
Chapter 344 The Crown Prince’s Wedding

Bathed in the spring breeze and riding a tall horse, Hudson stepped out of Beda City under the fiery eyes of the ladies.

The dragon knight became a horse knight, but his personal charm was not affected at all.

The only regret is that the mini bear on his shoulder kept waving its paws to the crowd, stealing many shots.

Obviously, Mr. Maxim, as a breeding dragon, was left in the territory to continue breeding.

Originally, Hudson could have used the same excuse to stay and ride the dragon over to attend the wedding on the Crown Prince's wedding day.

Just to be gregarious and not to steal the limelight from the bridegroom, Hudson finally chose to go with the nobles from the province.

No matter how great the potential conflict of interests between the Koslow family and the Dalton family is within the province, everyone still has to deliberately show unity when speaking externally.

Unexpectedly, the two big guys were running side by side in the front, and the noble lords following behind them also divided into two waves in a tacit understanding. The camps can be said to be clearly divided.

This is a pain for many neutral factions, and it seems inappropriate to follow them there. They had no choice but to keep a certain distance and hang at the back of the team.

Everyone was talking and laughing, but Count Pierce was in a very bad mood. Putting aside the difference in the quality of the younger brothers, simply counting the number of younger brothers, the two sides are actually almost the same.

One family is a long-established noble who has been in charge of the southeastern province for hundreds of years, and the other is a newly rising upstart who has not yet established a firm foothold. Under normal circumstances, the influence of both parties is not at the same level at all.

But the reality is very disappointing. The high popularity of Dragon Knight has laid the foundation for the Koslow family to open up the situation.

Relying on the advantage of a prosperous population and various marriages, the Koslow family managed to win over a group of supporters despite being at a disadvantage. Within the province, it has a solid foundation with the Dalton family.

Competitors with a foundation and competitors without a foundation are two completely different concepts.

At least the aristocratic council, originally dominated by the Dalton family, is now divided into two. Whether the next proposal he initiates can be successfully passed depends on how well both parties win over the centrists.

"Earl Hudson, you are really talented. The Koslow family can give birth to a hero like you. It seems that the rise is unstoppable!"

Faced with Count Pierce's sour temptation, Hudson just smiled. The development speed of the Koslow family was indeed somewhat unexpected.

A year ago, there were very few nobles who dared to openly stand behind him; they never expected that after a series of marriages, his team of supporters would suddenly grow so much.

No wonder nobles are keen on political marriages! Compared with other alliances, marriage is the fastest and lowest-cost way to form an alliance.

"Your Majesty the Governor, the prosperity of the Koslow family is also the prosperity of the nobles of the Southeast Province. If we really talk about it, you have a share of the credit for this.

As long as the nobles of the province unite as one, I think everyone will have good opportunities for development and will soon become the strongest province in the kingdom! "

To be honest, among the many provinces in the Kingdom of Alpha, the Southeast Province is not the largest in area and the most fertile in land, but it is the most special one.

Provinces with a larger area than the Southeast Province have less fertile land than the Southeast Province; provinces with more fertile land than the Southeast Province have much smaller areas than the Southeast Province.

Since a hundred years ago, the southeastern province with dense population and fertile land has been the largest taxpayer in the Kingdom of Alpha, and the largest in the kingdom with comprehensive economic power.

If the military power develops again and it becomes the most powerful province in the kingdom, it will be just around the corner.

The competition between the Koslow family and the Dalton family also stimulated the improvement of the province's military strength to a certain extent.

"Haha... Earl Hudson is so heroic!"

Laughter covered up the embarrassment, and the original tense atmosphere suddenly dissipated. Apparently Earl Pierce was also very interested in Hudson's proposal.

Competition is competition. When encountering common interests, those who should unite should still unite.

The big guys settled the matter, and the younger brothers who followed behind felt relaxed. The three waves of people, who were originally distinct, merged in an instant, as if they had been rehearsed.

Stepping into the royal capital again, the towering city walls are still tall and tall.

Seeing the flags of the two major families fluttering in the wind, the officers guarding the city were very discerning and filled the city gate.

