
Chapter 521 Seven Royal Clan Appears

Canglan City.

“Prime Minister, the situation seems to be a little bad!

No clues were found in the Crown Prince case, but a lot of other messy things were uncovered by the investigation team.

Some problems should indeed be solved, but there are many problems that cannot be solved at all.

Normally it is just a matter of keeping a lid on it, but now it is out in the open. Where does this put the government? "

Finance Minister Marquis Delgado said with an indignant look.

Half of the problems that Alpha Kingdom cannot solve are related to money. Because the government has no money in its pocket, many things that could obviously be dealt with are being backlogged.

Now that the lid has been lifted, the government has undoubtedly been forced into a corner. However, if you want to solve the problem, you must have funds!

"What are you afraid of? Isn't it just about losing face? It's not like everyone has done it before by pretending to be deaf and mute.

The Crown Prince has unfortunately passed away, and His Majesty is in a very bad mood now. We'd better not go up there and be an eyesore. "

The Grand Duke of Newfoundland said with an indifferent expression.

It seems that the actions of the investigation team have unconsciously affected the government, but who can guarantee that this is a slap on them by Caesar IV?

One king, one courtier.

Because they, a group of old guys with high prestige, occupied the position, Caesar IV was unable to promote his close associates for several years after taking the throne, and his control over the court was very limited.

No monarch can tolerate the court being out of control for a long time. Even if they are the pillars of the country and loyal to the kingdom, they cannot block the king's path to power.

If the Alpha Kingdom were not in danger and needed their veterans to help support the situation, Caesar IV would have replaced him with one of his own.

We share hardships and hardships, and we share wealth and prosperity.

The greatest characteristic of a monarch is: forgetfulness!

Now that the situation has stabilized, the first thing on the king's mind is to consolidate his royal power. On this core basis, everything else can take a back seat.

The crown prince case was a serious blow to Caesar IV personally, but it was an opportunity on the road to power.

With the help of this investigation, the king's power continued to extend, greatly squeezing the power of the government.

Once or twice, everyone tolerated it. After all, the king had just lost his son, so it was appropriate to vent his emotions. I'm just afraid that this kind of thing will never end.

"Prime Minister, I'm afraid it's not up to us. The investigation team has recently focused on the Near East Development Bank, and if it continues, the military will probably be involved.

Just last night, two drunkards caused a fire during a drunken fight. The fire quickly spread to the Near East Development Bank and destroyed a whole room of accounts.

The investigation team did not send anyone to conduct an on-site investigation, but instead approached the person in charge of the Near East Development Bank in the Royal Capital, and a fierce quarrel broke out between the two parties.

If Her Royal Highness hadn't passed by and stopped the fight in time, the investigation team would have almost had a fight with the bank guards at the scene! "

Grand Duke Efiero said angrily.

In fact, the situation was more serious than what he described. There was no fight at the scene. Except for the princess to persuade the fight, a large part of the reason was that the bureaucrats of the investigation team did not direct the patrolling soldiers.

In the past, the investigation team was able to achieve success because of the cooperation of the Royal Capital's garrison. No matter which force they are from, they will be intimidated when they encounter the army.

This situation is obviously special. Everyone knows that the Near East Development Bank is Marshal Hudson's property. The orders from the bureaucrats in the investigation team alone were obviously not enough for the royal garrison to inspect the property of their own marshal.

The investigation team is a temporary organization and does not have the power to mobilize the garrison. Everyone was willing to accept the command because the king ordered them to cooperate.

Everything went smoothly in the past, but this time we encountered a problem, and things suddenly became troublesome.

The most important thing is that this news reached the ears of Caesar IV. What would he think?

As a member of the royal family, Archduke Efiero had long realized that Hudson's domestic prestige was too high and needed to be suppressed.

But as the kingdom's military minister, he opposed this.

There is nothing wrong with burning bridges when it comes to politics. But the premise is that you have to cross the river before you start. Now we have just started to cross the bridge!

The situation in the Northern Continent has now deteriorated beyond recognition. Without a strong military man like Hudson to hold him down, all the nobles in the country might have fled.

Now Hudson is not only a marshal who can fight, but also the kingdom's confidence against foreigners.

It's okay to just use political means to reduce his personal prestige. A serious crime like the murder of the crown prince must not be dismissed, even if it is a suspicion!

Framing and frame-up are not done with such low standards. Any major noble family in the kingdom may have an insider position in the royal family, but it is impossible for the Koslow family.

Before the rise of Hudson, the Koslow family had great difficulty in inserting spies into the royal family. It was very difficult for their core members to defect to the king.

"Don't worry, since Her Royal Highness the Princess was also present at the time, things will not get out of control.

Although Mitchell is a little impulsive in doing things, he is not stupid and knows what can and cannot be done.

What's more, Her Royal Highness the Princess is still at the scene, and she will truthfully explain the situation to Her Majesty. "

The Grand Duke of Newfoundland said without changing his expression.

