
Chapter 347 The collision of old and new nobles

Just because the military budget proposal has been passed does not mean that today's meeting is over. Huge debt is still the biggest problem plaguing the Alpha Kingdom.

According to past practice, after each invasion, the creditors would routinely announce that they would forgive part of the kingdom's debt.

Although it is still difficult to repay the remaining money, it is ultimately within the kingdom's financial ability to pay.

But with the decline of the Orc Empire, this good thing of debt relief will naturally come to an end.

More than a year after the war ended, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs communicated and negotiated with creditors many times, but all ended in vain.

Not to mention reducing the debt principal, even the interest on the funds cannot be reduced at all.

"Last year's autumn taxes were all bonds issued by the Kingdom. Everyone here should know better than me what the quality of this year's spring taxes is.

There are only two months left until the next batch of war bond interest is settled. The national treasury is now empty and the fiscal deficit is shocking.

The kingdom's fiscal deficit is expected to exceed 10 million gold coins this year.

Regardless of whether it is to increase revenue and reduce expenditure, or whether everyone has subscribed for bonds mixed with taxes, the problem must be solved today! "

Finance Minister Marquis Delgado's almost rogue words made everyone lose their temper.

The kingdom has a huge fiscal deficit, and the biggest problem is that everyone uses war bonds to offset taxes. After solving this problem, although the deficit still exists, the figures are within control.

“Let’s use these methods together!

Everyone knows the financial situation of the Kingdom. With our current fiscal revenue, we can at most only pay the interest on the funds.

If it continues like this, what will we do to repay it when the bond redemption period comes?

When the run breaks out and the kingdom's finances are overwhelmed by debt, everyone knows how serious the consequences will be.

I think it is necessary to formulate a reasonable repayment plan, collect the issued war bonds year by year, and reduce the total debt of the kingdom. "

Marquis Zuel said angrily.

As the oldest person in the meeting, Marquis Zuel could not stand the irresponsible behavior of only focusing on the present and not considering the future of the kingdom.

Although before this, the Alam family also took a bunch of war bonds to offset taxes, but that was just a means to gain benefits for themselves, and it did not mean that he wanted to bankrupt the kingdom.

If the kingdom really goes bankrupt, all the vested interests present will most likely pay a heavy price. Especially the nobles whose home base is located in the border provinces are the most vulnerable to the impact.

No matter how powerful they are, they are still just a big noble family. Once you break away from the protection of the kingdom, there is a high probability that you will not be able to maintain your existing interests.

"The old Marquis is right, the debt problem must be solved. I think we will set a repayment target from now on. This year, we will first repay the principal of six million gold coins, and then increase it year by year.

The source of funds is also simple. We must first reduce expenditures and reduce expenses as much as possible. If the share is insufficient, the worst possible outcome is to imitate the Principality of Moxi and impose a repayment tax.

As for the war bonds appearing in taxes, they can be directly allocated to the provinces for processing. Whoever collects the bonds is responsible for digesting it.

The small nobles' families are weak and there is no way to use war bonds to deduct taxes. Is it possible that we people can't bear it?

We hold fewer banquets and engage in less fancy activities, which saves money.

If you don't have any awareness at all, you can go out now. The kingdom does not need irresponsible nobles! "

Earl Pierce's domineering words made Hudson slightly stunned. It seemed that these suggestions were all for the kingdom, but he always felt that they were for his family.

In recent times, the Koslow family has been spending money like water. It is engaged in resettlement and relocation, and it is also engaged in large-scale engineering construction.

From the end of the war to the present, the total financial deficit of the Mountain Territory is as high as two million gold coins.

As local snakes, it was only natural for the Dalton family to plant a few spies in the mountain territory and obtain this almost public information.

Especially after the hatching of the Warcraft cubs was completed, Hudson sent out more than 20 cubs one after another to offset the compensation for resettlement.

In the eyes of Earl Pierce, this self-destructive approach was mistaken as a sign of lack of financial resources, which seemed reasonable.

After all, in the eyes of the established nobles, strategic resources such as Warcraft cubs, no matter how many types they have, are insignificant.

Even if it is not suitable to be used to form a Warcraft Legion, it can still be distributed to the clansmen for individual training to enhance the family's strength.

There are so many members of the Koslow family, and there are not enough members of the family alone. If it were not for financial constraints, how could they emigrate?

As a competitor, since the other party is short of money, you must take advantage of the situation to make up for it and make the other party even more short of money!

Now that he had the opportunity to consume the financial resources of the Koslow family in the name of righteousness, Count Pierce could not find any reason to refuse.

After all, the Dalton family is a wealthy family. Not only does it occupy the richest land in the southeastern province, it also monopolizes the salt trade and maritime trade in the province.

Adding a little amortization is nothing to them. Even during the war, he was severely cheated by Hudson, but it still failed to really hurt this old nobleman.

However, this kind of golden egg attack that does not distinguish between friend and foe is not only impacting the mountain territory. It's okay for established aristocrats with strong family backgrounds. If they cut down on their daily expenses, they can get by.