The caravans who were entering and exiting spontaneously gave way to the main road in the shortest possible time.

Everything is so natural, like flowing clouds and flowing water.

Fortunately, no nobles from several provinces crashed and arrived at the same time. Otherwise, whoever entered the door first would have been in trouble again.

The officials expected to greet him did not show up. Apparently the king was still angry about the fact that the Southeast Province used war bonds to pay off its debts.

Frankly speaking, this is not Hudson's fault. The war bonds in his hand were resold long ago, and now he only holds a small amount of them symbolically.

Unfortunately, the Koslow family gave cash, which does not mean that his subordinates can also come up with all the cash.

Allowing small aristocrats who lacked financial resources to use war bonds to deduct taxes was a tacit agreement reached by all parties, and Mr. Hudson, who paid taxes, naturally accepted it readily.

In any case, he turned over more cash than bonds. It's a pity that his integrity does not mean that other nobles also have integrity. In the end, bonds still dominate the taxes paid by the Southeast Province.

The king is also a human being, and it is human nature to lose his temper appropriately and express his dissatisfaction.

Returning to his hometown, Hudson received much higher treatment this time. It was a pity that he could only feel envious when he saw Earl Pierce go to his own house.

The Koslow family also has a house in the royal capital. However, due to the geographical location and area, no matter how it is renovated, it always looks like a small family.

It doesn't matter if you live alone, but if you want to receive guests, it's a little hard to do.

As an actual earl, Hudson was also a well-known nobleman in the Alpha Kingdom.

A house that meets his status level is also a scarce resource in the royal capital and cannot be bought with just money.

Hudson simply stayed in the inn and occupied the reception area for the nobles by himself, frightening all the inn staff to their core.

The great nobles like to stay in their own territory, and few of them live in inns when they arrive in the royal capital. During normal times, these VIP areas are basically unoccupied, and they only occasionally receive foreign guests.

People are full of inertia. If the frequency of use is low, it is inevitable that they will be a little slack in maintenance.

As it turned out, these worries were completely unfounded. Hudson has never been a picky person.

After a long day's work, I was dragged to a banquet as soon as I arrived in the royal capital. When I returned to the inn, I fell on the bed and fell asleep. I had no time to pay attention to the details.

At the Emerald Palace, Caesar III dragged his tired body to welcome the arrival of King George.

Both countries attached great importance to this marriage and showed their utmost sincerity.

Crown Prince Caesar went to welcome the bride with the highest standards. As a good brother, King George even chose to send his sister over in person.

Obviously, such a big scene was not just for marriage, but more to further deepen the alliance between the two countries.

Among the human nations in the northern continent, the Alpha Kingdom, the Warhammer Kingdom, and the Principality of Moxi are the three strongest. Even after the orc invasion, this pattern has not changed.

Now the Warhammer Kingdom has entered into a mode of endless internal strife, and the right to speak on many matters in the Northern Continent has fallen into the hands of the Kingdom of Alpha and the Principality of Moxi.

This should have been a good thing for both countries, but now everyone is out of sorts.

After a brief chat, Caesar III, as the host, took the lead in opening the topic.

"George, the Orc Empire has declined, but the situation in the Northern Continent is still not optimistic.

In the past, we only had to worry about the threat of the orcs, but now we not only have to consider the alien races, but also face the overt and covert attacks within the human race.

Let’s not talk about the distant Frankish Kingdom, the Iliban Kingdom, the Holy See and other major powers for the time being.

The Kingdom of Dante, the Kingdom of Hesse, and the Kingdom of Nan'an in the central part of the Light Continent are causing quite a bit of trouble.

Seeing that our family's vitality was severely damaged, they could no longer hold back and extended their tentacles to the northern continent.

Although it is just a trial at the moment, once the ambition is revealed, it will be difficult to stop.

Even if there is a plan to jointly build a Warcraft Legion, it can only temporarily stabilize the countries in the Northern Continent. If our two families are still unable to come up with strong measures, the choices of these losers will probably still disappoint! "

Adversity may not reveal true love, but adversity can create allies. The common enemy prompted the Kingdom of Alpha and the Principality of Moxi to stand together.