What happened this time will definitely make the king unhappy. Just when I was about to investigate the bank's accounts, a fire broke out unexpectedly. It was too much of a coincidence.

However, the royal family also has a stake in the Near East Development Bank and is well aware that the bank's accounts cannot withstand scrutiny.

If you force the accounts to be audited and put all the unspoken rules hidden in the dark on the surface, big problems will arise.

In essence, these problems have existed for a long time and did not arise because of the Near East Development Bank. It's just that the convenience brought by banks has concentrated the problems.

Lifting the lid that everyone has jointly covered has no meaning except to bring down the Near East Development Bank.

As the Prime Minister of the Kingdom, the Grand Duke of Newfoundland does not think that the Near East Development Bank is just a simple money-making business.

Just by providing financing to the nobles in the Near East, the royal government cannot let them fall.

Whether it was intentional burning of the accounts or an accidental fire, Hudson gave an explanation. When things have reached this point, it's time to put an end to it.

The Grand Duke of Newfoundland knew his king very well. Caesar IV seemed to have a bad temper, but in fact he was a monarch who was good at forbearance.

Being able to retain them for so long is the best proof. Under normal circumstances, which king would not add new faces to the court after taking the throne for several years?

Even though everyone often rejected his plans due to political disagreements, for the sake of the overall situation, Caesar IV still tolerated not having an attack.

I can tolerate the important officials of the court who hang around in front of me every day, let alone the marshal of the kingdom who is thousands of miles away.

In the Emerald Palace, as the investigation deepened, Caesar IV gradually felt the pressure. In particular, the indulgence of the investigation team by the major factions in the court made him even more worried.

Many times no action is the greatest action.

On the surface, it was to give him the face of the king, but everything had a limit. Once the limit was crossed, the situation would be completely different.

It would be fine if it were just a simple investigation into the Crown Prince case, but as the number of people involved continues to expand, there is a clear trend of expansion.

Are these people involved in the Crown Prince case?

Anyway, Caesar IV didn't believe it. If there were so many people involved, it wouldn't take much effort to kill him, the king, not to mention killing a nursing crown prince.

"Mitchell, stop these unrelated cases for now! From now on, just focus on the crown prince case, and transfer other cases to the government."

Caesar IV said after sighing.

I originally wanted to use the topic to expand my influence in the court, but the old foxes in the court simply refused to fight.

No matter how much trouble comes, he is always a one-man show. It's useless no matter how much you perform when there's no one to support you.

Even though the dark history of many people was revealed, those are all in the past, and they are not considered errors of principle, and can only implicate a bunch of minor characters.

If the connection is forcible and the minister is dismissed on this basis, it will cause a major blow to his prestige as a monarch.

The current group of veterans in the court are not only the lone and important ministers left behind by Caesar III, they have also made outstanding contributions to the development of the kingdom, and their prestige is higher than the last.

In the collision between ministerial power and monarchy, he is still at a slight disadvantage. If a quarrel breaks out, both sides will suffer.

It is important to install your own cronies, but the premise is that they cannot affect the development of the kingdom.

What's more, retaining the old minister is not exclusive to him. The situation of the brother-in-law next door is similar. In order to maintain the balance and stability of the court, the two brothers were very cautious when it came to substitutions.

"Your Majesty, this is our best opportunity to intervene in the court. The evidence in the hands of the investigation team alone can bring many people down.

If we get the accounts from the Near East Development Bank, we will have control over the bureaucrats in the royal capital. Then..."

Before Mitchell could finish what he said, Caesar IV waved his hand impatiently and interrupted: "Since the Near East Development Bank announced that the ledger has been burned, then it has been burned.

Even if the ledger they transferred could be found, so what?

People insist that it is fake and label you as a frame-up, which will not end well at that time.

The king cannot go against everyone! "

The haze between his brows still revealed Caesar IV's inner unwillingness. There is just no way. The government shows signs of converging with the military, and even the giants of the royal family are involved.

There are no eternal friends and foes in politics, and there is a bottom line for concessions by all parties. The burning of the Near East Development Bank's account books is both an explanation and an invisible warning.

Originally, Caesar IV thought that the first to be restrained would be the court officials, but he never expected that the investigation team would target the Near East Development Bank and suddenly involve Hudson.

If other ministers dared to take the lead, he could take advantage of the situation and drive them out of the court and replace them with his own.

But the first one to take the lead was the army coach on the front line, which forced him to stop early. Otherwise, if Hudson is really brought down, who will implement the Near East strategy?

If there is a loss in the Near East, there is a high probability that Northern Xinjiang will not escape disaster. At that time, the royal family's three provinces in northern Xinjiang, as well as the queen's dowry from six provinces, will all be exposed to the orcs' military front.

The power struggle is very important, but you can’t be a prodigal! These are all achievements after he took office. If they were lost all of a sudden, the political consequences would be unimaginable.

In addition to his inner reluctance, Caesar IV also had doubts about the ability of his direct followers.

The loyalty of these team members is indeed high and their execution ability is not bad. The biggest problem is that they are too young and their political vision has not yet been developed.

