
Chapter 311 Investigation Team vs. Warehouse Burning Case

There is endless help. Ever since Hudson solved the deficit problem of the first group of relatives and friends, his military camp has never been idle.

Some relationships that were incompatible with each other showed their special abilities and came closer. There is an endless stream of people coming and going every day.

Business is always done, but it seems a lot more difficult. Many times there is a shortage of supplies, and everyone needs to find solutions elsewhere.

The harder it is to express favors, the more grateful you will be. Hudson, who is familiar with the world, would not do anything at this time.

The sense of urgency of being out of stock is also constantly stimulating the nerves of many nobles. The nobles who placed orders first were the first to fill the holes.

The nobles who were slow to respond were in trouble. In the context of "out of stock" in the market, they had to come up with unique strategies.

If there is a shortage of food, then let the soldiers under your command eat less; if the number of soldiers is insufficient, then use them from the army under your command.

In order to make up the amount, some nobles even used connections to advance the food and grass for their soldiers for the next three months.

Regarding these small actions, Hudson simply chose to turn a blind eye or close one eye. No matter what you say, everyone's spirit of making up for the shortfall at any cost is still worthy of praise.

"Count, the members of the kingdom's investigation team have arrived at the camp. The leader of the team this time is the Minister of Military Affairs, Archduke Efiero. Judging from his appearance, he may be coming with bad intentions!"

Tom reported slightly nervously.

Without saying a single hello, he rushed directly into the camp, obviously hoping to make a surprise attack on them.

Hudson was not surprised at all by this situation. Now that he has been reported for corruption and reselling military supplies, the investigation team will naturally have to be very quick.

Maybe this team now is just on the surface. There is a team secretly, which has already come to the front line to intervene in the investigation.


While talking, Hudson had already stood up and walked out of the coaching camp. The Minister of Military Affairs personally leads the team and must give him enough face.

Looking from a distance, he saw a familiar figure in the crowd, and Hudson immediately greeted him.

"Dear Duke Efiero, welcome to your arrival!"

Judging from the enthusiasm, it doesn't feel like being investigated at all, but more like meeting old friends.

This was still the result of a sudden attack. If there had been advance notice, the main generals in the army would have come to greet them.

"Earl Hudson, you are too kind! I really don't dare to accept this sincere welcome.

Come here now, but I am specifically looking for trouble for you. If something goes wrong, don't blame me. "

Grand Duke Efiero said with a smile.

The hearty voice is hard to make people feel bad. Even though he knew he was here to investigate him, Hudson was not angry.

"Grand Duke, you are joking. Hudson has been working hard since he took office. He does not dare to neglect at all, so how can he be afraid of investigation!

The Grand Duke came to investigate this time, just in time to clear my name and wash away the dirty water thrown by the evil villain.

However, after the issue of reselling military supplies is clarified, I hope that the Grand Duke can conduct an in-depth investigation and find out the villain behind the scenes.

My personal honor and disgrace are nothing, but hundreds of thousands of soldiers on the front line cannot bear this humiliation! "

Hudson said righteously.

The loser does not lose the formation, and now everyone has begun to make up for the shortfall. Delaying the investigation team here first can be considered as buying time for everyone.

Although this is an investigation by his own people and has little practical significance, as the coach of the army, Hudson still hopes that the problems exposed by his subordinates will be smaller.

"Well said Earl Hudson!

The principle of the investigation team this time is: do not wrongly accuse a good person, and do not let a bad person go.

No matter who is responsible, we will investigate to the end and will never let anyone involved in the case go!

In order not to leave any opportunity for corrupt elements to take advantage of, I would like to trouble Earl Hudson to bring up the accounts. We will immediately start checking the accounts and checking the inventory! "

Grand Duke Efiero said without any doubt.

The smell of gunpowder at the scene suddenly became stronger. Feng Yan didn't even attend, so he started checking the accounts directly, obviously trying to stir up trouble.

Hudson had already expected this change. He is a mediocre person who is not envied by others. A young coach like him is destined to attract hatred.

For the king, a handsome talent like his needs to be reused, but also needs to be constantly polished and polished.

