
Chapter 337 Undercurrent is coming

In the Mountain Territory, Hudson has been in a very bad mood recently. With the establishment of the territory's status as a monster breeding center, conflicts have increased.

With the arrival of personnel from major forces, the hatred and conflicts in the past have also been brought over.

In the past month, more than thirty conflicts, large and small, broke out in the territory, and he personally intervened to mediate three major scenes.

Each one of them has a big background, and it is really difficult to restrain their behavior. So much so that Hudson could only choose to let them go.

As long as it does not affect the development of the territory and the conflict does not involve other people, he will turn a blind eye to conflicts between major forces.

However, this laissez-faire approach did not improve the situation, but instead further worsened the security of the territory.

"These bastards have gone too far. If they continue to let it go, they will cause disaster sooner or later.

Tell me what you can do to solve the current problem of deteriorating public security? "

Hudson asked with a headache.

The current chaos has nothing to do with the law. The Mountain Territory has already formulated relevant laws, but it has no binding force on these powerful guys.

The biggest problem is that it is easy to legislate but difficult to enforce. Many people get into trouble and when they realize they are in trouble, they just run away and disappear.

In the extraordinary world, as long as a master wants to hide, it is very difficult to catch him. At least Hudson doesn't have the ability to search for people all over the world.

The parties involved are no longer here, and the subsequent problems will only be borne by the relevant forces. In this regard, everyone is still very generous. If the territorial facilities are damaged, those who deserve compensation will pay.

If I want to dig deeper, I'm sorry that the reason given is: the person involved cannot be found and the conviction cannot be carried out.

It seems that he has a good attitude, but in fact he is just coping with the situation. How much is it worth if a fight damages a few tables, chairs and benches?

Fortunately, everyone likes to solve problems by themselves. The losing party in the conflict went directly to the other party to cause trouble, without asking the host, Hudson, to explain things.

This is also the main reason why Hudson dare not take strict control. Once a comprehensive intervention in management is announced, the victims will most likely come to him, the lord, to ask for an explanation.

"Earl, the current situation is mainly caused by the convergence of major forces and the confusion of good and bad. It is neither convenient for us to manage nor can we intervene in management.

Although the guards responsible for patrolling the territory are all elite, most of them are ordinary people. When faced with a conflict between masters from various major forces, there is simply no way to stop them.

Even if the person is caught, the other party has a noble status, and may be a foreign noble. According to the rules, it is not convenient for us to deal with it.

The ideal situation is: hand over the person to the kingdom, and let the Ministry of Foreign Affairs negotiate with the major forces.

Maybe it’s because we give people away so often that people from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs avoid us when they see us.

If you want to truly solve the problem, it is best to negotiate with the major forces and reach a consensus on management.

Or build a separate city for them to house the research and development and security personnel sent by the major forces to reduce the impact on the security of the territory. "

Michelle was the first to suggest.

As the Sheriff of the territory, he has been suffering from these people for a long time! In order to solve this problem, the officials of the Ministry of Public Security racked their brains.

The original plan was to kill the chickens to scare the monkeys, but in the end the chickens were killed, but not a single monkey was frightened.

No matter how serious they are, the only people they can touch are the servants of the nobles, and they have no right to deal with the nobles themselves.

Unless a noble lord is killed or maimed on the spot in a conflict, it is just a fight, and it is not a big deal to the nobles.

"Is there any other way?"

Hudson continued to ask.

"Count, there is no good solution, but there is a bad idea.

Whenever you receive news of a fight, send Mr. Maxim to catch them and give them a good beating.

We can declare to the public: Your dragon is in estrus, has a bad temper and likes to fight. When he sees someone fighting, he can't help but join in.

As time goes by, everyone will naturally learn to restrain themselves. "

Kane suggested calmly.

Fighting violence with violence is not a good way, but it is the most effective way.

As a dragon breeder, Maxim now has a very special status. Even if the attack is a little harsh, we can't do anything. At most, we can give them a few more babies during breeding.

"It's a good idea. Let Maxim beat up those trouble-making guys first, and then it will be much easier to talk to the major forces.

Let's just deal with this matter. In addition, the construction of places for hatching and living of cubs must also be accelerated.

Send people to inform the major forces that Maxim has initially entered the estrus period, and ask them to arrange for female beasts to come over in batches to conceive. "

This was no lie. Of the three cows sent yesterday, Maxim only ate two, and the remaining cow was carried out.

In order to verify, Hudson sent in several cows, sows, and female lizards... In the past, without exception, there were signs of mating.

There are so many species that can be swallowed, and Hudson is speechless about the strange aesthetics of the dragon in estrus.

However, when heat comes back, Maxim still wants to save face. At least when his master is around, he can stay rational.

