
Chapter 366 More money must be added

The top of the holy mountain.

"Your Majesty, the opportunity has come! The Alpha Kingdom has fabricated evidence and framed the Count of Kolubia. If we can stand up and uphold justice, we will surely teach them a severe lesson.

Poor Caesar III was so wise that he actually cultivated a confused heir. With such a prodigal son here, why worry about the Alpha Kingdom not declining! "

Blake said excitedly.

He, the miserable leader of the Judgment Knights, is at odds with the Alpha Kingdom. If he messed up all the tasks related to the Alpha Kingdom, if he didn't have a deep foundation, he would have been kicked out long ago.

His position was barely maintained, but his voice in the Holy See plummeted. Being criticized by colleagues is a common occurrence.

He has messed up too many tasks in his hands, and he still wears the hat of "paying for his crimes and doing meritorious service", and he doesn't speak forcefully.

There was nowhere to vent the anger he had accumulated, and now he finally had a handle on the Alpha Kingdom. He really couldn't hold it in any longer.


"Caesar IV is a fool, and you, Blake, are not that smart either. If you just want to seize the Alpha Kingdom, don't forget that there is also the Hessian Kingdom with them.

Want to suppress two kingdoms at the same time, do you really think we are still at our peak?

Don't let justice fail to prevail, and you will be disgraced instead. That would be an embarrassment to you.

Whether it is fabrication of evidence or frame-up, the key still depends on the attitude of all countries in the mainland.

If everyone is willing to admit it, the fake can become true; if everyone is unwilling to believe it, no matter how real the evidence is, it can become false!

Just wait and see the good show, I'm sure: both the Dante Kingdom and the Nan'an Kingdom will think that the content in the note is true. Are they worried that they can't find an entry point to the north?

Frank, the heretic, has always been looking for opportunities to annex the Kingdom of Oprus. Someone came out to break the balance, but it was too late for him to be happy.

Ilibia also has its own small calculations. At most, they can only verbally condemn the joint actions of the Kingdom of Hesse and the Kingdom of Alpha.

Other human nations would strongly object, but do their opinions matter?

When doing things, you cannot be influenced by personal emotions. It is our duty to combat heresy, but before taking action we must at least weigh the pros and cons.

The old king of the Kingdom of Ruthenia is old, and the crown prince is very prejudiced against us. Letting him inherit the throne is not conducive to passing on the glory of the Lord of the Dawn.

On the contrary, the second prince is a devout believer and has a great affection for us. Supporting him to inherit the throne is more conducive to..."

Gulei's eloquent analysis made Blake angry to death. He wanted to open his mouth to argue, but when the words reached his lips, he swallowed them back.

The location of the Kingdom of Ruthenia was too important. Their presence directly blocked the Holy See on the peninsula and away from the center of the continent. If you want to restore the glory of the Holy See, you must pull out this nail.

Don't look at Gu Lei's easy words, just support the second prince's succession. In practice, it is almost impossible to complete this plan.

It seems like they are just changing an heir, but in fact this is shaking up the ancient throne succession system, impacting all monarchies.

Not only the nobles of the Kingdom of Ruthenia will not agree to this behavior that seriously breaks the rules of the game, but also all the countries in the mainland will strongly oppose it.

Even after years of planning and years of infiltration into the Kingdom of Ruthenia, it was still a paper plan.

It's not easy for someone to take the lead in breaking the rules of the game. It's too late for the Holy See to be happy, so how can it continue to uphold the rules?

When it came to the core strategy of the Holy See, Blake knew that no matter how much he objected, it was useless and he could only suffer the loss.


After a cold shout, Commander Blake, who had regained the high ground with his IQ, immediately added:

“Your Majesty, although the current international situation is what we want, we still need to contain the great enemy of the Alpha Kingdom and not allow them to easily carve up Corubia.

We already hold a large amount of war bonds from the Principality of Moxi and the Kingdom of Alpha. As long as we sell them, it will immediately trigger a run on them.

The Principality of Moxi, which is in the worst financial situation, will definitely not be able to survive. Perhaps as soon as the bank run begins, they will have no choice but to go bankrupt.

Under the chain reaction, the Alpha Kingdom cannot escape. The huge debt was suddenly suppressed, and no matter how united the nobles in their country were, they would not be able to collect enough cash for a while.

