
Chapter 318 The game after the war

Time passes day by day, and March is here in a blink of an eye.

It was determined that there was no money to be squeezed out of the Orc Empire, and the threat of the plague was becoming more severe, so the Human Alliance had to give up its demand for compensation.

With the mediation of all races on the mainland, on March 13, 99990 in the Holy Calendar, representatives of the coalition forces and the Orc Emperor formally signed an armistice treaty.

The content is very simple: the two sides use the area under actual control as the dividing line. From the date of signing of the treaty, both sides will cease all war actions.

There are no war reparations, no punishment for war criminals, and there is no clear conclusion as to who is the just party in the war.

It can only be said that this treaty is very Aslantian. Race wars are all fought for the living space of each race, and there is no distinction between good and evil.

As a witness to history, Hudson has always been a spectator.

Everything comes from strength. The orcs suffered a loss in the armistice treaty, which was the price of defeat.

The orc prairie belongs to the human race, and the mountains and wastelands currently occupied by the coalition belong to the orc race that defected to the human race.

Everything was clearly arranged by the coalition forces. The Orc Empire can only hold its nose and admit it. It is better to have a group of Orcs to act as a strategic buffer than to directly border the human race.

Theoretically, as long as no major changes occur later, the Orc Empire can continue forever. After all, the human race has no interest in the rotten land they currently occupy.

With the signing of the treaty, the alliance also became lively. Regarding the distribution of spoils, all parties started a noisy mode again.

How much I looked down on the orc prairie in the past, now the competition is so fierce. There is no doubt that the nobles are a bunch of duplicitous masters.

But all of this has nothing to do with the Alpha Kingdom. Fortunately, the boundary line was moved hundreds of miles earlier, otherwise there would really be no gain at all.

Everyone was busy dividing the spoils, but Hudson, the logistics manager, was in a hurry to drive people away.

The war is over, and the follow-up strategic materials naturally no longer exist. Every day the coalition forces stay on the front line, they are eating up their inventory.

If it doesn't involve his own interests, Hudson won't pay attention to the wrangling of all parties.

At the coalition command meeting, Hudson formally submitted his resignation. Prior to this, he had completed the final distribution of strategic materials.

Judging from the accounts, all the logistics supplies of the coalition forces have been distributed, and his duties as the logistics manager have come to an end.

Retention is non-existent. Everyone was busy competing for benefits, and even the withdrawal of the Alpha Kingdom did not cause any waves.

Hudson didn't know how to handle the follow-up issues. The main reason is that the area of ​​the orc prairie is too vast, exceeding the three Alpha Kingdoms combined.

Once such a vast land is developed, it will become the inheritance of an emperor.

With such a big cake and so many human forces involved in dividing the spoils, it is obviously impossible to monopolize it. The future grassland pattern will definitely be very lively.

After leading the army back home, Hudson's position as head coach has reached its end. No one needed any hint before he submitted his resignation.

However, many things backfired. The more he wanted to resign, the more Caesar III refused to give in.

It's not out of respect for his ability, it's mainly because there is no head coach to support him, and the next profit distribution will be directed at the king.

Every day, the parties are arguing endlessly about the distribution of benefits. Vital interests are involved, and it won't work for anyone.

"Your Majesty the Viscount, are you really ready to move north?"

Hudson asked in disbelief.

As the second family in the southeastern province, the Hollister family's foundations are all in the south. According to the previous plan, it was also to expand to Fengyun Province. Unexpectedly, in a blink of an eye, he actually chose to move north.

Theoretically speaking, the north currently has the best chance. With the northern nobles suffering heavy losses, even the local snakes that hindered their development to the north no longer exist.

But this is all theoretical. The newly recovered ownerless provinces in northern Xinjiang are all no-man's land.

It is indeed easy to acquire ownership, but the manpower, material and financial resources required to develop these areas are astronomical.

Anyway, the Koslow family does not have this strength. Even if Hudson made a lot of money during the war, it still could not afford the huge development costs.

As the kingdom's established nobles, the Hollister family's accumulation of heritage is far beyond what upstarts like the Koslow family can match.

Once it is decided to move the strategic focus northward, the manpower gap should be resolved quickly. As for whether the financial and material resources can sustain it, that is not something that Hudson can know.

“Hudson, the family made this decision out of necessity.

The aristocratic power of the entire southeastern province suffered heavy losses in this war. According to the original plan to participate in the competition against Fengyun Province, the Holliser family had no chance of winning.

There is a huge gap between the middle nobles and the great nobles. Once you miss this opportunity, you don't know when the next time will be.