But for a group of emerging nobles who lack financial resources, sharing an extra amount of debt repayment funds every year is a very important thing.

Realizing this, Hudson simply didn't bother to pay attention and directly became a spectator in his position.

"Dear Earl Pierce, the suggestion to pay off the debt early is indeed a good one, but we must consider practical issues.

Having just experienced a war, the kingdom is in a recovery period that is in need of improvement. Especially the seven northern provinces that have just returned to the kingdom may not be able to share this cost! "

Earl Oran bit the bullet and retorted.

As undeveloped land, taxes naturally do not exist. Normal taxes do not need to be borne, and taxes that are not equivalent to repaying debts do not need to be apportioned.

There are no clear regulations on these temporary special taxes. However, according to past practice, there is a high probability that you will still have to pay.

The fiefdom is in ruins and waiting to be revitalized, and it is all supported by capital. No matter how deep the foundation is, a big family must be frugal at this time.

If they really follow Earl Pierce's proposal, they will need to bear part of the amortization of the southeastern province, and they will still bear a corresponding share of the amortization of the north.

After adding them all together, it is estimated that the share that the Holliser family needs to bear is greater than that of the Koslow family.

What's even more embarrassing is that this money has to be spent every year, and there is a high probability that it will be more and more every year.

A large amount of funds have been withdrawn, and territorial development and immigration relocation work will definitely be affected.

"Count Oran, you are wrong to say that. For a long time, the kingdom has been adhering to the principle of fairness, which emphasizes the equivalence of rights and obligations.

Since you are sitting here, you must bear corresponding responsibilities and obligations. We are all complaining and tired, what should the people below do?

Earl Pierce's proposal just now is good. These debts must be repaid sooner or later, and they must be repaid in the end. By recycling part of the war bonds in advance, we can also save part of the capital interest.

If it really drags on for a few years, and when the debt repayment period comes, and everyone has to raise nearly 100 million in funds at once, I'm afraid there is really no other way! "

Count Carles said with a smile.

Seeing this scene, a sneer appeared at the corner of Hudson's mouth. It seems that they are always upholding justice, but in fact it is a means for the established nobles to suppress the emerging nobles.

Once the proposal is approved, they can use legal means to take the opportunity to consume the financial resources of the emerging nobles and delay everyone's development progress.

If something happens in the middle, the newly emerging nobles might be knocked back to their original shape.

Similar things are not uncommon in the Aslant continent. More than half of the emerging great nobles will decline within a few decades.

Facing the eager gazes of the emerging nobles, Hudson knew that at this time, it was time for him to step forward.

Everyone has their own circle. Faced with the suppression of the established nobles, a group of emerging nobles also secretly formed a group.

It's just that this emerging political group is too loose internally to even be considered an alliance.

Facing all the established nobles, there are not many people who dare to take the lead. The prestigious Hudson easily gained the right to speak in small groups.

"Count Carles, you are absolutely right. The overall situation of the kingdom is very important to everyone here, but practical issues are equally important!

To formulate a policy, we must first conduct in-depth investigation and only after understanding the actual situation can we make the most reasonable decision.

I guess you have an idea of ​​what the seven newly recovered northern provinces are like. It cannot be developed overnight.

Let a group of noble lords who cannot make ends meet bear the debts of the kingdom. This is not a responsibility and obligation, but it is killing them!

It’s all about raising money anyway, so why not do it in a different way?

Instead of allocating it directly according to fiefdoms, it is better to allocate it to taxes on salt, tea, spices, vehicles, ships, entertainment and other lucrative industries! "

As soon as Hudson finished speaking, all the veteran nobles frowned. Allocating debt repayment funds into industry taxes seems to be taking money from businessmen, but in fact it is cutting their flesh.

The prosperous commercial areas are all in the territory of the established nobles. Now raising taxes on profiteering industries is also raising money from their territories.

If you study carefully, you will find that behind almost all profit-making industries, they are the old aristocrats.

"Earl Hudson, it seems that you have missed some industries, such as weapons and equipment, iron products, and trading of Warcraft cubs. The profits of these industries are also not low!"

Count Martinez said with a smile.

Only when the flesh is cut on yourself will you feel pain. In his opinion, Hudson just stood and talked without back pain.

Facing the half-smiling looks from the old nobles, Hudson greeted them with a nonchalant smile.

"Count Martinez's reminder is very necessary, but there are so many profiteering industries that it would be too embarrassing for me to finish it in one breath.

How about this, list all the profit-making industries that everyone thinks of, and let's participate in the discussion together.

Of course, there is no need to mention outdated news.

For example: weapons and equipment.

The war has just ended for more than a year, and everyone has a lot of weapons in their hands. There is no market for them in the kingdom.

By the way, it seems that the iron products market is also in a slump now. It is estimated that most practitioners are persisting at a loss.

As for the trade of Warcraft cubs, Count Martinez thinks there are huge profits, so let’s list it!

Unfortunately, judging from the current situation, it seems that it is difficult for the kingdom to encounter the trade of Warcraft cubs several times a year.

