
Chapter 343 Laying the Thunder for Turmoil on the Mainland

After joining in the fun, nothing happened to Hudson. Although he is also a magician on the surface, the water inside is too heavy.

Even if I have acquired a series of magical knowledge, the learning time is still too short and I haven’t had time to fully understand it.

No matter how rare a leopard lays an egg, it is not as important as the letter in Hudson's hand.

The debt crisis of the Principality of Moxi was about to break out. As an old friend, King George wrote to him to complain.

There is no mention of money on the surface, but the information revealed between the lines is all caused by lack of money.

Writing to Hudson at this moment seems to be a communication between old friends, but in fact it is asking him for advice.

The idea of ​​issuing bonds did come from Hudson, but while making the suggestion, he also deliberately reminded the Mossi people to pay attention to controlling the scale of debt.

Unfortunately: Debt is full of magic. Once you embark on this road of no return, there is no possibility of turning back.

After the war, Hudson paid close attention to the situation in the Principality of Moxi, waiting for their debt to explode at any time.

Being able to delay the debt crisis until now by tearing down the eastern wall and mending the western wall is enough to prove that George is a qualified "wall-paser."

Taking advantage of the opportunity that the big nobles involved were eager to escape from, they took borrowing new and paying old back to the extreme, and even Hudson had to admire him.

Unfortunately, no matter how much we delay the debt crisis, the crisis will always exist and cannot disappear out of thin air.

After taking a look at the visitor, Hudson sighed and said: "Viscount Raquel, I understand what your king means. I don't have a perfect solution, but I do have a bad idea.

No matter how tight the finances are, it is definitely not advisable to directly declare default on the debt. As long as your country still wants to hang out on the mainland, you can't afford these debts.

Your country's current inability to pay cash directly does not mean that you are incapable of repaying debts in other ways.

For example: knowledge inheritance!

Many things that can only be regarded as common sense among the big nobles are, to the small nobles below, treasures that can be encountered but cannot be sought.

What is happening now is just right for you. A large amount of debt was transferred to the small and medium-sized nobles, which created maneuverability for them.

Instead of waiting for creditors to come to collect debts after a debt crisis, it is better to take the initiative in advance.

As long as we understand what the small and medium-sized nobles who hold large amounts of foreign debt need most now, we can prescribe the right medicine.

Anyway, knowledge is something like this. Even if you copy a hundred or a thousand copies, the knowledge in your hands will still not change.

Theoretically, as long as you sign a confidentiality contract with your creditors in advance, this kind of transaction can continue in secret.

However, once this kind of transaction is leaked, you will face great trouble, and I am afraid that many people will be offended by then! "

As soon as she finished speaking, Raquel was dumbfounded. This is not just an ordinary bad idea, it is simply an idea that can kill people.

The class in Aslant continent can be solidified only by the tacit understanding of the ruling class. Among them, everyone joining forces to block the inheritance of knowledge is the most important part.

If the monopoly on knowledge is broken, once an opportunity arises, the lower nobles may rise.

Perhaps the probability of going upstream is very low, but there are so many small nobles! As long as the base is large enough, there will always be lucky ones who stand out.

The entry of a large number of new players will inevitably increase competition among the upper-level ruling groups.

The consequences of this will not be a reshuffle of a certain region or a certain country, but a political reshuffle of the entire society.

As the initiator, he is bound to be hostile to the traditional ruling group.

"Marshal, the consequences of doing this are too great. Once the news leaks out, the principality cannot afford it!"

Hudson nodded slightly, then shook his head.

"You are right, this matter is indeed very troublesome. But if the consequences are small, how can it be considered a bad idea?

The debts your country owes one after another are at least tens of millions of gold coins, and may even exceed 100 million.

How could such a huge sum of money be repaid in a short time without paying the price?

Repayment tax, you have tried to impose it. Facts have proven that in the face of huge debts, relying on taxes to repay is not feasible.

Post-war reconstruction has occupied a large amount of resources. Based on the actual situation of the Principality of Moxi, it simply does not have the ability to repay its debts.

What you can do now is only two choices: either secretly use knowledge inheritance to pay off debts; or privately sell some special resources that can be mass-produced and blocked by everyone's tacit understanding.

No matter what choice is made, it is a challenge to the existing order.

In my opinion, the best option right now is to find a way to settle some of the creditors first, and then raise money to repay part of the debt.