The Holliser family can't afford to wait, and I can't even wait. Apart from choosing the land of Northern Xinjiang where competition is relatively weak, we simply have no better choice! "

While speaking, Viscount Oran looked at Hudson with envy. As the largest upstart in this war, the Koslow family already has the strength to take on the Dalton family, and there is no need to move away.

Just before that, a large number of nobles were killed in the southeastern province, making room for the development of the Koslow family.

As the commander-in-chief of the army, Hudson still has many conveniences. At the very least, you will have priority when choosing a fiefdom.

With the current military strength of the Koslow family, it relies entirely on continuously gathering scattered fiefdoms and dividing the southeastern province with the Dalton family.

Of course, when it comes to specific operations, fiefdom replacement is definitely indispensable.

Although these operations are theoretically not allowed, as the commander-in-chief of the army, as long as he does not go too far, the king will probably still give him some face.

Recalling that Hudson had made many connections among the aristocratic circles in the province, Viscount Oran immediately understood his plan.

The existence of favor debt undoubtedly created favorable conditions for the subsequent replacement and integration of fiefdoms.

Even if the small and medium-sized nobles in the province do not want to see the Koslow family develop and grow, they cannot come out to oppose it due to the existence of favors.

The only obstacles are probably the Dalton family and the king. Based on his understanding of Caesar III, even if the king objected, he would not end it himself.

After all, Hudson still had value to the royal family. Faced with the chaotic distribution of interests in the country, the king also needed Hudson to mediate the conflicts between the parties.

The Dalton family alone, even if they stand up to oppose it, cannot hinder Hudson's determination.

Thinking of this, Viscount Oran became more determined in his choice. The southeastern province has entered a pattern of confrontation between the two powers. Where is the room for the development of the Hollister family?

The original second family of the province was now directly downgraded to the third family. If he didn't leave voluntarily, it would be a tragedy if the boss and the second child got into a fight in the future and the third child was killed by mistake.

"Your Excellency, Viscount, you can rest assured. After the strategic focus of the Hollister family moves north, your foundation in Qiaomu County will not be affected.

If running the Northland fails, Qiaomu County can be your retreat. However, since the matter is serious, I suggest you consider it carefully.

The competition in Fengyun Province is indeed fierce now, but if the Holliser family is willing to give it a try, they still have a one-third chance. "

They are all true words. If Hudson were in the position of Viscount Oran, he would not be able to make the decision to move the strategic center of gravity northward.

The competition in Fengyun Province is fierce, but the benefits are also huge! A fully developed province is far more valuable than a piece of raw land.

Even if you are unable to seize control of the province, it is still a good choice to seize the land of a county or half of a county.

It can only be said that the Hollister family's appetite is too big. They want to cross the threshold of the great nobility in one fell swoop, and adding a few new fiefdoms can no longer satisfy their appetite.

You can only make your own decision on this kind of thing. As an ally, all Hudson could do was support.

"Hudson, I'll leave it to you next. We will find ways to coordinate all aspects of the relationship, but we still need your help in the capital."

Viscount Oran said with a serious face.

There was no specific goal discussed, and it was obvious that the Holliser family was not sure of victory in this operation. In order to increase the success rate, we simply cast a wide net.

That's a good thing for Hudson, too. If the target of the Hollister family really bumps into other nobles, it will be a kind of trouble.

Like now, although it is possible for several middle-level nobles to jointly dominate the layout of a province, it also avoids the tragedy of crashing and failing and being directly eliminated.

After all, the strength is still insufficient. No matter how deep the foundation is, it takes a long process to turn it into the strength at hand.

From this point of view, Earl Pierce also did a good thing. If he hadn't brought all the nobles from the Southeast Province into the gutter, the Hollister family would never have escaped so neatly.

Everyone is crowded together to develop, no matter how good the relationship between them is, sooner or later they will fall out.

The Holliser family's voluntary departure is also a good thing for Hudson. This means that the two companies will not become enemies due to strategic conflicts.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty the Viscount, there will definitely be a fiefdom for you in the Northland. The area is only much larger than Qiaomu County!"

Hudson promised proudly.

As the commander-in-chief of the army, he still has a great say in the division of fiefdoms.

The Holliser family wanted to become a great noble. He didn't have the ability, but it was not difficult for them to enter the Northland and get a share of the pie.

Next, it depends on their respective development. Whichever family has the best development and is the first to stand out from the crowd of competitors will be able to cross the threshold of the great nobility.

The game involved behind this is not only within the kingdom, but also forces outside the kingdom are involved.

As far as Hudson knew, many of the great nobles in the Alpha Kingdom had their ancestors from countries in the southern and central parts of the continent.

With the passage of time, this relationship has become very weak, but as the major human forces carve up the orc prairie, this relationship has been further promoted.

After all, the next development of the orc prairie will inevitably require the support of our neighbor, the Alpha Kingdom.