"Your Majesty is right, the tentacles of the three central kingdoms have indeed stretched too far. If they are not given a warning, I am afraid everyone will forget who is the master of the Northern Continent!

It's a pity that the Principality of Moxi has been damaged in the war. Now even if we want to teach them a lesson, we can't do anything.

But your country is different. His Majesty has worked hard for decades and accumulated a solid foundation for the Alpha Kingdom. It will take only a few years to erase the wounds of the war.

In the next actions, we are willing to remain consistent with your country and jointly maintain the prosperity and stability of the Northern Continent! "

George said with deliberate flattery.

Directly giving up the initiative is not a matter of coercion or not. Mainly the regional hegemony of the Northern Continent has absolutely no meaning for the Principality of Moxi, which is deeply in debt crisis.

After all, there can only be one overlord in a region. For the Principality of Moxi, which has never been an overlord, it is difficult to have such ambitions when its vitality is severely weakened.

Choosing to form an alliance with the Alpha Kingdom at this moment is more for self-protection than for delusional forays into progress.

Not to mention George, even the current Caesar III does not have a strong desire to forge ahead, but more to defend the existing basic base.

"It's Archduke George who has seen the problem thoroughly. If it weren't for the invasion of the orcs, how could the current Northern Continent tolerate these few of them?

But at this time, we should be steady and not anxious.

If the three of them want to make a fuss, let them make enough fuss, for fear that they will be able to light the fire but not put it out.

After we get through these difficult times, we will have plenty of opportunities to settle accounts with them. No matter how much they eat now, they will have to spit it out twice as much when the time comes! "

Caesar III said domineeringly.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

The untimely cough completely destroyed the atmosphere created by Caesar III.

George, who was originally confident in the Alpha Kingdom, was beating a drum deep in his heart at this moment.

The strength of the Alpha Kingdom is multifaceted, and one of the important factors is the rule of Caesar III.

If he went to see the Lord of the Dawn and replaced him with a mediocre king, it would be a different situation.

"Your Majesty, take care of yourself!"

George said sincerely.

The alliance between the two countries has not been established for a day or two. At this time, the marriage has been launched, and it is too late to go back on it.

Now he can only hope that Caesar III will live a few more years to support the alliance between the two countries and stabilize the current situation in the Northern Continent.

"Don't worry, I know my physical condition, I won't die in a while. Let's talk about business first!

In addition to the current severe international situation, we have a new trouble - the debt crisis.

I'm not sure about the situation in your country. Anyway, the situation in Alpha Kingdom is very bad.

Those careless nobles, for their own selfish interests, actually negotiated terms with the kingdom at this time.

Don't be afraid of the Duke's jokes. In view of the current complicated situation, the Kingdom's Warcraft Legion plan will most likely be downsized.

How to handle it specifically depends on the outcome of the subsequent negotiations! "

Caesar III said worriedly.

When these seemingly sincere words fell into George's ears, they turned into full depression.

Before he even had time to cry about being poor, he blocked his way to borrow money in advance. What would he do next?

After all, he was not thick-skinned enough. After hesitating for a while, Archduke George bravely comforted him: "Your Majesty, don't worry too much.

Every family has a few careless nobles. Your country's finances are not optimistic, and our situation is even worse.

This year's tax revenue is almost all from war bonds printed in previous years. The empty national treasury can run away with mice. I can’t even pay officials’ salaries on time!

Just try to endure it! As long as you persist, you will eventually be able to..."

The more George talked about it, the more he felt something was wrong. It seemed that the financial problems of the Principality of Moxi were getting more serious. How could he be comforting people?

Realizing that he had been fooled, George secretly greeted Caesar III in his heart. However, the two of them were still chatting happily on the surface, but there was always something wrong with the atmosphere.

Perhaps seeing something wrong with the conversation between his father and his brother-in-law, Crown Prince Caesar, who was acting as a guest, took the opportunity to say: "It's time to start the banquet. Let's discuss the remaining issues next time!"

George, it’s a rare time for you to come here, just in time to take you there to experience our Alpha Kingdom..."

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