The finances of the Alpha Kingdom have been ruined. Even if the Count of Kolubia is given to them, they will not be able to eat it! "

Based on the principle that if I can’t beat you to death, I will disgust you to death. He was unwilling to give up any opportunity to attack the Alpha Kingdom.

No one objected this time. No matter whether the plan could be realized or not, it was always right to try hard.

"Well, throw out all the war bonds in our hands at once and create as much panic as possible.

Arrange for our people to sneak in and guide them, and encourage these little nobles who take over to go to the two countries to pay in advance.

Plan more carefully, and after the operation is completed, immediately erase all traces of our participation, so that no one can find out that this matter has anything to do with us! "

Pius VII said seriously.

The destructive power that seemingly ordinary economic attacks can cause is not small at all. Not only will this unlucky guy from the Principality of Moxi be implicated, but it will also affect countless bond holders.

If the news leaks out, a lot of people will be offended.

According to normal payment conditions, the Alpha Kingdom can fulfill its debts. Once it is squeezed to the point of default, it is 100% default.

After all, if the country's reputation is lost, it cannot be recovered even if it continues to pay its debts later. It is better to break the pot and at least save a huge sum of money.

Thinking of this, Pius VII frowned. Deep down, he was beginning to wonder if this was the right thing to do.

Bankrupting the Alpha Kingdom's finances will have a huge political impact, but it will also save money!

After a lot of trouble, the heavy debt burden that originally weighed on them was immediately lifted.

No matter how hard you scold, it's useless. If you don't have money, you have no money. Amid the run, it was simply impossible for the Alpha Kingdom to come up with so much cash.

Judging from the current international situation, the originally planned plan to secretly promote armed debt collection also failed at this time.

Pius VII was very worried. Instead of suppressing the Alpha Kingdom, he was self-defeating and reduced the financial burden for the other party.

In the Emerald Palace, looking at the diplomatic documents flying in like snowflakes, an imperceptible smile appeared on the corner of Caesar IV's mouth.

The content above is all criticism, protest, and condemnation. The strong wording and serious tone made him bloody.

However, among so many documents of condemnation, none of them stated that they would send troops to intervene!

There was no actual action, just verbal condemnation, and Caesar IV was completely under no pressure.

"How are the talks between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Kingdom of Hesse going?"

Caesar IV asked with concern.

After paying such a high price, how can we not get enough benefits?

Especially as a new king with an unstable foundation, Caesar IV still needs to deliver an answer that satisfies everyone.

What is the prestige of a monarch?

It is not an empty promise, nor is it a decisive act of determination, but it can bring tangible benefits to everyone.

Nobles are a group of realists. Only when they bring benefits to everyone can they gain everyone's sincere support.

"Except for some minor details that still need to be communicated later, we have already reached an agreement on the overall direction.

According to the agreement, the Kingdom of Hesse will annex the County of Kolubia. As compensation, the Kingdom of Hesse will forgive all debts we owe them.

Including the direct debts between the two governments and the war bonds we sold in Hesse, the total is approximately 9.93 million gold coins.

As for the debt relationship between us and the County of Kolubia, it will naturally be cleared at the same time.

Preliminary estimates indicate that the total amount of this debt will not be less than six million gold coins. If old accounts are included, the number will be even larger. "

Count Francis' words did not cause any waves. Although the County of Kolubia is a small country, it has been a vassal of the Kingdom of Alpha for a long time in the past.

The boss is fighting in the front, how can the younger brother not express his feelings? They don't need to personally lead people to fight on the battlefield. They have to provide some support with money and food.

Over time, it owed a huge foreign debt. It's just that this creditor is easy to talk to and can delay paying it back later.

The current County of Kolubia will soon pass away. The creditors have all been wiped out, so the debts naturally do not need to be repaid.

After this operation alone, the total debt of Alpha Kingdom dropped by nearly one-sixth from its peak of 100 million.

This debt repayment method is much easier than collecting taxes from the nobles.

The only regret is that this operation is a one-time operation. The deductions were made from the book data, and not a single penny was seen in cash.


After sighing, Caesar IV said helplessly: "That's all, this time it will be easier for the Hessians. We will not get involved in the subsequent matters.

