
Chapter 4 The Koslow Family

As soon as he took the first step, he went straight through the gang. Hudson was also quite embarrassed.

Sure enough, there are still many smart people in the world. Fortunately, it was discovered early, otherwise we would definitely suffer big losses in the future.

Perhaps seeing that Hudson was silent for a long time, he mistook it as a shock. Baron Redman comforted him: "Don't be discouraged. At your age, it's not bad to be able to do this.

In fact, no matter how wonderful the performance is, it cannot deceive those who are interested. But most of the time, everyone chooses to pretend to be confused.

There's nothing wrong with you wanting to make a name for yourself through this incident, but it's okay to step on Raisuer so hard. He is your brother after all. "

Brothers killing each other is very cruel to any father.

Even though Baron Redman punished Raisuer harshly, it was just because he hated iron, and deep down in his heart, he still missed his son.

After a pause, Hudson asked hesitantly: "But father, didn't you say: As a qualified nobleman, you should always think about maximizing your interests?

Raisuer is not only of bad character, but also hopelessly stupid. Allowing such a fool to enter the aristocratic circle will only bring shame to the family. I am just using waste! "

To be kind to your enemies is to be cruel to yourself. Although the hatred belongs to the original owner, since he has inherited the identity of the original owner, he must inherit this hatred.

Humane destruction is too cruel, and Baron Redman will not agree to it, so he will take advantage of the situation and cut off Lesoul's way forward.

As soon as this incident broke out, Raisul's future development would be affected, and it would be difficult to go out until the storm dissipated.

If he takes another opportunity to step on him and let him serve as a stepping stone to gain a reputation for himself, Raisul's future will become even more "unpromising."

Nobles have their own noble ways of playing. No one likes a guy with a bad reputation, especially a guy like Raisuer who has no title, and no one will accept him.

If you can't enter the circle, how can you talk about having a future?

Unless Raisul is a genius in cultivation and stands at the top of the continent in one fell swoop. But this is almost impossible. The resources in the mansion are limited, and all the brothers and sisters are watching!

As time goes by, a genius will be lost to everyone, not to mention that he himself is not a super genius.

Probably stimulated, Baron Redman stared at Hudson, and after a while he slowly said: "Hudson, your views are really too extreme. This is not what you should do at your age. idea.

There is nothing wrong with utilitarianism, but one must have a heart to control utilitarianism and not lose one's original intention in utilitarianism.

Although there is never right or wrong in the world of aristocrats, there are only pros and cons; but there are many smart people in this world, and many times the cleverness will be misled by cleverness. You should learn to settle down and hide your clumsiness.

Okay, you go down! Read the books in the library first, and then think about this issue. "

Baron Redman walked away, leaving a confused Hudson crying and laughing.

The conscience of heaven and earth, he just said what he said just to pretend. A small calculation was made of Raisuer, and it was also in line with the trend.

The relationship was not good to begin with, and if something like this happened, how could it not be suspicious if he didn't even fight back. After all, he is only a sixteen-year-old boy.

"Sedimentation" and "hide one's clumsiness", what else do I need to say? If he hadn't been worried about changing too much and attracting the attention of interested people, he could have lived forever.

Ambition is based on strength. As a man of two generations, there are not many other advantages, but Hudson has learned to be flexible and flexible.

Goldfinger has not been able to pay the money for a long time. He is just an ordinary person with some extra memories. In this world of jungle, how can you dare to win?

If the original owner hadn't been a scumbag and hated reading the most, he would have gone to the library long ago. Baron Redman's order provided him with a perfect excuse.

Walking into the "library" with vague memories in his mind, Hudson was quickly disappointed. The mountains of books that I imagined did not appear, but only carefully stored parchments.

At one time, Hudson even had the idea of ​​making a fortune by making paper, but this unrealistic idea was quickly abandoned.

Not to mention the cumbersome papermaking process, it was simply not something he could do with just a little knowledge. The key is that the butt determines the head. If you are in the aristocratic class, you have to consider issues from the standpoint of the aristocratic group.

The birth of paper can reduce the cost of knowledge dissemination and facilitate the dissemination of cultural knowledge, but is this what the aristocratic group needs?

The answer is obviously: no.

Parchment rolls are expensive to make and are not conducive to the spread of cultural knowledge. But on the other hand, this is also an advantage.

From the perspective of the aristocratic group, knowledge is naturally a monopoly of the family alone. The higher the cost of disseminating cultural knowledge, the more conducive it is to maintaining this monopoly system and the more conducive it is to the rule of aristocratic groups.

As a person with vested interests, he must not do anything that betrays his own class. No matter how important money is, it is not as important as life.

Picking up a volume of General History of the Continent, Hudson immediately read it with great interest. Unfortunately, most of the above content is vague and passing by, and much of it is still hearsay.

There is no way. Although the Koslow family has been passed down for thousands of years, they are still just a small noble and do not have the ability to collect information on the entire continent.

Hudson feels that the biggest reason why the family has been able to pass it on to this day is because of its ability to have children. Just look at Baron Redman and you will know that the Koslow family has always been talented in sowing.

Thanks to the family's fine tradition, except for the eldest son who inherited the family business, the other sons went out to work hard with a set of knight equipment and a few attendants when they grew up.

The cruel survival mode can best train people. Although most of the tribesmen fell on the road of struggle, there were still lucky ones who stood out. Either relying on military exploits or relying on noble marriage to obtain the title.

Accumulated from generation to generation, there are not a few small nobles who bear the banner of the Koslow family. They are considered to be the most prosperous families in the empire.

A large number of people does not necessarily mean a strong force, but a large number of people must have a strong ability to survive. Even if a certain branch dies, someone will quickly replace it, and there will be no tragedy like the empire forcibly taking back the fiefdom because there is no heir.

By operating according to this model and slowly permeating along the way, even if no particularly outstanding figures are born, sooner or later the Koslow family will be able to become the top group.

Of course, the prerequisite is that the fertility rate can remain so high. Otherwise, in this world where wars often break out, no one knows whether tomorrow or the accident will come first. A war might wipe out thousands of years of accumulation.

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