
Chapter 377 Development Turn

"It is only a matter of time before a new round of continental war breaks out. In fact, the previous counterattacks against the orcs have already revealed the true thoughts of several top forces.

After so many years of peace, countries have accumulated countless conflicts, and now it's time to vent them.

If they didn't have a plan, they wouldn't have put in so much effort to help us cripple the Orc Empire.

My father had predicted before his death that a new round of continental war would definitely break out within ten years.

Compared with a hundred years ago, the overall strength of our human race has increased by at least 30%. On the contrary, the strength of the alien race has not increased but declined.

With the decline of the Orc Empire, the advantage of the alien alliance over our human race has been minimal.

In previous continental wars, the overall strength of the human race was obviously at a disadvantage, with more wins and less losses. Now that the strengths of both sides are balanced, our chances of winning are even greater.

If the human race wins again in a new round of continental war, it can almost directly declare the end of the era of alien races. From now on, the Aslant continent will be completely dominated by the human race.

There are three main waves of alien races in the Northern Continent: orcs, elves, and ancient remnants. After the Orc Empire, which had fought the best, was crippled, the threat from the remaining two empires had actually dropped significantly.

There are too many races of ancient remnants. Although they are strong in combat, they all fight on their own and cannot achieve anything.

The elves are certainly powerful, but unfortunately their martial spirit was lost countless years ago.

It's obviously unreliable to expect those guys who are obsessed with art to come out and fight.

As long as the northern countries do not take the initiative to invade the Elf Kingdom, even if a continental war breaks out, they may not be able to make up their mind to fight us.

Simply looking at wars against foreign races, in this continental war, we are not actually in much danger.

I'm afraid that the alien race will be crippled, and some people can't control their ambitions and want to continue to expand! "

Caesar IV said with a solemn expression.

In the past continental wars, the main reason why the human race was able to win was because of the disunity of the alien races.

The two most powerful races among the alien races, orcs and elves, are completely different extremes.

The warlike orcs have always been the vanguard in launching continental wars. However, the biggest disadvantage of participating in the war first is that the strength is consumed too quickly.

The Alpha Kingdom that stood in front of them was very resilient. No matter how bravely they launched the war, they were held back by this nail.

The elves, who are paddling champions, are another extreme. It's like being forcibly dragged onto the battlefield. Most of the time, it's just a token effort to send out troops to fight a few battles.

As long as a few thousand tribesmen are lost, they will immediately feel extremely painful, and they simply don't have the courage to attack at all costs. The greatest significance of the elves' participation in the war is to hold back a large number of human troops.

The aliens in the northern continent are all scammers, and the aliens in other parts of the continent can only be a tragedy.

The strongest cannot be counted on, and the weak race has faced off against the strongest forces in the human race. It is considered powerful to be able to maintain the foundation of the ancestors.

However, everything has its limit. After being defeated again and again, the comprehensive strength of these races is also constantly declining.

At this point, if they continue to fail, even if they are not exterminated, they will be eliminated from the stage of continental hegemony.

Once the alien threat is gone, it will be time for the human race to fight among themselves. No one can tell how the situation will develop in the end.

"Your Majesty, there is no need to worry too much. The strength of the alien race is not weak, especially at this critical moment of life and death, they can burst out their potential.

Once a continental war breaks out, it will never end in a short time. Maybe when the war is over, we will regain our strength.

Under the circumstances of the ebb and flow, the kingdom may not necessarily be at a disadvantage in the future game! "

Prime Minister Newfoundland said consolingly.

The easy way he spoke, but the sad look on his brows, still revealed his inner uneasiness.

Even without the Orc Empire, it does not mean that the Alpha Kingdom can stay out of the continental war.

During the civil war in the Warhammer Kingdom, the strength of the Principality of Moxi was greatly reduced. Except for the Alpha Kingdom, no one in the northern continent could stop the elves.

When it comes to the struggle for racial survival space, no one can guarantee that the elves will still fight in the coming continental war.

As long as the elves put in a little effort, those small countries will not be able to withstand it, and the Alpha Kingdom will still be dragged down.

Maybe the ancient relics from the Ice and Snow World will also come out to join in the fun, and the Alpha Kingdom will still be responsible for cleaning up the mess caused.

If the situation is worse, the orcs who are huddled in a corner may come out of the mountains and compete with the seven grassland countries for the orc prairie.

“Inform the great nobles everywhere about our speculations and let them prepare for war.

The kingdom's standing army must also regain its strength as soon as possible. Especially the Warcraft Legion should be paid more attention to.

As for the Academy of Magic and the Academy of Arcane Arts, please ask the Prime Minister to go there and ask them to increase their enrollment quota and focus on cultivating the students' combat effectiveness.

If you have good talent, you might be able to put it to use ten years later. "

Caesar IV said helplessly.

The cultivation of magicians, arcanists, wizards, alchemists...these professional talents not only require high talent, but are also very time-consuming.

It is precisely because of the many restrictions that knights have become the mainstream in the mainland.

If a child of a great noble is very talented, it is not unusual for him to become a great knight before the age of twenty.

