
Chapter 531 The Five Patriarchs

In the Ursine Imperial Court, Delise was speechless as she listened to the complaints of the top orcs.

Everything is caused by strength. The orcs deserve to be beaten because they lack strength.

The boss will only protect his obedient younger brother. The Orc Empire ten years ago was second only to the Elves in terms of overall strength in the alliance, so naturally they would not feel comfortable being their subordinates.

Now that their strength is weak, the beasts have lowered their arrogant heads due to the pressure of survival. But I can’t be one just because I want to be one.

There is no love and hate for no reason. The value of the orcs to the elves is limited to containing the Alpha Kingdom.

It's enough to leave this nail. It's just a dream to want the elves to fully support them.

"Okay, I know everything you said. We have warned the human race that their sanctuary will not take action easily in the future.

You should hurry up and open the inheritance holy land and cultivate your own holy masters as soon as possible! "

Delise said calmly.

You should never talk about losing a fight. Strong people also want to save face and cannot expose their dark history.

"Sir, but the enemy did not leave directly. Instead, they continued to plunder the grassland, completely failing to..."

Before the Bear King could finish his words, Delise interrupted and said, "Did their saintly warriors take action?

If someone violates the rules and takes action, we will naturally take action; if they don't take action, it's a regular conflict. "

Hearing this answer, a group of orc high-level officials were furious to death.

"Routine conflict", isn't this just lying?

If it weren't for the sacred dragon acting as a transport plane, they would have been jammed on the prairie at the normal human movement speed.

If the strong men of the Sanctuary did not take part in the battle and mobilized tens of thousands of elite troops to besiege them, they would definitely cause heavy losses to Hudson and his party.

If you encircle and suppress them a few more times, the group may be wiped out. It is simply impossible to allow them to become so arrogant.

Unfortunately, the Sanctuary in the Anti-Humanity Alliance seems to have deliberately forgotten the role played by the Sanctuary Dragon, and only saw that the strength of the person who took action did not reach the Sanctuary.

He wanted to open his mouth to argue, but when the words reached his lips, the Bear King swallowed them back. The decision made by the strong men of the Holy Realm cannot be changed by a few words.

Judging from the route of action, Hudson and his party have already escaped from the sphere of influence of the Bear Court and are on the way back, so there is no need to worry about others.

The most panicked person now is King Behemoth. As the neighbor of Demon King Hada, he happens to be blocking his way back. Sending a few forbidden curses would be a disservice to the "friendly" neighborly relations between both parties.

However, the current Behemoth clan is just making up the numbers here. Even if King Behemoth opens his mouth, it will be meaningless.

Within the empire, everyone is unwilling to buy it, so we can’t expect the elves to still buy it, right?

The Alliance doesn't want to cause trouble, so the orcs have no choice but to face reality. The root of all problems was planted a hundred years ago, and now we are just paying for the decisions of our ancestors.

There were stops and starts along the way, until the mage group was exhausted, and then the strategic attack was ended.

The specific record may only be a few hundred thousand, but the political impact it brings is unparalleled.

When the team arrived at the royal capital, Caesar IV had already come out with a group of princes and nobles to greet them, and everyone was smiling.

As the protagonist, Hudson clearly felt that his king's smile was somewhat unnatural. Needless to say, the problem was most likely caused by him.

"High achievements shake the master" is a very difficult thing for any monarch.

What's worse is that the heroes of the "Zhenzhu" are not very obedient and often turn a deaf ear to the king's orders.

Before the operation started, everyone agreed on the mission goal: to destroy the Orc Empire's inheritance holy land.

When it came time to implement it, except for the fact that the task itself was not completed, everything else was done very well.

The glorious victory covered up all the problems. Even though he knew it was disobedience, Caesar IV couldn't say anything.

Finding fault at this time only proves how naive his previous plan was.

The brief gaffe passed by in a flash, and behind the glorious victory, there were also countless crises lurking.

The first thing to bear the brunt is the issue of artifacts. The orcs all know that the Scepter of Glory is in the hands of the Alpha Kingdom, and it is estimated that the Holy See will also know about it in a few days.

Compromise does not exist. Even if the artifact is returned to the Holy See, they will not appreciate it.

The only way to legalize the possession of artifacts in the long term is to establish a separate Holy See. Just taking this step would be equivalent to declaring war on the Holy See.

The political influence is greater than that of the previous Holy See established by the Frankish Kingdom. Holding the inherited artifact, he can act in the name of the Lord of the Dawn.

