
Chapter 484 Can’t go back

After all, he had experienced strong winds and waves, and Alex quickly reacted. Looking around, he found that no personal guards were coming, and he immediately realized that something was wrong.

"It seems that you are already prepared! If you want this position, just say it and I will make it happen for you.

But Butzweig, are you really ready?

I've been cleaning up the mess left by the old man for so long, but I still haven't been able to solve it. Can you guys do it? "

Alex said disdainfully.

No matter which way you look at it, the decline of the Behemoth clan was caused by the previous Emperor Behemoth.

As the successor, Alex has been cleaning up the mess since he took over.

Unexpectedly, the strength of the Behemoth people has been severely damaged, and it cannot be made up for by pure political means.

"Don't worry about it!

Alex, I admit that you have done a good job since you took office, but your position in the royal family has still been lost.

The tribesmen simply cannot bear the psychological gap of falling from the first royal family in the empire to an ordinary race, and someone needs to be held responsible for this.

The father's debt is repaid by the son. If the debt owed by the old Emperor Bimon is placed on your head, it is not considered unjust, right? "

As soon as Prince Butzweig finished speaking, Alex was furious. It doesn't matter if other accounts are placed on his head. Even if he directly announces usurping the throne, it's not a big deal. But why should he be the one to repay the old Emperor Bimeng's debt?

The relationship between father and son is simply a big joke. Who among the higher-ups didn't know that the old Emperor Behemoth was obsessed with immortality and used his son as a sacrifice.


Butzweig, don’t forget that you are still the old man’s grandson! Those guys in the clan can let me take the blame today, and they can let you take the blame tomorrow.

Don’t forget where we are going next, but with that God of Death. Maybe as soon as you wake up, the enemy will come to kill you.

I almost forgot that His Highness the Prince was also defeated by someone else. But Butzweig, don’t take it personally.

There are so many people who have been defeated by Hudson. At least you can come back alive, which is more than 90% of the generals! "

Alex said mockingly.

He couldn't survive today's disaster. They are all going to die anyway, so why not take the opportunity to disgust the enemy.

Although the method of sowing discord is inferior, it is simpler and more effective. As long as Butzweig can't stand the stimulation and goes to fight with Hudson, his revenge plan will be half successful.

"Okay, Chief Alex. At a time like this, do you still think you are the Beast King?

How to deal with Hudson is my business, and you don't have to worry about it.

Enough talking nonsense, let’s go on our way! For the sake of my family, I will leave you some dignity! "

Butzweig said with a gloomy expression.

The power struggle is bloody. When Alex came to power, he could only hide in the ice and snow world with his cronies to survive.

If the situation had not changed too quickly and created another opportunity for him to seize power, Butzweig would have spent the rest of his life hiding in XZ.

It's so hard to seize power now, so naturally you can't be kind to a woman. As for Alex's provocation, Butzweig could only pretend not to hear it.

No matter how unhappy I feel, I can't just run away and commit suicide! Maybe he will take revenge in the future, but not before he can secure his position as clan leader.

If he hadn't been concerned about his identity, he would have gone up and beaten Alex Stone. "Killing uncle to seize the throne" will still attract a lot of criticism even in the orc empire.

The best choice is to let Alex commit suicide. Without being stained with the other person's blood, there is still a possibility of clearing up the matter.

The most important thing is to face the people of Alex's family later. The Behemoth clan couldn't stand the trouble anymore, and Butzweig didn't want to have another internal purge.

With a self-deprecating smile, Alex said slightly gaffefully: "I'm afraid of pain when I hang myself or commit suicide with a sword.

You'd better prepare a bowl of poisonous chicken soup for me. It must be poisonous that kills you immediately. I don't want to see myself in such a mess before I die! "

After all, he is still a common man, and Alex cannot remain calm and calm in the face of life and death. But after all, he is a generation of emperors who can still face his true heart.

Even though he knew that if the reason "fear of pain" spread out, he would be despised by countless people, Alex still didn't care.

He was forced to commit suicide by his own people, and his life and death were no longer important to him.

"Get a bowl of chicken soup and send our chief on his way!"

Butzweig ordered in a low tone, without the slightest joy of becoming the victor.

Successfully seizing power was just the first step he had taken. Given the current situation of the Behemoth people, survival is the key.

The situation on the mainland is not friendly to the Orc Empire, and the domestic situation is even worse than the Behemoth clan. By running to the front line now, it would be possible to temporarily avoid internal disputes, but it would also be easy to fall into the struggle with the Alpha Kingdom.

In order to avoid suspicion, the vassal races have distanced themselves from the Behemoth clan since they fell into the imperial court.

When they arrived in the Near East, even if they were not fighting alone, there were not many races that they could command.

The departure of the Behemoth clan did not affect the struggle for the "Emperor" in the Orc Empire, but instead made the struggle more intense.

All parties continued to add fuel to the flames, escalating this dispute from a political fight into a armed fight. Several big families competing for the throne of the emperor stabbed each other with no mercy.

The Silver Moon Imperial Court saw off the Elephant Man clan leader seeking support, and the Silver Moon Wolf Emperor smiled coldly.