If we can get hold of the hundreds of years of accumulation of the Count of Kolubia, our financial pressure will definitely be greatly reduced. "

"Your Majesty, after all, the Count of Kolubia has been passed down for hundreds of years. Even if it is annexed by the Kingdom of Hesse, it will not be digested for a while.

Judging from the current situation, Louis Vuitton is not prepared to organize manpower to resist. This means that they have to accept all the nobles of the County of Kolubia.

These people are hot potatoes.

Unless these guys are purged, their annexation of Corubia will remain on paper.

Killing these guys will cause turmoil in the noble world. Not to mention losing their national reputation, any future expansion will be met with desperate resistance from everyone. "

The Prime Minister, the Grand Duke of Newfoundland, tried to persuade him.

It was obvious that he had been frightened by Caesar IV's wild ideas. He was afraid that his own king would divide Kolubia with the Kingdom of Hesse regardless of the actual situation.

Militarily, there is no problem at all in doing this. The king is in ruins, so you can imagine how weak the resistance will be.

However, after taking down Corubia, things became troublesome. Not only was the group of nobles difficult to deal with, but also the division of stolen goods within the kingdom was difficult to handle.

Pulling the nobles in the country to divide it together, there is obviously not enough meat. Moreover, such newly annexed areas with unstable borders are not suitable for splitting.

If the royal family eats alone, the great nobles in the country will definitely make a fuss. Maybe the throne of Caesar IV will be affected.

In this context, the best option is to sell Corubia in exchange for a sum of cash to repay the kingdom's debts.

"It's not that troublesome. They all chose to annex Kolubia. How can the Hessians care about food appearance.

This kind of thing is framed, if it happens for the first time, it will happen countless times. As long as the Hessians are willing, are they afraid that they won't find a chance to accuse them?

Look, those nobles in Kolubia will soon be in bad luck.

When the trouble is over, the old guy Alexander V will come out to pretend to be a good guy again, announce a pardon for these unlucky people, and restore their status.

Of course, by that time, the nobles of the Count of Kolubia were almost dead. The few who survived could not make any big waves. "

As soon as Caesar IV finished speaking, he realized that the way everyone looked at him was wrong. In the conscience of heaven and earth, he was just deducing the next actions of the Hessian Kingdom, and he was definitely not planning to do it himself.

But at this time, there seems to be no point in explaining it. Everyone had no hope at all for his integrity as a king.

After all, such an insidious and vicious method is not something that normal people can come up with.

"Your Majesty, now that you have an insight into the Hessian Kingdom's next plan, then share it with the Hessian people and ask them to increase the money!

If all the hundreds of years of accumulation of the Count of Kolubia were collected, it would be more than just this little money.

What's more, there are land, serfs, castles... so many properties, even if we only take away part of them, we can still sell them for tens of millions of gold coins.

The kingdom is now in need of population to fill the northern provinces. If hundreds of thousands of people can be allocated, it will definitely speed up the development progress.

If they refuse to pay, we will send troops to rob them. With the professional quality of the Kingdom's army, they will definitely grab more than them. "

Grand Duke Efiero said unceremoniously.

Originally, he, the Minister of Military Affairs, was firmly opposed to framing Kolubia. Now that he saw so many benefits, his position was inevitably shaken.

If enough benefits can be obtained from it, not only will the financial pressure on the kingdom be greatly reduced, but Caesar IV will also be able to establish prestige in the minds of the domestic nobles.

The pros and cons of exchanging the kingdom's international image for the monarch's internal prestige are difficult to explain clearly, but for the royal family, it is completely acceptable.

"Dear Archduke Efiero, our Ministry of Foreign Affairs is working hard to negotiate with the Hessians on this matter. It's just a question of sending troops. It's best not to.

Given the current situation of the kingdom's army, no matter how much loot they grab, the Ministry of Finance will not be able to get much of it, and it may not even be enough for military expenses. "

Count Francis hurriedly stopped him.

Robbery and robbery are too common in the continent of Aslant. This scene occurs in almost all foreign wars.

Unfortunately, most of the spoils were divided among the noble officers below. Even if there is still one copy, it will be detained by the military for various reasons.

If you hope to make a fortune through robbery, you must first reorganize the army and instill in them the concept of "all captured things returned to the public".

Just think about this kind of thing in secret. In actual operation, there is no possibility at all. The military of a joint-stock country is essentially patchwork.

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