
Chapter 313 The Fourth Dragon Knight in the Mainland

Inside the cave, Maxim was licking his wounds while cursing endlessly.

It was really a difficult life for a dragon, and he finally got a big job. After making a fortune, he was busy counting gold coins when he received a blow.

The human masters who came to the door immediately started to attack without saying a word. If the other party hadn't wanted to capture him alive, he might have been a dragon corpse by now.

Relying on his speed advantage and breaking out of the encirclement of human masters, Maxim started his escape.

It's a pity that no matter how fast he runs or how hidden he hides, he will be found by human masters after a while.

"Earl Hudson, are you sure the red dragon would settle in a hill like this?"

Morrison asked in disbelief.

Each of the giant dragons are arrogant masters, and their requirements for shelter are not generally high. This kind of hilltop is obviously not suitable for the identity of a giant dragon.

"Dear Mr. Morrison, this is the Ural Mountains, and the best mountains are occupied by powerful monsters.

The red dragon had been seriously injured under the pursuit of the alliance masters. What he needs most now is to buy time to recover from his injuries, and he has no intention of fighting with the local monsters. "

Hudson explained patiently.

Hudson didn't know much about the Sky Knight in front of him. He only knew that he was a powerful member of the royal family, and his seniority was surprisingly high.

It can be seen from the twilight aura on the body that this person's lifespan is coming to an end.

"In that case, let's all split up and set up a magic circle nearby.

The red dragon can evade the pursuit of the alliance masters, so its strength must not be underestimated. Once he is allowed to run away, it will be difficult to capture him alive! "

Morrison immediately ordered everyone.

Hudson was not dissatisfied at all with this overstep of authority. They are all working for themselves, so there is no need to worry about these small problems.

Magic arrays were laid out one after another, and the elemental fluctuations that emerged quickly attracted the red dragon's attention.

Maxim, who had long been frightened by being hunted for so long, immediately poked his head out of the cave to take a look.

"Despicable reptiles, you deserve to die!"

Along with the roar, a mouthful of magma spurted out, scaring all the magicians into running away.

"Everyone join forces to take him down!"

The order was given, and Hudson hurriedly retreated to the rear. This level of fighting is not something that a rookie like him can do.

Even if the dragon is injured, it is still a dragon. No matter how his strength is weakened, he is still a well-deserved strong one.

In addition to Hudson, the weakest of the strong men in the army who came this time were earth knights and magisters. There were even two sky knights and a great magister holding the battle.

If many powerful people take action together, the effect will naturally be extraordinary. The shock wave caused by the energy collision was like a tornado raging through the mountains and forests.

A special spear flew out and hit Maxim's tail directly. It rubbed violently with the scales, causing bursts of tearing sounds.


"Damn reptiles, you actually dare to hide the dragon-slaying spear secretly! You guys, just wait, we, the dragon clan, will not let it go!"

While talking, Maxim, who had suffered a big loss, had already turned around and left, trying to break through the encirclement.

"Bear Stearns, stop him!"

Hudson ordered hurriedly.

The dragon-slaying spear is one of the special products created by various tribes in the mainland in ancient times to fight against the giant dragons.

Regardless of the fact that Maxim was shot, it seemed that only a scale was broken, nothing serious, it just missed the vital point.

The defense capabilities of different parts of the dragon's body also have strengths and weaknesses. If it hits a weak spot, it's not impossible to penetrate it with one shot.

The dragon-slaying spear is not omnipotent. It is very difficult to hit the dragon, let alone accurately hit the weak part of the dragon.

After suffering the loss of dragon-slaying weapons, the dragon clan used thunderous means and strong strength to force the mainland to destroy all dragon-slaying equipment, and the dragon-slaying gun became a legend.

Obviously, the execution intensity of this destruction is still compromised.

At the very least, the human race, as the overlord of the continent, has a lot of dragon-slaying equipment hidden in their hands.

Perhaps these weapons can only lie in warehouses gathering dust during normal times; but at critical moments, they can play an important role.

