
Chapter 47 Collided

The attack and defense of Dadir City began, and the Holy See headquarters, eight thousand miles away, also received a letter of protest from the Alpha Kingdom.

"Look at all the good things you've done. You just made some waves, and before you even had time to make a splash, the real owner shows up!"

As he spoke, Pius VII threw the protest directly to Blake, the leader of the Knights of Judgment. It can be seen from his eyes that His Majesty the Pope is really angry.

The game between divine power and royal power is no longer a day or two, and it doesn't matter how they stab each other secretly. But when it comes to the table, it destroys the tacit understanding between the two parties.

In particular, the "Blood Moon Horn", an evil weapon with a clear symbol, is known to everyone in the world to be in the hands of the Papal State. Now that it appears in the Alpha Kingdom, it is clearly telling the world that the rebellion launched by the Skull and Bones Society is supported by their Holy See.

"Your Majesty, please rest assured! Regarding the Blood Moon Horn matter, our Judgment Knights will take care of it.

Just a war doesn't mean much. Similar methods have not appeared in the Aslant continent.

As long as they have no substantive evidence in their hands, we can insist that they admitted their mistake and directly deny that the Blood Moon Horn was lost. "

Captain Blake assured.

Deep down inside, he couldn't help but want to scold his mother. Secretly supporting the cult organization to cause trouble was indeed what he hinted to his subordinates. No leader would give a direct order for something that requires taking responsibility and could be blamed at any time.

Obviously, the understanding ability of his subordinates is not up to standard. I accidentally went too far and gave away the famous "Blood Moon Horn".

As an established force, the Holy See does not have only one or two evil weapons in its hands. Even if you want to cause trouble, you shouldn't take the most iconic "Blood Moon Horn".

This kind of shady thing, once it is revealed, it will not look good on everyone's face. Today is different from the past. The Holy See does not have the confidence to directly fall out with the major kingdoms.

"Solve it, how are you going to solve it?

The Alpha Kingdom Chapter, controlled by that group of nobles, directly used the excuse of rebuilding the churches in the southeastern provinces burned by the rebels to reduce the taxes sent to the Holy See.

Since the matter was caused by your Judgment Knights, this loss will be deducted from your military budget. Arms cannot be compressed, and you will find your own way to make up for the shortfall. "

Pius VII said angrily.

Once upon a time, the richest Holy See in the world was short of money?

But this scene actually appeared during his reign.

To be precise, since the collapse of the Holy See's rule on the mainland three hundred years ago, the finances have been unable to make ends meet.

Relying on the rich accumulation of foundation, the Holy See managed to survive. By the time of Pius VII, the family fortune left by the ancestors had been depleted.

On the one hand, it is necessary to expand its armaments and restore the glory of the Holy See; on the other hand, it is necessary to increase revenue and reduce expenditures to solve the financial dilemma of being unable to make ends meet. The life of the Holy See is not easy.

Ever since the Holy See expanded its armaments, relations with other countries on the mainland have become tense. Except for a group of small countries that are still controlled by the Holy See, the remaining major kingdoms are trying their best to prevent the Holy See from regaining its strength.

Countries do not have the ability to directly interfere in the decision-making of the Holy See. Most of the time, they start from the "money bag" to delay the recovery of the Holy See's strength.

There is no doubt that the Holy See is not a soft persimmon. In the face of targeted attacks by various countries, violent retaliation has also been launched. Supporting cult organizations is one of the methods.

Destruction is secondary, and more importantly, it is to make money.

Under the tacit pressure of various countries, the Holy See is unable to obtain sufficient financial resources from legitimate channels and has to resort to deviant measures.

Like the potion of courage in Skull and Bones, it was produced in the Papal State. In name, the cult organization was plundering all directions, but in fact, most of the looted money flowed into the Papal State through secret transactions.

As long as you give enough, magic potions, alchemical products, and even evil weapons and demons can all be traded.

It can be said that in order to make money, the Holy See has reached the point of going crazy. Even so, it can only barely support the huge military expenditure.

When he heard that the budget had been reduced, Captain Blake was on the verge of tears. Although the Alpha Kingdom Chapter does not send much tax money, it can still support a cavalry regiment or five thousand-man infantry regiments.

On the surface, this is far less than the benefits of supporting Skull and Bones. But the taxes are unsustainable, and the proceeds from robbery are often one-time.

According to past practice, as long as the taxes sent to the Holy See by various branches have dropped, they will never be restored. This means that the budget that the Judgment Knights have lost now will be difficult to get back in the future.

Just when he was about to defend himself, Blake calmed down because of the sinister looks in his colleagues' eyes.

The problem now is not just a few taxes, the real trouble is the possible chain reaction. If other countries in mainland China follow suit, the financial pressure on the Holy See will be even greater.

Mainly due to the growth in strength of various countries, they have completely got rid of their dependence on the Holy See. Originally, everyone still needed to rely on the Holy See to suppress evil spirits, but now every country has trained its own thugs.

To put it simply, the job of the Holy See has been robbed, and now it is just free food. However, this freeloader is still restless and thinks about being the boss all day long. How can he not be hated by others?

"Don't worry, Your Majesty. I will immediately send someone to retrieve the Blood Moon Horn. At the same time, I will cut off the connection with the Skull and Bones Society and leave no trace behind."

Blake, who had an idea, immediately promised.

Under the scorching sun, the Fifth Army, which was supposed to camp and rest, was still moving forward on the road.

There were still a few hours until dark, and we were only a dozen miles away from our destination, so we had to try our best to show off.

Anyway, with such a short distance, even if there is a sneak attack by the rebels, the main force of the coalition can reinforce it in time. Safety is sufficiently guaranteed, so there is no need to conserve energy.

It is the soldiers who are working hard to travel. For noble men, a mere dozen miles can be covered by a war horse with a cup of tea.

Hudson, riding on his war horse, was leisurely admiring the great rivers and mountains, preparing to carry out his fishing business to the end.

"In the southeast, a suspicious convoy was found, heading towards Dadir City. It is suspected to be rebels..."

The news from the spies interrupted Hudson's fishing career, and at the same time inspired the enthusiasm of the robbery team.

Although the division of the stolen goods had been unpleasant, it did not affect everyone's enthusiasm for robbery, especially the meat that was brought to their mouths.

Without any discussion, everyone unanimously decided to grab him. Rushing to Dadir City at this juncture, if not a rebel, then they are a rebel.

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