Once the cards are revealed, the legitimacy of the Holy See will inevitably be fully impacted. Then the two sides will become life-and-death enemies without any room for relaxation.

Compared with such important matters that are related to the life and death of the kingdom, "high achievements and shocking the master" can only be regarded as child's play. Even though he knew that boasting would further enhance Hudson's prestige, Caesar IV had no choice but to admit it.

In the next tough battle, everyone in the kingdom must work together.

The current grand ceremony is not only a celebration to welcome the heroes, but also to show off the kingdom's military power to the outside world. By the way, it also links the Five Nations Alliance together.

Hudson didn't like this kind of solemn celebration banquet at all. There are princes and nobles everywhere, and you can't see any attractive noble ladies.

For others, this highest-ceremony welcome banquet is an honor, but for Hudson, it is a waste of time.

Come here after every war, and anyone who experiences it will get bored. This kind of "happiness" trouble is something that only Hudson in the entire kingdom has.

If given a choice, Caesar IV would like to keep a low profile and pretend not to know, but there is no other way.

If the king did not express his wish for such a glorious victory, all the princes, ministers, and military officials in the court would not agree to it.

Compared with the past celebration banquet, this celebration banquet is still much more special.

As soon as the banquet began, Hudson and six strong men from the Holy Realm gathered together to exchange their cultivation experiences, and did not pay attention to the guests at all.

Different circles have different rules of the game. In the circle of the mainland's top experts, what matters is strength, and status is not worth mentioning.

Anyone present can receive treatment as a great noble in any country, which is completely different from the nobles outside who are passed down from their ancestors.

After getting into the circle of strong men, Hudson could only listen to the exchanges between these guys. As a seventh-level magister/earth knight, I do not have the ability to participate in the discussion yet.

Hudson said nothing, but Bear Stearns and Maxim joined the discussion. Every Saint Domain powerhouse has his or her own unique insights into the rules, and World of Warcraft is no exception.

With so many strong men from the Holy Realm communicating together, if they sell tickets, the place will definitely be filled to the brim. The group of eighth-level strong men outside are willing to spend all their money to rush in.

But it is a pity that the idea of ​​​​education without discrimination is not popular in the continent of Aslant. Any knowledge related to cultivation here is precious and must not be given to others easily.

Unless they are direct blood relatives, outsiders are not qualified to study at all.

As an auditor, what Hudson heard was vague, but he still gained a lot.

It’s not about how knowledgeable he is, the main thing is that he can ask questions!

Perhaps because of his status as a magic potion master, or because of his friendship with his comrades, everyone took great care of Hudson during the communication process and answered almost all questions.

For Hudson, who is all on his own to explore and move forward, this kind of communication is crucial.

The people who were communicating got so excited that they forgot about the time of the banquet, which was a pain to the guests attending the banquet outside.

Not all guests are strong and can spend a long time at the banquet. But for this special celebration banquet, if the protagonist doesn't come out, everyone can't leave.

"Your Majesty, this has been going on all day and all night, why don't we send the drunken guests back to rest first?"

The Prime Minister, the Grand Duke of Newfoundland, suggested tactfully.

In such a solemn occasion, it is naturally impossible to get drunk. But if you want to leave early, you have to find a suitable excuse.

Perhaps the powerful Saints inside would not care about this, but the kingdom had to abide by the etiquette issues.

"so be it!"

Caesar IV said slightly tiredly.

If I had known that these powerful men from the Sanctuary were so good at chatting, I should have arranged a separate exchange meeting for them instead of bringing them to the celebration banquet.

There's no point regretting it. The discussion inside is going on in full swing. If you rush over to interrupt at this time, you're just trying to attract hatred.

"Wait a minute, arrange for someone to set up a simple lounge in the palace, and arrange for everyone to take turns to go there to sober up."

Caesar IV then added.

I have to carry on with the game I formed even with tears in my eyes.

Now we can only hope that these powerful people from the Holy Realm will not communicate with each other for ten and a half days at a time, otherwise this drama will not be easy to perform.

Facts have proved that Caesar IV thought too much. A strong man in the Holy Realm can go without food or drink for ten and a half days, but the mortal human body Hudson cannot withstand it.

At midnight the next day, a few people who were still unfinished walked out of the side hall and continued to participate in the celebration banquet, as if they were not aware of the passage of time.

The next day, I slept until noon. As soon as Hudson opened his eyes, he was invited to the palace to discuss matters.

There were no surprises. There were only two topics: "artifact" and "the Holy See."