This dragon-slaying gun, which is similar to a divine weapon, was specially applied to by the Kingdom after the warehouse-burning incident broke out.

A dragon and a bear, a brutal collision broke out in the sky. The red dragon, whose strength was greatly reduced, suffered a huge loss in an instant.

"Damn bear of the earth, I'm going to kill you!"

Along with the roar, Maxim, who was already filled with anger, became even more angry.

He was shouting loudly, but his body couldn't help but change the direction of his advance, trying to avoid Bear Stearns' interception.

After a short delay, a group of powerful human beings rushed forward. Facing the siege of many masters, Red Dragon suffered more and more injuries and its resistance became weaker and weaker.

"Use Drunken Dragon Incense!"

As Morrison's words came to light, everyone took out the vials they carried with them and greeted the red dragon.

Drunken dragon incense is also one of the methods used against the dragon clan. Under normal circumstances, a huge amount of drunken dragon incense is needed to stun a giant dragon. Often, the dragon can get through first without being stunned by the dragon.

The current situation is special. The red dragon has long been injured. At this moment, it only has half a life left, and its resistance has been greatly weakened.

After a few fluttering struggles, the red dragon finally couldn't stand the sleepiness and fell asleep directly.

Without waiting for any pause, the magicians were busy again, constantly carving sealing magic circles on Maxim's body.

The dragon was caught, but everyone suddenly had a headache when faced with the behemoth in front of them.

Carrying a giant dragon back is exciting just thinking about it.

"Earl Hudson, this is the Ural Mountains. There are many high-level monsters along the way. It is not advisable to delay for too long. This time we can only trouble Mr. Bear Stearns."

Morrison said slowly.

He was worried that World of Warcraft was fake, but what he was really worried about was the alliance masters who were coming.

If they were hit head-on, the operation would be in vain. Once the Red Dragon falls into the hands of the Alliance, the confession is the other party's final decision.

The betrayal of the northern nobles was a small matter, but I was worried that someone would deliberately expand it and involve many nobles in the kingdom.

"Bear Stearns, take this stupid dragon back!"

As Hudson's words fell, a strange scene happened.

One person, one bear and one giant dragon flew directly in the air. Soon, he left all the military masters who came with him far behind.

Perhaps out of habit, the dragon was still swaying back and forth with its limbs and claws, as if it was running wildly in the air.

"Flying bear in the air, it seems that Earl Hudson's bear is not simple!

Let's catch up quickly. Drunken Dragon Fragrance won't be able to trap Red Dragon for long. If it wakes up in the military camp, it will be a big trouble. "

After sighing, Morrison gave instructions to everyone.

Just a few hours after everyone left, the experts from the Human Alliance also arrived at the scene. Looking at the plowed battlefield, everyone's expressions were gloomy and terrifying.

“We kept this operation strictly confidential, and even the frontline generals were not notified.

Unexpectedly, someone was still eyeing this red dragon with us.

Judging from the situation on the battlefield, the red dragon should have been killed or captured by them.

There was no point in continuing the secrecy. Notify the coalition forces immediately and use their power to find out as soon as possible which force the red dragon fell into! "

The old man in purple said with a gloomy expression.

As the leader of the investigation team, he did not go to the logistics department to investigate in a step-by-step manner. Instead, he came to catch the dragon, which was not in accordance with the procedures.

After working so hard for so long, I ended up making a wedding dress for someone else. You can imagine how depressed I felt.

"Marquis Jerome, this matter can be inferred without investigation. Now the only one who is anxious to find the Red Dragon and seal it is the Alpha Kingdom.

There is no need to waste time, just go and ask them for help. They are carrying giant dragons and can't move much faster. Maybe we can reach the camp first. "

Bishop Kawehe said with a smile.

From the expression on his face that he was not too bothered by the excitement, it could be seen that he wanted to cause trouble.

"Bishop Kaveh, you can't say that. The Alpha Kingdom's performance in this war is still very good. Even if there are people who are greedy and resell military supplies, they are only a small number of nobles.