But twenty-year-old great magicians are very rare in the entire continent. Even if you have excellent talent and abundant resources, it still depends on luck.

Not to mention rare professions such as arcanists and wizards. There are only a few practitioners, so the probability of encountering a genius is even lower.

Even if the Arcane Academy opens, under the influence of inherent concepts, noble children are still more willing to become magicians and knights.

In the Mountain Territory, Hudson is already busy making arrangements for the autumn harvest. Compared with previous years, the biggest difference this autumn is that there is no need to purchase food from the outside world.

The slaves were sent to the construction site, and there was no need for Hudson to continue exporting food. Suddenly, there were tens of thousands less mouths, and the mountainous area became self-sufficient in food for the first time.

For territorial officials who have long been troubled by fiscal deficits, this is the best medicine to heal their inner wounds.

The cost of purchasing grain was saved, and the expenditure on purchasing salt was also greatly reduced. The dying steel industry resumed production, and the territory's fiscal deficit was quickly wiped out.

According to estimates from the Ministry of Finance, the territory's fiscal deficit this year is expected to be controlled within 50,000 gold coins.

Compared with the deficit of hundreds of thousands of gold coins in previous years, this is undoubtedly a huge improvement. As long as stable development continues, there is hope to achieve balance of payments next year.

Balance of payments is an important sign of the maturity of a territory. Only passing this level means that it has truly established a firm foothold.

Looking at the rough yellow paper in his hand, Hudson strongly doubted whether it could be used for writing. However, as the first paper produced without using sheepskin, it is understandable that it has some shortcomings.

"Let the people below continue to try to improve the process and strive to produce qualified paper in the shortest possible time.

Kane, go get some work in this area. Tell the people below not to be afraid of failure and to have the courage to try. "

Without knowing the specific paper-making process, and only relying on a vague memory, the development of the paper-making industry in the mountain territory was not smooth.

After the initial expectations, Hudson's expectations dropped again and again. When he was ready to fight a protracted war, the first piece of paper was finally born.

Regardless of whether the quality is good or bad, we have achieved a breakthrough from zero to one, and from one to 100 in the later period. All we need to do is continue to pile resources into it.

As a feudal lord, raw materials and labor did not cost money, and the cost that Hudson needed to pay was not high.

"Okay, Lord Count!"

Kane agreed immediately.

If the paper hadn't been made, he would have doubted whether it was the lord's whim. But the first piece of paper had already been produced. In the later stage, he only needed to improve the craftsmanship, and the difficulty had dropped several levels.

Deep down, my awe for Hudson couldn't help but deepen again.

"My Lord Earl, the training of the first batch of fishermen has ended and they are now engaged in fishing, and the results are better than expected.

The fishery resources in this sea area are really rich. You can gain something almost by going online at will.

On average, the daily fish production is 38,000 pounds.

The second batch of fishermen also invested in training. Once the training is completed, the territory's daily fish production will exceed 100,000 pounds.

It's just that the taste of these sea fish is very ordinary, and they are not popular in the market. Unless there is a big disaster, they will not be sold at all. "

Jacob said with mixed feelings.

The narrow market determines that the sales volume of fish products is limited. A large amount of fresh fish cannot be sold, so it can only be processed into dried fish.

Unfortunately, the market for dried fish is even smaller, and nobles with purchasing power simply do not like this stuff. The pitifully small number of free people are the buyers of dried fish.

The Dalton family was not able to start this business, and they also encountered the same problem when they arrived in the mountain territory.

"Since you can't sell it, you can eat it yourself. Send an order to add three pounds of dried fish every month to the rations of the people.

Store the remaining dried fish first! As long as it's pickled well, it won't go bad for a while, and it may come in handy in the future. "

Hudson said calmly.

We have long wanted to increase the meat supply for the people of the territory, but unfortunately the production of pork, beef and mutton is too low. After giving priority to ensuring the needs of craftsmen, ordinary people of the territory can only get a quota of one pound per month.

Now with fish supplements, Hudson has become more generous. As for the issue of taste, in an era when being able to fill your stomach is happiness, you don’t need to think about it that much for the time being.

In fact, Hudson also made great efforts to improve the nutrition of his people.

In addition to the supply of meat, the supply of vegetables is also clarified. Many wild vegetables with good taste are widely grown in mountainous areas.

The vegetable oil originally intended to produce soap ended up in everyone's stomach. Now ordinary citizens can get a half-pound quota of vegetable oil every month.

Of course, there is another practical factor behind this-soap is unsalable.

It’s the wizarding world after all, and there are better alternatives than soap. The nobles thought it was for the untouchables and directly labeled the soap as a low-end product.

For the sake of face, the little nobles were too embarrassed to buy. Soap, which had just gained some popularity, was reduced to a poor product before it could be popularized.

Due to the dual constraints of the primitive production process and the high price of raw materials, the production cost of soap remains high. Cutting prices and reducing volume will result in loss of blood, and the only option is to stop production.

Although the product was not produced, Hudson did not give up on the cultivation of oil crops. The squeezed oil naturally entered the stomachs of the people.