After listening to the speeches of the nobles, Hudson finally understood why Caesar IV would rather endure the black circles under his eyes and persist until a group of powerful men from the Holy Land came out.

When you treat others with courtesy, you must ask for something.

Just to show the importance of the kingdom is not enough for a king to fight so hard. The real purpose is to pull the five-nation alliance to establish a new Holy See.

There is no doubt that the strong men of the Sanctuary are members of the decision-making team in any major force, and their voice is far beyond that of an envoy abroad.

Instead of engaging in constant diplomatic negotiations, it is better to directly communicate with the decision-makers of various countries. Even if the powerful men in the Holy Realm are aloof and no longer involved in politics, no one can ignore their stance.

"Your Majesty, getting rid of the Holy See's control over faith is a common pursuit of the powerful in all countries, but if we want the four countries to support us in establishing a separate Holy See, the key is to look at interests.

When discussing religious issues, it is not appropriate to involve too many worldly issues. It is best to directly promise them religious benefits.

The new Holy See created by the Franks was already loose enough, and no one defected to it. We want to win over the support of the four countries unless we can provide greater benefits. "

As soon as Hudson finished speaking, Archbishop Tyron's expression darkened. Friendship belongs to friendship, and interests belong to interests.

An ally is not an unconditional support. Especially when it comes to sensitive religious issues, it has attracted much attention.

Hudson's words also represent the thoughts of most secular nobles in the kingdom. There is no problem in asking everyone to support the establishment of a new Holy See, but the cost of winning the support of allies will have to be borne by the new Holy See, and the secular nobles are not prepared to foot the bill.

A few benefits are obviously not enough. If you want support from other countries, you can only give up some of the power of the core management of the Holy See.

Once a compromise is made in this regard, then the Alpha family will establish a new Holy See, and it will become a joint effort of five families to establish a new Holy See, and everyone will be a shareholder of the new Holy See.

There is no doubt that the addition of four more shareholders with decision-making power will definitely weaken the interests of the local religious sects headed by Archbishop Tyron.

“Marshal Hudson, if the four countries participate together, then who has the final say?

If we cannot get the management rights of the new Holy See, what is the point of establishing this new Holy See?

Anyway, there is a foreign alliance in the middle, under the banner of the Frankish Holy See, and it will not affect our interests.

If that is the case, we can sell the glorious scepter in our hands for a good price and bring the kingdom out of financial deficit! "

The Prime Minister, the Grand Duke of Newfoundland, questioned.

As a member of the royal family, he must prioritize the interests of the royal family. According to the plan, after the establishment of a new Holy See, Archbishop Tyron, a member of the royal family, will become the pope.

The future royal family will integrate religious power and secular power, establishing the royal family's supremacy in the country in one fell swoop.

"Prime Minister, although the power of the artifact is huge, it only adds a deterrent to the kingdom. For this reason, we have to confront the Holy See.

If the Franks offered a high enough price to sell them the Glory Scepter, it would not be completely unconsiderable.

In this way, we will not only get rid of the hatred of the Holy See, but also be able to solve the financial problems of the kingdom. "

Duke Hero said with a smile.

Knowing clearly that what the prime minister said was ironic, yet still jumping out to confront him in such a clear way. This is no longer a simple political disagreement, but a game between the nobles and the royal power.

You don’t have to worry about hiding the Scepter of Glory. However, the royal family's desire to take the divine power into its hands is absolutely unacceptable to all parties.

Otherwise, in the future, because of conflicts with the royal family due to interests, wouldn't he be directly labeled as a heretic?

It seems that Duke Hero is proposing to sell the Scepter of Glory, but in fact it is the common idea of ​​all the great nobles.

No matter how good the artifact is, it cannot be controlled by oneself. Rather than staying in the hands of the royal family and threatening one's own safety, it is better to take it out in exchange for benefits.

"Your Majesty the Duke is right. What the kingdom lacks most now is not an illusory Holy See. The key is to solve the financial problem as soon as possible.

The Orc Empire has been severely damaged now. It is the best time for the kingdom to destroy this old enemy. As long as we get rid of the financial crisis, we can prepare for the Eastern Expedition.

It's just a magical weapon. If you give it up, you'll give it up. As long as our strength is strong enough, even if we don't have the inherited artifact, we can still establish a separate Holy See! "

Marquis Zuel's words completely ignited the storm.

The two nobles, one from the south and the other from the north, expressed their opinions at the same time, which is equivalent to representing the common thoughts of the nobles from the north and the south.

Glancing at the ministers, Caesar IV saw trouble in the firm eyes of the vassals.

