
Chapter 489: War in the Near East

The curtain opened, and Hudson quietly returned to Xueyue Territory. The "lost inherited artifact" was superimposed on the "establishment of a new Holy See", and the whole continent was shocked.

The "blasphemous controversy" that was originally causing a stir was suddenly suppressed. Compared with the previous two major events that affected the future of the human race, the blasphemous remarks are not worth mentioning.

Similar remarks happen almost every year. The main reason why arcane masters, who are devoted to the study of truth and are considered harmless to humans and animals, can become heretics is because of their bad mouths.

In fact, this is what separates an arcanist from a magician. Everyone is pursuing the truth, but the arcanists are more radical.

Not only do you dare to think, but you also dare to put it into practice. What's worse is that you often can't control your mouth.

In terms of cultivation, arcana and magic are still very close. At least in Hudson's view, the core essence of these two seemingly different professions is the same.

A magician is not necessarily an excellent arcanist, but an arcanist must be an excellent magician. In particular, many old magicians who have reached the end of their cultivation and are unable to break through have chosen to cross the border.

The constant supply of tap water is the reason why arcanists can survive under the pressure of the Holy See.

In contrast, other "heretical professionals" have declined in the past few years.

The Frankish Kingdom and the Alpha Kingdom support the Arcane Academy, largely because these wild arcane masters are the top leaders of major forces in the country.

After all, apart from occasionally having fun, arcanists spend most of their time doing research and rarely have time to do anything.

This is unmatched by other heretical professions.

Except for a few heretical professions that were imposed by the Holy See in order to spread their faith, most heretical professions are true heretics.

To support new forces to oppose the Holy See, it is natural to choose those who are strong and less harmful to society.

"Tom, send someone down to summon the frontline generals to come over for a meeting in three days."

After returning to the territory, Hudson, whose buttocks were not even hot from sitting, immediately gave the order.

The "blasphemy storm" subsided, but the situation within the human race also became increasingly chaotic.

All the major forces are trying to compete for the inherited artifact, and the already tense international relations have become increasingly worse.

If it weren't for the alien alliance on the side, which eased the internal fighting among the human race to a certain extent, I am afraid that the Holy See and the Frankish Kingdom would have started fighting at this moment.

What the two sides are now competing for is no longer pure interests, but the "theocratic legal system" that is vital to the life and death of the Holy See. The Holy See has no retreat at all.

As the initiator, Alpha Kingdom also followed suit. Pretending to be ignorant, he sent a treasure hunting team to search for the inherited artifact.

The entire human world is in one word - chaos.

Usually at such a sensitive moment, the most important thing to be wary of is aliens taking advantage of the situation.

Hudson, the alien alliance, is not worried. If this big guy moves, the human race's internal fighting will immediately press the pause button.

After all, the top leaders of the major forces are not stupid. Everyone is the owner of a big family and a big business, so it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons.

It seems that all parties are now making a serious fuss, but in fact everyone is still at the stage of talking.

The biggest conflict is nothing more than the Holy See and the Frankish Kingdom each controlling a vest trumpet and causing trouble on the other side's territory.

In the Emerald Palace, Caesar IV is being surrounded by a group of old guys asking for an explanation. There is a big disagreement, and the king will be put in bed for several months today.

Robert, the leader, stared at Caesar IV with a livid face. After finally breaking through the bottleneck of the sanctuary, he was preparing to fight vigorously, but he was declared "dead" by the kingdom.

All the old guys present were on the death list. All the major families in the kingdom even paid tribute to them.

Looking at the people who were eager to try, Caesar IV, who felt that his body was not strong enough, instantly lost his temper.

"Ancestors, this is a long story. You suddenly disappeared, blasphemous remarks flooded the continent, and the kingdom was under great pressure.

All the evidence has been sent to the enemy, and we have no way to refute the rumors. Even simply refuting the rumors will make things worse.

As a last resort, we had no choice but to put all the blame on the orcs! "

Caesar IV said calmly.

As a king, the majesty of the monarch cannot be lost. Even if he is worried about being beaten, he can only hold on now.

He is the king anyway, and these people can't really do anything to him. What's more, he was reasonable in this matter.

Whoever caused the trouble will be held responsible. It would be great if he, the king, could help with the aftermath, but how could it be perfect?

"Little Caesar, don't talk nonsense. Although this time is troublesome, it is nothing compared to your later response.

The hasty mourning for us is probably because they think us old guys are an eyesore and take the opportunity to kick us out of the political arena!