Especially when dealing with problems, the boundaries between enemies and friends are drawn too clearly, ignoring that the essence of politics is actually compromise.

If we go back further, the ancestors of these team members were also important ministers of the kingdom, but they slowly faded out of the court amid the change of power.

Now these ministers of the DPRK and China are similar. After they retire, they will also need to remain silent for decades before their descendants have the opportunity to return to the center of power.

Even though they knew that the king wanted to take power, the ministers still held the position and refused to let go. In addition to the temptation of power, everyone had no choice but to do so.

Having climbed into the kingdom's decision-making ranks, they represent not only themselves, but also the families and political allies behind them, who do not allow them to retreat.

Because taking this step means that in the era of Caesar IV, without political forces like them, nothing will happen, and we can only wait for the next monarch.

There is no doubt that this is intolerable to everyone. They must persevere for their own benefit, as well as the benefit of their family and political allies.

If you stick to your position for one more day, the groups behind you will be able to share the political dividends for one more day. Unless it is absolutely necessary, everyone will not let go easily.

Xueyue collar.

The power disputes in the royal capital were thousands of miles away, and even Hudson could smell the smoke.

Caesar IV's sudden withdrawal made him feel both happy and involuntarily sad.

The king's growth rate is too fast. Compared with Caesar IV's performance before he succeeded to the throne, he is simply reborn.

A powerful boss is not a good thing for local powerful factions.

If the king is more honest, he can still play tricks. But once the king learns to be patient, many things will become difficult to handle.

Having learned the lesson from this failure, maybe the next time we take action, it will be the time when the court changes drastically.

The relatively conservative group of old guys have gone and been replaced by a group of newcomers with more radical political stances. What will happen next, Hudson cannot predict.

"Marshal, I just received news from the prairie that the two major camps of the Orc Empire signed an armistice treaty five days ago!

The enemy blocked the information very tightly, and only a few high-level officials knew about it. The specific content could not be found out. I only knew that the political system of the Orc Empire had undergone major changes.

In addition to the original four royal families, seven new royal families were added to jointly control the power of the empire.

If nothing unexpected happens, the positions of these seven royal families are prepared for the Seven Clans Alliance.

It’s just that they were fighting to the death just now, and now they suddenly come together to jointly take charge of the empire. No matter how you look at it, it feels unreal! "

Jose said with a slightly excited expression.

In politics, personal feelings are not important at all, the key is to look at interests.

After the fight, sitting together to discuss national affairs is also a major feature of the orc empire.

If a multi-racial country is not strong enough at heart and persists in hatred, then the only way is to split.

"How to split the Orc Empire" has been studied by Hudson for several years and he has made more than a dozen plans.


Pass the order and ask all frontline troops to be on alert. Next, there will be more and more border frictions between us and the orcs.

Draft an official document for me to explain in detail the changes in the Orc Empire. At the same time, prepare a theory on the Orc threat and send someone to the royal capital. "

Hudson ordered without changing his expression.

The changes in the Orc Empire were completely expected. Regardless of whether it is the previously rumored co-governance of the ten royal families or the current "four royal families and seven royal families system", the essence is the same.

At this moment, the orc threat theory is thrown out to divert the attention of all parties, mainly to give everyone a step down and to ease the power dispute in the royal capital.

Deep down, Hudson still hates playing politics, and soldiers should not get involved in politics.

It's a pity that there is no way. Once you reach this position, politics will inevitably be involved. Either participate actively or be passively involved.

But if you don't perform well at all, all kinds of messy things will come to your door one after another.

On the prairie, the four major royal families and the seven major royal families of the Orc Empire gathered in the same tent for a meeting for the first time.

After all, the civil war had just ended, and the atmosphere at the scene was still a bit awkward. Even if they sit together, the status of the seven royal families is still slightly lower.

Butzweig had the most complicated look on his face. He was originally a member of their royal family, but after a series of fights and struggles, he successfully gained the status of the royal family.

The other members of the royal family were celebrating the great political victory, but he could not laugh.

The royal family does not want to play with the Behemoth clan, and the royal family feels that they have lowered their status and look out of place in the camp.

"It's rare for everyone to get together. We won't mention the unpleasantness in the past. In the future, we will all work together to develop and expand the great Orc Empire."

The Bear King said with a smile.

If we didn't know each other well, we might have been fooled by this honest expression, and really thought this guy was an honest person.

"His Majesty the Bear Emperor, you invited us here as host today. Isn't it just to reminisce about old times?"

The Leopard King asked doubtfully.

The civil war has just ended, so a period of relaxation is needed. For such a hasty meeting, even if I could control it on the outside, I was still a little embarrassed deep down.

"His Royal Highness Leopard was joking, just reminiscing about old times, but I can't invite you all.

I invite everyone to come here today, mainly because the Heritage Hall is about to open. The location where it appeared this time happened to be in my control area.

After discovering this, I did not dare to enjoy this benefit exclusively, so I simply took advantage of this rare opportunity to invite everyone to come and share the inheritance..."

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