Even if you have some outrageous behavior, as long as you keep it confidential, it will be difficult for the outside world to know what you have done!

You are afraid of being exposed, and the small and medium-sized nobles involved in the transaction are even more afraid of the news leaking. At least until they rise, they will be kept strictly confidential.

I think your country can still handle the slight disturbance caused by some rumors and rumors.

Even if you are finally exposed, it will be many years later. I guess you will have recovered your strength by then, and with the support of the kingdom, you will not be afraid of anyone coming to point fingers. "

Hudson's patient explanation was obviously not for volunteering. As a rising noble, if you want to achieve greater development, you can only break the current profit distribution pattern.

If you look at the development history of the mountainous areas, you will know that they are either farming or reclaiming wasteland. Life is a hard life.

It's not that Hudson doesn't want to develop rapidly, it's that the interests have long been divided up by everyone. No matter where it reaches out, it will be resisted by vested interests.

If this situation continues, once the swamp development is completed, the mountain territory will reach the peak of development, and there will be no hope of further development.

Subconsciously, Hudson is not an ordinary person. From the moment he encouraged the Principality of Moxi to issue bonds, he knew something was bound to happen.

Regardless of whether the Mossi people choose to default on their debts or repay their debts in a way that breaks unwritten rules, they will eventually cause damage to the existing order.

"Marshal, you have successfully convinced me. Unfortunately, the final decision-making power is not in my hands. It is still unknown what the principality will do next.

However, your contribution to the Principality will be forever remembered. If there is anything you need that we can do, just ask! "

Raquel said with a grateful face.

This is not just a polite word, but a real reward. As for the specific reward intensity, it completely depends on the next choice of the Principality of Moxi.

If Hudson's plan is adopted, compensation will definitely be necessary. In other words, it can also be called - hush money!

He didn't have time to care about these trivial matters. After sending Raquel away, Hudson was busy counting the accounts in the territory.

At the end of the year, you have to do a summary of your work. The summary that should have been carried out at the end of the year was postponed to April of the following year, together with the summary of the first quarter. The main reason was that I was too busy.

In the past year or so, many major events have happened in the mountain territory: the massive immigration, the wedding of the lords, the establishment of the Warcraft breeding base...

“Earl, without counting immigration expenses, last year’s fiscal deficit was as high as 320,000 gold coins.

This year, the financial situation of the territory has not only failed to improve, but has further deteriorated. In the first quarter alone, our fiscal deficit was as high as 130,000 gold coins.

If the expenses for territory replacement compensation and immigration resettlement are included, the total deficit last year plus the first quarter of this year will be as high as two million gold coins.

Fortunately, the compensation for territory replacement is a one-time payment. Now that resettlement has been completed, subsequent expenses are mainly investment in infrastructure construction.

These expenses are not urgent and can be carried out gradually in batches according to the actual situation.

The fiscal deficit intensified in the first quarter of this year, mainly due to the rapid decline in profits from the steel industry. Compared with the same period last year, monthly income was 20,000 gold coins less.

The second is the formation of the Warcraft Legion. According to the agreement reached with all parties, we have been allocated thirty-six Warcraft eggs.

Due to the lack of incubation means in the territory, we paid an incubation fee of 1,500 gold coins to the Magician Association.

According to the training package provided by the Mage Association, it is estimated that the subsequent maintenance costs will require at least two hundred gold coins per month. (Excluding labor and ripening agent costs)

Considering that there are still a large number of female beasts in the pregnancy period, in the following days, we will receive varying amounts of monster eggs or cubs every month, and the future expenses will further increase.

According to the most optimistic estimates, we are expected to harvest 300 Warcraft cubs this year, and the additional funding is expected to be 30,000 to 50,000 gold coins.

The specifics still depend on the development and use of the drug.

According to the information we have, the Kingdom Magician Association currently only has four projects dedicated to Warcraft's ripening potions, and one popular ripening potion.

Most of these research and development accounts are improvements to existing ripening agents, striving to minimize costs and side effects.

In this regard, the kingdom's nobles have invested heavily in this, and various resources are being tilted towards this. I believe that results will be achieved soon.

The thirty-six monster eggs we obtained alone belong to eight types of monsters, and there will only be more types of monsters added in the future. If you want to form an army of Warcraft, you must make a choice.

Considering that we have an agreement with major nobles in the country to share the research and development results of ripening potions for free, our best option is to keep the Warcraft cubs established by the Mage Association and sell all the remaining cubs.