There is no need for us to rush to convict them before the matter is investigated clearly.

Let's wait and see. Regarding the fire dragon burning warehouse case, they have to give the alliance an explanation! Once the results come out, decide what to do next. "

Marquis Jerome said insinuatingly.

Suppressing the Alpha Kingdom is motivated by interests, but it does not mean that he is willing to offend people to death.

The Frankish Kingdom and the Alpha Kingdom are located in the south and north. Although competition exists, it has not yet reached the point of incompatibility.

In many places, there is also cooperation between the two countries. It is better to leave this kind of hatred to the Holy See.

Anyway, the Holy See and the Alpha Kingdom have long since fallen out, so there is no need to worry that Bishop Kavehe is unwilling to work hard on this issue.

"I hope so!"

Bishop Kawehe said without changing his expression.

In the camp, Hudson, who returned first, was looking at the sleeping red dragon and worried.

With his huge size, it would be difficult to find a cage for him. An ordinary prison cell cannot trap a giant dragon.

Special iron chains one after another were constantly wrapped around the red dragon's body, but Hudson still felt it was not enough.

"Bear Stearns, after I wake up this stupid dragon, you have to keep an eye on it and don't let him cause trouble!"

Hudson instructed again.

He couldn't help but be careless. A close encounter with a giant dragon, but when it comes to matters involving wealth and life, the banquet can be overturned if you are not careful.

"Don't worry, Hudson! I'll keep an eye on him.

The sealing magic circle on this stupid dragon is not so easy to break free, and now it is impossible to release the dragon language magic at all.

What's more, he is still injured and his body is in its weakest state. He is still bound by so many chains and cannot cause trouble! "

After receiving Bear Stearns' assurance, Hudson slowly took out the antidote for Drunk Dragon's fragrance. A pungent and disgusting smell instantly filled the entire place.

One person and one bear were well prepared, and they held their breath early, leaving the red dragon to enjoy this unique flavor alone.

"It stinks, it stinks! Damn the bear of the earth, damn human reptile, what is this? It disgusts you, Uncle Long!"

As Maxim woke up, the special iron chains wrapped around his body began to rattle, as if they might break free at any time.

Unfortunately, the escape operation had just begun when Bear Stearns' gravity field came over and pressed the struggling red dragon heavily to the ground.

"Asshole! You are all assholes!

As an Earth Bear, mixing with humans is simply a disgrace to the Earth Bear clan!


Seeing the shouting red dragon, Bear Stearns slapped him, and then said with a smile: "Ignorant stupid dragon, you are jealous of Uncle Bear Stearns' life!

What a waste of time for such a big guy to turn out to be a parallel imported dragon. I'm curious now, did you have a developmental problem, or was it a new hybrid created by the Dragon Clan? "

When it comes to hurting people, Bear Stearns has reached the pinnacle, and even Hudson was stunned.

When did my own bear become so rogue? Feelings All the education he usually gave to the cub was in vain.

"You are the bastard! Your whole family is bastard..."

Before the word "plant" could be uttered, the huge bear's paw smacked Maxim's face again, making stars shine in his eyes.

Seeing that the knocking was almost done, Hudson knew it was time to play on his own.

"Mr. Maxim, I would like to remind you carefully that your situation is very dangerous, please remain rational enough.

If our next conversation does not go well, your dragon scales will become our armor, your dragon blood will become our training material, your dragon claws will be processed into weapons, and your dragon skin will become The carrier of the magic scroll.

Even your dragon bones will be given to the necromancer to be made into an undead dragon. Of course, your soul is indispensable here.

Dragons are a rare commodity, and alchemists, arcanists, and magicians across the continent are eagerly waiting for you to contribute to their research! "

Hearing Hudson's threat, Maxim asked in disbelief: "You dare to slay the dragon, aren't you afraid of the revenge of my dragon clan?"

"Mr. Maxim, it seems that you haven't figured out the situation yet. Under normal circumstances, everyone would naturally want to give face to the dragon clan and would not take the initiative to slay the dragon.