Now Grand Duke Efiero is playing the role of a villain. When the problem is discovered, the king will come out as a good person to help him to win people's hearts.

Hudson had seen similar imperial routines countless times in history books, and naturally he would not be angry with Archduke Efiero.

"Okay, let's do what the Grand Duke wants. However, there are too many accounts in the army. Each army has its own logistics and transportation area, and the accounts are calculated separately.

If we move them all here, we won't be able to check them all in a while. It's better to start with the area I'm responsible for. Tom sent someone to get the accounts of the headquarters.

Except for a few transfer stations on the front line that have a small amount of inventory, our own troops are directly responsible for transporting logistics materials, and 80% of them are in this camp.

For the sake of convenience, I suggest that the investigation team directly take the photo album and check it with the materials in the camp. "

After hearing what Hudson said, many members of the investigation team were dumbfounded. It’s rare to find a coach who can be so cooperative.

Nobles are arrogant. Being not trusted and being investigated is a shame in the eyes of many nobles. Even if there are no problems, they will resist the investigation to vent their dissatisfaction.

Suddenly encountering a master who doesn't play according to the routine, Grand Duke Efiero doesn't know whether to be happy or annoyed.

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster.

His intuition told him that there must be something wrong with the young coach in front of him; but his reason told him that since Hudson dared to let go of all restrictions and let them investigate, nothing would be found now.

Combining the intelligence collected previously, he knew that even if Hudson had resold military supplies, he had now filled the hole.

It is definitely a good thing for Alpha Kingdom that the coach's problem cannot be found out, which means that the report is false.

But for the royal family, this is another story.

Hudson was a result of his own hard work under the circumstances, and was not a "one of his own" cultivated by the king.

If you can't grasp the opponent's handle, you want to polish off the opponent's edges and corners, and then find a way to slowly subdue him. It is basically not feasible.

After pondering for a moment, Grand Duke Efiero said calmly: "Just do what Earl Hudson wants!"

It doesn't matter if he can't find any reason, he doesn't want to be this evil person anyway. After all, at Hudson's age, he could spend many years in the military.

If he really offends someone to death, of course he himself doesn't care, but future generations have to consider it.

The boring accounting work began, and warehouses were opened one after another, all filled with supplies.

After a series of inspections with detection magic, no abnormalities were found. Not to mention greedy reselling of military supplies, even normal material losses were controlled very well.

The investigation team arrived early and started checking the accounts. Like a storm, it quickly swept through the entire logistics department.

A typical family is happy and a few are sad.

The nobles who filled the gap have now turned into a crowd, just waiting to see the jokes of their colleagues.

The deficit was too big and the nobles who were unable to fill the gap were already stamping their feet in anxiety at this moment.

Various means of coping with inspections are constantly being invented, depending on whether they can stand the test.

In the Northland noble camp, the faces of all the nobles at this moment were terrifyingly gloomy.

It is really uncomfortable to watch a group of colleagues gather supplies, or in other words, collect supplies, but they are the only ones who run into trouble.

After asking for favors and paying a 30% premium on the market price, the chamber of commerce finally agreed to accept the order, but unfortunately they were ranked last.

To put it simply: if there are any remaining strategic materials in the end, sell them to them; if there are none, they will be unlucky.

This wave of suspicion did not come to Hudson's head. Mainly because the Dalton family also purchased enough strategic materials.

In the eyes of the outside world, if Hudson was leading all this behind the scenes, he would definitely not do anything to capitalize on the enemy. As a competitor, the Dalton family will definitely be targeted and killed.

The passive situation in front of them is more like the major chambers of commerce's deliberate revenge on them.

"The current situation is very unfavorable to us. I don't know how many gaps there are for everyone. Anyway, in order to make up for the material gap, all the connections that the Felix family can mobilize have been activated.

I even sent people to collect strategic materials from mercenaries, but unfortunately it was still a drop in the bucket.

Although the relationship with the frontline coalition forces has been established, they are more willing to cooperate with those profiteers.

However, those profiteers still hated us, and none of them took our orders seriously.

