordinated materials will probably be higher. The main reason is that you want too many supplies. I am afraid that you are the biggest customer of the trading center since it opened! "

When he heard "the biggest customer", Earl Pierce was so angry that he wanted to curse. Although he is not a big customer, he is clearly a big enemy.

There are so many supplies to be purchased on the list simply because his deficit is so huge. I ate too much before, now I have to spit it out twice as much.

It's really not that he is greedy, it's just that the Dalton family suffered heavy losses in this war and urgently needs to find a way to make up for the losses.

Coincidentally, he was assigned the good job of distributing strategic materials, which created an opportunity for him to take action.

At the beginning, I was still cautious, lest Hudson use the topic to his advantage and take the opportunity to trick him.

Later, it was discovered that Hudson only looked at the ledgers and did not check the warehouse at all. He gradually became more courageous and resold more and more strategic materials.

Deep down in his heart, Earl Pierce mocked Hudson more than once for being too young and not even clear about these military connections.

It's a pity that the coach Hudson doesn't check the warehouse. People from the investigation team are going to check!

If you are caught by one of your own people, the worst thing you can do is make up for the losses and pay a fine. If it is caught by the Human Alliance's investigation team, it will become a political incident.

If you lose face to the Human Alliance, you will not only have to face accountability from the coach, but also face multiple accountability from the alliance and the kingdom.

If he unfortunately becomes the biggest worm in the army, it is not impossible that the Human Alliance will cling to him and be sent to the gallows.

"Coordinate! The speed must be fast, I don't have time to waste here!"

Earl Pierce said helplessly.

As soon as the words were spoken, messengers hurried over.

"Your Excellency, there is an urgent order from the headquarters, asking you to attend the high-level meeting of the Logistics Department as soon as possible!"

Upon hearing the news, Earl Pierce frowned even more tightly. His intuition told him that if Hudson held a logistics meeting at this time, nothing good would happen.

"I know, I'll be there right away!"

"Mr. Snyder, I leave the supplies to you. This magic crystal card is a deposit, and I will pay off the remaining money when the goods are delivered!"

Business in the black market is so straightforward. Pay the money in one hand and deliver the goods in the other hand, no credit is required.

Although Earl Pierce said it was easy, in fact, deep down, he was bleeding.

The purchase price far exceeded expectations, and this wave was a complete loss. Although the specific price has not been released yet, it is roughly certain that in order to fill the hole this time, at least millions of gold coins will be lost.

If there weren't many nobles accompanying him on his misfortune, he would probably be pissed to death. Even transporting logistical supplies can lead to losses, which is completely unprecedented in history.

"What did you say?"

"Geoff, that bastard actually disappeared at this time?"

Duke Pias asked in disbelief.

Although he wanted to kill Geoff immediately, but that was based on understanding the ins and outs of the matter.

The person involved had disappeared before the person behind the scenes was found out, which made him become more and more passive.

After such a big thing happened, the Locknard family had to give an explanation to the nobles in the army. Now that the person was suddenly gone, he couldn't even explain it clearly.

The explanation is unclear, and if there is no mastermind behind the scenes to stir up hatred, then the blame will have to fall entirely on the Locknard family.

Having offended so many people at once, Pias doubted whether his family could survive this storm.

"Yes, Your Excellency the Duke. Count Geoff disappeared in Lutesia after reporting it to the Alliance Council.

We have mobilized all our connections in the Frankish Kingdom, but still no trace of him, as if he disappeared out of thin air.

According to the investigation of Earl Geoff's recent communication situation, he has been particularly active in recent days and has been in contact with more than 30 forces.

The most noteworthy among them are: the people of the Holy See, the King's people, the Seventh Order, and the Dalton family. All of them have motives for planning this matter. "

The old man replied with a cautious look.

But in the eyes of Duke Pias, this explanation is equivalent to no explanation. Four suspects were arrested at once, and all of them had very good motives. Who knows which force did this?

Even if he guessed correctly, he couldn't do anything. There is not enough evidence in hand to convince the nobles whose interests have been harmed.