At present, the Warcraft legions of all parties are in the initial stage. It is the time when Warcraft is most scarce. If you sell the cubs at this time, you don't have to worry about not getting a good price! "

As the territory's financial officer, Rudolf was also worried about the territory. The Warcraft Legion had just started, and he was trying to sell off the Warcraft to reduce expenses and collect funds.

It's not that he's making a fuss, the number of Warcraft cubs is actually increasing. This situation will continue until Maxim's estrus period is over, and then it will slowly decrease and finally stabilize at a fixed value.

This year's military expenditure will increase by 30,000 to 50,000 gold coins, and next year this number may increase several times. After all, if you want to put it into service as soon as possible, it is inevitable to use ripening agents.

The best way is to control the types of Warcraft from the beginning, unify logistics and supply standards, and rely on large-scale breeding to reduce costs.

"Don't worry, Sir Rudolf. Your lord still owes two hundred and fifty-six Warcraft cubs outside. Most of the Warcraft cubs this year will have to be used to repay the debt.

There is no need to worry about ripening potions, your master is a genius magician. It may be difficult to develop it on your own, but if you copy the recipe, can you still make it? "

Hudson said calmly.

The expenses of the Mountain Territory are large, and the amount is huge on paper. The compensation for the territory replacement is as high as 1.2 million gold coins, which sounds very scary, but in fact the cash paid out is not much.

Even as a newly rising noble, Hudson still has many resources that the small nobles covet, such as: Warcraft cubs, life essence...

Now, Hudson not only owed a bunch of Warcraft cubs outside, but also owed a lot of life liquid. He had even promised the ripening potion in advance.

The announced compensation was gold coins, but when it came time to implement the actual operation, people mostly chose resources.

Except for taking out dozens of doses of life essence on the spot, the remaining resources were foreign debts. Creditors can wait with confidence, and Hudson has nothing to worry about.

Going in and out of the laboratory every now and then is not completely fruitless. Following the techniques recorded on the formula, Hudson still produced a lot of magic potions such as life essence.

Even if all the promised life liquid is fulfilled, it won't be a big problem. However, in order to reduce the impact, Hudson deliberately delayed the delivery time under the pretext of collecting raw materials.

After all, according to the unspoken rules of the kingdom, in order to stabilize the social order, all major forces are limiting the amount of life liquid flowing out.

As a stable aristocrat, it was okay for Hudson to trick others into breaking the rules, but it was definitely out of the question for him to be the leader himself.

It just so happens that everyone is not in a hurry to use it right away. They can postpone the time and deliver it privately.

After some operations, the fiscal deficit of more than two million gold coins actually became more than one million.

Compared to the money Hudson made in the last war, it only accounted for a quarter of the total. With his current cash reserves on hand, he can continue to support the territory's high deficit development.

“Your Majesty, if military expenditures can be controlled, then our Finance Department is confident that the territory’s balance of payments will be balanced within two years!

In the past year or so, the Ministry of Government Affairs has also taken many measures to optimize the current management model and standardize the construction of grassroots teams.

In this reorganization, we removed a total of seven incompetent officials, arrested three corrupt officials, and promoted 13 officials.

Three new management agencies have been added: Family Planning Department, World of Warcraft Management Department, and Pharmacist Management Department.

At present, these three divisions are all in the preparatory stage. In addition to appointing the person in charge, the rest has yet to be implemented and is expected to be gradually improved in the next two to three years.

This is the relevant personnel appointment and removal documents, as well as the planning outline for the new organizational structure. Please read it! "

While talking, Jacob handed over a document. The content is two pages in total, and it clearly implements Hudson's minimalist style.

In fact, all announcement documents on the Aslant continent contain very little content.

Perhaps it was because the cost of parchment was too high. If something could be said in one sentence, a second sentence would never be added.

After a cursory review, Hudson had absolutely no confidence in the Ministry of Government's proposal to achieve balance of payments within two years.

The reason is very simple. According to the reported work progress, the artificial canal is expected to be completed by the end of the year and is expected to be open to navigation in February next year.

With the Grand Canal and the outlet to the sea, how could we not have our own shipyard?

Once you take this step, your money will truly flow like water. Last year's fiscal deficit was 320,000 gold coins, which also included the expenses of his lord's wedding.

By next year, once the navigation plan is released, it is estimated that the shipyard project alone will be able to squander this number.

Not only is the ship expensive, the magic circle carved on the ship is even more expensive.

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