Of course, it may also be the effect of the mysterious compass. From the moment the contract was signed, the connection between Mystic Compass and Maxim was established.

In addition, he uses the power of the compass to practice in his daily life. It is not surprising that the compass can have an impact on Maxim.

In view of the current special situation, Hudson has ordered that all women in the territory are prohibited from approaching the dragon's nest to avoid bad scenes.

In order to prevent Maxim from going out to cause trouble when he was in heat, Hudson kept him by his side most of the time, and even asked Bear Stearns to keep an eye on him.

In the Principality of Moxi, King George has been deep in thought since he received Alpha's marriage proposal.

Whether or not to forge this marriage and continue to deepen the alliance with the Alpha Kingdom is a vexing question.

If before the orcs invaded, or if the two countries had not been severely damaged by the war, then this marriage would definitely be worth it.

But the situation is different now. Whether it is the Principality of Moxi or the Kingdom of Alpha, their respective conditions are not very good.

Several kingdoms in the central region have shown interest in visiting the north. The original top three in the north have now become three pieces of fat in the eyes of others.

They didn't take immediate action because they had just finished fighting a war against the Orc Empire. It is morally unjustifiable to attack the three countries at this time, and it will easily lead to interference from other countries on the mainland.

A single family is considered fat in the eyes of others. If two families stay together for warmth, they may become a big piece of fat.

As for the Warhammer Kingdom in civil strife, George had automatically ignored it. No matter how hard it is, the location is great!

It originally seemed a little remote, but judging from the current situation, this remoteness itself is the best protection.

Currently, those bordering the Warhammer Kingdom, apart from the Principality of Moxi, are either small human nations or ancient remnants of the ice and snow world.

If the big human countries in the central and southern parts want to reach out to them, they must first deal with the human countries in the middle.

It is precisely because there is no external threat that the nobles in the east and west dare to fight among themselves. Otherwise, the civil war would not be fought at all.

"Your Majesty, this marriage can be agreed to. The Alpha Kingdom seems to be severely weakened, but their foundation is solid and their resilience is strong enough.

Referring to past examples of orc invasions, you will know how abnormal their mobilization capabilities are at critical moments. Even if its strength is not at its peak, it is still a powerful country.

Judging from the current situation, they only need to rest for more than ten years to recuperate, and they will basically be able to recover.

Even if some countries in central China have ideas about them, they are unlikely to take action in recent years. As long as time drags on and their strength recovers to 70% or 80%, the crisis will no longer exist.

In comparison, our situation is actually more troublesome. Although the Kingdom of Alpha helped us separate several large countries, and there were small countries to the south of the principality as a buffer, we suffered too heavy losses in the war.

Compared with before the war, our population has directly lost half of its population. It can be said unceremoniously that in the next ten years, our current military strength will be the strongest.

If you want to return to your peak state, in the most ideal state, you need to rest for twenty or thirty years.

During this time, we need allies to support us. The Alpha Kingdom may not be powerful enough, but they are reliable! "

Prime Minister Herceg tried hard to persuade.

In political marriages, interests always outweigh everything. As for the thoughts of the parties involved, it actually doesn't matter. Even though he looked down upon Crown Prince Caesar, he supported the marriage.

In addition to these obvious reasons, there is another reason that cannot be said. Prime Minister Herceg is worried about attracting wolves into the house.

The stronger the allies, the better. If it is really so powerful that it is not an ally, but a threat.

With the current state of the Principality of Moxi, if it really chooses to form an alliance with a powerful country, George might have an accident one day and someone will take over his nest.

From this point of view, Crown Prince Caesar's poor performance has become his plus point.

"Do you think so too?"

George asked with concern.

It was obvious that the balance in his mind had tilted towards agreeing to the marriage. But this idea is not firm and needs more people to support it.

"Your Majesty, what the prime minister said makes sense. Crown Prince Caesar may not be the best marriage partner, but he is the most suitable choice for the principality at the moment.

Apart from his military incompetence, Crown Prince Caesar did not reveal many flaws in his daily life.

Including the Warcraft Legion plan that is currently underway, Crown Prince Caesar also plays an important role in it. It should not be difficult to be the lord of the Alpha Kingdom in the future. "

Count Renato analyzed seriously.

For a country, the most suitable king is the best. Having just experienced a war and at a time when the people are at peace, the Lord of Defending is the best choice.

The evaluation of Crown Prince Caesar is not low at all. As for whether he can do it, that is a matter of the future. Anyway, the court will have already been replaced by then.

A king and a courtier, the Principality of Moxi has also come to the time for a major change of blood in the court. There was no rush to take action, it was due to the current situation.

The war left a lot of mess, and a little carelessness would cause big troubles. George simply did not dare to change people easily at this time.