"Continue the investigation and be sure to find out the mastermind behind the scenes. This kind of enemy hiding in the dark is really too dangerous!"

In the logistics camp, Hudson was busy meeting with a group of mercenary representatives. The reason why everyone formed a group to come here is very simple. The price of strategic materials on the front line has soared, which has exceeded everyone's tolerance.

Especially for some small and medium-sized mercenary groups or individual mercenaries who travel alone, even if they have money, they may not be able to buy the strategic materials they want.

The services provided by coalition logistics are limited to temporary meal management. The food standard is also the lowest level for ordinary soldiers. If you want better treatment, pay for it yourself.

There is no doubt that this is a heavy pressure on the mercenaries on the front line.

In order to solve the problem, everyone naturally found Hudson, the head of coalition logistics, hoping that he could also be included in the coalition's logistics support system.

“Sorry everyone, regarding the issue of logistical support for mercenaries, the Alliance Council did not give a clear answer.

I personally think it is completely reasonable for everyone to want better treatment, but this is beyond my scope of authority.

Even the most basic guarantee currently provided by the logistics department is actually an illegal operation. Someone has now filed a report to the Alliance Council, which is also one of the evidences accusing me of reselling military supplies.

Everyone knows the actual situation very well. I didn’t receive a single copper coin for the meals provided to everyone in the logistics camp.

Even this part of the account expenses will be announced every day. You can also tell if anyone is taking advantage of it. "

Hudson spread his hands, with a helpless expression on his face.

It's not that he doesn't want to solve problems for the mercenaries, but the reality is cruel. It is really difficult to do something practical without precedent.

Even the most basic camp food guarantee was barely passed after Hudson fought hard for it at the coalition meeting.

More benefits are a no-brainer. Unless they defect to a certain powerful force or make outstanding achievements on the battlefield, they will not be treated the same as the coalition forces.

As for the charge of reselling military supplies, it was purely a deliberate attempt to draw hatred towards the Locknard family.

After all, it was a resolution passed at the coalition meeting, and no one was paid a copper coin, so how could it be considered "trading"?

"Your Excellency, you can understand that you are unable to provide us with complete logistical support. But you must take care of the soaring prices now!

The price of rye on the market now has soared to 80 copper coins/pound; the price of cheap potatoes is as high as 35 copper coins/pound... the price of arrows is 29 silver coins/box.

To be honest, if this continues, we won’t have to go out to fight. The gains from the First World War were not enough to cover the consumption of strategic materials. "

Adolf said with an aggrieved look.

As the representative of the mercenary guild, he must stand up and fight for the rights of the mercenaries at this time.

Unfortunately, the mercenary guild does not have a high say in the alliance and cannot influence the coalition's decision. As a last resort, we could only find Hudson, the logistics manager.

"Your Excellency, you think highly of me. Although the trading market is located in the camp of the Logistics Department, it does not mean that I have the right to interfere with the prices there.

The current price surge is purely caused by panic buying. Everyone knows the specific reasons. At this time, I can't stop it at all.

With a little inquiry, everyone can know the origins of these buyers and sellers. Almost all the nobles in the coalition are involved. No matter who reaches out to them, they will not end well.

I think you should try to find ways to publicize the powerful people in the military.

If we can get their support, the Logistics Department can provide you with a batch of military supplies at a low price or free of charge, which can be discussed. "

Hudson decisively chose to kick the ball.

Of course he was very covetous of the power of mercenaries. But these people are also mixed, except for some mercenary groups who can see it, the rest are a group of desperadoes with no moral bottom line.

There is no need to ruin your plans to make a fortune because of a group of forces beyond your control. Anyway, free food is provided in the camp and people will not be forced to a dead end.

"Thank you for your advice, Your Excellency Earl, and please take care of me later. We have something else to do now, so we'll leave first!"

Perhaps realizing that Hudson was perfunctory, Adolf decisively chose to say goodbye and leave.

It's not entirely a waste of time, and business cannot be done without kindness and righteousness. Unable to get help from the logistics department, but also figured out Hudson's position.

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