If you have connections, you should naturally contact them. No matter how far this relationship is, there is still a bit of love.

Hudson felt it himself. As the branches of the Koslow family extend abroad, people come to visit him to connect with him.

It's a pity that these branches, like all the branches in the country, don't do well. Even if their faction takes away a big piece of cake, all they can get is the barony or knighthood.

The essence of coming here to communicate is to seek support. Within the scope of his authority, Hudson provided them with convenience.

This is true for the small Koslow family, not to mention the big nobles of other kingdoms.

In the upcoming reshuffle, whether the Hollister family can stand out will not only depend on the efforts of the Viscounts of Oran, but also the support behind them.

One after another, fiefdom division plans were constantly coming out of Hudson's hands, and they were constantly being pushed back, making everyone in the army furious.

Looking at the angry people, Hudson also pretended to be angry and said: "The king has once again rejected our proposal. Let's all sign the new plan that will be discussed next!

If the royal capital continues to veto it, then everyone should pack up their things and go directly to the royal capital to discuss it with the ministers! "

There is also a limit to the amount of mud. Facing the anger of the nobles, Hudson believed that his body was not strong enough and there was no need to fight hard.

As for the king, he can only say that he tried his best. It is simply impossible for a group of nobles to take the initiative to accept the mixing of sand.

"This should have been done a long time ago. If we keep putting it off like this, when will it end!"

Count Carles echoed, pretending not to know.

Then everyone responded, as if they were tired of the king's inaction and wanted to unite to put pressure on the king.

Everyone is acting, and the whole theater is like a big theater. Hudson was helpless at this farce.

Regardless of how many times the plan has been revised, it is essentially still the original plan. The only difference is probably that with every modification, the boundary lines of everyone's fiefdoms have changed slightly.

If you don't look carefully, you may not be able to spot it.

This last modification seemed to put pressure on the capital, and it was something that Hudson deliberately told everyone.

Use practical actions to remind everyone: The king also needs face, and now it is time to make appropriate concessions.

It's a pity that all this is destined to be in vain. The king's cards in front of the great nobles cannot be said to be completely lacking, but they are not that great either.

No one was willing to make substantive concessions, and Hudson was too lazy to be a villain and directly summarized and reported the final results.

Except for the collective absence of the northern nobles, this document signed by all the great nobles of the kingdom can itself represent the kingdom.

In the Emerald Palace, looking at the final report, Caesar III looked very ugly.

No one needs to complain about anyone, everyone’s demands are excessive. Not to mention other nobles of the kingdom, just looking at the requests made by Hudson himself, there are projects that cannot be completed.

Regardless of the expansion of the fiefdom in the southeastern province, as long as the enclave issue is not considered, taking away part of the unclaimed land is reasonable based on Hudson's contribution in the war.

But in addition to these demands, he also proposed to recover "the ancestral land of the Koslow family." This "ancestral land" is not just a castle, but the entire territory of the original Koslow family in the North.

There is no doubt that this is unacceptable to the Locknard family. Even if they had suffered heavy losses before, it would not be possible for the Koslow family to extend their tentacles to their own hinterland.

These are all issues left over from history. It is impossible for the kingdom to overturn the verdict of the Koslow family, otherwise it will be the scene of a large-scale historical overturn, and the legitimacy of countless noble fiefdoms will be challenged.

Even though he knew it was impossible to accomplish, Hudson still had to raise it. This was a matter of principle.

Without any surprise, Caesar III could only jump out and veto the proposal. There are many more similar impossible proposals in processing reports.

What was most unacceptable to him was that the nobles of the kingdom chose to compromise with each other and failed to check and balance each other as expected.

Vetoed again?

Just as he raised his pen, Caesar III hesitated again. Nothing is too much or too little. Even if you are a king, you must consider the position of the nobles of the kingdom.

As a joint-stock country with dispersed shares, the king, as the major shareholder, cannot completely keep his promise.

After much hesitation, Caesar III took up a pen to annotate and revise the report. This kind of fine-tuning is destined to be done by him personally. Counting on everyone's consciousness is just a dream.

The crown prince on the side watched quietly from beginning to end. It's not that he doesn't want to get involved, it's just that he really doesn't know how to deal with such a complicated situation.

After the modification work was completed and inspected, Caesar III slowly raised his head and said: "Prime Minister, send the final result to Earl Hudson and ask him to find a way to persuade all parties to accept it."

If anyone pays attention to the content of his annotations, they will find that this is a naked transaction.

Except for the unrealistic plan to regain the ancestral land, the rest of Hudson's demands were basically met.

As the price for obtaining all this, he must find a way to implement the king's will. If it cannot be done, Caesar III's consent and annotation will be invalidated.

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