"Daniel, have you seen the true nature of these guys?"

"They are all a bunch of bastards. If they had been this ruthless during the Continental War, the outcome of the Northern Continent might have been changed!

But their ability to hide their strength is really admirable. If it hadn't been for this competition for the throne of the emperor, we wouldn't have known that these guys could have accumulated such a strong family fortune under our noses. "

Daniel's answer made Silver Moon Wolf Emperor shake his head.

"You are wrong. What they did is not wrong. From the standpoint of their respective races, preserving strength is the first priority.

As for the situation on the mainland and the future of the empire, just talk about it, there is no need to take it too seriously.

The Behemoth clan is an example. Their contribution to the empire has always been the highest among all clans. However, once it declines, it will still become a lost dog.

If it weren't for their past friendship, they wouldn't even have a chance to leave alive! "

The cold explanation made Crown Prince Daniel's face change greatly. A military genius is not the same as a political strongman. In the past years, he could not help but think about issues from the perspective of the empire.

However, the reality is cruel. The Silver Moon Wolf Emperor broke his inherent understanding: It turns out that the empire belongs to everyone, and the race belongs to him.

"Father, if the Beimeng clan has done so much now, who will dare to sacrifice their lives for the empire in the future!

Although the previous Behemoth Emperor made serious mistakes, Alex's performance was very good. I'm afraid it would be inappropriate to exile them to the front line. "

Daniel couldn't help but defend.

He can understand that he prioritizes preserving his own strength. It would be beyond his ability to allow various clans to challenge the Behemoth clan and force them to give up their royal status and go into exile themselves.

"Daniel, you are wrong again this time. We do not owe the Beamon clan anything and have no obligation to protect them.

They did make great contributions to the empire, but in return, they were also promoted to the high position of the first royal family.

If it weren't for the tacit approval of our family, how could the Behemoth tribe be able to secure the position of the boss with its small population?

When they took away the biggest cake, they had to be prepared to bear the consequences. Regardless of whether there was something about the old Emperor Behemoth or not, they could only be said to be to blame for their current end.

Remember, don’t pity losers, ever! "

The words that subverted his cognition were spoken from the mouth of the Silver Moon Wolf Emperor, and Daniel was immediately dumbfounded.

Everything that seems reasonable has actually been priced in secret. In an instant, he understood why the Behemoth clan was declining and the four royal families were so indifferent.

It's not that everyone doesn't feel sad about the death of a rabbit or a fox. It's just that emotions are too luxurious for the emperor, and rationality is what they should have.

Rather than spending a lot of money to save the Behemoth people who are destined to decline, it is better to take the opportunity to conduct a major internal purge and ease internal conflicts.

New neighbors are coming over, which will not affect the development of Xueyue Territory. After the port was completed, coastal strongholds sprang up one after another.

The first batch of immigrants were all young reserve soldiers. They were engaged in production in peacetime and took up arms to fight in wartime.

There are only one to two hundred people in small settlements, and only three to five hundred people in large settlements. It's not that Hudson is reluctant to transport immigrants, but that the immigration points are poor, without any supporting facilities, and are simply not suitable for large groups of people to live.

After staying in the port for a month, Hudson clearly felt that more and more ships were coming in and out. In addition to the ships that the kingdom transports logistics supplies, the fleets of nobles also come and go from time to time.

Some nobles whose territories were in the rear areas had already taken the courage to take the first step in developing their territories - choosing a site to build a castle.

Each and every one of them chose the most conservative strategy of "building high walls and slowing down the development of wasteland". With the proper "Gou" Taoist players, the orcs' deterrent power can be seen to be average.

In comparison, Hudson is radical. The strongholds in the coastal areas are as high as double digits, and they have not yet built their own castle.

So many people speculated that he wanted to put the garrison into the city.

It just so happens that Xueyue Territory is the core defense area of ​​the kingdom. In addition to Crescent Port, there are also more than ten fortress cities planned, and you can settle down anywhere you choose.

One less castle to build, but a lot of money will be saved. Most of the nobles in the Near East could only envy Hudson's choice.

Only a few lucky ones whose territory is near a fortress city can place their nest in the city.

Unexpectedly, luck and misfortune depended on each other. Being able to put their territory into the city also meant that their territory was on the border and could be threatened by orcs at any time.

Board the pier and walk along the avenue into the city. The shops on both sides of the street are already open for business and filled with a dazzling array of products.

The scene in front of him shocked Viscount Caillaux. If it weren't for the small number of pedestrians, everyone would suspect that they were in a bustling metropolis.

"Master, after wandering at sea for so many days, everyone is exhausted physically and mentally. Why not rest in the city for two days before hitting the road!"

I have already contacted the city managers. Marshal Hudson issued an order that all immigrants who had just arrived could set up tents in the resettlement area and stay for three days free of charge. "

The butler's words brought Kayo out of his daze.

I have to admit that Hudson is quite interesting in this regard. Not only are transit taxes waived, but the accommodation costs for immigrants are also waived.

Although you have to set up your own tent, these are the necessities you need to carry with you when you go out for a walk.