Even if someone sells it, it will be at auction. Instead of searching all over the world, it would be more convenient and faster to directly add taxes to the auction house.

Don't you want to create a World of Warcraft breeding base and tax the major forces in the Northern Continent that participate in the cooperation?

If Count Martinez can convince everyone to agree, I have absolutely no problem with that. But if trouble arises, it’s best not to involve the kingdom! "

Since he dared to propose raising taxes on profiteering industries, Hudson naturally made a plan. Although the current mountainous areas are not completely impoverished, there are still no hugely profitable industries.

There is no need to trade arms, and the breeding industry of Warcraft cubs involves many major forces.

Even the Alpha Kingdom at its peak did not have the ability to collect taxes from so many powerful forces, let alone now.

If taxes cannot be levied equally, there is no hope that Mr. Hudson will pay the taxes alone. At worst, Warcraft cubs suddenly appeared and died suddenly every now and then, and a lucky noble happened to pick up a Warcraft cub on the road.

"Earl Hudson, don't be so nervous. I'm just making a small suggestion. If you really decide to levy a monster cub tax, you can only be responsible for it!

But for the sake of the kingdom, I think you might consider giving it a try. If the negotiation succeeds, the kingdom may be able to increase its income by hundreds of thousands of gold coins every year. "

He said it beautifully, but deep down Count Martinez was secretly complaining: Hudson is difficult to deal with!

What seems like a simple conversation is actually full of pitfalls. If you accidentally step on it, it will be difficult to climb out.

If he hadn't been vigilant enough and not followed Hudson's words to refute, he might have ended up in an awkward situation now.

Out of revenge, he also took advantage of the situation to plant a mine for Hudson.

Judging from the current situation, if Hudson is really greedy and wants to contract the Warcraft Cub Tax, there will definitely be no problem.

As long as the tax amount is not too high, the major forces are happy to pay a sum of money to buy out the favors they owed.

For the great nobles, debts of gratitude are far more meaningful than gold coins. It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t come in handy at ordinary times. Once you use it, it can save your life!

“Count Martinez’s proposal is very good, but unfortunately my ability is limited and I am unable to undertake this important task.

If anyone is capable of completing it, you might as well step up and take on this heavy responsibility. I will definitely cooperate with you! "

After finishing speaking, Hudson looked at everyone expectantly, as if he wanted to find a fool to take the blame.

Unfortunately, everyone acted very rationally and had no interest in this kind of predatory behavior.

“Earl Hudson, raising industry taxes seems good, but when it comes to the specific implementation stage, there are a lot of problems.

Most areas of the kingdom implement a tax farming system, blindly raising the collection target, and no one can guarantee that it will be achieved.

What's more, high taxes will also impact the development of the industry. If not, not only will it fail to increase the kingdom’s fiscal revenue, but it will actually reduce our revenue!

Considering the difficulty of implementation, the simplest and fastest way to collect taxes is to directly allocate the tasks to each province.

On this issue, we can actually consider giving appropriate care to economically poor provinces and leaving it to other wealthy provinces.

For example: the seven northern provinces that have just been recovered are still in the development stage and cannot bear heavy obligations in a short period of time, so we will not assign them this year. "

Earl Pierce said with a look of concern for the country and the people.

If it weren't for the tit-for-tat confrontation with Hudson, maybe everyone would really believe it. It's a pity that everyone is not a fool, and this kind of naked targeting can be seen at a glance.

In order to achieve his strategic goals, Earl Pierce would rather let the Southeast Province bear heavier debt repayment obligations and reduce the financial resources of the Koslow family.

Calculated purely in terms of direct economic losses, this is a typical tactic of "killing eight hundred enemies and damaging yourself one thousand".

After all, the Dalton family, as the eldest, owns the largest fiefdom and naturally has to bear the heaviest debt repayment obligations.

It's useless to see it, this is a conspiracy that is obvious.

After giving up the all-out attack plan, the emerging aristocratic group that had temporarily united for profit was now in a state of disintegration.

Although the old nobles were unwilling to implement a comprehensive suppression, they were able to accept it considering that the Southeast Province was willing to assume heavier obligations and was able to beat Hudson, the leader of the emerging nobles.

From the looks of everyone watching the fun, Hudson could sense the pleasure of revenge in the eyes of many people.

All I can say is, "The debt in June must be paid off quickly."

We just messed up other people's disarmament plans, and now it's time to pay the price.

Had it not been for the facts before his eyes, Hudson would not have believed that Earl Pierce would be so decisive.

After glancing at the group of emerging nobles who were bowing their heads, it was obvious that this fragile group did not yet have the confidence to confront the established nobles.

Perhaps out of the shame of shrinking from the battle, I don't dare to look at him now.

"They are all watching what I am doing. Since Count Pierce has such a high level of awareness, how can I hold everyone back at this time!"

Hudson pretended to grit his teeth and said.

After saying that, he just sat down without saying a word. It was as if the difficult decision was made due to the general situation and in order to maintain the dignity of the poor nobles.

Also looking miserable were several middle-level nobles from the Southeast Province. A typical fight between the boss and the second, accidentally injuring the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth...

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