After all, dead people cannot interfere in government affairs. At this point, in order to take the overall situation into consideration, it is difficult for us old guys not to retire! "

Robert sighed self-deprecatingly.

Among all the Saint Realm powerhouses on the mainland, he is undoubtedly the most miserable one. After others made breakthroughs, they celebrated with great splendor, but he was the only one who died early.

If you don't like to play politics now, it doesn't mean that you haven't played politics.

The youngest ones are all over a hundred years old. These little thoughts of Caesar IV are all left over from their past play.

As the older generation, although they are in a state of semi-retirement, they have never really let go of the important affairs of the kingdom.

Looking back in history, these people were either important ministers of the kingdom or princes.

It's just that after getting older, everyone's pursuits have changed. Compared with worldly power, they are more obsessed with improving their own strength.

To be precise: those of the same generation who are not obsessed with pursuing strength have now met the Lord of the Dawn.

The topic was raised, and Caesar IV was so embarrassed that he was able to pull out a palace on the spot.

In fact, these old antiques are not involved in everything. During the time of Caesar III, they didn't show much enthusiasm, but now they show up mainly because they are worried about him.

Although Caesar IV thought he was very mature, in the eyes of the older generation, he was still not enough to control the entire kingdom.

In the early stage of taking the throne, everyone needs to work together to stabilize the throne, but I don't think it's a big deal.

But with the consolidation of royal power, these guys who originally helped stabilize people's hearts became stumbling blocks on his way to power.

It was not only Caesar IV who had similar feelings, but also the leaders of many families in the kingdom who felt restricted.

There is no mercy in the face of power, and if you block the way, you will inevitably be kicked away. That's why everyone was "deathed" politically.

“Your Majesty, we are also forced to have no choice!

These are temporary measures for now. Wait for a while, when the storm subsides, and then wait for an opportunity to restore your identity! "

Caesar IV hurriedly explained.

The truth is one thing, but you can never admit it with your mouth. He knew the most fundamental reason why he dared to do this: these people did not have a strong desire for power.

The younger generation jumping out to seize power may seem like a serious problem, but in fact it is just a political signal transmission.

If everyone really clings to power and refuses to let it go, there will be nothing Caesar IV can do. After all, he is not a ruthless person who is desperate for power. He still dares not do such a big thing as "annihilating his ancestors" and cannot do it!

"If you want to do it, just do it yourself. We are all old anyway, and it's time to retire.

To die is to die. There is no need to add extraneous ramifications and play any resurrection tricks.

Everyone changed their identities and went to teach in the college with peace of mind. Just leave the affairs of the kingdom to the younger generations! "

After speaking, Robert turned around and left with everyone.

Originally, he wanted to beat up Caesar IV to vent his anger, but when the matter came to an end, he suddenly realized that it made no sense.

If you have this free time, why not go back to explore the true meaning of the world and pursue the road to the top.

Of course, in a sense, this is also the fact that Caesar IV has passed everyone's assessment.

If the king is really stupid and incompetent, everyone will not dare to let go directly. The destructive power of an unruly prodigal is quite terrifying.

In a terrible strategic location like the Alpha Kingdom, it only takes one prodigal son to lose all the ancestral property.

After escaping a beating and watching everyone leave, Caesar IV felt a sense of loss for some reason, without the joy of a winner at all.

It’s so cold at high places!

As a king, you are destined to be lonely. Dealing with politics all day long has too many interests mixed in, and emotions have become superfluous.

"Is this where my father walked?

Now that I have stepped up, I just don’t know how far I can go!

Times are difficult, and the current Aslant continent is full of crises.

Either soar into the sky, or the country and family will be destroyed!


"Robert, you actually let Little Caesar go. This is not your style!"

Morrison said with a smile, as if nothing happened.

"He's just a junior, what's there to care about? He's pretty good if he can seize the opportunity and use the topic to make us speechless.

After a few more years of experience, it won't be a problem to pass on the kingdom's foundation, not to mention he is very lucky.

Although the middle-aged generation of the kingdom suffered heavy losses, the younger generation produced talents in large numbers. There are so many talented people below, and as long as he, the king, doesn't mess around, the situation won't get any worse.

If Caesar hadn't died too early, there would be no need for us old guys to work. Delegate power as soon as possible to avoid mutual disgust.

If you are concerned about these things, you should seize the time to understand and strive to break through the holy realm as soon as possible!

Some of you don't have much life left. The ones in the kingdom who are most likely to break through the holy realm are the immortals like us.

Each additional member of the Sanctuary will enrich the kingdom's heritage.