A rest is a real rest. Crescent Harbor has just been opened, and there are not many nobles living in the city.

The nobles of the same level as Kayo are all passing through, and no one is here permanently. If you want to go out and socialize, you may not be able to find people.

As the host, Hudson now belongs to a wealthy family, and ordinary nobles could not see anyone in the past.

In recent days, although the relationship between the two families has been repaired, it has only returned to normal levels and is still far from being a family friend!

Unless Earl Pierce and his son came over, it would not be Hudson's turn to receive the other members of the Dalton family in person.

“Then find a hotel to rest for two days, contact the city managers and ask them to designate an area for immigrants to set up camp.

Knight Siludi, you have a good relationship with the Koslow family. Find someone to find out what noble teams have passed by these days. "

Viscount Caillaux ordered immediately after regaining consciousness.

Bringing the team here so early is to seize the opportunity in territory development. For most nobles, first-mover advantage is very important.

Taking the first step to establish a local presence means that we can take the lead in launching production. The noble lords who arrived later were their potential customers.

Except for a few wealthy noble lords, most nobles must be careful with their budgets during the development of their territories.

Although the Dalton family has a rich family, Cayo is only the nephew of Governor Pierce. No matter how much he is valued, there is still a layer between him and the resources available to him are naturally not unlimited.

In order not to cause trouble to his uncle and to reduce his cousin's resentment, Kayo chose to take risks.

This risk is relative. He dared to bring his team here in advance because Kayo believed that the orcs did not have the courage to cross the Xueyue Territory and go deep into the rear to cause trouble.

"Okay, Your Excellency Viscount!"

Knight Siludi replied slightly sadly.

His relationship with the Koslow family is indeed very good, including some core figures who are his friends. However, he chose his allegiance in advance and missed this wave of development dividends.

Nobles relied on reputation. Since they were loyal to the Dalton family, they naturally could not change their families midway.

If you follow the wrong boss, your development will inevitably be affected. Although he also followed Earl Pierce on his expeditions in the north and south, his hard work outweighed his credit.

The eldest brother has not won any battles that he can show off, so naturally the younger brother can't even hope to have any military exploits. So much so that after several years of messing around, he was still a little knight.

Seeing all the old friends climbing up, Siludi could only feel envious. Viscount Caillaux brought him to the Near East this time because of the connections he had.

Transforming from a thug to a foreign affairs coordinator can be regarded as a step forward in Siludi's career. Unfortunately, this improvement does not come from military merit, but from personal connections.

The aristocratic world is also indispensable for people and sophistication, but it is a pity that Siludi is a traditional aristocrat. Rather than advancing through his personal network, he hopes to rise through military merit.

This is determined by the social atmosphere. Military nobles are more respected than other nobles and must speak more forcefully.

The more friends we have, the easier it is to travel. Although the gap in status has alienated each other, the feelings deep in our memories are still there.

As long as no interests are involved, everyone is good friends.

"Hiludi, welcome to Crescent Port as a guest. You should have someone send a message in advance so that I can go to the dock to greet you!

His Highness the Duke would be very happy if he knew you were coming. Unfortunately, the Duke just returned to the mountain territory today and you just missed it. "

Baron Adrian said boldly.

Time flies and it is not easy to meet old friends. Not only did the two of them work together under the Dalton family, Siludi was also a participant in the initial division of the territory.

Occasionally conveying a small piece of information is something that is not neglected.

Although there is also an exchange of interests, if there is no friendship, even if you have money, you will not be able to give it away.

"Haha, Adrian, you are too polite. I am lucky to meet your old friend.

The Duke has a lot of things to do every day, and he decides on major issues involving the rise and fall of the kingdom. I don't dare to come and disturb him rashly. "

Siludi said with a smile.

The favor sold to Hudson was the most valuable political investment in his life. He would not use it lightly unless absolutely necessary.

Just to inquire about a piece of news and catch up with old friends for a chat. Anyway, the Dalton family reimburses the expenses, so there is no need to ask for precious favors.

As long as it is not important information, the nobles will provide convenience to each other. Kayo sent Siludi out mainly to close the relationship.

If he took action in person, he wouldn't have to pay anything, and the officials in the city would tell him the basic information.

"Hiludi, you have become a bad boy. In the past, you would never have said such a thing.

Back then, you treated the Duke as your nephew. Now that we have suddenly distanced ourselves, I think the Duke will not be happy. "

After hearing what Adrian said, Siludi rolled her eyes. Why has he changed? The gap in status is really too big to catch up!

"Come on, Adrian. It seems that you haven't changed. Now it's either His Royal Highness or the Duke who speaks. It turns out that you call him by his first name.

If you can be the same as before and don't care about the status gap, then I admire you as a person! "

Siludi retorted disdainfully.

There is no way, the identity gap is too big. Although he was a knight and Hudson was a baron, in essence, everyone belonged to the class of minor aristocrats.

With their accumulated connections, they are no different from the fledgling Hudson.

Everything is different now. Adults have to be bound by rules after all. If they act arbitrarily based on a friendship, even if Hudson doesn't say anything, society will teach them to be human beings.

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