Without improvements in nutritional supply, long-term land reclamation work would have worn out people long ago, and it would not have been possible to continue until now.

Of course, in addition to these regular rations, there will be opportunities to improve food during special festivals and major events.

Compared with many territories in the Aslant continent, the living standards of the people in the mountain territory are definitely ranked high.

The biggest beneficiaries are the younger generation. They received the same fat and meat quota as adults, without heavy physical labor, and their physical fitness has been significantly improved.

The most direct manifestation is that the proportion of people suitable to join the army is constantly rising.

As for the young people who have the talent for cultivation and have been selected into the territorial reserve force since childhood and trained individually, that is not to mention.

Cultivation resources may not be guaranteed, but the supply of meat will never be lacking.

“My Lord Earl, would it be too much to add three pounds of dried fish at one time?

It is better to increase the supply of dried fish by one pound first, and the rest will be distributed as rewards according to the specific performance of the residents.

Or when organizing collective labor, it can be directly added to the food standards in order to better mobilize everyone's enthusiasm for labor. "

Jacob said with pain.

In order to stimulate productivity, although household production quotas were not implemented, tasks were still divided among each individual in specific agricultural production.

First, tasks were assigned to Baojia as a unit, and then gradually implemented to families. There is a clear division of which family is responsible for which field.

During the autumn harvest, those with high output will receive material rewards, which can be meat products, oils, clothes, shoes, or daily necessities; those with low output can only receive quotas of basic materials.

Against this background, the living standards of ordinary people in the mountainous territories have gradually become differentiated.

The lives of the people who are down-to-earth and willing to work are getting better and better; the lives of those who are cheating and cheating are still so miserable.

In a sense, this can be regarded as an alternative form of household distribution within the rules.

Anyway, Mr. Hudson dare not touch the serfdom system and land property rights now. If these core issues are not addressed, it will only be an optimization of the management system, not a change of the social system.

Even if the optimization of the management system is exposed, it is nothing more than for everyone to follow and learn from it. If the social system were to be reformed, it would stoke a hornet's nest.

In fact, the political consequences are far more serious than that. There are not many crimes that can cause a great noble to be deprived of his title, but this is one of them.

"Well, just do what you say! The Ministry of Government will formulate a specific standard and make it clear in the reward and punishment mechanism.

The focus of the next step is to divert the residents. Judging from the current situation, the territory's food production capacity has become self-sufficient, and subsequent land reclamation efforts can be slightly slowed down.

Let’s cut the land reclamation target by one-fifth next year! Invest the freed labor in other areas.

For those who are over 30 years old, their occupation does not need to be changed. However, the career arrangements of the younger generation must be based on the actual needs of the territory, and they cannot all be sent away to farm.

The Ministry of Government Affairs must start work in this area early. We cannot wait until the territory has excess food production capacity before considering this issue. "

All things are relative, along with food self-sufficiency. The strategic planning of the mountain territory must also be adjusted.

Land reclamation work must still continue, but the intensity of investment must be reduced. After all, other industries also need to develop, and we cannot focus entirely on farming.

Although the more food the better, there are limits. In the absence of sales, blindly increasing grain production capacity will only drive up grain prices to the point where they can’t even sell for cabbage.

In the final analysis, it is still a population issue. If there are millions of people in the mountain territory, then none of this will be a problem.

Unfortunately, there are only over 300,000 people in the Mountain Territory. Even if Hudson has introduced many policies to stimulate fertility, water from afar cannot quench the thirst for nearness.

"My lord, if we only reduce the land reclamation target by one-fifth, I'm afraid our food production capacity will soon be severely oversupplied.

In fact, we are going to have a food surplus starting next year. And this balance amount will be very considerable.

It is better to stop land reclamation work first to reduce the burden on the territory. Everyone has worked hard for so many years and it’s time to take a break. "

Jacob spoke to persuade.

It is obvious that the Ministry of Government is not prepared to continue to open up wasteland. People consume completely different amounts of food during working periods and during rest periods.

Once land reclamation is stopped, the ration consumption of the territorial residents can be reduced by at least one-third.

This portion of food alone is enough to feed more than 100,000 people for a year. Coupled with the continuous increase in food production from newly opened land, the final balance will only be greater. It is not surprising that the Ministry of Government has stopped land reclamation work.

"It doesn't matter. Just build more granaries if there is overcapacity. Once people are idle, problems can easily arise. The intensity of land reclamation can be reduced, but it must be reduced gradually.

In the future, we can gradually reduce everyone's labor level and increase the rest time of the subjects, but we cannot just sit idle.

If there are not enough jobs to be arranged, then organize people for military training. The world is not peaceful, and it is only a matter of time before a war breaks out.

Reserve training, which was originally suspended starting next year, will resume again. In addition to special positions, all young people of appropriate age in the territory must participate in military training.

In addition, I have lowered the entry threshold for the youth camp. As long as the training qualifications are acceptable and the parents have no criminal records, I can recruit anyone.

Set up a separate girls' camp to select girls with good talents for training.

I will personally take charge of these two training camps, and the Government Affairs Department will just do the logistics work.

As a result, the food production capacity has been almost exhausted. "

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