This is also my responsibility. Not only had Hudson been underestimated before, but he also underestimated the power of businessmen, which led to the current situation. "

Duke Kavadia reviewed with a depressed look.

This wave has really taught me a lesson. Before that, he had never imagined that the last bad thing was actually a group of businessmen.

I originally thought that with their strength, they could completely skip these middlemen and do business directly with the major forces on the front line.

It's a pity that everything is too wonderful. It is true that the mainland aristocrats are one family, but everyone has their own little calculations, and it is impossible to follow their plans.

In the past, as long as the price was right, it would be okay for everyone to cooperate. But now that the alliance investigation team is about to arrive, no one wants to get into trouble.

Even if they have connections with one or two big nobles, they just falsely report battle losses, and there are not many strategic materials that can be traded.

If someone were to follow the clues and find out all of them, their reputation would be ruined.

In contrast, with more businessmen doing the turnover, everything becomes different.

"Check" means it was shipped from the rear. Major chambers of commerce can even provide the source of goods, and export data can be found at ports in various countries.

As for how they were able to cross the vast prairie and transport a large amount of strategic materials to the front line, that was a commercial secret.

“Kavadia, things have happened, and holding people accountable will not solve the problem.

The Felix family has not been able to smooth out the deficit, so naturally we are powerless.

Not to mention the small and medium-sized nobles below who are dependent on a few of us. Each and every one of them is either ruined or on the way to ruin.

If it weren't for the Koslow family's lack of background and ability to reach out to the Frankish Kingdom, I would suspect that all of this was deliberately planned by Hudson, just waiting for us to jump into the pit.

Taking a detailed look at the transportation tasks performed by several of us, they are all full of difficulties and obstacles, and no one has had an easy time.

Every time we deliver strategic materials, we only need to sign and then ship them. Even the most basic demand verification is omitted.

It is obviously deliberately guiding us to reach out for logistics supplies. As long as the logistics headquarters pays attention, no one dares to go so far!

I very much suspect that Hudson cooperated with a certain powerful force to jointly plan this political conspiracy against our northern nobles.

Judging from the current situation, the most suspect is our King. Otherwise, the Kingdom Investigation Team would not have arrived so quickly.

Regardless of the fact that they are busy investigating Hudson at the moment, I bet that the final result of the investigation will be that he has no problem at all.

Maybe in addition to this investigation team on the surface, there is also a secret investigation team that has sneaked in early and secretly collected evidence against us. "

The more he thought about it, the more reasonable Duke Dias felt.

When the king was assassinated not long ago, Caesar III simply tolerated it and did not take any strong action.

For a monarch, holding back his ultimate move is holding back his ultimate move.

As the most unstable political group in the kingdom and the number one suspect, Caesar III had enough reasons to attack them.

Reporting to the Human Alliance would certainly make the Alpha Kingdom lose face. But the intervention of the alliance investigation team also made them lose the confidence to overturn the table.

With so many human troops on the front line, no matter what the final result is, they can only choose to accept it.

Several people looked at each other and their expressions changed drastically. If it was really the king's handiwork, once the other party got hold of it, their life or death would be uncertain.

Maybe Caesar III would take the opportunity to be ruthless and send them to see the Lord of the Dawn in a dignified manner on the pretext of reselling military supplies.

If you are not willing to take the initiative to be a decent person, then you will not be able to keep your dignity in the end.

If they dare to cause trouble, the king can completely use the power of the human alliance to uproot the families behind them.


We cannot sit still and wait for death!

Regardless of whether this is Caesar III's behind-the-scenes planning, he will not let us go with such a good opportunity!

All the other nobles in the kingdom can be accused of reselling military supplies, but we are the only ones who will die if we get caught.

Take extreme measures. At this time, you don't have to worry about so much.

If an accident occurs, at most it will be due to the incompetence of a few of us. The worst possible outcome would be to lose his position in the military, be fined a huge sum of money, and then be driven home to retire.

After a few years of silence, I can still make a comeback. "

Duke Pias said with a guilty conscience.

The others were just suspects in the assassination case, but he was a real participant. Although he didn't personally implement it, he was also behind the scenes.