After looking at everyone and seeing that no one spoke to object, George nodded slightly and said, "Then reply to the Alpha Royal Family and say we agree.

The next specific details will be discussed by the royal family. Our first task now is to restore production in various parts of the principality. "

In Beda City, Count Pierce has not been in a good mood since he returned from his last northern expedition to the Orc Empire.

Seeing the mountain leaders engaged in construction in full swing, his mood became even worse. Even though he knew this was a threat to his family, he couldn't do anything.

Hudson has many shortcomings, and the Koslow family has even more loopholes. However, none of these exposed flaws are fatal.

It's not his style to act blindly just to create trouble for the other party.

"Earl, if we don't take action, their population migration will be completed!"

After hearing what his men said, Earl Pierce frowned. As early as when Hudson was exchanging territories with various families, he had taken measures to prepare for obstruction in the aristocratic parliament.

Perseveringly, the Kingdom's Warcraft Legion plan was released, and Hudson, who was in a favorable position, successfully reached a deal with all parties.

Including the Dalton family, in order to participate in the plan, they were also forced to vote in favor of the Noble Council.

This vote of approval was also the core factor that prompted nobles from all over the country to agree to exchange land. The boss has agreed, so naturally he can't ask the younger brothers to carry it to death.

If the first step of obstruction fails, the only thing left is to cause trouble during population migration. What the Mountain Territory currently lacks most is population. Without these hundreds of thousands of people, subsequent development will be greatly affected.

"Things are not easy to handle! Hudson will send out all the troops in his hands to serve as guards. A little trouble will not keep them at all.

The instigation of immigrants to cause trouble was suppressed as soon as it started.

Relying on Hudson's reputation, the nobles along the way did not dare to block their way, but instead provided them with a lot of conveniences.

Now that the two families have not broken up with each other after all, we can't go out and compete with them in person, right?

If the action is too obvious and the other party takes advantage of it, that will also be a problem. "

It's not that Earl Pierce is looking forward and backward, but the current situation is really not suitable for fighting with the Koslow family. It's just a stumbling block in secret. Once they confront each other in public, a slight mistake will lead to a civil war.

He didn't think that the young and energetic Hudson would choose to endure when he encountered trouble at this time.

Not to mention the trouble in the kingdom, if a fight breaks out, the Dalton family is not sure of victory!

Looking at the internal structure of the Southeast Province, we can see that the Dalton family is deeply rooted and has influence in every county; the Koslow family has many relatives and has people everywhere.

Once the two families start working together, no one can tell how everyone will line up.

"Lord Earl, if it is not convenient for us to take action, it does not mean that other forces cannot take action as well!

Earl Hudson has offended many people along the way. These people don't have as many concerns as we do.

As long as we provide them with some convenience in secret, the next thing will have nothing to do with us.

Even if Earl Hudson investigates and finds out the truth afterwards, it won't be a big deal. You can’t ask us for an explanation just because we don’t do anything, right? "

The old man's suggestion moved Earl Pierce's heart. Looking at Hudson's journey, he climbed to the top by stepping on the corpses of countless people.

First it was the Holy See Cavalry and the Skull and Bones Society, then it was the Orc Empire, and then it offended the Northland noble group.

There is no need to pay attention to the declining Orc Empire for the time being. They were too busy recuperating and had no time to take revenge.

But the other few are different. As long as the Dalton family releases a little signal, they won't have to worry about having no collaborators.

"Forget about the Skull and Bones, those cult organizations are completely out of control. If they are let in, no one can guarantee what they will do next.

The nobles of the North and the Holy See can all give hints. However, we must maintain enough boundaries. If an accident occurs, we cannot let them drag us into the water!

Mr. Schaefer, I leave this matter to you. It doesn't matter how many results can be achieved. The key is to provoke a conflict between the mountain leaders and these two families. "

Earl Pierce said solemnly.

As good neighbors, the better the Mountain Territory develops, the more pressure the Dalton family will feel.

Especially the establishment of the World of Warcraft breeding base made Count Pierce's scalp numb. The arrival of a large number of powerful forces made it impossible for him to use many of his methods.

For example: carrying out an economic blockade secretly, or raising transit taxes and fees on goods, or driving up commodity prices...

This series of methods are now useless. Blocking the mountain territory at this moment is going against the major forces that have settled there.

After all, once prices rise, they, the outsiders, will end up footing the bill. No one's money is blown away by the strong wind, and you will definitely feel unhappy if you are ripped off.

When he encountered a competitor who kept making tricks, his rationality told him that he must find more enemies for Hudson to help him share the pressure.

"Your Majesty, please rest assured! I will definitely handle this matter properly without leaving any traces."

Schaefer immediately assured.

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