I originally thought that Hudson's proposal was very deceptive, but I didn't expect that these big nobles in the country would be even more merciless in trying to deceive the royal family.

In name, it seems that it was handed over to the kingdom after Hudson acquired it, and the royal family seems to have paid nothing. In fact, secretly, the royal family has paid countless prices.

The rise of a great noble is never smooth sailing. Behind the smooth rise of the Koslow family, there must be someone to protect them.

Sometimes targeting doesn't mean doing it with real swords and guns. Secret suppression is the norm.

For example: if you want to buy grain, there is a shortage of grain in the market; if you want to buy cloth, the market is out of cloth...

Another example: at a certain key node where transactions are required, business travelers suddenly disappear and never come to your door again.

In an era when resources are monopolized, it is too easy to target an emerging noble family.

If you want to break the situation, the best option is to get the support of a big noble in advance and let everyone know that the blockade is meaningless.

In a sense, the rapid development of the Koslow family was also supported by the royal family.

The only problem was that Hudson jumped a little too fast, and his popularity soared, allowing the Koslow family to gain a firm foothold in the aristocratic circle, and it was faintly out of control.


"The Scepter of Glory can fall into the hands of the Kingdom. It is a generous gift from the Lord of the Morning. How can it be used to trade with others.

What we want to discuss today is how to obtain the support of the four countries, and we are not going to listen to your bad ideas. As a devout believer, I will not allow anyone to insult my faith!

Countless followers of the Lord of the Dawn in the country are looking at us! I don't want to hear such blasphemies anymore! "

Caesar IV snapped.

If we can't talk about interests, let's talk about faith. In this theocratic world, except for those fanatical arcanists, no noble dares to blatantly blaspheme the gods.

"Your Majesty, if we want the four countries to support us in establishing a new Holy See, the best option is to make them our own.

Divide the diocese into five directly and introduce five patriarchs. The religious affairs of each country will be handled by each country.

It just so happened that the sanctuaries sent by Shikoku hadn't left yet, so we simply had a showdown with them and invited the four of them to serve as the patriarchs of the Shikoku diocese.

If other countries join in the future, they can continue to add patriarchs to avoid further struggles for power. "

Hudson said cruelly.

Some teams must stand, but he has a special status. He can neither fully support the royal family nor directly lead to the noble camp.

If you have no choice, you can only resort to damaging moves. According to the plan given by Hudson, the religious power royal family obtained it, but it did not fully obtain it.

The five patriarchs have come out, and all the work has been done, so why does the Pope need to do it?

The difference between a Holy See without a Pope and a Holy See with a Pope is not just a status, but a completely different political status.

In the continent of Aslant, the Pope is the only one with supreme power. To say that Youya is blasphemous is blasphemy.

In comparison, the Patriarch was far behind. He was nothing more than an archbishop with more power. If there are too many fools, everyone can greet them with fists.

It is the power of the Pope alone to decide life or death with one word.

If looks could kill, Archbishop Tyran would have cut Hudson into pieces. Yesterday we were all good friends, but today we are going to cut off his papal path. He is simply not a son of a man.

"Your Excellency Marshal, the Holy Land sent by the Four Kingdoms is not a clergyman. How can he serve as..."

Before Archbishop Tyron could finish speaking, Hudson forcibly interrupted: "Your Excellency, Archbishop, since we want to establish a new Holy See, we cannot be as traditional as before.

They are all believers of the Lord of the Dawn. Who stipulates that those who hold teaching positions must be clergy?

These are all bad habits that hinder the progress of the times. They are all left by the corrupt Holy See to fool the world. I think they should be abolished directly.

The great Lord of the Dawn is tolerant. All believers have the right to serve the gods, and no one can take it away! "

As he spoke, Hudson looked at Archbishop Tyron with a hint of apology in his eyes. I have no choice but to feel sorry for my friends this time.

The news about the artifact has been leaked. The king is now determined to keep the scepter of glory, and for this reason, he has been labeled as blasphemous.

The position of the aristocratic group is also very clear, that is, it resolutely does not allow the royal family to control the Holy See.

If the commotion continues, the situation may get out of control. In order to resolve this dispute, Hudson had to take action.

As a price for mediating the dispute, Archbishop Tyron's dream of becoming a pope was shattered.

The pattern of the five patriarchs was established, and the dioceses of the five countries were on equal footing, even if they were holding artifacts, they were at most half a square higher. If you want to be the Pope, you will be dead when the other four patriarchs are killed!

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