Although it was very covert, who could guarantee that Caesar III would not find out about him?

After all, this kind of thing doesn't require tangible evidence. As long as there was some indication that he was involved, that was enough.

"That's all, let's inform the red dragon to take action!"

Duke Kavadia said cruelly.

Of course he doesn't want to wear the label of "incompetent". But the Felix family cannot afford to gamble now. If his pillar is broken, the next generation will not be able to support the current family business.

Tens of meters long flames spurted out, and everywhere they went was a sea of ​​fire. The raging flames were constantly devouring all directions.

Countless soldiers guarding the warehouse were frightened by this tragic scene and fled in all directions, wishing that their parents would have two more legs.

Watching the camp fall into chaos, the military masters did not show up to stop them, and even the high-level generals did not come out to organize the soldiers to fight back, completely allowing the red dragon to plunder.

Maxim was very satisfied as he watched countless human soldiers fleeing below, setting fires all the way. This is the life of a giant dragon. The previous failures were purely accidental.

Deep down in his heart, he has despised the human race countless times. Because of the internal struggle, someone actually paid him to come and burn down his own military camp. It was simply the most ridiculous thing in the world.

But since the other party's bid was high enough, he didn't care. After all, this kind of enemy is really hard to find.

Spewing flames for a while, throwing a big fireball for a while, Maxim was having a great time in the camp.

The five Dukes who were watching the battle hidden in the dark were dripping with heartache. They just hired the dragon to burn the warehouse, but they didn't let the dragon come to kill people.

It's a pity that creatures like dragons are born to be destructive. There is no need to do anything deliberately, just normal setting fire will cause huge casualties to the defenders.

The giant dragon in front of the high-ranking generals was hired by them to destroy evidence, but the people below didn't know it, and they were still trying to drive the dragon away.

Maxim is obviously not a good-tempered dragon. If any "reptile" dares to come and harass him, naturally he won't mind giving them a tail!

The fire dragon burning the warehouse was accompanied by the killing. Such a big movement quickly attracted the attention of the gryphon cavalry patrolling in the distance, and the news was quickly passed on.

"A giant dragon suspected to be the Dragon King attacked the military camp?

Earl Hudson, you are definitely not kidding! "

Facing the suspicious gaze of Archduke Efiero, Hudson immediately explained: "That's right, Your Excellency the Grand Duke.

This news just came. A huge red dragon attacked the camp of the northern nobles and is currently plundering the military camp.

As far as I know, this is not the first time this dragon has appeared. Before that, they had attacked the Locknard family's nest, but they were driven away.

It is indeed a bit strange to come and attack our military camp now. But this question needs to be asked to the deputy commander, Duke Kavadia, who has always been in charge of the military affairs there.

Judging from the intelligence gathered by the Griffin Cavalry, they seemed to be frightened. There was actually no organized effective counterattack.

Neither the magic crystal cannon nor the magic crossbow was used, and the dragon was completely allowed to plunder. And this giant dragon seems to like setting fires, and it always burns our warehouse. "

After taking advantage of the situation, Hudson made up the rest, leaving it to Archduke Efiero to figure out the rest.

He had known for a long time that the northern nobles would cause trouble, but he still didn't expect that these guys would play the classic "fire dragon burning the warehouse".

Unfortunately, their experience is still somewhat insufficient, their methods are too rough, and there are loopholes everywhere.

To put on a full show, at least the magic crystal cannon must sound, and the masters in the army must also move and look like they are struggling to intercept.

Of course, the risks here are also great. The giant dragon has never been a good actor. If he loses his temper a little accidentally, it will turn into a fake show.

"The fire dragon burning the warehouse is a rare spectacle in the mainland. Earl Hudson, let's take people over to have a look, just to gain some knowledge!"

Grand Duke Efiero said with a gloomy expression.

It could be seen that he was really angry. An accident would happen sooner or later, but if an accident happened at this critical moment, the behavior of those northern nobles was clearly an insult to his IQ.

But in a context where the hole cannot be filled, no matter how insulting your IQ, you have to do it.

It is better to be suspected of reselling military supplies than to be found with conclusive evidence.

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