But those two idiots Brian and Gallows couldn't just let it go. When those two guys come out, I must let them know what it means to be responsible for doing something wrong! "

Robert's words made everyone roll their eyes. With their strength reaching their level, if their efforts had been effective, the Sanctuary would have been overrun long ago.

Morrison had the biggest reaction, and "some people" referred to him. Among all the people present, he was the oldest.

Hundreds and dozens of people, even eighth-level experts, have come to see the Lord of the Dawn.

However, based on his level of religious devotion, there is a high probability that he will have no chance of entering the Kingdom of the Lord of the Morning.

No one will be willing to turn a hundred years of hard work into a pile of dust. Unfortunately, when manpower is exhausted, everything cannot go as planned.

Looking at the Xueyue Lake in the distance, Chief Butzweig sighed deeply. This land of the Orc Empire has now fallen into the hands of the human race.

According to the mission issued by the empire, they moved westward this time to recover the Near East.

There is no doubt that it is a chore. Without devoting all the country's efforts to it, relying solely on the power of the Beamon family to take the Near East away from the Alpha Kingdom is simply a "good dream."

After painstaking planning, he finally managed to kill his former competitors and successfully gained power in the clan. Only after taking over did he realize what a mess was.

The Beamon clan has indeed declined, but the people below still inherit the arrogance of the Beamon clan.

This kind of imprint that has been with them for the first half of their lives and is deeply rooted in their bones cannot be changed by a few words.

So Alex is dead!

It has nothing to do with his personal ability, nor does it have anything to do with the quality of his work. It is just because he cannot satisfy the illusory "dream of a strong clan" in the minds of the clansmen, so this tragic clan leader has become cold.

It’s death, it’s the end, it’s also liberation!

Butzweig, who will bear the next heavy burden, knows very well that it is difficult for him to guarantee that he will do better than Alex. If he is still unable to satisfy his people's dream of becoming a powerful clan, then he will most likely be the next to die.

But Behemoth was not born in a day. The number of tribesmen determines the upper limit of their strength. If they want to be strong, they must first have enough Behemoth base numbers.

At this time, if you go to the battlefield to make achievements, you will feel that you are not declining fast enough.

It is a pity that only a few can realize this. Many Behemoths still hold the old concept of "Behemoth cavalry is invincible" and believe that they can sweep all directions as long as they initiate a war.

If the battle is defeated, it is due to the incompetence of the top management, and it is definitely not because Behemoth soldiers cannot fight.

"Have you confirmed the trace of Hudson?"

Butzweig asked with concern.

While the Alpha Kingdom was busy with the internal affairs of the human race, he also wanted to make some small moves to give hope to the people below.

The financial resources in hand are not strong. Before taking military action, we must first understand the situation we are about to face.

The best choice is naturally to take advantage of Hudson's absence to take sudden military action and catch the enemy by surprise.

There is no extravagant expectation of brilliant achievements, just grab some things and bring them back to appease the restless clan members and fill up the clan's treasury.

The best way to consolidate power is to lead everyone to victory. It doesn't have to be brilliant, but it has to win without too much loss.

"Clan leader, the situation is not good. According to past business travel reports, Hudson showed up in Crescent Harbor two days ago.

The internal disputes within the human race did not seem to involve him. It only took two days in total to leave Xueyue Territory.

As a dragon knight, he moves very quickly. You can go back and forth to the royal capital in one day, so it might be difficult to take advantage of him while he's gone! "

Clark explained with a troubled expression.

No matter how good the strategy is, it must be supported by strength. The Orc Empire's inheritance is broken and there is a serious lack of peak powerhouses.

The strongest men among the Behemoth tribe who were originally the most promising to break through the holy realm are now almost withered, and the personal accumulation of the new generation of strong men is not enough.

If you want to plan for Hudson, you must have a few strong men from the sanctuary to participate in order to have a chance of success.

At this time, even if all the masters of the Beamon clan are sent out and an ambush is set up, they cannot keep him.

"Sure enough! All the original plans have been cancelled. Let our people take a detour to avoid the enemy's front and just make a symbolic invasion in a remote area!

All troops are ordered not to engage in decisive battles with the enemy without authorization. Especially when you see the dragon-bear battle flag, you must stay away immediately. "

Butzweig said calmly.

If you can no longer inspire people, then you should do the next best thing and make some noise to give an explanation to the country.

As for Hudson's hard bone, whoever wants to gnaw on it can do it himself. Anyway, he doesn't want to start a big fight now.

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