But this time the situation is special, and it was you who caused the incident. Attacked the logistics of the Terran coalition forces for no reason and set fire to our warehouse.

You, the dragon clan, need face, and we, the human clan, also need face. Don’t forget that the current continent of Aslant is the era of my human race.

The Dragon Clan is certainly powerful, but your numbers are too few.

I don't think the Dragon Clan will go to war with the Human Clan just because of you, a troublesome dragon. If there really was a fight, it would not be one dragon that fell, but hundreds of giant dragons that would stain the earth with blood. "

Hudson said with all his heart.

He now cannot represent the entire human race. Facing the entire human race, the Dragon Clan needs to be reasonable; but facing him, a human noble, the Dragon Clan is not so easy to talk to.

Unfortunately, Maxim knew nothing about all this. What he knew was that Hudson had a high status among the human race and could command a group of masters, as well as a bear of the earth.

"Human, what do you want to ask? As long as I can tell you, I can tell you!"

The dragon was under the iron chain and had to bow his head. As a young dragon, Maxim had not yet lived enough.

"Mr. Maxim, I think you have misunderstood the key point of the question. In fact, I don't want to ask anything. I may know the ins and outs of the fire dragon burning warehouse case better than you.

This is a contract. As long as you sign your real name on it, you can regain your freedom.

Even if you offend the Human Alliance, I will deal with the aftermath for you. I guarantee that no one will use this as an excuse to come over and slay the dragon! "

As he spoke, Hudson handed over the self-made contract.

"Impossible. You let the great red dragon work for you. This is simply insulting..."

Before the red dragon finished roaring, Hudson interrupted: "Mr. Maxim, I reminded you to stay rational enough.

Now you are left with a total of two choices. Either choose to sign a contract and continue to fly in the sky; or turn into a bone dragon and your soul falls into the abyss and will never rest in peace.

I suggest you sign a contract. Although it is not a completely equal contract, it also protects your dragon birth rights and property rights.

Compared with the long lifespan of dragons, the lifespan of us humans is nothing more than the time it takes you to sleep in.

It will only take a few hundred years, and by then you will be a free dragon again. Throughout the history of the Dragon Clan, there are many dragons who have signed contracts with our human race.

If you sign a contract, you will be the fourth dragon to sign a contract with humans on the continent today.

They are not embarrassed, so why should you care?

In such a short period of time, the news could not reach Long Island. If you're really embarrassed, you can hide your name. "

After the words fell, the red dragon's eyes stared at Hudson, as if he wanted to tear him to pieces with his eyes.

Unfortunately, this situation did not last long before it was changed with a "pop" sound. Under the powerful whipping of the bear's paw, Maxim's dragon head became fatter.

"Damn bear of the earth, don't bully the dragon too much! Humans, will you just leave them alone?"

Faced with the red dragon's complaints, Hudson smiled calmly and said: "He is my bear, and you are just a wild dragon. Do you have to think about who I will support?

Okay, Mr. Maxim. Since you don't want to sign the contract, I won't force you to do anything.

Enjoy the last moments of your dragon’s life, and you’ll start scraping the dragon soon. First remove the dragon scales, then release the dragon blood, and then cut off the dragon meat...

With the powerful vitality of the Dragon Clan, you should be able to witness with your own eyes how you died. "

After saying that, Hudson turned around and left without any intention of staying.

Seeing this scene, fear overwhelmed the arrogant Red Dragon, and his body kept trembling and shouted: "Wait!"

At the same time, a real name fell directly on the contract. One person and one dragon, who were originally unrelated, were instantly connected by the contract.

Seeing this scene, Hudson could no longer hold back his inner joy, and a smile appeared directly from the corners of his mouth.

Many people have been tricked recently. Dear readers, please strengthen your protection!

Haiyue had a cold and fever at first, but after several struggles, she finally got Yang.

Try to go to the hospital as little as possible, as the hospital is the most dangerous area now.

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